papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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"The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,/Gang aft agley." (Robert Burns)
Papercut Zine Librarians and our merry band of volunteers have been hard at work, packing up ALL of our zines to place in storage this winter, while the Democracy Center undergoes construction. 
...No sooner was the last zine sorted and the last carton taped, but we got News on the Democracy Center's construction. In short, the project ran into red tape, and construction won't begin any earlier than mid-April. Argh! We're a little bummed, but the librarian spirit is irrepressible! This little delay won't stop us, and our kick-ass volunteers, from taking a complete inventory of our collections, and then embarking on our re-cataloging project. And we're making amazing progress already!
Want to be a part of what we do? Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiOpUKttWykUbfXS-DF0zqKNN9thbCNyje6QbzwR8dx1GSKw/viewformNo experience required! A friendly librarian will take you under their wing. Meet awesome people, read awesome zines! Keep on rockin', friends! 
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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Papercut needs YOU to volunteer! If you're a PZL fan, now is the perfect time to get involved. Lend a few hours of your time to pack, inventory, and-or recatalog some of the coolest zines in Boston! Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiOpUKttWykUbfXS-DF0zqKNN9thbCNyje6QbzwR8dx1GSKw/viewform
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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PZL spent this weekend in a spooky basement! 😈🕸🕷👻 jk...more fun than spooky! We’re packing up the zines for offsite storage while the Democracy Center undergoes maintenance this winter. Plus, exciting news...if you’ve been hankering to work with us, your hour is near! Stay tuned for volunteer details coming later this week...
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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We did it!!!
 Holy wow, folx…we are blown away by your support, your spirit, and your dedication! We met our fundraising goal of $600 way ahead of time—and it’s all thanks to the generosity and selflessness of people like you! We’re truly honored to be serving such an incredible group of patrons. Through your likes, shares, and contributions, all of you made something clear: you believe in what we do, and that both humbles and inspires us.
 Thank you.
 So, what are we doing with these funds?
We’re     now OFFICIALLY a Not For Profit, and we’re holding our first official     meeting on Saturday! We’re going to have minutes and everything. We’ll be     getting organized for our next actions…
The     collections need to be stored over the winter ☹     (I prefer to think of the collections as hibernating, and am jealous of     them!) The Democracy Center building is undergoing some maintenance, so     this weekend, the PZL librarians will pack up the zines for storage. Your     $$$ help us acquire waterproof bins to keep the zines in mint condition.
Bookcases     and shelving units will be needed when the zines come back! Right now, our     space is too small to show off all of our zines—some are stored in the     Democracy Center basement. They’re accessible from the basement, but extra     shelving puts more zines at your fingertips. Any leftover funds will be     used to purchase this shelving.
Getting     a PZL laptop!! If we have enough funds, we’re hoping to acquire a tablet or     laptop computer for the library. This will help librarians and patrons     search our catalog comfortably.
 Stay tuned for more news next week! The librarians are plotting, and news of volunteer opportunities, outreach, and programming will be released soon…
 Keep on being awesome, guys! We love our zine patrons!
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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Here at #papercutzinelibrary we’re all about #diy! That’s why we rely on donations from folx like you—no $$ too small! Together we #makeadifference. Help us keep the #zines alive & donate here! https://www.youcaring.com/papercutzinelibrary-1046322 WE LOVE OUR SUPPORTERS! 💜🖤💜🖤🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️💀👽🚲
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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Beware...zine librarians at work! 😉🕸📚😸 pls help us keep doing what we do—sharing zines with YOU! Your donations are badly needed here: https://www.youcaring.com/papercutzinelibrary-1046322 Or, let us know if you want to volunteer for a recataloging project this spring, or if you can donate bookcases or shelving units! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 [email protected] #zines #donate #plshelp #zinepatronsarethebestpatrons #volunteer #librarianlife #librariesofinstagram #librariansatwork
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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Check out this gem! “The Virus,” a beautifully illustrated mini-zine by Rel. We’re counting on your donations to keep zines like this afloat! Donate here:
And, thank you so, SO much to all those who have already donated! We’re so grateful for your generosity!
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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It’s official--PZL is a Not For Profit organization! But, we still need your help. Massachusetts state filing fees and start-up costs are $600, and we need your support! Help us keep kick-ass zines like “Cats Against Cat-Calling” in circulation. Donate at https://www.youcaring.com/papercutzinelibrary-1046322
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papercutzinelibrary · 7 years
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PZL has been quiet for a few months, but things are buzzing behind the scenes! We're filing for Not For Profit status, but we can't pay the filing fees without your support! Stay tuned, donation details coming your way soon...
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
from 2-7pm at 10 Ward St. Somerville
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
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This shabby little shack has remained a mystery to many of its neighbors through the years. Our doors will be open for the first time at this location THIS SUNDAY to satisfy everyone's curiosity! From 2-7 pm you can peep the hard work accomplished by a small group of zine librarians and a whole crew of generous and talented auxiliary volunteers!
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
It’s a BIG DEAL: Papercut opens in Somerville Sunday 9/20!!!
After a busy summer of behind-the-scenes work, Papercut is finally ready to open its doors at its new location at 10 Ward Street in Somerville! We'll be open to the public Sundays from 2-7pm starting this weekend, on September 20th. Yes--that means that after a long period of transition, you will finally be able to browse the collection, borrow zines, and sign up for membership with us. We can't to show off the new space! 
As we settle in, stay posted for announcements regarding additional open hours. We will be closed during the weekend of Boston Zine Fest, but visit us there! Following all that Zine Fest fun, we will celebrate Papercut's opening more officially with a party-- more details to come. 
Here's to getting back into the swing of things!
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
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Featured on WBUR today!
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
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Getting there 😎
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
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First mail at our new location! 😍
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papercutzinelibrary · 9 years
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Papercut is getting ready for our big move! 
We are in the midst of building shelving and other furniture and should be all ready for visitors as early as this month. 
Please keep checking back or join our email list for updates on the official ~grand opening~ 
We’re so excited to have everyone back to check out zines again! 
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