ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
Ecommerce Website Essentials (2022)
With the emergence of covid norms and people strictly following the social distancing practices there is an increased amount of stores shifting to the ecommerce website and apps.
If you are looking for an expert ecommerce website development company in India connect with Ozonesoft Solutions.
Now let's discuss the importance of an ecommerce website before moving towards the essentials.
Increased Customer Reach
Even when you yourself wish to buy something you think you must go online first and if possible you can try getting things online only and this is why it is said that the ecommerce website is very helpful in increasing the customer reach and grabbing the attention of a huge audience.
Sales Opportunities Always Open
If you own an ecommerce store you don’t have the opportunity of earning for any minimal period of time, you can earn 24/7 with no restrictions as people can view your products at the mid of the night too. Ecommerce websites hence provide the flexibility of sales and help you earn more.
Low StartUp and Maintenance Costs
A manual shop is something which needs to be set up with a lot of extra charges and thus need manpower and other expenses whereas an ecommerce site is something which is set up as per your comfort and needs less amount of cost and the maintenance cost for this is also low.
Flexibility to Run the Business from Anywhere
A manual shop is something which is present at a single place and needs to be run from there it self you cannot take it from one place to another but if we talk about an ecommerce website it is something people carry with them in their phone and thus it is easy for them to order things from anywhere they want with no extra efforts.
Improved Customer Service
There is nothing like standing in the queue for your order to be placed and the customer support on an ecommerce website is also low thus people get easy support in an ecommerce website.
So now as you are well aware of the benefits of having an ecommerce website and if you wish to have an ecommerce website of your own connect with Ozonesoft Solutions.
List Of Ecommerce Website Essentials
Mobile-friendly design
Now the best part of an ecommerce website is that people can access it on their phones with ease and thus buying stuff becomes easy for them. Hence before developing an ecommerce website you must be clear on developing one that is user friendly and responsive asd well.
User-friendly navigation features
An ecommerce website is something which people use to ease their work and thus your website must not cause difficulty to them, try building a website with easy navigation which can be understood by a layman as well. Don’t make a complicated website.
Security features
While developing an ecommerce website try to ensure that your website has adequate security since people prefer having their information private and for this try making your website secure with features and develop trust among people.
Prominent shopping cart and checkout buttons
Shopping carts are the place where people save the products they wish to buy and thus it must be present on an ecommerce website and there must be checkout buttons of appropriate size and shape which are easily visible as well.
Several payment options
People have several payment methods with them some might be using paytm and others might for phonepay or cards as well thus your ecommerce website must provide them various payment methods which will ease their payment and thus increases your chance of having a sale.
High-quality photos and videos
People get attracted after seeing things and thus the photos and videos you insert on your website must be of high resolution and attractive enough to influence people on buying the stuff from your site. It is said that videos have an exceptionally good influence on people.
Detailed shipping and return information
With the advancement in technology and various e-commerce websites being set up people after paying for their products wish to have a detail about the products that will be shipped and if not liked for any other issue they like the concept of returning thus try providing them a choice to return their products with information and conditions related to this.
Ratings, reviews, and other social proof
People always want a 3rd opinion and thus if your products have reviews on them the chances of people buying the same increase. People love seeing the pictures of the products in real life and so you can provide them the same.
A frequently asked questions (FAQ) page
There are many people who have similar questions and confusions and if you provide the answers to the same they will find it easy to know your website and buy products from it.
So now as you get a glimpse of the essentials of an ecommerce website you know its a complex procedure and so it is better to hire an expert for the same.
If you wish to have a customized ecommerce website connect with Ozonesoft Solutions. We are the pioneers in mobile app development with expertise in iPhone app development and Android app development. Our еxtеnѕіvе experience in the mobile world enables uѕ to develop and deliver breakthrough mоbіlе solutions in vаrіоuѕ vеrtісаlѕ including Entеrрrіѕе, Navigation, Hеаlth Cаrе, Wearable Technology, Augmented Rеаlіtу, E-commerce, News, Utility, Events and Organizers, and Education еtс. We Redefine your Business or Startup Goals with Advanced Website & Mobile App Development Solutions Powered by Robust Architecture and AI-based Algorithms. So if you are looking for mobile app development services contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
Source Code: https://bit.ly/37J5PPg
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
How to Secure Your Mobile Commerce App?
M-commerce development services are growing very rapidly in the market as more and more users are using their mobile and tablets for online transactions. Mobile commerce applications are now processing a lot more data than ever which includes sensitive information about users and their transactions.
Before going deep into this, Let’s first understand : 
What is mobile commerce?
M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets. Basically, transactions that happen online via a mobile or tablet are known as mobile commerce.
Mobile commerce is a form of e-commerce and thus it enables users to access online shopping platforms without using a desktop computer. Some of the examples of m-commerce include  mobile banking, in-app purchasing, virtual marketplace apps like the Amazon mobile app or a digital wallet such as Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay.
Why does Mobile commerce require more security these days? 
Because of the increasing volume of transitions through mobile devices, it has become a necessity for businesses to step up and provide security. Businesses must ensure security of sensitive data of people’s transactions in order to win the trust of customers and build a good reputation. 
Providing security is even more important to sectors that deal with a lot of such data with healthcare and financial services. And because these transactions are done through smartphones using the internet, m-commerce is required to create more security for their users than traditional e-commerce has to. 
If you are looking for a customized mobile application development company connect with Ozonesoft Solutions.
Why is mobile commerce security crucial for your business?
Securing m-commerce is crucial to businesses for such reasons :
As businesses provide mobile transactions, they must secure their m-commerce application. They are responsible for securing themselves against chargebacks and they must ensure safety of the data for both the business and customers. 
Lack of security or breach in security can cause their users to abandon their application or it might even drop their revenue stream. 
Security problems can cause trust issues towards your application or even towards your brand. 
No business can guarantee a 100% data security for transactions. But that does not mean your data can be breached or exposed easily. Businesses need to make sure that their security measures can slow down the attackers for long enough that their app becomes an unattractive target. 
Ways to secure your mobile commerce app
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Mobile commerce developers are constantly dealing with cyber-attacks and harmful viruses, thus security is a top priority. Hackers are always attempting to gain access to your mobile commerce app through security flaws and cause you harm.
So, here are ways to secure your mobile commerce app : 
Backend communication security tips
Use mobile-specific solutions : Trusting users is much easier when they create an account with phone verification. Moreover, for mobile apps, using phone verification is much more convenient than using email, which needs launching another app/web browser.
Refresh session : Shorten the life of access tokens to several minutes, it will still keep the app user-friendly by introducing refresh tokens. These tokens can be used to obtain a new token. If the attacker tries to acquire a token, it will be useless after some minutes. 
Log out request : Tokens that are no longer in use should be signaled invalidate, stating that the session is closed. 
Use Transport Layer Security (TLS) : TLS creates an end-to-end encryption, which ensures that nobody reads our messages even if messages are sent through an unencrypted channel (for example, a WiFi access point without a password).
Avoid sending too much information : Stop sending unnecessary data or splitting them to many requests, this way it will become harder for the attacker to obtain the personal data. Even if an attacker intercepts a single request, the information obtained by them may not be sufficient to do harm.
Mobile app security tips
Take care of what you store on user devices : There are chances that unencrypted data on a mobile device can be stolen. Encrypt every sensitive information that you need to store. Nowadays, phones provide secure storage for sensitive data, so we should also remove unnecessary and temporary files as soon as possible.
Use biometric authentication : Biometric authentication is now supported by almost all devices. It can be used as a convenient means of access or an additional layer of security for sensitive data.
Don’t forget about binary safety : Compilers can also protect the app from data interception attempts from the produced source code. This makes it impossible for attackers to fake attacks or learn about the app's security weaknesses.
Update your libraries : Mobile systems and libraries receive updates regularly, so the app should stay up to date as well. Attacks can be prevented, if people update libraries to the newest versions. Attackers can easily exploit a bug that has been announced to the public at least a few months prior.
Watch out for system capabilities : Capabilities such as clipboards can store data across all applications. There exist some apps or websites that can steal data from clipboards or place their tracking data there. See if the app should share data with other apps, don't permit third party apps to open an unsupported file for preview.
As mentioned above, strengthen your mobile app development process and include the essential security measures. It will assist you in protecting both your audience and your company from potential risks.
If you are looking for someone who can build a mobile commerce app for you with all the security, contact Ozonesoft Solutions. 
We are the pioneers in mobile app development with expertise in Android app development and iPhone app development. Our еxtеnѕіvе experience in the mobile world enables uѕ to develop and deliver breakthrough mоbіlе solutions in vаrіоuѕ vеrtісаlѕ including Entеrрrіѕе, Navigation, Hеаlth Cаrе, Wearable Technology, Augmented Rеаlіtу, E-commerce, News, Utility, Events and Organizers, and Education еtс. We Redefine your Business or Startup Goals with Advanced Website & Mobile App Development Solutions Powered by Robust Architecture and AI-based Algorithms. So if you are looking for mobile app development services contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
Source : https://bit.ly/3Mdxs1S 
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
What is Machine Learning? Where Is It Used?
What is Machine Learning?
We know humans learn from their past experiences and machines follow instructions given by humans. But what if humans can train the machines to learn from their past data and do what humans can do at much faster pace? Well, that's called machine learning. But it's lots more than just learning, it's about understanding and reasoning.
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For more such updates on latest trends follow Ozonesoft Solutions.
Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.
Misconceptions about machine learning
People have multiple misconceptions on this topic and say that machine learning can insure time travel.
Machine learning is an important component of the growing field of data science. Through the use of statistical methods, algorithms are trained to make classifications or predictions, uncovering key insights within data mining projects. These insights subsequently drive decision making within applications and businesses, ideally impacting key growth metrics. As big data continues to expand and grow, the market demand for data scientists will increase, requiring them to assist in the identification of the most relevant business questions and subsequently the data to answer them.
How Does Machine Learning Work?
So in machine learning we basically write a programme and then show it the data and train the programme. This makes the programme capable enough to work further on its own.
We insert huge amounts of data into the machine and it reads the data and judges new things and predicts them as well.
Suppose a machine is filled with data related to whether of past 3 months like this was a sunny day and this was a rainy day and this is processed by the machine and it tries to understand the data and now if we ask the machine what will be tomorrow's weather, now what machine will do is it will predict the weather with the help of last 3 months data it has and thus this is machine learning and this is how it works.
Hence machine learning is a branch of computer science which learns from its data and predicts new things. These machines try to act like humans.
What are the different types of machine learning?
There are basically 3 types of machine learning presently which includes:
Supervised Learning:
Supervised learning, as the name indicates, has the presence of a supervisor as a teacher. Basically supervised learning is when we teach or train the machine using data that is well labeled. Which means some data is already tagged with the correct answer. After that, the machine is provided with a new set of examples(data) so that the supervised learning algorithm analyses the training data(set of training examples) and produces a correct outcome from labeled data.
Unsupervised Learning:
Unsupervised learning is a type of algorithm that learns patterns from untagged data. Unsupervised learning refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify patterns in data sets containing data points that are neither classified nor labeled. No labels are given to the learning algorithm, leaving it on its own to find structure in its input.
Reinforcement Learning:
Reinforcement learning is an area of Machine Learning. Reinforcement Learning is a feedback-based Machine learning technique in which an agent learns to behave in an environment by performing the actions. The computer employs trial and error to come up with a solution to the problem. To get the machine to do what the programmer wants, the artificial intelligence gets either rewards or penalties for the actions it performs. Its goal is to maximize the total reward.
Practical Application Of Machine Learning
So where is the machine learning used in our day to day activities? Here is a list to this:
Used in Gmail: There are sections in our gmail like primary, spam etc, but how a particular mail ends up in a particular section this is through machine learning.
Used By Youtube: Once you watch any video on youtube you will be suggested new videos similar to the one you recently watched now this is not a case in which youtube is smart this is a case of machine learning. Here data mining was used by youtube. Now the user provided a particular interest to youtube and it started finding content on similar topics to make you stick to the app.
Ecommerce Website: Whenever you search for anything or buy anything on any ecommerce website they will be suggesting you similar products or the complementary products you might need and in this way your chances of purchasing more products increases.
Expert System: Generally this is used in foreign countries as consulting a doctor is chargeable at a higher rate so people prefer using this system in which they can insert their problems and the machine will provide the medicine they can take for this.
Continued research into deep learning and AI is increasingly focused on developing more general applications. Today's AI models require extensive training in order to produce an algorithm that is highly optimized to perform one task. But some researchers are exploring ways to make models more flexible and are seeking techniques that allow a machine to apply context learned from one task to future, different tasks. If you are looking for one of the best It Companies in India connect with Ozonesoft Solutions.
We are the pioneers in mobile app development with expertise in iPhone app development and Android app development. Our еxtеnѕіvе experience in the mobile world enables uѕ to develop and deliver breakthrough mоbіlе solutions in vаrіоuѕ vеrtісаlѕ including Entеrрrіѕе, Navigation, Hеаlth Cаrе, Wearable Technology, Augmented Rеаlіtу, E-commerce, News, Utility, Events and Organizers, and Education еtс. We Redefine your Business or Startup Goals with Advanced Website & Mobile App Development Solutions Powered by Robust Architecture and AI-based Algorithms. So if you are looking for mobile app development services contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
Source Code: https://bit.ly/3l7LTsq
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
How Can I Rank My Website On Google?
Now with the increased awareness about the rankings and SEO techniques people have started finding ways to rank websites on the google search page.
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For SEO specialists it often becomes difficult to make the people from different fields understand that SEO is not a one day procedure, the results which you wish to get are not something you can achieve just by inserting keywords and thus ending up doing keyword stuffing.
Follow Ozonesoft Solutions for more such amazing information.
SEO is a huge procedure which requires many different activities and thus needs to be performed by a specialist. Currently there is a myth in the market that SEO can be done by one out there and that if you are not capable of performing any technical work you can start your career in digital marketing from the next day without any knowledge about the same.
What is the difference between an SEO and SEM?
People keep on using these terms as a substitute to one another but is this the right way to do it? Ask a digital marketing expert or an seo expert they will completely deny as these terms are not interchangeable.
SEO as the abbreviation stands for search engine optimization means preparing content on your site and making your site worthy enough through optimization techniques so as to make it appear on the google search result page that too organically.
SEM is the short form for search engine marketing, the term is used to define all the paid ads which are published to rank the keywords of a website on the front page of google search results.
There are various different goals which are setup to rank the keywords and thus both display and search ads come under paid ads and it is hence termed as an inorganic way of ranking.
So let's get back to the question we started with, how can you rank your website on the search engine results page. Here are tips for doing this:
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Just think for a second, when you search for something on google you need the answer to be relevant and precise and thus businesses must concentrate on providing content which is relevant to the search of the individual.
Whenever you go to a restaurant you expect the thing served to you must be the one you ordered and thus same is with google. The content you provide to Google will only be considered by it and shown to others if it is relevant and appropriate for the search term and might look good for the audience point of view.
Same come when you run an ad, suppose you and your competition has provided the same amount of bid on a keyword not his ad is appearing on a rank higher than yours the reason for this is his content is better than yours, hence to rank your website higher always concentrate on content writing and so its better to hire a professional content writer for this. If you are looking for one contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
Keyword is the word which is used by the person searching on any search engine for anything, it's the phrase they type in the search space on the search engine. Now imagine if your website contains keywords exactly which a person searches for this will definitely improve your rank on the search result page.
There are many types of keywords like long tail keywords, short tail keywords, negative keywords etc. It is always advised to go for long tails keywords since those are the ones you can easily rank your website on as comparatively to the short tail keywords.
There is a greater need to include LSI keywords in your site. What are LSI keywords? These are the ones which appear on the search result page bottom in the people also search for tabs.
Backlinking might sound old school to many of the companies for now but it is definitely an important aspect in ranking your website on the google search result page. Try using high DA backlinking sites since these will provide link juice to your website as well as authority which in return will improve your search engine ranking.
On Page SEO:
On-page SEO (search engine optimization) refers to the process of optimizing pages on your site to improve rankings and user experience. The main onpage techniques are:
Integrate relevant keywords into your pages.
Optimize your title tag and meta description.
Create user-friendly content.
Optimize images.
Optimize your URLs.
Use internal links on your pages.
Improve site load time.
Add responsive design to your website.
Technical SEO:
Technical SEO refers to website and server optimizations that help search engine spiders crawl and index your site more effectively (to help improve organic rankings). The technical SEO is an important aspect of SEO and the techniques which comes under this are:
Use SSL.
Ensure your site is mobile-friendly.
Speed your site up.
Fix duplicate content issues.
Create an XML sitemap.
Consider enabling AMP.
Add structured data markup to your website.
Register your site with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.
Working on all these is a technical activity and hence need to be done with extra care. For this you can just hire one of the best digital marketing companies in India which is Ozonesoft Solutions.
We are the pioneers in mobile app development with expertise in iPhone app development and Android app development. Our еxtеnѕіvе experience in the mobile world enables uѕ to develop and deliver breakthrough mоbіlе solutions in vаrіоuѕ vеrtісаlѕ including Entеrрrіѕе, Navigation, Hеаlth Cаrе, Wearable Technology, Augmented Rеаlіtу, E-commerce, News, Utility, Events and Organizers, and Education еtс. We Redefine your Business or Startup Goals with Advanced Website & Mobile App Development Solutions Powered by Robust Architecture and AI-based Algorithms. So if you are looking for mobile app development services contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
Source Code: https://bit.ly/3kYoHwD
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
What Are The Most Important Pages Of A Website?
Planning to build a website for your small business? Are you aware of the fact that some pages in a website are really important and thus they must be included in a website while building one.
Before speaking about those pages i would like to let you know that if you are looking for the best website development company in India contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
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Now what are the pages you must definitely include in your website? Here is a list of these:
This is the main page of your website, this is where the user will end up landing when he will click on your site so how should it be designed?
A home page contains the whole information you need to provide to the user and from there itself the user will decide whether they need to stay on your site or not.
Now this page must be designed in way which helps the user to get a solution to his problem and the most important things to include in a website’s home page are:
Primary Calls-to-Action
Supporting Image
Social Proof
Content Offer
Secondary Calls-to-Action
Success Indicators
About page:
Many of you might think what is the need to put this section on the website like we don’t want people to know about and the little knowledge we want to give them is already provided in the home page but no people like reading about you and this will make them aware of your experience and they might make up their minds about how are you going to work for them and how your business could help them.
Try including your past and history of the business, your goals and vision will make people know how far you wish to go and how much have you already reached.
Thus keeping a clear and logn about page will make your clients connect with you.
Here is a list of things you need to consider while designing your website’s about page:
Include a unique value proposition
Show your company’s faces
Tell your brand store
Share what’s happening behind the scenes
Let customers know where you are
Direct customer towards the next action
Consider the fold
Keep your About Us page updated
Services page (if you offer services):
Now it's time to tell others what you provide us,how you are available to solve our problems and this is the section where you include all your services and thus be clear and precise in this section. Do not include something you don’t do.
Service section is very important and it said that most of the traffic that visits your website tries to look for your service and that is where they will decide that you are providing something which is useful for them and they decide whether to connect with you or not.
Products page (if you offer products):
It might be possible that you sell products and not services and thus for you people this is something really important.
Try designing your products page in a way which brings something good on the plate and hence your products page must include images of your products,names of your products and other necessary details like the pricing and how they could contact you.
FAQ page:
Imagine having many doubts related to a certain topic and where will you get the answers.Its the FAQ page which contains the answers to most commonly asked questions.
This is an important page of a website since it contains details which are very important to a business and solves the problems which most people might be facing and these need to be clarified.
Testimonials / reviews page:
Even you might trust people only when they provide you proof of something and this page is made for providing people a clear picture of the experiences of different people after acquiring your services or products.
Testimonials are very important for your business so try asking for them from the people who received your services and display them on your website for sure.
Contact page:
Now they like the services you provide and wish to acquire the same but how will they connect with you? It's through your contact page.
There are various forms and plugins available for the contact page and if someone needs to connect with you try keeping the procedure brief and precise. Ask for minimal and important details only.
So it's a really long and exhausting procedure to build a website and needs technical expertise for the same. If you are looking for one of the best It Companies in India connect with Ozonesoft Solutions. The website development procedures we provide are: PHP Website Development, WordPress, AngularJS, Laravel Web Development, Codeigniter Web Development, Node.js Development etc.
We are the pioneers in mobile app development with expertise in iPhone app development and Android app development. Our еxtеnѕіvе experience in the mobile world enables uѕ to develop and deliver breakthrough mоbіlе solutions in vаrіоuѕ vеrtісаlѕ including Entеrрrіѕе, Navigation, Hеаlth Cаrе, Wearable Technology, Augmented Rеаlіtу, E-commerce, News, Utility, Events and Organizers, and Education еtс. We Redefine your Business or Startup Goals with Advanced Website & Mobile App Development Solutions Powered by Robust Architecture and AI-based Algorithms. So if you are looking for mobile app development services contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
Source Code: https://bit.ly/3w2AYGT
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
The hot shot topic in today’s world is social media. It is said that if a person aged 18 to 40 spends 15 hrs in a day without sleeping, the number of hours he/she is using social media is approximately 7 hours and this is something alarming.
If you are looking for the best social media marketing company in India connect with Ozonesoft Solutions.
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A news which once became viral through news channels now becomes viral due to updates in social media platforms and thus every big industry has now shifted their concentration from google to social media.
Here shifting the concentration doesn’t mean that google has lost the place it had but it just means that now people are concentrating on attracting an audience through social media platforms as well like facebook, instagram, youtube etc.
So here are some latest trends in social media:
Creators Platform
Creator economy has started to grow and it will continue for sure, even if a person is 18 or 50 he/she will spend their time watching reels and thus reels being a part of the creator economy and an idea started from Tik Tok is now capturing a huge market.
These tools help make it easier for creators to connect with their audience and collaborate with brands.
And hence big companies are concentrating on grabbing an audience through investing in the social media creators as they have ideas and a huge fan base which make it easier for them to sell products and services.
Social Commerce
So what is social commerce? When the products and services are completely sold and purchased on social media it is termed as social commerce and the support and everything is fully given by these social media platforms.
Social media has become a virtual mall of sorts, right in the palm of our hands. We can browse products, find inspiration, and purchase within a few clicks.
The latest social commerce tools by social media platforms are:
Instagram Shops make it easier for businesses to build online stores
Instagram Checkout rolled out to US-based brands, allowing users to make direct purchases
Pinterest introduced a Shop tab, where users could browse and shop via product Pins
Chatbots and automated direct messages are on the rise, as an additional customer care tool to interact with customers and answer FAQs
Video Content
Video content is dominating the market. Nowadays video is a source of knowledge for every single industry, earlier the concentration was on youtube for video content but now short videos have also grabbed huge attention.
Paid Advertising
Many people try avoiding paid ads but how would you be able to reach a new audience without paid ads hence try concentrating on it since people due to huge competition it is really difficult to stay ahead of the crowd. Considering that the average organic reach for a Facebook post is just slightly over 5% according to Hootsuite’s data, it makes sense why paid advertising will become a necessity.
Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR)
Due to the boom in technology there is a need for augmented and virtual reality and thus as these platforms grow, users will demand better and more engaging experiences, and these technologies can make that happen.
Snapchat and instagram have already started using filters for augmented reality although it might be little early for virtual reality.
Influencer Marketing
Influencers are the people who have a great number of people following them and hence they are a source of audience for many industries and hence people must concentrate on spending wisely and promote their business through influencer marketing. Investing in influencers is much cheaper than running paid ad campaigns, and yet it delivers good results.
Social Media for Customer Service
People might not be using other apps for support but everyone is available on social media and hence they demand services through it. It has become a retail platform, a product discovery platform, and now, even a customer service channel. A lot of brands have started recognizing social media networks as platforms for delivering customer service.
User-generated Content
Now the content you post must be user generated, yes it might sound cliche to post those weird songs on social media with your business post but now it is really important to do this since it is always said you must stand up with the trend and the trend currently demand these type of content which included something which attracts the audience.
If you wish to get such updates on a daily basis follow Ozonesoft Solutions.
So social media is a place where people go to relax their minds that is why they visit more of the funny videos or memes they can relate to and if you wish to rule the social media industry with your business connect with the best social media marketing company in India Ozonesoft Solutions.
Ozonesoft Solutions is one of the best It Companies in India and has experience in mobile app development and web app development. We also provide the best digital marketing service and social media marketing services, we have experience in paid ads and hence your business can grab a huge audience through social media networks if you connect with us.
Source Code: https://bit.ly/3vZ8luc
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ozonesoftsolutions · 2 years
Rising Trends in Mobile Application Development (2022)
With the updates in technology and all the newly developed trends the mobile application development has become very technical and upgraded.
Now there is a need to have expert knowledge in the latest trends in mobile application to develop a better user experience app and to keep your app running in the market.
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Before moving further I would like to draw your attention to one of the best It Companies in India Ozonesoft Solutions. We have experience in mobile app development and have worked with the latest trends and technologies.
So here is a list of the Rising Trends in Mobile Application Development:
Mobile Wallets:
There are many mobile wallets which have recently captured the market with their exceptionally commendable user experience and a way to make people go cashless with 100% security. It is said that at the present day at least 50% of the population do transactions with the help of online modes and wallets and thus everyone out there is ready to have an app with online payment.
If you wish to have a mobile application with a payment wallet in it connect with Ozonesoft Solutions.
This go cashless concept emerged years ago but has boomed in the recent pandemic and got immense attention due to the covid norms and contact less feature.
Cloud-based Apps:
Cloud applications are software that users access primarily through the internet, meaning at least some of it is managed by a server and not users' local machines. There are certain benefits associated with cloud based apps which includes:
Fast response to business needs
Simplified operation
Instant scalability
Reduced costs
Improved data sharing and security
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):
Pokemon Go is a game everyone is aware of, right?  The game took the world by storm and brought augmented reality into the mainstream. Unlike augmented reality which superimposes artificial objects on real-world objects, virtual reality offers an entirely artificial environment.
The functionality might have received attention due to the gaming world but it is way too useful for improving the efficacy of training and educational apps. They can give the student a true sense of performing the job at hand.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:
Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables a machine to simulate human behavior. Machine learning is a subset of AI which allows a machine to automatically learn from past data without programming explicitly.
AI and ML are the forces behind chatbots, facial detection, motion detection, recommendation engines, speech recognition, text prediction, financial forecasting, and much more. As the technology becomes more advanced, the number of ways and the ease with which it can be integrated into a mobile app also increases.
The top industries which used this technology are IT, marketing, finance, and customer service.
Blockchain Technology:
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are the two terms which you might think of when you hear the word Blockchain Technology. Though blockchain technology had their point of inception on cryptocurrencies their application has also evolved into other areas.
It is common to see mobile wallets and currency converters that use blockchain technology in mobile apps. It can also be used to track digital assets, secure digital identity, provide cloud storage solutions, keep track of loyalty programs and rewards, provide proof of provenance in supply chain management, and even notarise ownership.  
5G Technology:
To deliver high-speed performance the latest radio technology built is the Fifth-Generation wireless cellular network (5G). Many of you might be thinking that it is an upgraded version of 4G but it is not, it's a different technology altogether — one that is worth mentioning in this day and age.
Low latency is an important feature of 5G, as it makes practical many real-time applications – such as driverless vehicles, where collision avoidance with a nearby vehicle depends on the speed of data exchange, or apps that are running machines or predicting real-time data for businesses.
Wearable App Integration:
Those smart watches were not built in a day. There were huge minds who worked on them to make them users friendly and worth using, as a result in today’s generation people prefer smart watches over anything and everything.
It signifies the rise in wearable technology — one of the essential mobile app development trends in 2022. In other words, app developers and businesses should get ready with apps that provide an excellent digital experience to users on Smartwatches and wearables, thus gaining a distinct edge over those who do not.
Foldable Hardware Friendly Apps:
Due to development of devices which are foldable and flexible the apps are also built with a thought to be responsive on such devices. Video streaming and gaming apps can reap maximum benefits from the foldable devices by simply increasing their screen size – or instead, using the extra space to offer additional information and controls.
If you are looking for the best mobile app development company in India connect with Ozonesoft Solutions.
We are the pioneers in mobile app development with expertise in iPhone app development and Android app development. Our еxtеnѕіvе experience in the mobile world enables uѕ to develop and deliver breakthrough mоbіlе solutions in vаrіоuѕ vеrtісаlѕ including Entеrрrіѕе, Navigation, Hеаlth Cаrе, Wearable Technology, Augmented Rеаlіtу, E-commerce, News, Utility, Events and Organizers, and Education еtс. We Redefine your Business or Startup Goals with Advanced Website & Mobile App Development Solutions Powered by Robust Architecture and AI-based Algorithms. So if you are looking for mobile app development services contact Ozonesoft Solutions.
Source Code: https://bit.ly/3Fw4tUI
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