panswhitequeen · 10 years
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Screen Cap: Darling Pan Kings & Queens AU
Peter is a ruthless king with a taste for violence. When he sets his eyes on the kingdom ruled by the kindhearted Darlings. King George makes a compromise to marry his eldest daughter Wendy to Peter allowing them to form an alliance instead of going to war. Wendy naturally hates Peter at first because of his violent and evil persona. Ruling beside him is always a constant fight for her, she is not one to conform to anyone and she refuses to allow him to dominate her. (As he would say that is the right of a king, but she would disagree kindly despite the anger she feels towards him) Eventually she they both fall for each other but of course it’s a shaky relationship that ends up being driven on mostly passion that was born from the hate.
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
I want to feel the rain on my skin and the wind in my hair
                                           |Rapunzel AU|
Muse A has spent their entire life locked away in the attic of an old Victorian home-in the part commonly referred to as a ‘tower’. Muse B is looking for somewhere to hide.  Collision course anybody?
End 1: Muse B rescues Muse A
End 2: Muse A rescues themselves
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
"Please Peter..." Her eyes full of tears, "I was told Michael is gravely ill. I must go to him. He needs me.”
"Peter." She hesitated, afraid of his answer, "Do you think I could go visit my brothers? Just for today?"
Peter narrowed his eyes at her. “No. You stay here.”
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
Demon boy.
Her heart shipwrecked, as the realization that she was not to gain any compassion from the heartless boy, finally sunk in; much to her utter dismay. She would not allow any harm to befall her brothers, and the blackhearted bully knew it. She would have to give in to his wishes, no matter how degrading the task, and here lately seemed to be a numerous occurrence, each becoming more foul than the last.  
What happened next, Wendy couldn't say, but something in her snapped, perhaps it was the way the wicked boy smirked; just like a forked tongue snake mocking at her helpless fragile state. He enjoyed her pain; the dirty beast. Just once she wanted to show him exactly what she thought of him, so she did, as her small, but steady hand came in contact with the boy's face. It sounded forth like a loud crack of thunder, actually waking the girl back into a horrid reality.
Eyes widened in terror as she realized what she had done. Her heart beating like relentless hammers as she force herself to meet the devil child's gaze to quickly speak for her foolish hasty action.
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"Oh Peter..I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. There's really nothing I can say for what I've done..I just lost complete control of myself. Please...forgive me. Don't hurt me..it was a mistake..pure and simple. It will never happen again."       
Her fear was only a slight amusement for the other’s devilish soul and her begging would never be heard , his heart was long gone and her words sounded foolish without it. No matter how disgusting his wills had been , she should always do what he wanted. If she wanted her brothers to be alive , of course.
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" Won’t you ? Then you should say your last goodbye to your brothers , Wendy. We had a deal and it seems like you can’t play your part in it."
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
Reblog If Your Muse Gets Jealous
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
"..and why the bloody hell not?!" She hissed, wrenching her wrist from his grip. She had learned a lot while visiting Neverland, and even learned a few curse words from the pirate's she befriended, unbeknownst to Peter of course. 
"Peter, I want to go home. I don't belong here." She muttered, "I've had a splendid time, really I have, but I fear my parents are missing me as well as my brothers. I simply must go home."
"I don’t believe that is an option, sorry mother."
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
If that's how he was going to play, then she could certainly oblige him. "I AM leaving, Peter. Now, where's that shadow?" She whipped away from him, determined to find the shadow that had brought her there in the first place. "I don't even know you. You're a stranger to me now. I thought that maybe I loved...no I don't think I do now..you're not the boy I thought you were."  
"Peter, I want to go home. I don't belong here." She muttered, "I've had a splendid time, really I have, but I fear my parents are missing me as well as my brothers. I simply must go home."
"I don’t believe that is an option, sorry mother."
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
"Why are you acting like this? You're starting to scare me." She had never seen such coldness in the boy, up till know he was gentle and handsomely charming, "Why can't I leave? Why are you going to force me to stay here? This isn't like you Peter..what's happen to you? Where's that sweet, charming boy who taught me to fly?"
"Peter, I want to go home. I don't belong here." She muttered, "I've had a splendid time, really I have, but I fear my parents are missing me as well as my brothers. I simply must go home."
"I don’t believe that is an option, sorry mother."
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
"..but Peter..I don't understand." Her eyes searched his for an explanation for his sudden change of heart, "You said I could return home when I wanted too. I'm sorry..I can't stay. Please, don't be angry with me..but I don't belong here, I know that now."
"Peter, I want to go home. I don't belong here." She muttered, "I've had a splendid time, really I have, but I fear my parents are missing me as well as my brothers. I simply must go home."
"I don’t believe that is an option, sorry mother."
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
                                                    I just want my                                                   innocence back
                                             I want the childhood I                                                    n e v e r  h a d
                                                  is that so much                                                          to ask?
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
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"---but you're only a child. There must be someone to look after you. Where are your parents?"
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        “I look after myself, don’t need no one t’ do it for me.”
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
Riddled fear and panic bathed the girl's blue depths. The ominous task that could very well be done easily by the ex-pixie was oddly being forced on her. What purpose could this serve, if not to give the boy a twisted devious pleasure out of her discomfort.
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"Peter..I beg you..please don't make me do this.  I can't pretend to be something I'm not. It's disgusting.
                                                                                     I won't play the trollop."
" I don’t understand ?" the demon spoke as the sparkle in his malcious eyes began to grew. " Then get it , Wendy. I am asking you for a simple task. I am sure that Tink would do it , but I want you to do it , but if you don’t want to - fine them. I thought you would put a little effort and make them believe in whatever you say , but it seems like you are not as attached to your brothers as you once were."
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
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"You aimed for the heart". "Just like you taught me, Peter".
“Well-played, Wendy-bird”.
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
                   "---but you don't understand.."
                                                  Wretched boy.
 "...I haven't the knowledge to do what you are asking of me. Besides, Peter..what makes you think any of those pirates would listen to a word I say?"  
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"Why don't you send Tinkerbell..she's much more equipped then I."
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" Oh , but its quite possible when it’s compared to the safety of your brothers , Wendy. I expected more from you."
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
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                                 "Peter..what you ask is utterly IMPOSSIBLE.
                                                                                                      I can't do this..
                                                                                                                       I won't!"
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
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the 13th gif/icon in your folder if what your muse(s) look like when they are told off
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panswhitequeen · 10 years
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Sir, you are both ungallant and deficient.  How am I deficient? You’re just a boy. 
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