paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
this is a callout post  —-
keep writing
keep drawing
keep building up your OCs backstories
keep creating
continue putting yourself out there
fuck others opinions of what you’re doing
do YOU do what makes YOU happy
do it for yourself first and the results will follow
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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outofmist || Sorry for being gone for such a long time. I will try to get some replies done around Friday or Saturday! Also, I will get some starters finished to. Till then, Happy Thanksgiving and good luck if you do Black Friday. xD
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
Why it takes me long to reply.
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
Send ‘Look into my eyes’ and my muse will bold what they see
| Hope | Love | Passion | Hate | Resentment | Envy | Indifference | Confidence | Insecurity | Greed | Desire | Optimism | Spite | Hostility | Kindness | Warmth | Intelligence | Experience | Trauma | Aggression | Gentleness |  Arrogance | Pride | Lust | Cruelty | You’re soft | You’re trusting | You seem honest | You’re humble | You’re cold | You’re closed off | You’re reserved and guarded | You’re unfeeling | You’re remorseless | You’re heartless | You’re inhuman | You’re frightening | You’re frightened | You’re devious | You’re unpredictable | You’re struggling | You’re lost | You’re broken | You’re disheartened | You seem headstrong | You seem difficult | You’re stubborn | I see hope | I see purpose | I see absolute conviction | I see compassion | I see a shining light | I see shattered remains | I see something familiar | I see a friend | I see an enemy | I see a lover | I see thirst for blood | I see malicious intent | I see pity | You’re pitiful | I see darkness | You’re unwavering | You’re pure | You’re noble |
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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outofmist || Am I the only one who thinks Reaper is just Alucard LITE version? Only me? Okay.
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
Send a “❤” if you wish to rp with our characters. Send a “❤❤” if you wish to plot with our characters. Send a “❤❤❤” if you wish to ship with our characters.
Send a “❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤” if you wish to do all of the above.  
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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Anybody want one to four sentence starters. Short, fast and sweet. LIKE or REBLOG!
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
                           &&.  i’m a ghost of a girl ; a shell of my former self. 
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
At least I can control myself, unlike a certain someone I know.
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“I suppose so… But do say ‘Hello’ to your brother for me.”
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
If we are RPing together
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
      He admired her guts, not phased by the threat in the least. He had been threatened enough in his life to have the thick skin he needed to deflect such empty promises. Reyes lowers his arms and crouched down, getting to her level, as to not display himself as more of a threat than he probably was. He had no intention of bringing her back in. 
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   “ Nasty stab wound you have there.. Why don’t you stick your ass to the ground while I try to locate a health pack so you can finish your piss poor attempt at escaping? ” He scolded, but in his gruff sort of tone it might have been hard to tell that he was actually trying to help. Reyes didn’t make a habit of it, but he knew when people didn’t belong in Talon. 
    Typically they died, attempted to escape and died, or did escape and Reaper was sent after them. No wonder Talon never finished anything they set out to do, they had their own agents working against them. Before she could reply, Gabe was already fading away and heading to the nearest room, searching the cabinets for a health pack of some kind. In a few short minutes, he appeared back next to her and held up the tiny blue capsule. “ You want it, or not? ”
He was getting way too close for comfort. The experiment snapped her teeth in his direction as a warning to ensure he knew how far he can approach her. The feeling of being injured so close to an enemy was truly an uncomfortable experience. Ammit was surprised she simply didn’t revert back to her dog-like form. Then again, the mists would allow her to travel more better through the maze of the buildings if she did. She slowly allowed her form to ripple and distort. The skin on her body flaked away into little wisps of smoke. That was, until the masked man decided to speak. Her golden eyes widened.
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“I... What?” She stopped when she watched him leave her to go retrieve a health pack for her. Her guard was dropped and naturally it sped her process to being nothing more than a misty outline of a humanoid when he returned. She was still solid enough for him to attempt to touch her if he tried. Her nose twitched when she smelled him return with a capsule in hand. She willingly took it from his hands. He would feel a light touch from when her misty fingers grabbed the capsule and swallowed it down. She wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Plus, if it was bad she would just end up killing a few Talon operatives along the way to freedom to really help cycle out whatever might be in the pill.
“Why would you even help me? I heard rumors you joined this place as a merc. And now you are helping their hunting dog escape. They aren’t paying you enough?” She grumbled. Her voice was echo-y and almost smooth-like with its otherworldly undertone. She tried to keep herself in her humanoid form long enough so he can speak with her. A wild dog like her really didn’t have the proper vocal cords to utter out words when she slipped into her comfortable form.
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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“Do tell. Either way, someone decided to order up some coffee for you so here you are.” The waitress seemed amused by her behavior. Ammit was almost off from work so she was feeling pretty merciful. She placed the hot, steaming cup of coffee and placed it on her desk so Jupiter wouldn’t accidentally tip the cup over. “You need to vent out your frustrations? Im willing to lean a ear.”
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💾 ¦¦    ⌠ “If you don’t have coffee, then I don’t want to talk to you.” Not even glancing up, Jupiter grabbed a holopad from a nearby desk, flicking through it. “I’m elbow-deep in shit, and I don’t really care to be DISTURBED.” ⌡
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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Reblog with the game that got you into gaming.
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Originally posted by snesanctuary
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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outofmist || Its one of those days where you just wanna play MMOs all day. But I will make sure to drop some rp memes into your inboxes if you give the option. For now... This is where my journey takes me.
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
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okay so !! since this community has been nothing but nice and welcome (if we don’t count the discourse on ships n all), me and the lovely @decdeye​ have decided to hold an event throughout december in order to give something back !!
            ❄  the overwatch secret santa 2k16 !! ❄
i’m pretty sure you guys know what that stands for, but just in case you don’t, i’m gonna set up some rules and let you guys know how you can join the whole thing !!
              so rules, my dudes:
❄ you gotta be an overwatch roleplay blog (ocs welcome as well, just be ovw) ❄
❄ you will get paired up with another roleplayer at the start of december, to which you will (from then on out) send nice asks, a simple hello, maybe a graphic or drabble or fanart if you’re feeling generous, but just make sure to make someone’s day better and spread positivity around in the spirit of crimmis ok?  ❄
❄ if you’re busy one or a few days, it’s no biggie just make sure you send some love out every now and then, bc that’s the whole point of the event, isn’t it?  ❄
❄ me and @decdeye​ will send out asks and pair up the peeps, so you’ll know who you’re paired up with on the 1st, maybe 2nd december if life gets busy for either of us. but you’ll know !! ❄
❄ but here’s the catch !! you are a SECRET santa !! so don’t let the other party know who  you are until it’s CHRISTMAS DAY !! (send in stuff anonymously so they wonder who  u be, bc that’s the whole point of it, right) ❄
       ‘ok you two, but how do i apply?’
              well, i’m glad you asked, my dude:
❄ simply REBLOG this post and you’ll be added to the list. ❄
❄ like if you want to save it, but likes won’t enter you, reblogs will. ❄
that’s … it, i think?? if you got any questions about the event, feel free to ask either me or @decdeye about it and we’ll make sure to try and answer as best as we can  ♥ ♥
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paintedlycaon-blog · 8 years
outofmist || Anybody want Ammit injured for a starter or any angsty one where she is just saying sad things to her dog. Just like or reblog.
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