Not much here, but there might be. Stuff like embroidery, Castlevania, doll making, Steam, crocheting, Overwatch, you know, girl stuff.
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White-barred tiger moth, Echeta grandis, Erebidae
Found in Ecuador
Photo 1 by jvacl, 2 by desertnaturalist, 3 by rhexia, and 4 by jplove
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african peach moth (egybolis vaillantina) | coppensb on ig
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Every Republican prediction is worthless. All they have is fear.
It's obvious: MAGA works for Putin. MAGA have surrendered to Russia. MAGA parrots Kremlin talking points.
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Morgan Freeman Narrates Himself Playing Pokémon Go
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The burning question about "homesteading tradwive influencer vs. actual medieval farmwife" wouldn't be about who would win, but what would be the final straw that would make Kathrynn - who got married at 21, doesn't know what a chemical is, and who would have sent her children to school if she had had the chance - finally decide to beat the ever-loving shit out of Kathrynn, who got married at 21, doesn't understand what a chemical is and can't spell for shit, but still thinks she can homeschool her kids.
It wouldn't be over feminist issues. Medieval Kathrynn has no concept of "women's right to vote" - it's not like her husband has the right to vote in government matters either. It would probably be about religion. Medieval Kathrynn has no idea what "catholism" is, but she heard Modern Kathrynn talk shit about the saints and decides to toss aside the goat she was castrating and go "that's it, I'm beating your ass."
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You have taken the whole of me. I could never accept just a piece of you in return.
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aw that's cute :) the first square of many! i hope your blabket yurns out well.
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.......I fucked up so bad.
I've been teaching Belphie not to jump on Pangur, cause she's old and arthritic and doesn't like it. and as part of my "training", I've been giving him a treat every times he stops his evil actions and trots over to me.
I thought I was training him to come when called. in actuality, I've been training him to bite Pangur. so now he'll jump on her, chew her ear, and then make bird-of-prey eye contact with me from across the room. and the worst thing is I'VE ALSO BEEN GIVING PANGUR A TREAT EACH TIME (so she doesn't feel left out). which means that she'll whimper pathetically from Belphie biting her, and then also make intense eye contact with me, because she's been conditioned to expect treats afterward.
I have accidentally made the most fucked up dynamic possible with both of these cats.
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The best thing about the Artemis sewer water scene is that he is canonically a super neat and clean guy. Which means before he put sewer water in his mouth he probably sat there and did a quick cost benefit analysis that was like "don't put sewer water in my actual mouth because gross" vs "put it in my mouth and maybe get the drop on my weird nemesis/situationship" and my man chose the sewer water
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