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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
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Ojota get ready we are coming...... https://www.instagram.com/p/B3uEgzXJNEE/?igshid=svqtmjr4ikzw
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IphKnaxxgU8 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ft4oXF7kL/?igshid=ece8rd4v6q4g
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
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Please enjoy the long awaiting video Mountains can be moved by P Sam Sam! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IphKnaxxgU8 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3YDYx_lNXw/?igshid=1tibc5wry6xty
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
Happy new month! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3EXit1FsaX/?igshid=1lerbd6fo66m5
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
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Good afternoon pastors and leaders. Few weeks ago so many things happened in nigeria that affected the body of christ seriousely. Then pst shola said something while teaching us one tuesday evening, he said that ( NO BODY IS A SUPER MAN) So i decided to preach it to the entire human race through a song. The song is a message to every one called human. Please is a free download and it will help us to adjust in so many things. Download it now and also share with every one thanks. https://www.lovablevibes.co/p-sam-sam-super-man/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B2csOs5lNfX/?igshid=1gd6jor1ksw47
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
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Good afternoon pastors and leaders. Few weeks ago so many things happened in nigeria that affected the body of christ seriousely. Then pst shola said something while teaching us one tuesday evening, he said that ( NO BODY IS A SUPER MAN) So i decided to preach it to the entire human race through a song. The song is a message to every one called human. Please is a free download and it will help us to adjust in so many things. Download it now and also share with every one thanks. https://www.lovablevibes.co/p-sam-sam-super-man/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B2csDtYlPyx/?igshid=1fsjfvt7l3pnh
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
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It pleases God to have me, keep me, teach me, lead me, guide me, provide for me, protect me, bless me, and now added another year to me.... Glory be to him! Happy birthday to me. https://www.instagram.com/p/B17NPL0FDpk/?igshid=1p57krbxbethb
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
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*DCHQ EXCERPT OF TODAY'S 50 DAYS OF PRIESTHOOD (REVIVAL MEETING)* 5/08/2019 It's a 50 days of: •Prayers •Fasting •Worship •Praise •Soul winning •Sacrifice •Consecration •Breakthrough •Spiritual warfare •BOOK STUDIED: Rees Howells: The Intercessor LESSIONS FROM THE BOOK Chapter 1: •Rees Howelll grew up in his parents home characterized by godliness and love 2. He was also enraptured by the home of his grandparents; “God was its atmosphere” 3. From an early childhood Howell was God conscious and was drawn away from the things of the world Lesson 1. What are the characteristics of a godly atmosphere and how do we build it in our homes 2. As parents we should be able to discern our children and know the ones among them with an unusual attraction to the things of God from an early stage 3. To function in powerful priesthood we need to be separated from the things of the world *Prayer points* 1. Lord restore your consciousness in our hearts, in the church and the society 2. Lord show me(us) the things we need to spectate ourselves from so we can have our eyes fully on you 3. Lord teach us to make our homes eden before the fall. A place of your presence 4. Lord help me to discern my children and what you are doing in their lives •INSTRUCTIONS: -pray in your understanding when light has come -share what you have meant with someone •ASSIGNMENTS -Complete chapter 2 & 3 of the books: Rees Howells: The Intercessor (**evening**) John Mcmillian: Authority of the Intercessor (**mornings**) -Read Leviticus chapter 1 -Engage in personal/family study tonight and prayer together in the course of this 50 days. Dedicated bible study and prayers continue tomorrow Tuesday 6.30-8pm Endeavor to pray and fast alongside https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zD80llCB0/?igshid=1p4xkhrt77wot
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p-sam-sam-blog · 5 years ago
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In everything say "Amen" God bless you and i as we confess this while we wait for the result at the end. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nrRVLl9gK/?igshid=xo8oy911i1kv
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
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5 Levels of Growth & Maturity. Dr David Ogbueli The steps of growth and the ladder to ultimate maturity in the kingdom are encapsulated in five basic steps: 1. Soul winning 2. Discipleship 3. Priesthood 4. Kingship. & 5. Death Stage 1: Soul Winning This entails bringing people out of the kingdom of darkness. The world is a vast harvest field. "Then saith he(Jesus) unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few, Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest" Matthew 9:37-38 - Lagos, for example, has a population of over 20million people and counting.. -there is no reason to go fishing inside other people's boats or churches. Nigeria needs to know God again. We need to set godly examples. We need to go after the sinners and while doing that, protect God's name. -there are things we must suffer for his name's sake -the pastor, like the doctor, is also human. He may make mistakes. We run to doctors when we get sick and they do all within their power to help us back on our feet. But when the doctor is sick, we pick up stones. We run to PASTORS for confession and prayers and they dutifully empathize with us, even die with our secrets, but when they fall, we rush to the social media to demonize them. -we do all these, quite oblivious of the impact of our actions on the unsaved who should be our primary target. -Never engage in any act that would give a push to the devil in his quest to send millions of the unsaved to eternal destruction. -Besides, let souls be your primary focus, because if you see what I see, you will not place any premium on material things. Have more reverence for God over and above material things. This is the entry level in kingdom Service and advancement. Stage 2: DISCIPLESHIP -this is when the souls won at the first stage above are groomed into the church family. -We connect them with mature people who have also been born and groomed. We Create a family for all God's children. God is always interested in the family system. "For this course I bow my knees unto the FATHER of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the WHOLE FAMILY in HEAVEN & EARTH is named https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bavoOFPUW/?igshid=mzjvzvn1w7wm
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
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It's my obligation to join the host of the "Holy Empire" above and below to felicited with the son of a righteouse father. Who's his commitment and services as sharpened the lives of other son's! Happy birthday to you sir. My greatest prayer for you is (Isaiah 11:1-3), and you will finish this race strong in Jesus mighty name amen. P.Sam-Sam! TO P.Shola Olapade https://www.instagram.com/p/B0aaAcklubq/?igshid=aibbwae96jfa
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
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Two big truths you must realise: Good things don't always happen to good people and secondly, bad things don't always happen to bad people. I hàve seen good people suffer circles of bad fortunes while bad people keep having all the good things in life. This is one of the many paradoxes of life. God said, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. Stop depending on your good works and using that as a bargaining chip with God, fall on your face and ask for His mercy. It is not of him that willeth or of him that runneth but of God that showeth mercy. Having done everything right, still depend on His mercy. He is the God of mercy. Receive mercy today.✋ https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ZQPRBF8hZ/?igshid=10auhl1um4lq7
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
One of the fastest way to access God's grace, favour,and more blessings..... Is "thanks giving!" Please become a person of thanks giving. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzxPleQlwlJ/?igshid=mj9g4omsdvl2
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
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The Lord is on our side!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BzXjZBSlEJH/?igshid=1ebnu614e377k
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
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Please if you have not downloaded this song! please do, as we all cry for "REVIVAL MOVE OF GOD!"https://fanlink.to/ReviveUsAgain https://www.instagram.com/p/By_MV2fFbLY/?igshid=a02z5y67vddu
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
Please let's keep on preaching,,, and teaching,,, about repentance for no shortcut to eternity. Soul wining is the major assignment given to the church (Mark 16:15-16). https://www.instagram.com/p/By-hCnLl-FF/?igshid=hq11z8g5m08e
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p-sam-sam-blog · 6 years ago
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His heart cry is 'REVIVAL' May we experience the move of God in Jesus name amen.https://fanlink.to/ReviveUsAgain https://www.instagram.com/p/BysQ01ElgRC/?igshid=awygcia6zqrx
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