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• • • how to install my themes • • •
!!! None of the images and texts are included in the theme (except the copyright container and the containers titles) so at first, your blog should look like this (x). You might need some basic knowledge of html (here) and (here)
Fansite theme - there are A LOT of options.
245px width sidebar image.
navigation links: index and message + 4 other links (optional).
navigation links subtitles (optional).
all the containers are editable from the customization page (no need to edit the code unless you want to change the containers’ titles and/or change the icons - you can find them here).
searchbox (optional).
all containers are optional except the description (obviously), “statistics”, “members” and “copyright” that are included by default.
you can choose to have the events scrolling or not.
option to keep both or one of the sidebars fixed (not scrolling with the posts).
you can also directly insert a twitter widget code from the customization page.
pagination is fixed at the bottom of the blog.
affiliates images: 40x40. you can upload them from the customization page (i included 10 images by default) and you can choose to show/hide them too. you can as well insert the urls and names.
fonts and fonts sizes you can change from the customization page: containers font, post font and “small” font.
as usual, colorized scrollbar and selection.
affiliates icons credit (x).
Please like/reblog if you’re using the theme, thank you :)
Before asking anything, PLEASE check out the customization page carefully, take some time to figure where things are, how to show/hide and customize them. I honestly tried to include as many options as possible on the customization page to make it easier for you to use.
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