Pantheon Percussion
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Beautiful bespoke custom drums, proudly hand-made by Singaporeans!
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pantheonpercussion · 2 years ago
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A custom 14x6.5 "Blood Candy" Padauk stave snare outfitted with black hardware, DW throw-off & buttplate, Tama Starclassic 20 strand Bell Brass snare wires and Remo Emperor Suede/ Ambassador Clear heads. This beauty sounds like what @dejieeeeeeeeeee always wanted. Warm, but enough pop and slap to cut through; a lot of overtone but not enough to be a nuisance. A bit of dampening and the meaty low-end hits you in the face. Looking for a beautiful snare? Time to have a chat. #drumset #drum #snaredrum #drummaking #snaredrum #drumheads #jazz #fusion #pop #rock #music #band #orchestra #pantheon #customdrum #custom #percussion #percussionist #performance (at Music Elements)
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pantheonpercussion · 2 years ago
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#Repost @ystconservatory ・・・ Are you a percussion student aged 13 - 18? Register now for the inaugural 2022 YST Percussion Day, a one-day workshop happening on 19 November offering opportunities for students (residing in Singapore) to hone their technical skills through hands-on lectures conducted by YST percussion faculty members and guest artists. Registration is from 1 – 15 October. For more details, please visit #ystmusic #ystconservatory #nationaluniversityofsingapore #sgmusic #singapore #percussion (at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music)
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pantheonpercussion · 2 years ago
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#Repost @rafsoundwalker ・・・ with @amandaleelive and Christy Smith. Vibe~ #rafsoundwalker #thegroovedude #collisiondrumsticks #trxcymbals #trxcymbalssea #pantheonpercussion #drumgroove #drummersofasia #drummersofsingapore #drumsdaily #drummersofinstagram #drumset #drummers #drumming
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pantheonpercussion · 2 years ago
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We had the honour of hosting 🇸🇬 Singapore’s premier wind band, the Philharmonic Wind Orchestra’s town hall meeting in a hybrid setting. The session was followed by a lovely buffet meal for the members and ended with a fruitful reading session for their upcoming gala concert ‘Planet Earth’. 🌍 PSA: We will be collaborating with @philwinds to give away 2 complimentary tickets to their 20+ Anniversary Gala Concert held at the @esplanadesingapore on 30th Oct. So stay tuned and watch this page! 🤩 #philwinds #windband #concert #planetearth #musicians #musicelements (at Music Elements)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Always a wild experience with maestro @riduanzalani and friends! #Repost @nadi.singapura ・・・ Singa Drum Gaia is back this 8 October 2022! Reserve your tickets via the link in our bio! (at Kallang Community Club)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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#Repost @musicelements ・・・ It was our pleasure to host the Jakarta Concert Orchestra’s rehearsal combined with a choir at ME Black Box in preparation for their concert at The Esplanade. A heartwarming evening meeting so many musician friends from across the sea. 🇸🇬 x 🇮🇩 @jakartaconcertorchestra @theresonanz #meblackbox #jakarta #orchestra #choir #musician #musicelements (at Music Elements)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Nothing quite like the power of our brass snares, this special one for @lestersullivan outfitted with extra heavy die cast hoops for extra spicy rim shots. #Repost @lestersullivan ・・・ Thank you @fleetingfeelingsfest2022 ! Shoutout to @pelacurescobar for having us! Y’all were wild ❤️ ⠀ 📷: @wizb.t 🥁: 🎧: @fatfreq 🎽: @msukumosg (at Pantheon Percussion)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Congratulations to the SAF Central Band for In Harmony 37: Grainger Fest! A celebration of Percy Grainger’s 140th Anniversary, it was a really unique opportunity to hear all of his original band works performed in one concert, right here at the Esplanade Concert Hall. Performed by stellar musicians, and conducted by the renowned British conductor, Douglas Bostock, the Central Band and other guest musicians really treated us to the amazing soundscapes and creative scoring of Percy Grainger. It really brought back memories of my own experiences with this repertoire in my teenage concert band years, and not just me. Other members of the audience could be heard humming the melodies in the lobby and corridors outside before the show and in the intermissions. It’s been a long time since I heard such precision in playing, and the dynamics were so stirring and on point. Of course, being able to see 12 percussionists playing in unison was really a rare moment of joy for percussionists like me. Thank you all for such a glorious and enjoyable evening! #safband #safcentralband #singaporearmedforces #inharmony #militarymusic #militaryband #singapore #saf #musicelements #pantheonpercussion (at Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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#Repost @adamshah.wav ・・・ #ootd for Charlie Lim & The Great Wave Shoutout to Jeremy from @qdrumco for building me this snare years ago, wishing you a full recovery! . . . . . . #blessed #drums #drum #drummer #cymbaladdict #180drums #pantheonpercussion #livemusic #music #sgmusic #igsg #qdrumco #vsco #vscosg #vscocam #vscosg #thegreatwave
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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#Repost @aeyl_fye ・・・ Live, eat, sleep drums, repeat.. #throwback #drumporn #trxcymbalssea #pantheonpercussion #soocustomdrums #heremodsg
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Remember this bad boy? 14x6.5 Patina Bronze snare already in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for @dyrtsg ‘s show at @yokosaigon tomorrow. Warm, clean, crisp, resonant, and oh so powerful: it’s going to be a force of nature out there. This snare had previously toured with @knightingalerock in Taiwan with @_vanhelsingh_ and was made in collaboration with our dear friend, Mike Martin of @predator_percussion . Intrigued? Stay tuned! #pantheonpercuss #pantheonpercussion #pantheonpercussfamily #pantheonpercussionfamily #drummersofsingapore #drummersofasia #percussionist #snares #snareaddict #madeinsg #thisissingaporequality #playpantheon #officialsnaregeek #drummerscorner #drumcorps #drummergirl #drummerboy #worshipdrummer #sessiondrummer #jazzdrummer #drumsdaily #drummerlifestyle (at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Congratulations to the @asianculturalsymphonyorchestra for such a triumphant show and Happy Anniversary to you! It was so inspiring to hear asian-inspired compositions by great composers, as well as to watch the virtuosic show of musical skill by the soloists. As our late great friend Adrian Tan said: if we don’t play asian music, who will? That really hit home. Thank you @adrian.chiang for that insight. It was also very good to catch up with old friends @cheahbuhden_ho @govintan_hashbrownmaster @azrin_abdullah @gordontanperc @jemsme and also to meet some of the other performers. Great job everyone and thank you for the wonderful performance! #acso #asianmusic #musiciansofinstagram #pantheonpercussion #musicelements (at Victoria Concert Hall)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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#Repost @audiotechnicasea ・・・ 💙 The Tribe Has Spoken 💙 This limited-edition color was chosen by fans in the latest M50x/M50xBT2 color poll. Since 2012 we have created limited color editions of our M50/M50x headphones. From silver to purple and black, these soon became fan favourites and in 2020 we invited you to vote for the next addition to our colourful collection. This year 38% of you decided on Deep Sea - a dramatic dark blue capturing the mysterious depths of water. Now Available: 🌳 Audio-Technica Listening Treehouse (Funan Mall #03-K10) 🛍 ATSEA Official Website 🛒 ATSEA Official Brandstore on Shopee, Lazada and Qoo10 🏢 Major Consumer Electronic Retailers 🎵 Independent Music Retailers #audiotechnicasea #audiotechnicasg #athm50xbt2ds #athm50xds #M50xDS #M50xBT2DS #soundmonitoring #headphones #music #wireless #bluetooth #studio #DJ #wired (at Music Elements)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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#Repost @dyrtsg ・・・ Saigon here we come! Catch us at @yokosaigon on 9 Sept, as we bring you our brand of 90s grunge… done right. Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana & more… Friends in Vietnam, can’t wait to see you there! #saigon #hochiminh #vietnam #gig #90sgrunge #tributeband (at Pantheon Percussion)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Pantheon artist Caleb Kay playing one of the most iconic sounds in worship music - the venerable 14x6.5 black nickel brass snare. By his side are his favourite Red Hickory @loscabosdrumsticks , the only brand that can handle his focus and playing intensity. To create the optimum sound for your playing situation, we’ve got you covered. Drop by for a chat and a coffee at @musicelements with guys. #musicelements #pantheonpercussion #worship #worshipband #worshipdrummer #drumsticks #drumfam #drummerforlife (at Music Elements)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Cycling accident. Busted the right hand and shoulder; in great pain and unable to lift my right arm up for the time being. Will be out of action for a while. Pantheon carries on in the capable hands of @dejieeeeeeeeeee at @musicelements till I recover. In the mean time I shall use eye-power. 😂 (at Pantheon Percussion)
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pantheonpercussion · 3 years ago
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Another custom mini-bass drum for one of our many loyal customers, this time a 16” birch. Gigs have come back and drums with portability and great sound will never go out of fashion. Our mini-kicks deliver a nice punch in a durable package without overly heavy hardware and extra weight. Intrigued? Come down and start the conversation with us! #pantheonpercussion #musicelements #drumsetup #drumandbass #drumfam #bassdrum #bassdrums #drummerworld #drummerboy #drummersofig (at Pantheon Percussion)
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