paradigmscout · 6 days
So sick of dog motif what about cat motif.
I love you but we don't love the same. I can't be near you when you want me to be. Your love is smothering and your need to keep me safe is trapping me. I'm my own person but I don't know how to show you that. I lash out and hurt you even though I don't mean to. I need you to move slowly around me or I'll bolt. I love you, even though I don't say it. If you stay still I'll sit next to you, and even though we don't understand each other we can be together like that.
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paradigmscout · 2 months
hermeto pascoal, iporanga, 1985
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paradigmscout · 3 months
why did no one tell me quantum computers looked like that
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paradigmscout · 3 months
it's really weird having a first dog be blind and then getting a second who can see...like how was I supposed to be prepared for this.
this creature can perceive when I put the treats up on the high shelf. or when I hide stuff behind my back. I can't fool her!! she's always watching me and she shouldn't have this much knowledge!!!
I walk around at night and I shine my flash light directly into her eyes and I'll just be standing there staring at her weird blue orbs for like 5 seconds until I realize it's probably extremely annoying to her, because she has eyes!! I'll turn on the light in the room and she gruffs and grumbles like ?? oh right!! light wakes you up!! the fuck??
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paradigmscout · 8 months
Galen Clark - Wikipedia
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paradigmscout · 1 year
Fairy Etiquette and Interactions
I’ve seen some questions on here about how to interact with the fae and why there are certain customs so I made a post. When interacting with the fae you must learn the proper manners and customs just as you do when going about your day to day life or visiting a different country. The Fae have very different morals, customs and social behaviour than us and can get offended very easily.
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1. Do not say THANK YOU! This admits that you are in debt to them and they will expect that you pay them back. Debts and contracts can get messy with the Fae, even dangerous.
2. Do not give them your real name! Especially your full name because this gives them power over you. Instead use your witch name or fake name… say “you may call me *blank*” because you technically aren’t lying to them.
3. Do not accept food or drink from them! As the myth of Persephone and Hades states, eating the food of the faerie realm will forever tie you to that world.
4. Do not mention a new born! Faeries are very fond of children and you may end up with a changeling. Faeries may also mess around with your kid sometimes and curse them if you make them mad.
5. DO NOT LIE!As it is believed faeries cannot lie, they do not like being lied to but if you have to, twist your words to get them to believe you but Do not lie! I wouldn’t risk twisting your words too much because they are masters at this and can see right through, I would only attempt if you are very well spoken.
6. Always keep your promise! Promises are very sacred to the fae and hold a lot of power so if you break a promise, expect there to be some angry faerie cursing you.
7. Do not accept a gift! This also admits debt to them and they will expect something in return of equal or greater value.
8. There’s always strings attached!Don’t expect to make contracts with the fae and not have to worry about loopholes because they love twisting their words so you end up with the short end of the stick
9. Don’t be a loud mouth! If a fairy bestows a blessing upon you, you shouldn’t go around telling people about it because it may just turn sour.
10. Don’t be a snoop! Respect a faerie’s privacy because they value their privacy a lot and they don’t trust humans often so if you lose their trust…oh boy you’re in for something alright.
11. Don’t dance! Dancing with the fae, to faerie music or in the fae realm often ends in stories of dancing to your death.
12. Absolutely no Iron! Cold iron weakens and repels the fae, to carry iron while interacting with the fae will offend the crap out of them.
13. Debts will always be repayed! If you do something of service to the fae there will often be a reward but remember rules 1 and 9.
14. Do not say SORRY! Again this admits being in deep debt to them.
15. Always be the utmost polite to them! The fae may not always be the nicest but they are always well spoken, well mannered but also see themselves as higher than you, so treat them with the most respect and get on their good side.
Stay safe my dears
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paradigmscout · 2 years
Watch "🤯🤯 via: @_djokosuseno" on YouTube
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paradigmscout · 5 years
I hate when u say “deja vu” out loud n someone ur with goes “what was it?” Like bitch we all can barely communicate the most straightforward ideas without utter confusion and chaos…..u rly believe it is within my capacity to explain exactly what fleeting moment of temporal embodiment made me feel like a vague reincarnated ghost girl trapped in a child’s dream??? Surely u are mistaken.
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paradigmscout · 5 years
cute date idea:
we got to the botanical gardens. i point at all the plants i like. u point at all the plants u like
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paradigmscout · 5 years
Why did we ever stop wearing 18th century clothing
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paradigmscout · 5 years
i wish it was 1600 so i cood spelle words howe everr my harte desyred
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paradigmscout · 5 years
Cute music terms to name your children:
Oboe Player
F Sharp
ii♭ 6-4
Canon in inversion and augmentation
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paradigmscout · 5 years
Forget the Myers-Briggs fucking personality assessment. I am dead tired of hearing if someone is an INFP or an ESLQ or whatever. I want to know if someone is melancholic or choleric. Bring back the four humors. I wanna see “Kaley, 16, phlegmatic” when I go to someone’s blog. Who is with me. Lets make this happen
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paradigmscout · 6 years
#Blueberry #Dragonfruit #Mulberry
everyone reblog and tag ur top three fruits i want to know
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paradigmscout · 6 years
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paradigmscout · 6 years
I used to cringe so hard at my “I’m not like other girls” phase until I realized that most girls have this phase and what we actually mean is, “I’m not a thoughtless one-dimensional caricature of makeup and boobs, which is all I’ve been taught to believe girls are.” How can women be viewed so poorly that little girls everywhere all think they’re unique just for having independent thoughts and interests?
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paradigmscout · 6 years
the government shutdown has had a huge impact on native people, who receive funding for things like child welfare, food pantries, and healthcare through indian health services through federal funding. keep in mind this funding was prepaid for through treaties in exchange for our land - land that our congress who has put our people through this financial hardship is living on. if you have the money to spare, consider donating to local native tribes.
this map can show what nations’ land you are on, or you can google “local native american tribes near [city, state]”. some reservations have links right on their website about how to donate either electronically or by mail. other nations, such as the pawnee nation in OK, have set up a gofundme for native families affected by the shutdown.
if you can’t donate, please reblog this. i’ve seen countless posts about the shutdown but none about how it’s affecting indian country.
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