When you're around, I see in color.
27 posts
I'm addicted to you. Independent Chimera Ant OC, Sideblog of freakxnewxdance Multiverse, Crossover Welcome! M!A: None, Accepting. Will probably contain copious amounts of utter crack and ridiculousness.
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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“… But I don’t have wings. I can’t run in mid-air. Of course you’d win that one!”
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        “What, no. I mean if you ran and I flew and we raced I’d be faster.”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
[ Continued from Here ] [ laxativejuice ]
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        “Ew. I feel ill. Get away.”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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        “You may be fast on the ground, but I bet I’m faster in the air!”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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        “Give me back those glasses! It’s the only pair I have!”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
[ Continued from Here ] [ laxativejuice ]
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                    But... but this was the palace.
                                This was where she lived.
     Helia stared, radiating her disgust towards the human. It wasn’t the nudity (though make no mistake, the sight before her was enough to make her want to vomit) but the words he spoke. The insult he dared let pass his lips would only serve to infuriate the Ant, not arouse.
     This creature had the gall to enter the palace and strip his clothes in a place that was not his own. If not Helia, then perhaps Pouf? Or, god forbid, the King? Helia’s fists clenched at her sides. This would not go unpunished!
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        “You have three seconds to run.”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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Name: Paphelia
Personality: While not quite shy, Helia is a rather quiet person. Breeding has demanded that she be soft-spoken and obedient, especially in the presence of her superiors. She’s probably the worst Ant you’ll ever meet, a general pacifist who only brings out the big guns when she thinks they’ll advance her towards what she wants - and she knows what she wants, it’s just not necessarily good for her. Ultimately, her personality is deeply in conflict with what her instincts demand of her, something that tends to work against Ants who were born of human flesh.
She is a mostly oblivious character, focused entirely on her own whims and wishes than what others around her might feel. Just about the only feelings taken into consideration when she acts are those of the King and Pouf, but the latter only just barely. Competitive and jealous, Helia can’t stand him giving attention to others when she is so dedicated, and pines silently from a distance. Despite her bitterness, she will never act in a way that makes her appear in a negative light and stews in her emotions quietly. Though she may not ever say it, she subconsciously wishes that he would see only her. Like most ants, she falls over herself to serve the King, and becomes ecstatic when his eyes are upon her, however rare this is.
The Ant in Helia is difficult to get along with. Craving attention, she seeks friends wherever she can find them, but being a good friend is difficult simply because her personality is so conflicting. Instinct demands she be superior than these silly humans and often this comes out in the form of sarcasm or immensely selfish actions. She is hardly considerate of others, but depends on others to acknowledge her, because she absolutely can’t get acknowledgement in the palace. It is a pitiful existence, and when she ponders this it is one of those tragic moments that may inspire sobbing or rage. The human qualities of loneliness and the need for recognition make Helia an ultimately volatile person, whose otherwise quiet nature serves only to amplify the fragile creature within.
A brief summary of your characters backstory: There’s not a whole lot to say. As a Chimera Ant Helia was among those born in the anthill, some time prior to the Royal Guards. A grunt under one of the squadron leaders, after the Queen’s death Helia abandoned the mound just as her superiors did, but ended up following the Royal Guards to the palace some time later. The normally gentle Helia probably would have ended up dying in canon at some point, trying to help defend. Lacking immensely in power, any one of the Hunters would have found her easy to kill. However, as part of Misso’s currently mainverse she still remains in the palace, though more often than not unseen as it is not her place to interact with visitors.
Nen: Enhancer Helia’s hatsu are rarely ever used. She dislikes combat, and really only chooses to fight if forced to or commanded to. As a soldier, she fights on behalf of her superiors, laying her life on the line to perform as needed.
Abilities: Second Wind: A recovery Hatsu that is more effective the less aura the user has left. Second Wind functions as a last-ditch effort to stay in a fight, providing the user with a complete return on their aura back to 100% of their fighting ability. However, aura recovered via Second Wind is expended at twice the normal rate, requiring the user to finish the fight within a very limited time period. Once Second Wind is complete and the recovered aura is expended, the ability cannot be used for a full week from the moment the recovered aura is lost.
Wing Blades: Not a hatsu, but rather Helia reinforcing her wings with the Nen technique Ryu. By infusing her wings with a significant amount of aura, Helia’s wings become as sharp and strong as blades. Helia favors this over her hatsu, preferring to use her mastery of the air to her advantage, confident that her natural affinity for flight will power her to victory when her opponent is confined to the ground. However, this is a prerequisite to being able to use her offensive hatsu...
Mach Burst: Helia sharpens her wings even further. Combined with the speed of her flight, Helia is able to literally cut through the air. The friction superheats the air and it rises rapidly, causing colder air to flood the empty space creating a violent shear of wind. At most, Helia can slice an area of up a seven meter diameter, and nothing outside of the seven meters is affected. Helia is not immune to her own burst, and can be caught in it if not skillfully escaped. If the target isn’t eviscerated by her wings, they’ll undoubtedly be tossed about like ragdolls. Unfortunately, if one is able to effectively protect themself with aura, they can effectively nullify the attack, escaping mostly unscathed.
Fun facts about them: - Helia wears glasses only because she thinks they make her look attractive. She’s going for the “cute, bookish type of girl” look.
- Helia seems to have a sincere affection for Shaiapouf, but her adoration for him completely ignores the flaws in his personality, attracted entirely to the color of his wings. She seems entirely unaware of the fact he’ll never notice her... and if he does, he’d rather exploit her dedication than return her love.
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
     Paphelia squeaked again. She’d managed to give her name, but nothing more. The way he stared at her took her breath away, and but suddenly got hard to breathe. Thank you for the tea, he said. He thanked her. He thanked her!
     But thanking her was more than enough. She wasn’t prepared for any sort of reciprocity, so her only choice now was to flee before she did nothing stupid.
     Helia turned around without a reply, and took off in a run... right into the wall behind her! She collided with it, her face thumping painfully into the marble.
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       She stumbled backwards a step and ungracefully crumpled to the floor in a heap.
          “Miss Paphelia…” He said the name for good measure, playing the role of a friendly man to the eyes of many (including hers), deceiving most from his plans of a much larger, ulterior motive.
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          “Thank you again for the tea, Miss Paphelia,” Standing straighter with his tray in hand and his head bowing low to further show his gratitude, the strategist had yet to return to his table.
          “There must be something I can do for you to return your kindness.”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
Send my character "Plot Twist"s to see how they react!
ex.: Plot twist! Your mother was a secret agent!
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
If Helia could hear those thoughts, the assumption that she was of noble birth... ah! It would have been far too much for her to bear! The flattery, despite her being so unworthy of it!
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Unfortunately, though his thoughts failed to freeze her solid the slight brush of his fingers against hers, as light as the fluttering of a butterfly’s wing, managed to do the trick. However, at the request of her name, the girl finally managed a word.
It should be illegal for men to be this dazzling.
          She had went through all the trouble of getting tea for him, a treat if anything else as he now seldom left his own study lest it was for an important matter or emergency. No doubt, she was one of the many noble maidens that have fallen for him. It was only somewhat of an amusing sight, his thoughts showing though his slight rueful smile, before he decided to help her.
          (whether it would benefit her was up for debate)
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          “Here, allow me to help with that,” His strides to her from his desk closed the distance between them in seconds, his fingers gently grazing across hers as he took the tray from her shaking limbs, “Thank you for the tea, Miss…?”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
Error 404. Helia not found.
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Paphelia struggled to maintain her composure in the presence of the man before her, tea tray vibrating in her hands from sheer nerves. She’d mentally prepared herself for this for this encounter, rehearsed things to say! The moment had played out a million times in her mind’s eye!
And yet, all she could muster in response to his words was a small squeak.
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          “Please, pardon the mess, but I have not expected much visitors today.”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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Helia flips through a book.
“Judging by the size and what I assume is the species, you have twelve hours.”
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“Fuck no!” just by thinking of it was horrifying.
“How much time this caterpillars needs to grow into butterflies?”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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“If they spin cocoons and morph you’ll have butterflies instead!”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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“My type is familiar-... oh! You mean the Ants? You’ve met others?” Paphelia asked, also curious. She supposed it wasn’t surprising that some of her kin outside the palace had interacted with humans. They were many, far apart. Perhaps there were other colonies somewhere. “I’m alone because no one else can be bothered to go out with me. I’m free to leave to run errands for my-- my superiors.”
There were no tantalizing wealth nor activity to sate the monotony that fist wielding spider that day. Waiting, sure, sucks and he was  doubting that will ever change. He might needed a company right now, furtive glances were thrown at the glasses wearing girl, brows knitting after evaluating the empty space beside the girl.
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“That’s too bad.” he lit a cigarette and started smoking,”–having the world on your hands sure is something. But let’s not dwell on that…I’m curious.. your type is familiar to me but why are you all alone?” 
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
A sparkly, shiny, golden rat runs by the door to Helia's room and down the palace hallway, a trash can loudly smashing into anything in its path behind.
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“AH, WHAT THE HELL--”  The smashing forces Helia to jolt upright from her nap. From the echo she knows that the intruder had just run past her. Could this be her big break? An opportunity to gain recognition from the one she admired?!
Throwing the blanket across the hall Helia unfurls her earth-toned wings and flitters down the hallway, searching for fool who dare invade the palace! She expected a human, a Hunter, perhaps a robber who could not even begin to comprehend what lived within these halls.
However, what she finds instead is... a rat.
A very sparkly, loud rat who apparently was also a trash can.
Helia cracks her knuckles. Welp, rat or no rat she was not going back to bed without killing something.
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“Some sort of snack, then.”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
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“Armageddon? Well, we tried once but sort of failed–” For the good of all mankind they failed. “I don’t think we’ll try again. As you can see, we lack an army.”
Paphelia gestured to the empty space behind her. She was alone… mostly because there was really no one else left.
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“Soldier huh? what are you working? to start armageddon?” the no brow spider asked boredly, waiting sure was killing his sense of humour if he had any left at the moment.
” I don’t see any army here though. You can call me Phinks.”
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paphelia-blog · 10 years ago
To see the King’s retreat, to see him behave in any way that didn’t cement himself in the world as an immensely brave and powerful creature, filled Paphelia with distress. This form was an insult to him!
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She towered above Meruem’s turtle form, both eager to lend her aid, but at the same time fearful of touching her race’s mighty leader with her own hands. She knelt, grasped the sides of his shell and carried him as steadily as she could to his throne. He was safe here, none would bother him unless he desired it!
At the sound of the voice, Meruem instinctively retracted his head and limbs into his body. Realizing what he had just done, a wave of shame and disgust overwhelmed him. Being turned into such a timid creature was the ultimate humiliation.
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The king looked up at what seemed to be a soldier ant. He hesitated then reluctantly spoke to her. “Just…Take me to the throne room. I’d rather not be seen like this.”
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