Look at all the babies!
Can i have some baby tigers please
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Here you go 😊 Enjoy ❤️
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If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
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10 questions to never ask a transgender person by Laura Jane Grace
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A farmer drove over to his neighbor’s house and knocked on the door…
A boy, about 9, opened the door.
“Is your mom or dad home?” The farmer asked the boy
“No, they went in to town.” The boy replied
“Well, how about your brother Howard?” The farmer asked
“No, he went with mom and dad.” The boy said
The farmer stood there for a minute shifting from one foot to another and mumbling when the boy says
“I know where the tools are if you need to borrow one or I could give my dad a message for you.”
“Well,” The farmer said uncomfortably “I wanted to talk to your dad about your brother Howard getting my daughter pregnant.”
The boy thought for a moment then said
“You’ll have to talk to my dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bulls and $150 for the pigs, but I have no idea how much he charges for Howard.”
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My silly/sleepy furry babies. She really hates when he sleeps on her.
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The first time I visited my girlfiend (now wife) in college I bought a peach tree from a local nursery and told her, “someday we will eat peaches from it years from now, because we will still be together.” Well it worked better than I planned. Here is our son eating a peach from that very tree. (Source: https://ift.tt/2OtTsaQ)
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Happy belated
birthday beautiful!
Bai Yun - San Diego Zoo
Bai Yun - San Diego Zoo by Rita Petita Via Flickr: Bai Yun will celebrate her 27th birthday on Friday Septemer 7th 2018. This will be her 22nd year at the San Diego Zoo and we are all the better for it. Bai Yun arrived at the San Diego Zoo in 1996, she was five years old. She and her breeding first partner Shi Shi had the first panda cub, Hua Mei, outside of China to survive into adulthood. Later she and her second breeding partner Gao Gao produced another five cubs, all born at the San Diego Zoo. All five cubs conceived through natural breeding. Gao Gao knows his stuff.
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We think milk from another species is just fine to consume, but many of us think that milk from our own species, which is intended for us to drink, is kinda gross
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The bigger the shoes, the bigger the dick. The bigger your car the smaller your dick. No wonder people are so afraid of clowns.
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Awe he's just a baby!
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So today I found out that baby Falcons look like this. (Source: https://ift.tt/2BJZ13d)
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If everyone was a nudist people would take a lot more care of their body instead of how they dress.
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If insects suddenly disappeared from the planet all life would soon end but if humans suddenly disappeared all life forms would flourish
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On the way to hospital with a pregnant wife, you drive faster than you ever have, on the way back, you drive slower than you ever have
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Hahaha truth
Eating is crazy. You put food in a cavity where you smash it with 32 bones then a meat tentacle pushes it down into a pool of acid WTF
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On the way to hospital with a pregnant wife, you drive faster than you ever have, on the way back, you drive slower than you ever have
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