♥ Small blog dedicated to reblogging Papyton stuff ♥ (…because I felt bad for reblogging so much Papyton on my main blog) Avatar and sidebar image by this lovely person Enjoy!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Hi everyone,
So…as you might have noticed, I haven’t kept this blog active for like 3 years. But I keep receiving asks once in a while, so I thought I should at least give an explanation on the situation, since I really didn’t so far.
The short story:
I lost interest in Undertale, I am now super busy with life, am more careful on how I should consume media for my own mental health, and because of these reasons I have no intention to make this blog active again. So it’s perfectly fine if you want to unfollow me. And I am sorry that I never made an official announcement about it before or never got to answer your asks.
The long story:
During the Spring of 2016, I got super burned by Undertale. It wasn’t because of something in particular that happened, but I am someone who has to switch interests once in a while to not get burned by them, but I didn’t really do this with Undertale. From the moment Undertale was released to Spring of 2016, it was my main interest and basically spent all my time on it (from reading stuff online like theories, to make my own hc, to art and fics. It was my life!), and it left me really burned by Spring 2016.
So at the time I decided that it would be best to take a big break from it, but thought that it would be only temporary. There was someone else helping me keeping up with this blog (a friend of mine), but they began to be inactive on tumblr during Summer 2016 because the site was becoming a major stress for them (something totally respectable). Then during Fall 2016, I got my first full-time job after my graduation and decided to spend my efforts and time mainly focusing on my career to adapt more easily (because it was a big change). By the time everything was "ok", I thought about the inactivity of this blog, and admittedly I still wasn’t ready to come back to Undertale.
So I left the blog as it was, hoping that I would change my mind one day or something.
...and well it never happened???? *shrugs*.
Still today I am not interested in coming back to Undertale, and even if Deltarune’s first chapter was released a year ago, I still haven’t found the interest or motivation to look into it.
And it’s not to say that I think Undertale is “cringy” or bad now. It’s just that my interests changed and I don’t really get a lot of time to myself now because I am busy (with work, but with many other personal stuff as well), so when I do have time, I want to spend it on things I have an interest in. On the other hand, I am now less resistant to things that personally affect my mental health. I was never comfortable with some stuff made by a portion of the fandom (like nsfw stuff among other things), but at the time I had a friend who I could rely on to check the tag and make sure I wasn't totally exposed to it.
Regardless, Undertale and, yes Papyton too, will always have an important part in my heart. It's still a wonderful game and the characters are still absolutely lovable to me. Maybe some day I will get back into it, but I am sure at 99% that I don’t want to have a blog about it anymore. I know that miracles happen and I can easily change my mind. But I feel like it won’t happen anytime soon.
Honestly, at some point, I even considerated deleting this blog, but I heard that when you delete a side-blog, there is a tumblr glitch that might delete your main too and that was a risk I didn’t want to take lmao Anyway, at the end I think it was for the best.
I will leave this blog here for ppl to enjoy it if they want or need reference for something, but I won’t reply to asks about papyton or undertale because I am so out of it, I feel like I don’t have anything much to say and that I don't remember details about it.
I am sorry I never got around to answer asks, but like I said, I feel like I have nothing to say about the subject anymore, and that maybe it would be more interesting and beneficial for you if you go ask someone who is still involved in the series.
I am also sorry that I never posted any official announcement about the status of this blog. But would like to thank everyone for still following even though it was dead since 2016, and for being nice followers.
Thank you,
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Gimme gimmie more, GIMMIE MORE
I was going through my old stuff and found the kitty mettaton Art trade I did with @thaidraws omfg slay me pls
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Papyrus is so charming! ❤️
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some papyton for the soul~
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Sometimes you don’t have to say anything to show someone you love them.
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This is the first time I’ve drawn these two but I am Papyton trash at the moment!
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PapyTon: MettaPun by HTF-ADTI-MLP100606
I’ll be traditional for now XP Anyways, enjoy this ship comic XD
Mettaton, Papyrus, Sans © Toby Fox
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Due to some recent RPs…I’m Papyton trash now…How did this happen to me?
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Mettaton saying to Papyrus, "Hey, you're hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you!" And mtt grabs paps hand and papys just all flustered and red....flirting 101, ft Mettaton
Smooth af
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papyrus and mettaton just stay up all night sometimes just to talk to each other and give each other complements!
thats so cute,
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Hey y'all
So I’m Makin another long animation💕💕 and its going pretty good so that’s why I haven’t been posting much for a while
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Can you do Papyton in #18??
I’ve actually never drawn this ship before, or even these two characters. I hope it looks well enough ❤✨
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I continue to be papyton trash
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Ok! So imagine that Mettaton doesn't eat since he's a robot. All he needs is energy, and if he puts food into his body, it just sits there in a metal stomach. Now, Papyrus's favorite ways of showing affection is by cooking spaghetti for Mettaton. When they first began dating, Mettaton was so touched by Papyrus's thoughtfulness that he didn't want to refuse his spaghetti. So Mettaton gets into the habit of "eating" the spaghetti, then later having Alphys remove the stomach compartment (prt 1/2)
(Prt 2/2) And then Alphys cleans out Mettaton’s stomach and puts it back in. This went on for a while until Alphys was getting tired of eating all of Papyrus’s spaghetti for Mettaton, and begged him to tell Papyrus. Papyrus was just touched that Mettaton went so far out of his way to avoid hurting his feelings
good things abt this:
mettaton being stubborn and getting caught up in a habit because its too late to fess up to a lie
alphys, dumping mettatons metal stomachs content onto a plate and digging in
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Do you still like Papyton?
im a fan just not as big as a fan
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