pandulcepq · 1 year
Tuesday May 9.
Incorrect Call of Duty Quotes.
There is a power and potency in great dialogue that is so seamless, and simple, but so difficult to achieve. These are lines that ring true from the mouth of the character to the ears and eyes of the audience. It can evoke what you really might say in those circumstances while furthering plot and characterization—yet remaining interesting at the same time. It feels natural, and authentic, as if these lines are not small slices of fiction, but communications plucked from the mystery of the cosmos through the mediative talents of the writer. These are lines that reveal as much as function a text, and possess far more layers and meaning than the letters, words, and spaces which constitute them. Unfortunately, #incorrect call of duty quotes serve none of the above purposes, but they are great fun nonetheless. 
So lock and load this Tuesday morning, and settle into some escapism from escapism with these interesting, if sadly inaccurate, collection of quotes from the Call of Duty series. 
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pandulcepq · 1 year
¡Hay gente que tiene casa, pero no tiene hogar, Hay gente que tiene carro, pero no tiene dirección, hay gente que tiene bolsillos llenos, pero corazones vacíos, hay gente que está rodeada de gente, pero vive en soledad!
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