Pandas and Nail polish
836 posts
This is my Olicity side blog. So you'll find me obsessing over Olicity/Felicity Smoak/Oliver Queen and whatever Arrow S3 and beyond throws our way. I'm NOT spoiler free! I'm actually a spoiler whore, those two make it impossible for me to be patient. At the same time I'm totally ok for them to take their sweet time to get together. Good things come to those who wait. My main blog:
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Reminds of Lois&Clark. in the parallel verse Lois died/disappeared before Clark even joined the Planet and he was engaged to Lana who was pretty horrible. He broke up with her but then Lois had to get back to her Clark and he was all alone. Poor alt!Clark was also an orphan, both his parents dies when he was young. Poor baby broke my heart.
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And everytime it involves Barry in some way.
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So true. We know who is not winter finale cliffhanger material. The Queen is so not dead!
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Arrow is going out of their way to make it seem like Felicity Smoak is dying in that 4x10 promo. Y’all Don’t understand, THEY LEFT IT AS A CLIFFHANGER OF THE MID-SEASON FINALE.
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When a Queen officially ascends to her throne….
When the audience is that invested in a character….
When a character carries enough power to reduce grown men to tears….
I’m here for the resurrection of Queen Fe!
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#ProjectFunkoFelicity - Phase 1
I’m kicking off Phase 1 of #ProjectFunkoPop this weekend.  This is a biggie and an important step, so please take the few seconds it’ll take to complete this and help.  We need everybody’s voice on this and it’s super easy.
Here’s all you need to do:
GOAL: To get the number of likes & replies to the one post as high as we can to get it noticed.  And they will notice.  So go Team Felicity!!!!!
1. Click each of the Retailer official Facebook page links below and “Like” the my comment about the Felicity Smoak Funko Pop. The posts will look like this:
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2. Reply to that comment to say: A) that you want one of the Felicity Smoak Funko Pops. Comments like “Cute! I love Felicity Smoak!” or “OMG! I want one! I love Felicity Smoak!  She’s my favorite!” or using your favorite Felicity Smoak quote are also great!
Share this blog post of retail links everywhere you can on social media – every twitter, every facebook, blog, website, etc, – and know to get other Felicity Smoak fans to do the same. Spread it like fire and rally!
Hot Topic’s Facebook
NEW! Walmart’s Facebook  Reposted/New Link (looks like walmart removed the original posting.  RME)
Target Facebook
ToysRUs’ Facebook
GameStop Facebook
Barnes & Noble Facebook
That’s it!  Simple as that!  So hit ‘em hard, Felicity Smoak fans!  Make yourself heard by clicking that Like button and making that number soar! 
Again, we need all hands on deck for this to make this campaign successful.  Thank you so much!
Also…  If you haven’t pre-ordered a Felicity Smoak Funko Pop… here’s a list of links & places where you can do so.  Remember: the average (USA) cost is $9-$11, so don’t let sites overcharge you.
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You know, Oliver, I’m no expert at this, but I don’t think love is about changing or saving a person. I think it’s about finding the person who’s already the right fit. 
108 | 409
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Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak (Ring, Love, Kisses And Hugs) 
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#when the villain ships it #that’s when you have an otp
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“Felicity Smoak is one of the smartest, most badass women on the planet.                        I married a woman just like that.” 
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They know. They understand.
“ we’ve been trying to find that balance …  I want to make sure, in the battle to create real stakes, we don’t undersell what a seasoned warrior he is ” 
Stephen Amell - IGN
“ [Oliver and Felicity] They found true love“
Emily Bett Rickards - KTLA
“What you’re going to learn about Diggle is just how much he is committed, how much this team has become his family,” Ramsey continues. “That idea is going to be repeated through each character — through Oliver, through Felicity, through Diggle — that this is the family.”
David Ramsey - EW
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Baby grind on me ♪
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#so much tongue#we are blessed# 👅 👅
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Oliver and Felicity in each other’s spaces. Inspired by this meta
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