paragontology · 3 days
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paragontology · 3 days
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paragontology · 3 days
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paragontology · 3 days
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paragontology · 5 days
my bravest knighttt... come hither ..... mmmwah !! ok you are dismissed
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paragontology · 5 days
The Upward Spiral
1. Mr. Self Develop
2. I Want This
3. Repairer
4. Big Man With A Smile
5. Heal
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paragontology · 14 days
Your body must be rested and fed if you wish to be a pervert.
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paragontology · 14 days
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cat pictures are exponentially better when there are Dark Souls boss healthbars in them
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paragontology · 14 days
Some of you were never freaks against your will and it fucking shows.
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paragontology · 20 days
esoteric form of roleplay where instead of actually roleplaying you just make up characters together and discuss in abstract how they'd interact and how their story would go
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paragontology · 24 days
I can go from flaccid to jerked off in 5 minutes flat without making a sound
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paragontology · 24 days
picturing a man alone in his silent, dark apartment bobbing for apples. it’s soaking his hair and the carpet
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paragontology · 24 days
heyy can we do a sexy roleplay where im a prince from a fallen kingdom and youre the powerful warrior who has taken me for their own pleasure. yes? yipeeee ok so before we start first here's a google doc with the whole history of the fictional land we're both from and the intricate geopolitical workings of the- oh yeah and here's a supplementary doc on the agriculture and trade routes of said fictional land and stuff and yes this is important. the dirty talk has to be lore accurate
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paragontology · 28 days
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You take the blue Eggman MDMA pill (158.4 mg), the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red Eggman MDMA pill (162.8 mg), you stay in Eggmanland, and I show you just how meddlesome that hedgehog is
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paragontology · 1 month
one thing you have to get ready for as a trans woman who's about to come out is certain cis people are going want nothing to do with you afterwards. we all know this, we all talk about this. transphobes going transphobe
but what i dont think we talk about enough is you need to be prepared for a second wave of this. it will come later. it's not tied to anything body change or surgery or whatever.
trans women are treated so poorly by society that we inevitably shrink. we learn how to exist in the spaces that will have us, even if that means cramming ourselves into boxes that don't really fit, being treated in ways we often don't like, doing things we often don't like doing, often even fucking people we don't want to fuck.
at some point, you're going to learn to stand up for yourself. i don't say this to scare you into thinking you'll become a 'mean trans girl' or whatever. but just like transitioning in the first place, it's change or die. you found the first safe harbor and fashioned your anchor to it but you can't go on living with people who don't respect you, working a job you're too smart for, living a life you don't really love.
and when you do, there will be cis people in your life who only liked that meek, quiet girl who would do as she's told. some of these people were malicious, doing it on purpose because they've known enough trans women to know who's vulnerable. some are doing it unintentionally, believing themselves to be a good ally, you've just gotten angry and bitter (this one hurts the most). and some just plain won't like the person you really are, having only known the people pleaser they got to know.
but it's change or die. if you're not you, you're not living. there are so many better people just waiting to love you, but you won't find them chasing after cis approval. and girl, i promise you, you deserve so much more than what you're getting right now. be strong. you've been strong before. i love you.
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paragontology · 1 month
Seeing a post that you know a mutual will like and reblogging it to add enrichment to their dash like giving a tiger in a zoo a cardboard box
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paragontology · 1 month
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He looks like a tender giant who found you in his home and instead of squashing you like a bug offered you a warm meal
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