paragonbroscaa · 30 days
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Just your average day at the Los Diablos Ranger's HQ pantry
A little bonus:
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paragonbroscaa · 30 days
I cannot stand the parodies of modern major general, they're overdone and simply not as good as the original. They've done them about everything, whatever topic, big or small.
And when i notice one of them my eyes will always start to roll.
The diction's always slurry when they rush the complicated words, and adding many fricatives will turn it so cacophonous. The slanted rhymes are silly and they keep just making more and more, please someone stop the parodies of modern major general.
The scanning of the lyrics in the meter is unbearable, they emphazise the syllables in ways that are untenable, in short in matters musical, prosodic and ephemeral, i cannot stand the parodies of modern major general!
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paragonbroscaa · 1 month
Don't get me wrong, this shit sucks a lot and is a huge privacy concern, but the important detail being missed here is that it will only be available on their new Copilot+ PCs that they rolled out at the same time. The feature is so CPU-intensive that had to add a separate specialized one they've called an NPU (neural processing unit) to be able to run the damn thing. This will NOT roll out on existing PCs!!!! It can't even run on most existing PCs.
Literal definition of spyware:
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Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡
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paragonbroscaa · 2 months
// I cannot put into words how much I do not want that
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paragonbroscaa · 2 months
BREAKING: a witch has just cast a spell on a seagull, transforming him into a Seattle Mariners fan to teach him a lesson in humility.
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paragonbroscaa · 3 months
i think its funny how facial scars are seen as like a major character plot point where they reveal that someone tried to kill their dad or something when i know a ton of ppl (including myself) who have facial scars bc they rlly arent uncommon and all of them are like. from tripping and falling as a toddler
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paragonbroscaa · 3 months
How many first cousins do you have? A first cousin is any offspring of your parents' siblings.
I have no first cousins
1 cousin
2-3 cousins
4-5 cousins
6-7 cousins
8-10 cousins
11-15 cousins
16-25 cousins
26-50 cousins
51+ cousins
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paragonbroscaa · 4 months
Y'all will see people get indoctrinated by cults from birth and be like "why did you, as a child, willingly drop your psychic defenses?"
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paragonbroscaa · 5 months
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paragonbroscaa · 6 months
Ok new game. What's the thing you're a fan of that you're the most pretentious about. NOT the most pretentious thing you're a fan of, I mean the thing that makes *you* act like one of those "oh yeah? Name five of their albums" people. There is a difference
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paragonbroscaa · 6 months
middle schooler obsessed with using perfect grammar online -> adult who uses like every text abbreviation possible
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paragonbroscaa · 6 months
RB for larger sample size
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paragonbroscaa · 6 months
Real question:
Put your denomination in the tags if yes!
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paragonbroscaa · 7 months
squint for me real quick
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paragonbroscaa · 8 months
Y’all… what do you guys do for a living… but describe it in the worst way possible.
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paragonbroscaa · 8 months
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paragonbroscaa · 8 months
I think forward progress is supposed to feel good, but it always ends up feeling like I've failed because it should have happened sooner. Like, my one goal that is mine is to move to Canada to be with my partner and near our friends, and this damned English test I'm taking tomorrow is a step in the right direction but I'm feeling shit for not doing this for a whole year after I became eligible for the migration program I want to use. I've just been feeling bleak and tired and not at all up to the task of selling myself as a skilled worker abroad. Somebody has to want to hire me, after all
Except, someone did want to hire me in the US at least! And I got my job pretty quick! I should be proud of that! It only took a few months after I got out of school, and I half assed it at best and hated myself the whole time. But I did it! I should be able to see that as proof that I can get work in this industry!
Instead I just feel like a desperation hire, even though I know I wasnt. I have to believe in myself, but I don't want to fucking be here or do work ever, so how can I trust myself to do well enough to move abroad on my work skills? I probably just shouldn't be thinking about it that way. I know it's paralyzing me.
But I'm taking the damn English test. That's step one. Maybe it wont feel so impossible after this is done. I really fucking hope so.
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