L. Newton
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parasuchus · 57 minutes ago
There's a lot of valid reasons to like TMA but I'm kinda surprised at how little the horror aspect is brought up.
I started listening because someone told me it was sad and horrible and I jumped at that alone. I love horror, I love tragedy. I didn't even think about shipping until season 3 when Jmart first occurred to me. I love listening to those terrible statements because that's some good quality horror.
Just. Where's the love for the horror aspect? I have so much for it. Just. AAAAHHHHH
And Jonny Sims as a horror author doesn't uses the commonly used tropes that I can't stand and safe horror is such a wonder. I can get my grubby little hands on something he wrote with zero research and I know it will be good and won't cross any lines.
Anyway this is a Jonny Sims and his horror writing appreciation post.
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parasuchus · 57 minutes ago
There's a lot of valid reasons to like TMA but I'm kinda surprised at how little the horror aspect is brought up.
I started listening because someone told me it was sad and horrible and I jumped at that alone. I love horror, I love tragedy. I didn't even think about shipping until season 3 when Jmart first occurred to me. I love listening to those terrible statements because that's some good quality horror.
Just. Where's the love for the horror aspect? I have so much for it. Just. AAAAHHHHH
And Jonny Sims as a horror author doesn't uses the commonly used tropes that I can't stand and safe horror is such a wonder. I can get my grubby little hands on something he wrote with zero research and I know it will be good and won't cross any lines.
Anyway this is a Jonny Sims and his horror writing appreciation post.
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parasuchus · 58 minutes ago
There's a lot of valid reasons to like TMA but I'm kinda surprised at how little the horror aspect is brought up.
I started listening because someone told me it was sad and horrible and I jumped at that alone. I love horror, I love tragedy. I didn't even think about shipping until season 3 when Jmart first occurred to me. I love listening to those terrible statements because that's some good quality horror.
Just. Where's the love for the horror aspect? I have so much for it. Just. AAAAHHHHH
And Jonny Sims as a horror author doesn't uses the commonly used tropes that I can't stand and safe horror is such a wonder. I can get my grubby little hands on something he wrote with zero research and I know it will be good and won't cross any lines.
Anyway this is a Jonny Sims and his horror writing appreciation post.
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parasuchus · 60 minutes ago
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freedom of religion or whatever
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parasuchus · 5 hours ago
MFW Celia keeps refusing to explain anything at all whatsoever to Alice despite already having two (2) coworkers MIA/dead
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parasuchus · 5 hours ago
using epic as an excuse to finally make my version of the big three and I’ll be honest chief, hades just looks like a rocker uncle
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parasuchus · 7 hours ago
i feel so fucking vindicated that the original world didn't go fully back to normal after jon sacrificed himself <3
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parasuchus · 7 hours ago
I saw this tiktok earlier with a really cool art technique and I am going to try it and it will turn out like a pile of dog shit, but that shall not deter my attempt!
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parasuchus · 8 hours ago
Thanks to Sam Jones, too, for composing the score!!
I’m here to give more props to Johnny Sims and Alexander J Newall.
Mr. Bonzos theme song is so unnerving that I feel absolutely on edge and every time I hear it.
It’s sickening and I adore it!
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parasuchus · 8 hours ago
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comic sans comic
Thank you for reading!
EDIT because people keep missing my footnote in the page itself: the top two panels in the "unfortunately [...] a haiku" page are a reference to THIS comic!
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parasuchus · 11 hours ago
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finding a flower meadow in the apocalypse and making the best of it with your antichrist bf
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parasuchus · 11 hours ago
I can never leave Tumblr because after years of sporadic therapy utterly failed to even approach the core of my problem some random tumblr user was like “I processed my trauma by writing a 10,000 word work of filthy fanfic erotica” and I was like “fuck it I’ve tried everything else” and now I’m 17 chapters and 20,000 words deep into an unpublishable work of obscenity and after careful literary analysis with one of the Beloved Mutuals I have come to some Terrible Revelations about my childhood and may now continue the process of Healing. Where else am I supposed to get this kind of experience. Who does this. Why are we like this. I’m never leaving. I love y’all.
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parasuchus · 11 hours ago
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parasuchus · 12 hours ago
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sorry but this is amazing
okay anyway. alchemy. alchemy is the big thing in tmagp. balance is huge in alchemy. it is literally the basis of almost everything in it. tria prima--balance the three primes and you can do anything from turning lead into gold to raising the fucking dead.
the oiar is trying to keep everything in balance for the good of the people. lena herself says that in 13. to keep everything going and in check, the "opposing forces" need to be monitored and balanced. they manage the externals and monitor potential externals cases to make sure things are within a reasonable margin of chaos, maybe? that's why they give them specific assignments. bonzo and mowbray and possibly ink5oul if they'd said yes. you can still do all these things to 'feed' (lady mowbray declining refreshments because she'd recently eaten right after we hear a casement about her) but we're gonna tell you who to feed on because we need to monitor it and keep it balanced.
the magnus institute in this universe was heavily focused on alchemy. sam's whole thing that he saw at the institute where that dude just,,, shed his skin after fucking up some kind of experiment, over a person that was "naked and pale and still". maybe dr welling was trying to bring that person back to life?
when isaac newton got a little too crazy with alchemy, a couple of roberts said "hey, we need to Protocol this dude". it disturbed the "precarious equilibrium". threw something off balance. balance balance balance. throwing something off balance means enacting the protocol.
they talk about the great plague of london, enacting the protocol against the entire city. the great fire of london was in 1666, which is also when the great plague is said to have ended. isaac newton's lab caught fire, allegedly after his dog knocked a candle over. ironically in this context, the dog's name was diamond.
the magnus institute burned down.
i don't actually think a "magnus protocol" exists. i don't think there's a specific protocol named after the institute. i think it's a misnomer, we're thinking of it wrong. after all, the protocol is being referenced as existing as far back as the 1660's, but jonah's notes were dated 1845.
i think the Magnus Protocol is in reference to an incident. the enacting of The Protocol against the Magnus Institute. and i think the reason that any cases or information regarding "the magnus protocol" are blocked is because the OIAR is connected to the protocol being put into motion against the Institute and they don't want anyone knowing about it (the office used to be associated with starkwall--maybe?? maybe the oiar loaded the gun and starkwall pulled the trigger?)
there's so many moving parts here and i'm struggling to put them all together without a god damn corkboard and red string.
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parasuchus · 22 hours ago
I hate feeling like people are getting bored of me
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parasuchus · 22 hours ago
fuck i can’t believe i wasted my entire life being moved by art and beauty and the indomitable human spirit ugh i should’ve been making money through internet scams
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parasuchus · 22 hours ago
I KNEW I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE. ever since 32 (i think it was 32) i've been noticing their voices get so much more full-on into the statements and not fade back into computery at the end as much!!!
Okay I know everyone is talking about Mr Bonzo but like
Norris had so much emotion in this???
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