pangirlz · 6 years
Tactical Magic (1/5)
Emma Swan is a witch, still new to the job and determined to stop Zelena after almost falling victim to her machinations. When she summons a spirit to help her, she gets Killian Jones, demon of vengeance, who has grown extremely weary of helping people with their petty revenge schemes. Neither of them is best-pleased with this turn of events.
Emma is out for more than revenge. But maybe, Killian has more to offer. And together, they might just be able to make it work.
My contribution to @cssns​. Cover and full summary are here; art by @wingedlioness​. Also on ao3!
Emma brushed her hair out of her face, wiped her palms on her jeans, and heaved a sigh as she gave her handiwork a critical look. The pentagram outlined on the floor was a little crooked, and the rosemary in the burner was the dried, shredded kind from the store, but she was pretty sure that those were irrelevant details.
Nevertheless, she hesitated. She might be a novice at this witchcraft thing, but even she knew that summoning spirits was not something to be done lightly.
But she was out of options, and she knew that, too.
She went to light the candle. It was one of the cinnamon-scented ones that she usually lit when she curled up on the couch with a good book. Probably not standard witch equipment, either, but it was what she had.
“Here goes nothing,” she muttered, and with the flick of a thought, a flame sprung to life on the candle wick.
She’d never summoned anything before. It wasn’t common practice; the generally-accepted wisdom among witches was that bargains with demons were rarely worth the price. She had never even witnessed a summoning, nor heard a firsthand account of one, so she had no real idea what to expect. She’d always assumed that it worked more or less like every other kind of magic. You did the necessary things, and if you did them right, other things happened. No fuss, no fanfare. She’d assumed, in a vague, half-subconscious sort of way, that it was more or less the same across the board.
She had been wrong.
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pangirlz · 6 years
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one year of captain swan: 119/365
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pangirlz · 6 years
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“Thank you for one last lesson That darkness can always find the light.”
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pangirlz · 6 years
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Regina Mills season 7 look book
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pangirlz · 6 years
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🚨 cute lesbians alert 🚨
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pangirlz · 6 years
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Killian Jones: A Petty Bitch™ (requested)
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pangirlz · 6 years
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Once Upon a Time : The Next Generation
The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.
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pangirlz · 6 years
Remember this Emma Swan?
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The Emma that ate bearclaws, fruit loops and drank hot cocoa.
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The Emma with the golden princess curls.
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The Emma who wore a white beater top and had a seemingly endless supply of leather jackets.
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The Emma who was there for her friends and who put her son first.
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The Emma who fought a dragon, broke a curse, and protected others.
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The Emma who was all around a Princess Charming.
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I wonder whatever happened to her.
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pangirlz · 6 years
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pangirlz · 6 years
if the wish realm can adjust its history so that robin and nottingham were born 30 years later, then i guess that means so can every other character that isn’t hook or the charmings. un-aged ariel and cruella? ok. young smee, even 30 years later after separating from his captain? he had the jolly roger, maybe he coulda gone to neverland or some other timeless land for a few decades, yeah? i can accept it. why not? after alice escaped her tower she went to several different realms so maybe it isn’t so weird that she wasn’t the same age as emma even though she was born around the same time. time runs differently in apparently loads of realms. it’s the finale. it’s ending. i forgive u, weird timeline shenanigans…
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pangirlz · 6 years
Me, watching OUAT and knowing perfectly well they’re all gonna live happily ever after: oh man I wonder if they’re all gonna live happily ever after
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pangirlz · 6 years
Finally getting caught up on ouat and the most incredible/unbelievable fact in all seven years of this show is finding out Storybrooke has a COLLEGE???
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pangirlz · 6 years
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d e t a i l s .
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pangirlz · 6 years
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pangirlz · 6 years
Wish Realm people are real. Wish!Killian said as much last night and it was confirmed a long time ago. Wish!Henry is real. Wish!Rumple is real. There are no “one true” Captain Hooks, Henrys, Rumpelstiltskins, etc. They’re all real, because the story says they are real.
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pangirlz · 6 years
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pangirlz · 6 years
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She wasn’t looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword.
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