owencharly · 3 days
"I was into it before it was cool" okey but have you ever been there after it was cool and 50 people were still active in the fandom
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owencharly · 23 days
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ki di mieux
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owencharly · 23 days
"you don't have many social media" yup thats because everything triggers me or the metephorical man inside my head
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owencharly · 23 days
My intrusive thoughts won again. I don't know how much more I can take at this point, how many horrible insults I can take from my inner voice, how many days with a knot in the stomach without being able to talk it through because I'm afraid people will think I'm a weirdo, how many intrusive thoughts that I don't actually care about becoming obsessions and leading me to check everything with a constant emergency feeling. It's been two years and a half now.
Does anyone know if it's easy or not to have a OCD diagnosis in France ? I heard that the researches were more advanced in the USA. And every time I talk about a "TOC" to somebody they have no idea of what it is (like they use it for another meaning and not the actual disorder). Like yeah I'm going to see a psychology professionnal but I'm afraid that I may not fit in the exact diagnosis criterias, because, I think I do but, y'know, s'not the washing hands stuff or whatever (which is probably awful but more "well-known").
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owencharly · 1 month
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andrew scott reads thirst tweets: paul mescal edition
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owencharly · 1 month
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owencharly · 1 month
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The Cure - The Lovecats
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owencharly · 1 month
Nobody asked but i'm making the "36 questions to fall in love" concept with myself here so maybe i'll love myself a little more tsais le gars trop dramatique pour rien
so here you go then (probably won't make it to the end and skip some questions)
1 - Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
Robert Smith from The Cure. Not even sure we'd really talk about music, more like bitching for hours about the absurdity of monarchy. Or Pedro Alonso, who plays Berlin in lcdp cuz he seems interesting and a very complete artist.
2 - Would you like to be famous? In what way?
No. Because I'm anxious. But as an "artist" and hopefully future podcast host I'd like to have a public so mixed feelings here.
3 - Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
If it's a formal call yes but don't make me think about it because raaaah fucking hate it
4 - What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
To Wake up, eat, make a good drawing, spend time with my bf, see friends, why not a small party at my apartment after some time at the board games bar, not to think about stupid shit, sleep
5 - When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
This morning (Heroes by Bowie) / two weeks ago approximately (Hate by Archive)
7 - Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
depending on the circumstances i'd say either old age or suicide. now i'd say old age.
8 - Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
if talking about me and my bf we're cringe but we're free. wait that's only two. i'd say we're both dreamers and artists. it's four now.
9 - For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
Probably stable family.
12 - If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Ability to touch grass.
13 - If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
Will I get bald ?
14 - Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
forming a cool music band with friends! not enough musician friends before but now we're trying! (almost complete, we need a bassist !)
15 - What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Hope it's not done yet cause I have zero idea i've been way too lazy to accomplish anything
16 - What do you value most in a friendship?
Honesty and kindness. Additionally i'd say humour and interest in music because it's mostly how i make friends.
19 - If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
I'd like to say I'd work more on my hobbies to make a full comic book but I'm not even sure the idea of dying soon would kill my laziness, so I guess I'd just spend all my money in food and sleep a lot
26 - Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."
my old interest in UFOs. My passion for any tv show created by Mike Flanagan especially Midnight Mass and Bly Manor.
Thats it 🕺
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owencharly · 1 month
You don't understand I cried so much my tears started to BURN my eyes ? or maybe it was just dehydration ?
(it feels personal tho. watched it with my boyfriend and he didn't nearly cry as much as I did. maybe I can identify more to the "Adam is anxious and terrified of loneliness" part)
Adam from All of us Strangers is just me in an alternative universe. Never identified to a character so much. I often cry watching movies but this one ? I sometimes can't even see the screen cuz my eyes are so full of tears and I have to hide noisy sobs when I watch it surrounded.
No I'll never stop talking about this movie
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owencharly · 1 month
Adam from All of us Strangers is just me in an alternative universe. Never identified to a character so much. I often cry watching movies but this one ? I sometimes can't even see the screen cuz my eyes are so full of tears and I have to hide noisy sobs when I watch it surrounded.
No I'll never stop talking about this movie
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owencharly · 1 month
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"I'd always felt lonely, even before. This was a new feeling, like.. a terror, that I'd always be alone now. And then, as I got older, that feeling just solidified. Just a knot, here, all the time. And then losing them, it just got tangled up with all the other stuff about being gay, and just feeling like the future doesn't matter. Does that make sense?"
All of Us Strangers (2023) dir. Andrew Haigh
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owencharly · 2 months
Le président argentin javier milei qui veut utiliser l'IA pour prévoir les crimes et repérer les profils suspects je vois vraiment pas ce qui pourrait mal se passer loooool
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owencharly · 2 months
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owencharly · 2 months
beauty standards are so fucked up what happened to i love your body because it's you. what then.
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owencharly · 2 months
first 5 faceless emojis are how your summers gonna go
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owencharly · 2 months
pretentious bitches feel free to shout out your fav underappreciated songs in the tags!
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owencharly · 2 months
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