ozzo-plasto-casto · 6 years
Title, if I want one?
Of course which one would I like? That why I ask, you do and now I have a great task. May I have a drink I think I saw a flask, but if you want to mask the reality with a fatality in the form of the attempt do Make your self repent something. May I say everything. So before you carry on your cling let me single out a jingle. The ringing in your mind is not from behind but still the clinging in the bingeing of the reality you encountered. It was only a reactor of the only factor. If I'm not a doctor nor a chiropractor ... Wait to late I might have scented the reactor with a divider in the categorical variables. Unsightly insight it might actually right or left of where you began I always had it banging in the heading of the beginning. Am I singing ?
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 6 years
Ha ha ha lmao to you
Ok I always retro inspect what I I had to say back in the day and I keep making my act your reality. I win again lol
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 6 years
If I may be sorry but I'm not
I'm not sorry but I do feel disgusted in the misleading and deceiving way that I hope to decay. That I don't say but I do feel .. it's only what is true and to be real.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
True. A trend that now can not do a mistake. Likr driving in a dry lake trying to swim to sooth your thirst after the burst of humidity from the bin of the city with its tap water directed out of a tuurn of a knob counter or clock in the time its been pre filtered and now sheltered for an optional above sink link to the brink of the cup in each sup how are you, a glass of water ?
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
If i could fill the tumble wich only what i want .. Is yours as well as mine to me to you as mine is mine but not yours cause its for you no mine?
So in case to be precise don't practice reading mine in this exercise. Ill watch in disguise but to name in level to the wise but to not criticize what that msy be in fact correct to be direct in the intellect to affect you choice in dialect . not to expect but events oddly create misses int the detectuality inthe actuality to be effective as Lee as any bruce that may cause effect due to an impact attack to your person on physical extortion or abusive not exclusuve to disease or vial intrusion to any conclusion may the illusion be to any transition or energy transfusion. I think.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
The postal rear
The ear to fear isnt always near but might just be sitting to your righteous ear. If you cant hear the tear then you must bare whats never worn a bit to your hair. Cause reality may assure you only as came and not to come cause now the present is all am
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
The guilty conscience i may now feel isnt ever a near prestial status to what was real when i was and to be i came. The love is same and to all one name whos all ive felt to super human strength.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
The power of The Force.
The force incapable of bieng held to any understanding I've known to my reality, its basically and neverless more practically simple and just there as their life just as anyones or any being capable to feel and heal, anything whose value isn't to allow the nature of its instinctive feel, tgan to be real only to ones habit to be inferior to power of natures alone shall never prone the peace and love respected to ones self owned push and pull then thats the WILL to distill from any real ability of instability but the cost to who may be the inocense of a un capable fear to wear whats not to respectfully fear. Once the stability of what has been interupted fron tranquility settle then the mental of the spiritual feel shall heal what may been impossible to mirror in a past year. The cure is pure and only exposes whats real to stay near what is bestly the river to whim tge shiver never appeared to stear in a direction of incline nor essence the presence of any pretence to commence ehen the clock has tocked its tick and onlybleft to pick what real to feel in tge start of a meal to seal the polar interfering push and the pill to hold what at any real mirror the reflection is as real as a walk down the black whole whom a role to show was not to control and now eternally essentially mine and the shine is so bright that no white has ever contrasted more to its never blinding rays of love and confort to string what lights once pointed in a direction near the steer of a cure of pure water to figure changed and now whats hers and mine to in between us both shine and dim to never feal the light dismissed not missed to tge presence of the tense. To sooth in confort never try to find miss cause what was me in the fullest stretch and thats now the only possible presnt gift in all up coming days of nights and mornings of light that only might be felt inside the reality of what is todays bright closed eyed sight. The finger whose mine is now latched on a golden string that once a light stretched array to what now may attatch the purest of my lights to my present form to already saved my later home.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
Suffix . none needed .
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
To you whom i might have the may in the say in any way to deficite the assurance that if to play with gay memer may the needle betray. Page same? Dont be lame its easy to not tame. Instead be in flame.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
DO<N0T>EMPTY. <nothing, then something full of empty may fall on none of all of us.
sorry for your worry but you , know I but probable that we aint sorry all or at all , so may u humble not a stumble, to be simple? Or may to complicate simplicity for the quality of your control .... The troll to tricky to stumble the whole to rise as hilly holes to cave but not scenes caused by the waves now over the control. So existence in the our memory of them no.. but still hold members of our histories vacant souls.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
A melted Down Fuse
to bewilder a fuse, may not a first accuse but may intoduce a long road to confuse a simle dimple to cripple the circuit that is now imperfect. dont direct a misunderstood dial text that may have skipped the ripped bind an enlight ened blind that may seek the cycle of a motorcycle and on second after the beginning then third but first before the fourth, make a faulty step to a concept not wrong but to insure a search in the march misled t head back to intend and use the acussed but loose but founf around the seriies wound bound to stick a tiny note inside the brain and detain to past as futures come dont skip the trend if at heart so with no offense just switch the fuse to at first to choose and never misdirection any intention nor mension after as a senior you await your pension and the work never a detention but an ongoing impression
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
May the.n.m March away
I sit here imainong the reflction i may break through whie i must imagine the face in the mirror that isnt reality reflected nor inflicted in the conflct to whether round or spherical inter lirycal spiraling down as DNA would in a simple chromed shine od a rimmed job well missed to inflict any grease on the glare of a fare to inquire the time needed to charge the shine of a diamond mind scraping into the railing of a mine over the hill whe the mill must fistill the kill of imperfect h 2 oh no why so much violence tho thec2 silent imaginary exploded bombing of a member on a main line to wind the behind and may it sum the day to grind the hinde of a coon to hide its leather weathered in an instant minute to determine it as a must incline to the end and bent to intend and feel the wind as the wet moisture of the mist to cause the loss of vision in the intermission to the hill to climb down to less foggy but unclear may June feel wierd of the wired spiral bend to misinterpret or let it hit the bottom of the beginning to the point to highest and widest narriw wakks in the jungle where its lost tangled vines abd once a daily evergreen Pine.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
Why wait now when i can wait longer.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
What most wanted to loose was plasti city i maintained in my head to what all may of have been bi transforming old vs new never in reality was the entire complete me to have been all my life butvjust fragments of what i may have ponderred my way through no clue to pursue none misled interpretation in conclusion a wet sandy storm of darkness now beholds two cery kindly intricate individuals now to begin a new jerney to the hopefully one day a new disguise to anybto fallow those stormy sands on a foggy moon soon again to cycle its new orbit to a csse of distortment to many in future to come unreal to us presently now.
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
To enjoy the trip down only when and even then. To must have the only depth enough to the point of lowest light but not in disguise to what may have been the way to the lowest darkness. And only when equally settling to enjoy the gifts of both scarce limitations to not loose the joy of only keeping without needing.even if its a on me to lagh on their behalf . trippy i may stumble only to tumble my laughter at ease in real time action with any reaction kept then as ghostly to such mostly only memory. Intended investigatory with out derogatory intention to mention
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ozzo-plasto-casto · 7 years
The power of zero is as narrow yet with no limit to set cap its capacity .. Until the first power step the end determined then. To ever offend ones own possibilty to comprehend the infinite power or less the force of what to be as what has begun to stun your fun with or without reality or imaginary guns.
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