paradcxing-blog · 6 years
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
// @kumafanii links me to a post and all i see is [ x ] //RY O MA??? H ONEY ARE YOU O KA Y //DO YOU N EED A H UG //S WEET HEART IS THERE SOMETHING YOU NEED TO SHARE WITH THE CL ASS???
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
VOICE MEME: Send me 🎤 + a question and I will record myself answering it.
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
if you think racism is just petty drama please unfollow me
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
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the 32nd icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to being slapped on the back of the head.
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
This is AAVE and White People need to get this out they vocab.
feeling some type of way
snow queen
game on point
serving up looks/ aethetics
throwing shade
fierce (White gays will never let this one go)
gave me life
giving me all my life
turn up
spillin’ tea (not literally of course)
I know there is more, but lordt I can’t think of it all right now.
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
not to be THAT person on the this blue hellsite, but some of yall’s preformative wokeness is really telling this. the amount of posts that i see that claim that so and so shouldn’t be the only people taking about certain things, and then retroactively not take up for their black followers or mutuals when they are attacked or bullied for trying to set the same boundaries that nonblack rpers set is really telling. like it makes me uncomfortable, it makes my teeth hurt ; i wish that yall loved us like yall pretended that yall did. it’s so performative. like someone got called a nigger, hard er, and i BET on my life at least 2 of yall know who sent it in. niggas have been outted for less. but as soon as the topic comes to any rpers blackness, we are literally sidelined. this has happened on tumblr, and in the mainstream. people appropriating our movements and our body count and justifying police militarization ? not a peep out of yall. someone appropriating and disrespecting our culture and language constantly ? not a peep out yall. its disheartening, and quite frankly shaking as a mentally ill black person to think that im so transparently on my own when i see so many others surrounded by friends. i wish yall would say yall hate me and move on so i can move on.
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
feed-your-inbox :
Send a number, and I’ll tell you how my muse is when they are:
In Love
Add your own!
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
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Would you believe me if I said I was completely thrilled to see my spiral hellwitch get 100+ followers? Completely surprised, too!
Anyway, let’s not mince words —- I want to show my appreciation for a couple of groups of people!
You guys have been with me for a VERY long time, whether you’ve dealt with my Uzumaki or Toshinori spam, or we just kinda mutual-follow and like each other’s posts occasionally. You’ve probably been with me since TMNT or BATIM, since those seem to be where I’ve picked up a lotta people, and hey! I appreciate it a lot, so y’all get y’all’s own section.
@studioslain | @kumafanii | @trapsminds / @maskedillusions | @drewgod | @incubabe | @paradcxing | @ironbloodcd | @kantogod / @qrowned | @inknorant / @rhythmajor | @stcrred | @astradream | @lamentis | @desbearer / @messianfell | @rationalclover | @condomglitter | @mettatoniic | @privatulo | @rosirae | @hakureimaiden 
And this is mostly, uh, everyone else I want to shout out to! I’ve basically known a handful of you guys before coming into BNHA, but I’ve either got a thread or two with you, or I’ve only interacted with you a couple of times OOC. Regardless, my inbox, IMs, Discord, etc. are always open if you’re down for anything!
@amphbi / @yaozus | @ignti / @mideoku | @noquirk | @stltched | @prcsentingmic | @horncd | @dynamiet | @headtrick | @dckv | @v4n1shed | @0nibi | @nullgaze | @quirkthief | @pyrchor | @allmighted | @herosfate | @allmaiito | @whiskerd | @zapki | @nightcye | @wornsymbol | @houukai | @herohalf | @jamminway | @exploshins | @voxvictoria | @vaudvillain | @pinkyacyd | @negatiiv
To all of you, and everyone else, thank you! I’m really glad to see you guys on my dash, y’all all really brighten my days and I hope we can talk and RP more in the future!
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
Seeing a typo on your post after your partner replies to it.
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
v4n1shed :
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i dont know enough about law to say!! honestly.  the sale was supposed to go through in january, but?? they were like “oh but you said you were going to redo the deck” and my uncle was like OK ill DO THE DECK if youll BUY THE FUCKING HOME 
but nOPE NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  her husbands an ex cop and you know what they fucking did? they called a fucking welfare check on him just because he was starting to back out (EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD ALREADY BACKED OUT MULTIPLE TIMES) and like, holy fuck we got fined by the city for a bunch of stupid shit, like they put fucking “move it or lose it” shit on our cars???  even though we use them?? and they arent collecting dust in the yard.  (OH AND BY THE WAY THEY WERE IN OUR DRIVEWAY TOO??)
but i seriously fucking hate these people and im glad theyre old so they can fuckin rot sooner
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//I don’t know enough about law to say either but,,,ehhh that just? doesn’t sound right at all??? it sounds more like abusing some form of power (though as an ex-cop it’s probably only power through association if any at all) but???
that’s still hyper fucked all of that is there shouldn’t be any problem with the vehicles if they were not only out of the way and in your driveway but also in use so i??? don’t know what their problem is but i hope they lay off soon that sounds like hell;;;
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
v4n1shed :
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Haha, i’ve been up way too long to just drop dead now I actually have to go down and sign some papers with my uncle or else these fuckin CUNTS are gonna SUE US for not selling them OUR mobile home??
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//wtf?? that seems pretty outrageous can they actually even do that? 
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
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// MY DUDE!!! UR GONNA BE SO DEAD!!! // at least nap or smth when the energy from the drink runs out? even if its just a few hours it’s really bad to go so long without sleep?
paradcxing replied to your post: I just realized I’ve been up for almost three…
//g O T OS L EE P????????
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
     She’s both surprised and honored that she’s being considered trustworthy enough to not only be left without nearby supervision, but also left in charge of others in the same program as her. Perhaps, despite being a trickster, she’d managed to prove something in the year she’d already spent in it? Maybe she’d made her “mentor” proud just enough times that they felt comfortable leaving her alone for this long?
     Or, and most likely, the mission they’d officially begun the true work on was just a little too dangerous for her to tag along on, and she was instead being given the more personal mission of making sure the “cubs” didn’t leave the “den.” Even if that was the truth, she was fine with it. If that meant she was keeping them from getting into potential trouble (even though all they likely want is to help their elder brothers), she’d gladly do it. They’d gone through enough, and then some -- at this point, she only wanted the best for them.
     Keeping them distracted had been relatively easy, so far -- bringing over a few of her personal favorite toys and video games (as well as a few rented from those they requested), had thus far done well enough. Still, you can only play games for so long, and the question Monophanie poses..makes that clear.
     She takes a moment to think -- she could lie about this, just as she regularly does, when dealing with tales and decisions made from her past.. In more ways than one, though..the cubs were different than the people who regularly asked those kinds of questions. Perhaps, this time..she could be truthful -- perhaps..if only in the most minor of ways?
“I guess..’s kind’a a bit a both. I was caught, for sure, but I wasn’t forced ta change. Jus’ like y'all, I was given options. I think I’d be kinda nutty ta choose prison time over takin’ tha steps ta become someone else, ya’know?”
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“...At tha same time, though..I guess ya could say I lacked tha will, too. Tha same day I was caught was tha first time I ever really tried doin’ anythin’ a villain might do? An’ even then, comparin’ what I did ta what I’ve seen..what I did was kinda super tame? I’ll spare tha details since it’ll prolly make ya sick hearin’ about it all, but..just know tha’ people only got hurt an’ some shops were destroyed..” but still, it was quite a few people that got hurt...
“I’d had a kinda rough life before tha’ day, an’ everythin’ I went through made me think I had ta be a villain.. I thought there wasn’t anythin’ else left in tha world for me, an’ tha’ bein’ a villain an’ hurtin’ people an’ likin’ it was all I was supposed ta do.. When I actually saw what it resulted in, though..I was terrified. I immediately knew tha’ even if tha’ was all I had left ta do, there was no way I could commit ta doin’ it.”
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“...But..tha’ left me with nothin’. I had nothin’ left. Every other path had been closed down, every door was shut. Since I had nothin’ ta keep fightin’ for, nothin’ ta try an’ run for, an’ practically nothin’ ta li--” no, don’t go that far. That’s too much. “...I..I jus’ decided it was best ta turn myself in. So, I did. Then, I was given my options, an’ a door I thought was kept under lock an’ key was reopened..an’ here I am, now.”
     The next best thing to lying..vagueness. It wasn’t the complete truth, not with it lacking all the juicy details, but it was hopefully enough that she’d get the idea.
[ X ] | [ @paradcxing​ ] >>> liked for a starter !
                  babysitting  –  can  you  believe  it  ?  she  &  monotaro  already  explained  how  they  weren’t  children  …  &  yet  ,  mommy  insisted  that  alexis  babysit  them  .  of  course  ,  there  was  some  level  of  offense  taken  –  but  also  …  understanding  .  
                  how  can  they  be  so  sure  the  cubs  won’t  run  back  to  monokuma  while  miyako’s  back  is  turned  ?  ryutaro’s  already  dropped  hint  after  hint  about  wanting  to  do  so  –  &  he’s  stubborn  in  his  decision  that  he’ll  be  bringing  momonii  with  him  ,  whether  isamu  likes  it  or  not  .  supervision  is  just  the  obvious  choice  –  but  ..  was a  fellow  ex-villain  really  the  prime  cut  for  who  should  stand  guard  ? …
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                  ‘ why didn’t you want to be a villain anymore ? did you get caught and forced to change , or do you just have a weak will you’d realized too late , auntie alexis ? ’
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
      She gives a happy squeal as she’s scooped up, clinging tightly to the older male -- how long he had been gone, she wasn’t sure, she simply knew it had been long enough. She’s already making the internal decision that even if he tries to put her down (unless carrying her tires him out...) she’s going to refuse to get down. After all, what if he goes and disappears, all over again? She can’t allow that, can she?
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“Yup, yup, I’ve been a good girl!”
      As good as one can be, that is, when they’re a deity that feeds on the pain of others, and is left with nothing to entertain themselves with other than the Hell they live in.
“Where’d you go? You disappeared for so long..I started to think you weren’t going to come back..”
Welcome back, Henry. Have a tiny chaotic deity making grabby hands at you. “Papaaa!!!”
All the happy grins as Henry spots his smol daughter before scooping her up and hugs her tightly.
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“Ey, ya been good?”
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
Send 💀 for my muse to die in your arms
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paradcxing-blog · 6 years
❯❯     BOLD all that applies to your muse!         repost !  /  don’t reblog
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• eyes:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
• hair:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
• body type:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
• skin:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
• gender:   male | female (identifying) | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
• sexuality:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other |doesn’t like labels
• romantic orientation:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• species:   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | other
• education:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other
• i’ve been:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | raped | brainwashed | shot
• positive traits:   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive? | charismatic | calm
• negative traits:   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
• living situation:   lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | depends on verse
• parents/guardian:   mom | dad | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | none | other
• relationship:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | depends on verse
• i have a(n):   learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability
• things i’ve done before:   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
TAGGED BY: no one
TAGGING: whoever wants to lmao
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