paintedmischief · 7 years
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paintedmischief · 7 years
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Another GIF selection from our graduation movie Parfum Fraise.
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paintedmischief · 7 years
Anime cliches I miss because they don’t really do them any more
The sweatdrop
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Liberal use of the V sign, even in situations that did not call for it and does not require a camera to be present.
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Falling over because someone said or did something so incredibly stupid it made you lose all strength and will to live.
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When they do the anime face thing
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Making characters squishy
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the dignity laugh
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paintedmischief · 7 years
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Sketches. I want this tv show to be real good.
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paintedmischief · 7 years
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these boys!!!
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paintedmischief · 7 years
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paintedmischief · 7 years
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Cuthona yamasui
Cuthona yamasui is a species of sea slug, a nudibranch. This species seems to be quite variable in colour. Its habitat is the tropical Indo-West Pacific.photo credits: pinterest, seaslugforum,
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paintedmischief · 7 years
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paintedmischief · 7 years
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i bet his desk had stickers on it that she put there to make him smile
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paintedmischief · 8 years
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I’ve had this idea on the shelf for a year, pretty much since my first days in the fandom. But animating the whole scene properly was always too gargantuan a labor for me to tackle. So instead I made just a few scenes. Your imaginations can hopefully do the rest of the work for me. ;D
Merry Dishonorable Holidays, you beautiful fandom, you! I love you, guys!
This is it, this is the Dishonored Christmas Special! And Dishonored it sure is. Christmas, not so much. XD
P.S. Forgive me, Whaler fans, for I can’t draw their gas masks. XD They look like paper cups. XD
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paintedmischief · 8 years
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Ok but imagine….
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paintedmischief · 8 years
I've had awful RP partners for as long as I can remember. I've finally begun RP'ing with my friends, but I'm stuck in my old habits where I was told to never talk about my OC's and that my writing was bad and that I was a terrible writer and writing partner. I'm stuck in this habit of putting myself down when my friends compliment me, because I just can't see what they see when looking at my stuff. I just cringe reading it. Is there any advice you could give on how to stop being so critical?
I’m sorry you’ve been through such terrible situations. It’s important to really, really pay attention to what you’re typing before you hit enter or send. Here are some things to look at and keep in mind:
When people are talking about their OCs, jump into the fray. This will give you the opportunity to talk about your character too, without having that nagging subconscious from your past experiences telling you not to talk about them. This prompts you to put yourself forward and join the conversation with everyone else. 
When people compliment you, just say thank you. Don’t try to refute it, or say that you’re not this or that. Don’t back out of it. Politely say thank you, tell them it means a lot to you. Do your best in keeping from submitting something negative about yourself. Catch yourself writing it and delete it. Just say thank you.
Be engaged with others. Staying connected with those around you OOC just as much as you are IC can help create more stable bonds and help you feel safer in interacting with them.
Breathe. When you’re having negative thoughts or feel someone is being negative towards you, really evaluate the situation. Are they really being negative to you or are you perhaps taking something out of context do to your past experiences? Try not to let past experiences get in the way of having fun. Don’t be afraid to take breaks when you need to, either. Take care of yourself.
It’s a slow process, but just take your time. Try to catch yourself when you’re feeling negative and consciously turn it around. Slowly, but surely, you’ll get out of this rut, but it’s not something that’ll happen overnight. Have confidence in yourself–don’t like what someone else said ruin your future experiences. Just do your best!
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paintedmischief · 8 years
When you think the year can’t get any worse but then some new bullshit comes along 
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paintedmischief · 8 years
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who wants to be king?
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paintedmischief · 8 years
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New friends on Skull Island.
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paintedmischief · 8 years
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paintedmischief · 8 years
when u catch urself thinking wistfully about dating and being in love and being c*ddled and how nice that would be
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