paigegf · 3 hours
what pazzi moments live rent free in your head?
this bc the way she smiles when she mentions azzi’s name is so 🥹🥹 also THE pazzi hug and i think azzi wiping paige’s tear and ofc when they were caught on ice’s live LOL how about yall?? what are yalls fav pazzi moments
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paigegf · 3 hours
I honestly think that Paige repost was referring to herself. It doesn’t seem like she would admit being gay by a repost and not take it down
yeah that’s true i was also thinking that but there’s still tons of proof they’re together😭
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paigegf · 3 hours
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my heart is so happy my twins reunited 🥹🥹 i missed them sm
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paigegf · 3 hours
they so gay
@chaoticpazzi for your needy gay anons asking for the clip i slowed it down and it’s around 00:32 u can kinda hear “no, make out with me” anyways yw lesbians!
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paigegf · 9 hours
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paigegf · 13 hours
I’m pretty sure they haven’t been platonic for most of their friendship, but as for together together most people on here agree 2023, or sometime after Paige’s injury in August 2022 bc people felt like there was a dynamic change between them after her injury but of course none of us know for sureee
yeah i def agree it seems like they haven’t been platonic for most of their friendship i’m not exactly sure how long they’ve been tg but they’re just so cute
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paigegf · 13 hours
It’s in ices live that Paige was asking Azzi to make out. So if you have it can you post it?
this is the whole live i think besides the kissing part so you can look to see if paige saying that is in here 😭
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paigegf · 13 hours
How long do you think they’ve been together?
i think at least 2 years considering paige’s repost from 2022 but maybe longer i’m not sure?? lmk yalls thoughts!
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paigegf · 13 hours
Do you have the video of Paige asking Azzi to make out ?
no i wish 😭 i only have the vid of them on ice’s live w paige’s hands on azzi’s waist but if anyone has this vid please lmk!!!
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paigegf · 15 hours
send me pazzi stuff or anything in my inbox i wanna answer stuff im bored 🙏🙏
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paigegf · 17 hours
“ we don’t lock the door “ ☺️☺️☺️☺️
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paigegf · 21 hours
this might be an unpopular opinion but ppl saying that fans shipping pazzi is gonna make them not wanna post together anymore and stop being friends is so wrong cause obviously if they have a problem with it they would address it. paige has addressed many things before and isn’t afraid to say if she doesn’t like something the fans are doing. i doubt that they care people ship them especially if they are dating cause it’s true?? they’ve been friends for literal yearssss and they have such a strong bond so i honestly doubt that fans shipping them is gonna break them apart😭 like paige said azzi is her ride or die forever. idk people saying that just makes no sense to me?
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paigegf · 1 day
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hey 🫦
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paigegf · 1 day
ik she accidentally posted this she’s so funny😭😭
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paigegf · 1 day
i love them so much my girls forever ☹️☹️
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paigegf · 2 days
they’re flirting so hard in this vid i can’t get over it like the way azzi is looking at her 🥹🥹
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paigegf · 2 days
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Azzi Fudd
Disclaimer: Fiction only! Pure writers delusion. (Excuse the grammatically errors/ idk what I'm thinking while writing this)
TW(?): just adorable except for the slight swearing.
Summary: Paige and Azzi watched women's sports together to show their support as an athletes as well, the couple have so much fun time together together with Paige's lil brother drew. Enjoy! 💗💗💗
After they showed on Kayla's live, the couple goes back to their apartment, as they walk Paige arm wrapped around her girlfriend waist. When they arrived to the apartment Paige continue to do her homework and Azzi start to packed their clothes while blabbering random thing to Blondie.
As the time passed by, Paige stood to her feet, walk closer to her girlfriend grabbed her by the waist and stare deeply into her roundy dark brown eyes. The room filled with silence.
"You're so pretty" Paige spoke, she stroke a strand of curly hair from azzi's face.
Azzi's cheeks turned red, "So sudden baby, what got into you?", in a shy tone.
"Just want to remind how beautiful my girlfriend is, can't I?" she said sarcastically, smirk on her face, she let her hand inside of azzi's grey shirt to feel her warmth, her hand start to move gently inside against her body.
While Blondie exploring her body, she feel a sudden burn inside her, "B-babe" she whispered stuttering, the tension start to build up between the two. Paige start peppering kisses to her neck, she can feel her breath touched her skin.
Her arm are now wrapped around Paige's neck while they're having a passionate time together, Azzi is letting out a silent moan. Paige proceed to brunette's lips, then pressed a gentle kiss. Suddenly someone knocked on the door, "Paigeee! azzii!! you guys theree" the voice yells coming from the other side of the door. The two stopped on what they were doing but they didn't respond right away, just hugged each other tightly, Azzi notice paige's unsatisfied look before burying her face against her shoulder but she just giggle. "It's not funny", she whispered rolling her eyes and that made Azzi burst out laughing.
"Yooohoo!" the person behind the door knocked once again. Azzi kiss Blondie's forehead gently cup her cheeks, before they open the door.
"Am I interrupting?" Paige rolled her eyes to Jana after opening the door.
"Isn't it obvious" sarcastically, Azzi elbowed her, raising her eyebrows. "No it's not" Azzi said giving Jana a awkward smile. "What can we do for you?" she added.
Jana's eyes widen seeing those kiss marks on azzi's neck, then the couple realized, "U-uhm i-it's just a mosquito bite" defensive, Azzi cover it immediately then give Paige a look. "Yeah, mosquito named P Bueckers" jokingly, that made Paige grin proudly while Azzi felt so shy, and pinch Paige stomach.
"Stop you two, what you need Jana?" she said, crossing her arms.
"Yeah what you need jj?" Paige butt in.
"Just want to barrow azzi's charger" wicked smile on her face, Azzi and Paige's jaw drop with disbelief. "Nvm I'll just borrow Aubrey's, you two continue" she teased, then ran laughing before the two respond. They just shook her head and let out a deep sigh.
After a long long day, the couple ended up cuddling in bed, making the most of the time till they fell asleep on each other's arm.
They arrived at LVACES vs WMYSTICS game to support their former teamate Aaliyah Edwards. They didn't get a chance to sit together, Azzi is sitting in front row side of the court, meanwhile Paige sitting across the where her girlfriend is sitting with her lil brother and dad. She tried to settle herself where she's sitting but she really want the seat next to her goddamn girlfriend. She didn't pay much attention to the game because all she do is stare at her girlfriend's direction craving for her touch or check her phone if Azzi response to her message. When the teams made point, everyone's head turn to the rim meanwhile Blondie is not even bother, her eyes can't keep away from her girlfriend.
The half time ends, WMYSTICS is leading the scores. Azzi went where paige is, checking up for her girlfriend who can't get enough of her. They minimizing their movement cause one clingy move they'll be caught, their relationship isn't our yet publicly, they keeping it private but not a secret tho many fans already taking a hints about what's going on between them.
Second half will start within a minute, Azzi whispered, "See you later baby, love you" smile on her dimpled face, before returning to her seat leaving Paige blushing and speechless.
The game ends well Aces won, LVACES made WMYSTICS pay in last quarter. Paige went down to the court instantly after the game, however when she's just four feet apart from azzi, a glimpse of tall blonde girl already arms wrapped around her girlfriend and that made her heart ache, she can't see the face nor the jersey cause fans are gathering on court side one by one.
"What's her deal? Why is she on my girlfriend. What the fuck" she thought, Paige is sharing is caring kind of person but she really is possessive when it comes to her girlfriend. Yet she shove those thoughts, calming herself down. She let out a deep sigh before continue walking to azzi's direction, as she got closer she realized who's that blonde was.
"Oh it's Kate Money Martin" on her mind, her mood shifted right away. When Kate and Azzi waved goodbye to each other, brunette notice Paige standing besides her, crossed arms. She also want to hug her girlfriend but cameras/media are everywhere so she didn't do it.
"What took you so long P?" azzi asked lowering her tone, staring deeply to Blondie.
"Uhm fans take flicks w/me all the way here" she responded.
"Btw have you met Kate Martin?" excitedly, her dimples start to appear on her face, seeing that smile made Paige's heart so fulfilled with joy, her mood lifted.
"No, personally" she responded while admiring her girlfriend's smile.
"Babe, There's camera around us" she whispered, while looking around.
"What I didn't do anything" with tease smile.
Lili finally saw the both of them, "You guys are fighting??" she spoke as she notice the commotion between the two.
"Lili!" simultaneously, they greet Lili with open arms.
"I miss y'all" lili's excitement can't explain, seeing the two of her former teamates supporting her is the sweetest.
"We miss you too at UConn Lili" cheerfully, Paige agrees to what Azzi said.
"Bruh those layups never disappoint" she spoke, offering a hype high five to Lili and Lili give her abruptly, "Yeaahhh! learn from the best" then shrugged her shoulder, full of themselves. Paige never beat the 'Hype woman allegation', Azzi just shook her head with delight.
The three of them are catching up, talking bout their lives and laughing with each other like there is just the three of them, while media's are taking photos of them. Their conversation ends with goodbye hug, when Lili left fans start to ask Paige and azzi for picture and autographs.
One of the media interview the two of them, during the interview Azzi can't take off her eyes from her girlfriend, but Paige can't even look at her girlfriend directly or else her knees will weaken.
Soon after, the couple proceed to WSPIRIT football game. Finally they're now sitting next to each other with drew, and their seat is far from crowded part of the stadium they can move freely than earlier.
Azzi got a bucket hat with LGBTQ flag design, "Babe, how was it?" she asked wearing the bucket hat, Paige smiled ear to ear seeing her girlfriend.
"It fits on you so well babe, you look stunning" she compliment.
Meanwhile drew on the other side pissing paige, "You look pretty pookie" grinning. Paige glare at him hearing those words.
"Thankyou drew" she smile at drew, then they both notice how Paige mood change.
"How about me? no thankyou? tss" rolling her eyes to azzi, crossing her arm. But both of her girlfriend and lil brother just laugh, exchanging high five in front of Paige face.
"You guys aren't funny" giving them an attitude.
"I'm just kidding baby, right drew?" she spoke giggling.
"Yeah, yeah" drew agreed.
"I'm your only pookie right?" she's facing Azzi with pout face and puppy eyes.
"Of course baby" then hold Paige's hand, squeezing it and smile at her softly. "Jealous baby" patting her Blondie's head, Paige smiled at her like a kid as a respond.
"Azzi still my pookie" drew spoke proudly. Paige almost turn to him again thankfully Azzi pull her. During the game Azzi is like a mother with her two children watching a sports, cause drew and Paige are like a cat and dog the whole time.
Later on, the game ends. The three of them went down, many people are surprised seeing them because Paige and Azzi are known as phenomenal college women's basketball players in a nation. They join the chants after the game, people are hyped, then they give a message for supporting women's sport.
Time passed, they are now on their way going to Fudd's house, sitting at the back seat, drew sleeping between the two girlies, it doesn't took long Azzi and Paige fell asleep as well, brunette leaning against Drew's head meanwhile Paige leaning against azzi's head.
Paige woke up suddenly then pressed a kiss on azzi's head, then go back to sleep. Mr and Mrs Fudd in front seat, doesn't mind what just happened, instead they're so proud of their girlies.
It is really a long tiring fun day for them, the couple call it a day.
Ps: special shout out to that anon that give me the idea of fic about what happened yesterday, the pazzi crumbs are giving. Thankyou! (Feel free for fic ideas and feedback. To those other ideas I'm working with it alr)
- Lovingly yours 💗
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