ryland stoms. tiktoker. father of luna galaxy, nova galaxy and river phoenix storms. married to abby storms
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kiocyr: oh jesus... you guys have evidence
rylandstorms: yes we do
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kiocyr: yo and you guys thought i didn't have a filter lmao
rylandstorms: you don’t. in fact i'm pretty sure one of us recorded you drunk 👀
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rylandstorms: my mom still can’t tell the girls apart
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Summermckeen: I expect the funny business with all of you guys together
rylandstorms: not as much as now though. it’s wild
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rylandstorms: we promise no funny business at yours
Summermckeen: being so excited to see this wedding makes me so excited to finish planning mine
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lilhuddy: i really can't wait to see you all again
rylandstorms: another day or two and we will all be there
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rylandstorms: my baby girl is so cute helping with river
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abbystorms: no need to be sorry, love, we leave in a few days and i wanna make sure we don't forget anything is all.
rylandstorms: i'm excited
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abbystorms: you're lucky i packed the girls bags because as one of the best men you have to be there early too.
rylandstorms: i'm sorry my queen. her videos are so addictive
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rylandstorms: i was supposed to be packing while the girls were napping but instead I binged watched eleanor neale's channel starting of with a one hour long video about the guy who inspired ghostface
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rylandstorms: i have not let go of her since i got her
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Abby took a deep breath and looked at her husband, she walked out and back to her girls picking them both up. “What my husband said, do whatever you can,” the woman said as she walked out of the station both girls in her arms.
Ryland smiled as he saw his best friend holding their son. “Knew we forgot something.” He joked.
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“You took the life out of me, I trusted you assholes with my daughters and then you told me my one was dead, you sent me into the deepest depression of my life and I walked away because I hated myself, I couldn’t even look at him,” Abby said with tears running down her cheeks “We probably wouldn’t have no,” the woman said.
Ryland bit his lip, remembering how he had to literally beg the love of his life to look at him. “Baby, come on. Let’s take the girls home.” He pulled them out of the room. “Charge them with whatever you are able to.”
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Abby heard the bullshit explanation and rolled her eyes “Well we thought we were going to be helpful, we didn’t know that it was going to go this far,” Abby could tell they were playing victim and they weren’t sincere about any of the shit they were saying, Abby rolled her eyes and walked into the room, the police officer watching the two girls.
“You’re a doctor you are supposed to help people not steal babies and call it help.” He rolled his eyes. “Tell me something if you weren’t caught would you have turned yourself in?”
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Abby listened through the little room, she just wanted to yell at them, scream why she would put them through this pain but she just wanted to focus on her babies. “We just thought we saw your wife was having a hard time with one so we thought we were doing you a favor,” the man explained
“Please tell me you’re joking?” His eyes widened, not believing what a fucking doctor was saying. “We were new parents and yes it was overwhelming but you don’t get to decide something like that.” Ryland could not help but think of Chase and Griffin who had surprise twins and Nicky who had triplets. He could not wait to tell them this bullshit
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“I’ll be right here for you,” Abby said holding the girls “I know you’re Ryland, your wife Abby, we just want to say we’re so sorry we did this to you” the woman said
“I appreciate that.” He sighed, wanting to yell at them. “I just want to know why you took our child and make us think something happened to her when she was fine when I checked on her twenty minutes before?” He had never said that out loud because he blamed himself. That’s also one of the reasons he didn’t go after Abby. Ryland thought he deserved it
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Abby looked at her husband “You wanna talk to them?” the woman asked “Of course you can, Mr. Storms,” the officer said “I’ll take you right to them,”
“I’m going to get to the bottom of this?” He kissed her before walking into the room. “Do you know who I am?”
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