Iroha? are you..alright?
19 posts
A roleplay blog for a rather..interesting AU of super danganronpa another 2--where iroha nijiue has become lovesick to a point where she'd consider murder in order to keep the one she loves to herself...and only to herself.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
paint-and-mirrors · 3 years ago
Iroha do u have a crush?
"W-why would you ask??" The petite girl gave an annoyed blep as she looked up at the anon, her blueish eyes looking away before becoming the usual....strange symbols they became when she got all nervous.
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The girl covered her face, giving a huff.
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paint-and-mirrors · 3 years ago
"u-uweh!" The paintress responded, shaking a hint as she stared over to the children....In general, the short void A constantly pale, slightly blush-covered face, a few freckles here and there, and a red tint to her usual turquoise eyes. "It's alright~!" The woman cheerfully chirped, gripping her sketchbook close to her chest.
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promo breezing through?
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"Monodam, please hold still!" The voice that came from the camera was strong and feminine, and then the image came upon the screen. An amalgamation of people of varying sizes and colors (literally) were shown, most of them looking as though they were still getting ready to be on camera with you and had connected to the camera by mistake. Still, they didn't seem deterred, and continued making their way up to being presentable.
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"No!" cried the boy with green and white hair, whose name was apparently Monodam. His expression showed great rage and malice, pointing a harsh index finger at the taller man with blue and white hair. "I don't want to do anything with him!" The man with blue hair shrugged and began to egg the boy on.
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"You mad, little bro? Gonna cry like the baby you are?" he laughed, clearly getting a kick out of agitating this Monodam boy. Just as the boy went to hit the man, the woman from before held them apart. Stress was visible on her expression, showing the mental strain she appears to be under.
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"Monokid, please stop agitating your brother..." she sighed. Her physical strength must be immaculate, being able to hold both of the two apart without much visible strain on her own body. Quickly, her attention snapped to another child, all the while still holding the two apart and not moving from her position at all. "Nanokuma, dear, have you washed up for the promo?"
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"Yes, Momma," the littlest child replied happily, a polite smile gracing their lips. He sat on the couch, beginning to fiddle with the strap around his torso and body. The woman smiled before being knocked over by the green haired boy, though he never successfully got to the blue-haired man, due to his own exhaustion.
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"This is a mess..." a golden man mutters, reaching up to flick at the crown novelty on his... ear? Wait... is that his ear? His actual ear? Come to think of it, six out of the seven people present seem to possess these bear ears. Huh...
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"Try to think positive!" the other girl chirped in a high, gleeful voice, seemingly wanting the others to look on the bright side. She seemed glitzy and glamorous from her outfit alone, definitely already ready for the promo they must have planned and simply trying to encourage the others to move as quickly as possible. Little does she know that her encouragement seems to slow everyone down further... "I believe everything will be alright and go as planned! So you should, too! I believe in us!"
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"Aww~! That's my girl!" the older woman exclaims, clasping her hands to her chest in euphoria. She seems to be the mother, or at least motherly figure, to these people in front of her, although a few of the people definitely seem to be adults, meaning that the woman must definitely be older in age.
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Then her eyes dart back over to the camera, suddenly realizing that it was actually on and transmitting their video feed. She gasps. "Nanokuma! You didn't tell me you turned the camera on!" The little child quickly apologizes, causing the woman to turn back to the camera. "My apologies for the show you've just witnessed. Ahem. My name is Motherkuma, and these are my children, or cubs, if you will. The red one is Monotaro, blue is Monokid, pink is Monophanie, green is Monodam, gold is Monosuke, and the one who looks more like me is Nanokuma.
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"Before you ask, yes, we are the former mascots used to run Killing Games by Team Danganronpa. And we understand it can be frightening to see us after everything we've done, especially if you've been affiliated with us in the past..." She trails off, clearly thinking back to a time of deep, unimaginable pain for herself and her children. "...but I can assure you, we mean you no harm. And in fact... we're doing our best to adjust to our new lives and turn a new leaf, so to speak. To accomplish this, we're asking for a promo and possibly some interaction, if you don't mind speaking with us."
(Tags below the cut!)
@paint-and-mirrors @former-proffessor-and-policeman @the-ultimate-spaceboy @ask-miu-iruma @a-hopeful-dawn @ask-theshadowcyborg @the-sound-of-cold @ultimately-business @ultimate-aikido-master @angie-answers @ask-shizuko-takata @ask-kisaragi-foundation @newdanganronpaanotherv3 @ask-shslpianist @askultimateluckytrash @ask-missfashionista @ask-ultimate-perfectionist @lxght-and-dxrk @nanny-and-despair @dr-passionate-production @ultimate-waifu-bait @ch14k1-ai @mechanics-soda @sweetpea-sugar @hopeless-ultimates @ichi-peachy @lillykuma-askblog @ask-a-shsl-survivor @meadows-of-prison @ask-an-ultimate-despair @normally-daydreaming @ask-kaito-iguess @ask-shuichi-iguess @floral-samurai @heroes-cf-hope @forgotten-superstar @lre123 @twilight-blonde-beauty @ultimate-azure-assassin @mercy-of-the-ashes @quiet-therapist @deranged-danger-sisters and anyone else~
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
"Oh? graffiti? i've never seen any before! (っ´Ι`)っ" The girl would give a gentle yet innocent stare at riko
The room was dark--extraordinarily almost appeared too dark, in a way. However--after a few moments of eerie silence, a television screen turned on. it looked similar to a television from the late 90's to the early 2000's. After a second or two of ear-piercing static, a young woman appeared on screen. She had chestnut brown hair in a handlebar style with light skin, light brown freckles dotting her face. She had pale blue-green eyes. she was wearing a cream colored berrette which had brown cross-stripes all along it--like a grid. The rest of her features couldn't really be made out too well.
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"Hello there." The young woman would speak, a slight accent in her voice as she greeted the supposed..audience, so to say. "You will not be harmed!....encore" (translation: yet) she'd mumble the last part to herself, giving a light giggle as she continued to speak "I wish to say hello, if you please~!" [OOC: promo time!! @askthedraandsdra2cast @mastermind-merchant @mastermindishimondo @ask-yuki-maeda @shslmagicman please interact, even if you're not mentioned!]
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
someone pls rp with this blog
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
*pokes blog with stick*
iroha? you good fam?
"Oh...i'm just..just fine...why do you ask?"
0 notes
paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
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"awe! t-thank you!" The paintress would give a slight giggle at the compliment as she covered part of her face with her sketchbook as she gave a little smile
The room was dark--extraordinarily almost appeared too dark, in a way. However--after a few moments of eerie silence, a television screen turned on. it looked similar to a television from the late 90's to the early 2000's. After a second or two of ear-piercing static, a young woman appeared on screen. She had chestnut brown hair in a handlebar style with light skin, light brown freckles dotting her face. She had pale blue-green eyes. she was wearing a cream colored berrette which had brown cross-stripes all along it--like a grid. The rest of her features couldn't really be made out too well.
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"Hello there." The young woman would speak, a slight accent in her voice as she greeted the supposed..audience, so to say. "You will not be harmed!....encore" (translation: yet) she'd mumble the last part to herself, giving a light giggle as she continued to speak "I wish to say hello, if you please~!" [OOC: promo time!! @askthedraandsdra2cast @mastermind-merchant @mastermindishimondo @ask-yuki-maeda @shslmagicman please interact, even if you're not mentioned!]
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
“Oh! I wanna have my de-..i mean favorite like me back!” She’d giggle.
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
((ooc: please ask please i-)
Send my muse an icon, and they will…
🎨 tell you a skill or talent few know of that they have
👻 tell a fear they have
🔆 say one of their dreams/aspirations
🎁 show off something they have
🚿 mention one of their shower thoughts.
🎭 say how they are really feeling
📅 speak of a past experience
🐱 talk about their favorite animal/pet
🌙 tell about one of their recent dreams/nightmares
🍀 regale a time when luck was on their side
👪 speak about their thoughts and feelings about someone they know
🔪 talk about a time when they were hurt physically, mentally, or emotionally
👄 whisper a secret no one else knows
🎓 say one thing they are proud of
😳 say one thing they are ashamed of
👀+ a question of your own!
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
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"You're really nice" She'd speak, attempting to possibly compliment the other human, despite it seeming rather awkward.
A welcoming promo!
There was rather threatening words behind the screen, supposedly out of pure frustration. Grunts and annoyed sighs escaping whoever was manhandling the old, broken down camera.
Smack smack smack!
“Ugh, finally,” the bluenette sighed, stepping back to reveal himself. His surroundings was just a basic bedroom, somewhat messy but it wasn’t unbearable.
“Hello.. I’m Shuichi Saihara. Ultimate Detective. An official one to be exact, one that just recently got out of training and being an assistant.” he smirks at the camera. This isn’t exactly how the actual Shuichi acts, isn’t it..?
“Anyway.. I’m new here. So, a promo would be greatly appriciated.”
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— uh tagz below even tho it’s just one person bc idk anyone else :p feel free to ignore or interact tho —
Keep reading
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
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"Thank you! i like your outfit, too!" She'd respond, giggling rather obliviously as she was complimented
A welcoming promo!
There was rather threatening words behind the screen, supposedly out of pure frustration. Grunts and annoyed sighs escaping whoever was manhandling the old, broken down camera.
Smack smack smack!
“Ugh, finally,” the bluenette sighed, stepping back to reveal himself. His surroundings was just a basic bedroom, somewhat messy but it wasn’t unbearable.
“Hello.. I’m Shuichi Saihara. Ultimate Detective. An official one to be exact, one that just recently got out of training and being an assistant.” he smirks at the camera. This isn’t exactly how the actual Shuichi acts, isn’t it..?
“Anyway.. I’m new here. So, a promo would be greatly appriciated.”
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— uh tagz below even tho it’s just one person bc idk anyone else :p feel free to ignore or interact tho —
Keep reading
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
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"Oh hi. I'm iroha nijiue! ultimate painter! It's nice to meet you" The young woman would giggle, being the first time she's ever even met this guy, so she tried her best to seem..normal
A welcoming promo!
There was rather threatening words behind the screen, supposedly out of pure frustration. Grunts and annoyed sighs escaping whoever was manhandling the old, broken down camera.
Smack smack smack!
“Ugh, finally,” the bluenette sighed, stepping back to reveal himself. His surroundings was just a basic bedroom, somewhat messy but it wasn’t unbearable.
“Hello.. I’m Shuichi Saihara. Ultimate Detective. An official one to be exact, one that just recently got out of training and being an assistant.” he smirks at the camera. This isn’t exactly how the actual Shuichi acts, isn’t it..?
“Anyway.. I’m new here. So, a promo would be greatly appriciated.”
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— uh tagz below even tho it’s just one person bc idk anyone else :p feel free to ignore or interact tho —
Keep reading
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
Send me a 🍦 for my muse's reaction to you licking their ice cream while they are eating it.
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
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"oh! I know him, alright!" She'd respond, basically ignoring all other things that were said, seeming to be moreover excited in her tone, however it also seemed as if she was stopping herself from saying something else, a slight hint of drool escaping her wiggly mouth.
Promo Post.
amongst the loud static, there seemed to be many voices in the background.
"hey! someone help me out over here..." a feminine voice whined.
"sheesh-- fine.."
footsteps were heard beyond the static. shifting around could be heard and you could finally see what was going on. you could see a rather big dorm room.
a gray haired female popped up first.
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"ahah! *i* did it!"
the female exclaimed, very pridefully at that. a teal haired girl appeared and gave her a shove.
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"jeez. stop taking all the credit for once. you know i was the one who got this thing on."
"*sigh*.... fiiine."
the gray hair turned back to the camera and giggled to herself.
"hi-hi! my name is masuyo yomiuri, the super high school level weapons specialist!" the girl introduced herself, boucing slightly.
the teal haired gave a small sigh, beginning to speak.
"i'm ikokrai mari, ultimate doctor.. nice to meet you.'
looking around the dorm, there was a brown haired male huddled up on the bed with a tablet in his face. another male with long, black hair sat next to the other, watching him. there was another boy in the corner of the room, presumably resting. he had rather long, dark blue hair. another noticable freature was a pin. to some people, it was familiar. that was a pin that people of the kisaragi foundation wore.
masuyo pointed to the male on the tablet. his light pink eyes didnt look over. "thats katsuro otonokoji, the ultimate digital artist." she smiled, then turning to point at the male next to katsuro.
"and thats minoru sannoji. honestly, i dont know what his talent is. he's a little secretive, nyehe~"
masuyo turned to look at the last boy. "and finally, his name is shiori kinjo! i dont know his talent either, huh.... i barely know anything about him... sheesh. he never tells me anything!"
masuyo grinned to herself. "aanyway, time for tagging!~
..... how do i do this?"
ikokrai groaned. "ill take care of this because you clearly cant do it on your own."
"thanks!~ wait-- how do you know how to do this stuff?? youre just a docto--"
masuyo got shushed buy ikokrai.
mod speaks:
okay, so.. to clear some things up. masuyo is a syobai/nikei kid. ikokrai is my own oc. katsuro is a iroha/kanade kid. minoru is a hajime/irlkado kid. and shiori is a tsurugi/keisuke kid!
hhhhhhh i was THIS close to making masuyo into a yuki/nikei kid but then i ended up going with syobai/nikei because i prefer that ship more </3
[ tags time, woo ! ]
@askultimateluckytrash @shslmagicman @paint-and-mirrors @luckygreedyrainbow @ask-kisaragi-foundation @askthe-journalist-andthe-broker @ask-shslpianist @the-ultimate-spaceboy @ask-the-unknown-hacker @ask-hajime-makunouchi @askmikan-tsumiki @utsuroaskblog @ask-the-former-broker @mastermind-merchant @another-ai-squad @former-proffessor-and-policeman and anyone who would like to interact ^^
im just hoping this goes well, hshshosnk
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
"oh, hi mr.hashimoto!" she'd respond upon seeing him, as if she didn't notice the literal insult that was thrown at her just moments before.
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“Well EXCUSE ME, princess” she’d speak again at the realization that she got insulted, along with the sort of on something question “If i was on drugs, i would’ve talked to you first. and probably would’ve gotten scolded by the rest of void” she’d respond yet again, rather awkwardly no less.
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The room was dark--extraordinarily almost appeared too dark, in a way. However--after a few moments of eerie silence, a television screen turned on. it looked similar to a television from the late 90's to the early 2000's. After a second or two of ear-piercing static, a young woman appeared on screen. She had chestnut brown hair in a handlebar style with light skin, light brown freckles dotting her face. She had pale blue-green eyes. she was wearing a cream colored berrette which had brown cross-stripes all along it--like a grid. The rest of her features couldn't really be made out too well.
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"Hello there." The young woman would speak, a slight accent in her voice as she greeted the supposed..audience, so to say. "You will not be harmed!....encore" (translation: yet) she'd mumble the last part to herself, giving a light giggle as she continued to speak "I wish to say hello, if you please~!" [OOC: promo time!! @askthedraandsdra2cast @mastermind-merchant @mastermindishimondo @ask-yuki-maeda @shslmagicman please interact, even if you're not mentioned!]
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
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"father? I mean, you do look like one of my friends" She'd say, questioning in the first part. A hint of nervousness in her voice as she spoke. Quickly, however, she'd giggle a hint "no problem! You kids look silly! a good way, i promise" she'd try to explain the supposed compliment, of course she WAS trying a hint too hard.
Promo Post.
amongst the loud static, there seemed to be many voices in the background.
"hey! someone help me out over here..." a feminine voice whined.
"sheesh-- fine.."
footsteps were heard beyond the static. shifting around could be heard and you could finally see what was going on. you could see a rather big dorm room.
a gray haired female popped up first.
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"ahah! *i* did it!"
the female exclaimed, very pridefully at that. a teal haired girl appeared and gave her a shove.
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"jeez. stop taking all the credit for once. you know i was the one who got this thing on."
"*sigh*.... fiiine."
the gray hair turned back to the camera and giggled to herself.
"hi-hi! my name is masuyo yomiuri, the super high school level weapons specialist!" the girl introduced herself, boucing slightly.
the teal haired gave a small sigh, beginning to speak.
"i'm ikokrai mari, ultimate doctor.. nice to meet you.'
looking around the dorm, there was a brown haired male huddled up on the bed with a tablet in his face. another male with long, black hair sat next to the other, watching him. there was another boy in the corner of the room, presumably resting. he had rather long, dark blue hair. another noticable freature was a pin. to some people, it was familiar. that was a pin that people of the kisaragi foundation wore.
masuyo pointed to the male on the tablet. his light pink eyes didnt look over. "thats katsuro otonokoji, the ultimate digital artist." she smiled, then turning to point at the male next to katsuro.
"and thats minoru sannoji. honestly, i dont know what his talent is. he's a little secretive, nyehe~"
masuyo turned to look at the last boy. "and finally, his name is shiori kinjo! i dont know his talent either, huh.... i barely know anything about him... sheesh. he never tells me anything!"
masuyo grinned to herself. "aanyway, time for tagging!~
..... how do i do this?"
ikokrai groaned. "ill take care of this because you clearly cant do it on your own."
"thanks!~ wait-- how do you know how to do this stuff?? youre just a docto--"
masuyo got shushed buy ikokrai.
mod speaks:
okay, so.. to clear some things up. masuyo is a syobai/nikei kid. ikokrai is my own oc. katsuro is a iroha/kanade kid. minoru is a hajime/irlkado kid. and shiori is a tsurugi/keisuke kid!
hhhhhhh i was THIS close to making masuyo into a yuki/nikei kid but then i ended up going with syobai/nikei because i prefer that ship more </3
[ tags time, woo ! ]
@askultimateluckytrash @shslmagicman @paint-and-mirrors @luckygreedyrainbow @ask-kisaragi-foundation @askthe-journalist-andthe-broker @ask-shslpianist @the-ultimate-spaceboy @ask-the-unknown-hacker @ask-hajime-makunouchi @askmikan-tsumiki @utsuroaskblog @ask-the-former-broker @mastermind-merchant @another-ai-squad @former-proffessor-and-policeman and anyone who would like to interact ^^
im just hoping this goes well, hshshosnk
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paint-and-mirrors · 4 years ago
A brown-haired woman would come near, tilting her head "awe, aren't you kids the cutest things? i could just squeeze you to death!" she would giggle, waving to the group of children, she seemed rather upbeat and usual. Her head giving a gentle tilt as she spoke to them
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"Yomiuri is a...last name i'm familiar with!" she'd comment, however it seemed almost strange, in a way.
Promo Post.
amongst the loud static, there seemed to be many voices in the background.
"hey! someone help me out over here..." a feminine voice whined.
"sheesh-- fine.."
footsteps were heard beyond the static. shifting around could be heard and you could finally see what was going on. you could see a rather big dorm room.
a gray haired female popped up first.
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"ahah! *i* did it!"
the female exclaimed, very pridefully at that. a teal haired girl appeared and gave her a shove.
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"jeez. stop taking all the credit for once. you know i was the one who got this thing on."
"*sigh*.... fiiine."
the gray hair turned back to the camera and giggled to herself.
"hi-hi! my name is masuyo yomiuri, the super high school level weapons specialist!" the girl introduced herself, boucing slightly.
the teal haired gave a small sigh, beginning to speak.
"i'm ikokrai mari, ultimate doctor.. nice to meet you.'
looking around the dorm, there was a brown haired male huddled up on the bed with a tablet in his face. another male with long, black hair sat next to the other, watching him. there was another boy in the corner of the room, presumably resting. he had rather long, dark blue hair. another noticable freature was a pin. to some people, it was familiar. that was a pin that people of the kisaragi foundation wore.
masuyo pointed to the male on the tablet. his light pink eyes didnt look over. "thats katsuro otonokoji, the ultimate digital artist." she smiled, then turning to point at the male next to katsuro.
"and thats minoru sannoji. honestly, i dont know what his talent is. he's a little secretive, nyehe~"
masuyo turned to look at the last boy. "and finally, his name is shiori kinjo! i dont know his talent either, huh.... i barely know anything about him... sheesh. he never tells me anything!"
masuyo grinned to herself. "aanyway, time for tagging!~
..... how do i do this?"
ikokrai groaned. "ill take care of this because you clearly cant do it on your own."
"thanks!~ wait-- how do you know how to do this stuff?? youre just a docto--"
masuyo got shushed buy ikokrai.
mod speaks:
okay, so.. to clear some things up. masuyo is a syobai/nikei kid. ikokrai is my own oc. katsuro is a iroha/kanade kid. minoru is a hajime/irlkado kid. and shiori is a tsurugi/keisuke kid!
hhhhhhh i was THIS close to making masuyo into a yuki/nikei kid but then i ended up going with syobai/nikei because i prefer that ship more </3
[ tags time, woo ! ]
@askultimateluckytrash @shslmagicman @paint-and-mirrors @luckygreedyrainbow @ask-kisaragi-foundation @askthe-journalist-andthe-broker @ask-shslpianist @the-ultimate-spaceboy @ask-the-unknown-hacker @ask-hajime-makunouchi @askmikan-tsumiki @utsuroaskblog @ask-the-former-broker @mastermind-merchant @another-ai-squad @former-proffessor-and-policeman and anyone who would like to interact ^^
im just hoping this goes well, hshshosnk
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