Overwatch shots
9 posts
I like overwatch,I like to write, gotta mix them up. my boothang is Reaper so expect there to be alot about him and alot of NSFW 18+ also ask box is open.
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
Couples fight (reaperxF!reader) 1
Just writing a collection of moments where you and our beloved Reaper argue like couples do sometimes. But there are always sweet endings with our edgy man.
Warnings: Female pronouns, cussing, mentions of sexual activity. And physical fighting (one sided) that turns into kissy faces.
She had an attitude today, she was tired, she was bored, and she missed him terribly. But he was always just gone. Work she could understand, she worked with him, but lately he was just gone for hours sometimes days even. And she was getting sick of that. If he didnt want her, tell her, she rather cry her tears tonight and be moving on the next day.
"I'm back." His voice heard in the for the most part silent room, she was reading. "For how long?" She asked. Her tone not pleasant, he could pick up on that as soon as he entered the room, just from body language alone. "A while" he said going over to her to try his luck with a simple move of the mask and kiss on top of her head. "So 5 minutes?" She asked. He rolled his eyes. Starting to take off his hood and coat. He had a very long day.
"Oh my God, those are actually removable?" She gasped raising her brow. He tossed his garments onto an armchair beside him, mask gone, only his scarred face and goatee, still nicely groomed. His brown orbs now a reddish color. He combed his beard with her fingers now free from his usual clawed gauntlets. "Is there an issue?" He asked. "Perhaps....are you going to stay long enough to actually talk about it?" She asked putting her bookmark in her book and tossing it to the coffee table.
He stood there arms now crossed. "Speak." He saying simply. "What have you been doing whenever you arent around, or not on missions?" She asked. "Afraid I'm unfaithful? Never took you as the type." He said amusement in his gruff tone. "I've heard rumors about you being unfaithful to your past organization...so you ARE the type maybe." She said with even more amusement when his eye seemed to twitch. She wasn't with him during those days, they became an item after he joined Talon.
"Watch it..." he warned. "No, you watch it. I want to know where you've been going and why." She wasnt afraid of him in the slightest, she was never afraid of anyone in her life, it's something he liked about her. "It's none of your business Y/N..." he was getting pissed. "It is my business if you want to keep getting between my legs Gabriel. I dont sleep with cheaters nor traitors." She said sternly. "I'm not the one getting between your legs sweetheart, you crawl onto my dick." He chuckled at the look of her face. He could play the game of who can piss off the other just as well as she could.
"Now tell me princess, what did daddy say no to that has you so pouty?" He asked in a mocking manner. Knowing she hated to be called princess. ((In this situation anyway)) and in a moment, he moved his head to the side dodging a oncoming fake plant (they were not around enough to take care of real ones). "F*ck you! You know what fine dont tell me, but whatever you're up to, I hope she, he or it is worth it and if you f*ck up I'm not backing you!" She got up the chair she said in and went for the door.
He was infront of her in seconds, "You're not walking away from me, and you will not walk out of here making a scene..." now if she wasnt so mad at him, him being so tall and towering over her, she would have been turned on, but right now she wanted to hit him. "I'll make biggest scene and show you how I could have been an actress." She said. "How dramatic you are I dont doubt it." He said, that's it. She pushed him back against the door and her fist went to his face, he moved his head and her fist went through the door.
"Come at the king....best not miss...and you're the only one who got a chance to try twice." He said. " 3..." she corrected and brought her knee up to get him in the stomach, he grabbed her leg and shoved her backward. Their living quarters was like a studio apartment, she stumbled onto the bed on her back. "Always loved seeing you like that..." he was sounding playful. "You better start taking me seriously..." she growled as she grabbed a lamp and threw it at him too, he wisped and was behind her now.
"Hard to when you're acting like a child throwing a tantrum..." his arms wrapped around her, holding her to him tightly, she kicked her legs trying to get him to falter in some way. "Now let me guess what's really wrong...." he grunted when she bit his arm. "You're lonely, horny, and bored. And I have been too busy for your liking and you're insecurities, which I'm surprised you have any, are making you come up with insane theories." He grunted again when she managed to stretch her leg up and behind his head, the position forcing him to let go and she got his arm, they wrestled a little bit,but she but him in an arm bar.
"F*ck" he grunted. "You will tell me what you've been up to, or we are over..." she threatened as she tightened her hold. Despite all this, he loved her, and he sighed, getting his other arm and managing to grab his own hand and started to lift her, forcing the arm bar to break and she let go, her body landing on the bed, her body bouncing in a delightful way in his sight.
"What If you couldnt know?" He said looking down at her, exhausted. "You know how many things I told you that you couldnt know? Just tell me if you're screwing around with someone else just tell me so I could get up, get out and move on." She said. "Y/N..." he sighed, she was going to be mad either way. "I'm not seeing anyone sexually...or romantically...besides you. If you want to label us that." He said. "Then?" She nudged him with her foot.
"I've been trying to fix myself..." Gabe finally said. "Fix yourself?" She said slowly, trying to understand. "Yes, I want to be normal again...I'm tired of my body feeling like its constantly on fire, I hate when my face decays and I have to go a week sometimes weeks without kissing you." "Who have you been seeing?" She asked. He gave her a look, he's trying to open up here and she's still on that question. "The one who turned me into this...monstrosity..." he sounded sad, disgusted with himself. He should have never aloud Moria to help him...she was helping herself...and left him to rot...literally then regenerate, he was in pain most of the time, even when he and Y/N are together he hid the fact, something he became pretty good at.
"So me touching you, hurts you?" She asked. "In the last 10 minutes, yes..." he joked. But she felt horrible. "Then why would you be with me if you're in constant pain?" She asked. "Because of a silly little L word...besides, its most of the time, it seems when I have you, that sensation overtakes the pain..." he smirked at the small blush on her face. "Go to someone else...to help you I mean...Moria won't help, she'll probably just experiment more in the name of finding a cure..." she said.
He sighed "I there is no one else..." he said. She now wrapped her arms around his neck, "Not true, you see here's the thing, I know people...people that even Talon can't connect with...very special friends that If I call would love to meet you." She said, lips brushing against him, barely connecting. "And how come you've never mentioned them?" He asked his hands going to her hips. "It's your fault, you don't let me in...how am I supposed to know these things if you dont talk" she said. "Point taken....in Talon you never know who your friends are..." he said. "True but then why do you let me "crawl onto your dick" hmmm?" She raised a brow. He chuckled "You're cute...that's why." "Bull...I think it has something to do with that silly L word you were mentioning." She pressed. "Maybe I "Like" you...just a little bit..." he said.
She kissed his lips slowly, pressing herself more into him. She missed his lips. "Bull" she said pecking his lip. "Mmmmm maybe I like you a little more than a bit..." he said, she kept pecking his lips "bull..." she said again. He hummed, laying her down, getting ontop of her. "Alright, alright....since you literally twisted my arm...I love you..." he said. "Love you too...asshole..." she said making nip at her lip. "I think I need relief (pet name of your choice)..." "Go to Moria..." she said playfully making him growl and kiss her hard, she laughing into the kiss.
Ah Silly little L word...
Hope you enjoyed, as always Gif is not mine, and if you guys would like me to write something, use that ask box. And I will write it hopefully. I will put up a notice and "rules" soon.
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
Give me the cookies!
Reaper x F!reader.
Y/N was sitting in the Talon base lounge, with her tin of chocolate chip cookies she made that morning. After working out/ training, she deserved these cookies, fight her if you think otherwise. It was surprisingly quiet today, she being the only one in the lounge. She hummed happily as she took a bite of a cookie, not to be conceited but she was a pretty darn good baker. She heard a door open and close, she wasn't interested in who came in, these cookies were the freaking bomb.
She closed her eyes enjoying the taste if the chocolate chips and opened them again to see a clawed gloved hand reaching for the cookie tin. "No" she said slapping his hand away, bold and brave move according to others but she didnt fear him, she slept with the owner of said hand. "You didn't leave any for me when you baked this morning." His voice was monotone today. "That was on purpose." She said. "Why?" He asked "You told me you couldnt eat this stuff anymore." She said. She got up quickly when he tried to reach for the tin again.
"But I want one." His voice almost sounded pouty. "You made me swear love" she said. "Y/N..." "That's my name juicy thighs." She winked. "Give me the damn tin." His tone threatening. "NOPE" She said ducking under his arms that were coming at her. "Remember who you go to bed with tonight Y/N" He said as he lunged at her again, his hands almost getting the box but she did a split to the floor (she regretted that instantly but she wouldnt let him know that) he chuckled clearly seeing the discomfort and took the opportunity to swipe at the tin. She quickly laid back bringing her legs up and pushed him back before quickly getting up, grabbing the lid to the tin and closing the prize.
"Y/N! Give me the tin!" He roared as he shadow stepped behind her, she felt his arms wrapping to trap her, just then Sombra walked into the lounge, "Sombra catch!" Y/N shouted. And tossed the tin, Sombra who was taken off guard almost didnt catch it. "What's going on?" She asked. Now the couple struggled against eachother to reach her. "Sombra give that to me!" Reaper demanded. "Sombra dont!" Y/N said pulling jumping on to his back making him almost fall to the floor. But he wisped away toward sombra, Sombra than threw the tin high in the air toward Y/N, Reaper did not like this game of monkey in the middle, and when Y/N caught it, he was in her space in seconds.
Y/N put it behind her back, "Reap, you told me you cant eat these! Stop being a child and go eat a salad!" She shouted. "I'LL SHOVE A SALAD DOWN YOUR THROAT!" he was going through bad sugar withdrawals. She squeaked spun out of his grasp and booked it almost knocking Sombra over as she ran out the Lounge. Reaper was right behind her, making sure TO knock down Sombra "Rude!" The Mexican woman shouted at him.
He didnt care how he looked like, he needed the cookies! Diets be damned! He was alot faster than her, she knew this, so she threw recruits in his way saying sorry as Reaper knocked them out of his way with no mercy. "Y/N!" He shouted at her. "NOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed back. Then she slammed into his chest as he teleported infront of her. His arm wrapped around her torso, she struggled to get away, she pouted and whined as he finally took the tin away from her.
"Now that I have what I want, what am I going to do with you?" He asked an evil chuckle leaving him. "You might have the cookies Gabe but you're not getting MY cookie." She said. "Is that so?" He asked. "Yes very so you jerk!" She said struggling to get out of his arms. He leaned down and whispered "I'll take a bite out of you later." He chuckled at the blush on her face as he disappeared. "OH NO YOU WONT!" She shouted loudly.
Reaper sat in his office, and opened the tin, taking off his mask, he was excited when he took a cookie and quickly took a bite. Then his face distorted into disgust as he spit the cookie back out. "Oatmeal raisin!?" He was so disappointed. Somewhere in the base Y/N and Sombra were laughing while eating the chocolate chip cookies the switched out when Y/N almost "Knocked" Sombra over. Reaper will get his revenge....
End. Gif isn't mine but I hope you enjoyed this!
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
I'm so excited! ❤🎃
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I'm living for this years Halloween skins! -Knight
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
Reactions to S/O fighting
Headcanons of the reactions to Reaper, 76, Mccree and Mercy to their S/O getting into a brawl (gender neutral)
Reaper/ Gabriel Reyes
•When he heard a loud crash down the hallway and Sombra yelling "OH SH*T!" he wasnt really interested.
•Until Sombra said "F*** THEM UP Y/N!"
•Not he was interested as he shadow teleported (or shadow stepped w.e) next to Sombra.
• His S/O was known as the quiet one, the one who never got into trouble. They worked and went on their way (and made kissy faces with him in a empty hallway whenever they got the chance)
•To see his S/O on top of someone else, beating the snot of them.
•He was turned on, he wasn't going to lie.
•The brutality was so out of their character, that he had to stop them before his pants were going to get tight real quick.
•He went over and scooped his S/O up.
•They must still be in their moment because they almost turned around and fought him.
•But as soon as they saw it was him, they calmed down.
•He took them away to a side hallway to check for any damage.
•A few scratches and blood, not theirs, but the person they beat up.
• "What happened?" He asked.
• "They said that I was weak and needed you to protect me...showed them..." they huffed.
•He started chuckling...then it turned to laugh.
•"Keep laughing, I'll fight you too." They pouted.
• He moved his mask and kissed them, he found them to be cute trying to act tough.
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Jack Morrison/ S76 (prefall)
• Strike Commander Morrison was walking the training yard when he heard several people yelling and screaming.
•He rushed over to source and moved past a couple of recruits.
•in the middle of the crowd was Y/N and another recruit rolling around throwing punches.
•He sighed, he remembered when that used to be him and Gabe.
• "Alright knock it off!" He ordered.
•They weren't listening and his S/O kicked the other person so hard in the face, their nose broke and started bleeding everywhere.
•Jack had to rush in and grab his S/O because they were still throwing punches, he almost got hit which made him mad.
•"Y/N ENOUGH!" He roared as he managed to pick them up and rush them off as the medical team was called in to check the other person.
• In his office, his S/O was sitting in a chair and he was going back and forth lecturing them about image and teamwork and not to battle to the death. But they weren't listening.
•Jack slammed his hand on his desk making then jump alittle.
• "Got your attention now? Tell me why I found you trying to recreate Fight club on my grounds!" He demanded answers.
•They stood silent and that pissed him off.
• Jack sighed. Leaning against his desk. "So you decided to try to make them sleep with the fishes?" Bad time for a bad joke.
•His S/O looked to the side "I'm sorry, they just kept going on and on and on, and I snapped."
• Jack understood, he always did, it comes with the territory of being romantically involved with him.
• "You will be on desk duty for a week, and you have to help Gabe organize the Blackwatch archives." Jack had to punish them and knowing Gabe, he would just have them hang out with him and probably asked for details about who one the fight, and desk duty was very light lately so not much of a punishment.
•They knew this and got up from the chair and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
• "You know you almost punched me." Jack said.
• "That would have been kinky..." they winked wrapping their arms around his neck kissing his lips.
• "I think I'll be the more dominating one sweet heart..." He purred in the kiss.
•"Let's find out..." they said.
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Jesse Mccree
•he was there, when it started.
• this person call them a name.
•his S/O punched this person in the face.
•It all happened so fast but in slow motion at the same time.
• "Darlin come on now, it ain't worth i-OH!" Jesse yelled when his S/O slammed the other person down.
• "Hon, OH SH*T!" he had to move out the way as His S/O threw this person at his direction.
•The Commander was not going to like this.
• "That's my (insert gender here)!" He heard Reyes cheer.
•Jesse was so confused, the Commander was supposed to stop this, not cheer it on.
• "Come on (insert pet name of choice) you made your point!" Jesse didnt want his favorite face to get messed up.
•Jesse scooped them up as they were ontop punching and slamming this person's head. And taking them away. The commander was disappointed, it's been a long time since he's seen a good fight.
•"Let go of me!" Y/N shouted trying to get away.
•"No! You need to settle down now!" Jesse said holding on tight.
•When he got to a conference room he closed the door with his foot and and sat his S/O on the table, still struggling to keep them still.
•Then he thought of the only way to calm them down. Kiss the daylights out of them.
•Which he did. And soon his S/O sighed and kissed him back.
• "Feeling better?" He asked after a few kisses.
• "No..." they grumbled.
•He chuckled as he kissed them more.
•Kisses make everything better.
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Mercy/ Angela Ziegler
•She was walking down the hall with her files, in a cheerful mood.
•That is until her S/O tackled someone through a door infront of her.
•She was in complete shock as she's never seen her beloved act in such a way.
•"What is going on here!?" She yelled out, making her S/O look at her but then get punched in the face making Angela gasp.
•But they looked at the person and gripped the person by the hair and slammed their head against the wall hard making the person go unconscious.
•Angela was in complete horror "ARE YOU COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" She yelled at her S/O and ran over to check on the unconscious person.
•"They attacked me first!" They said. "I DONT CARE YOU COULD HAVE MADE THEM GET A SEIZURE!" Angela said. "OH SO YOU DONT CARE IF THIS WAS IN COMPLETE SELF DEFENSE!" They shouted and stormed off.
• Later Angela knocked on Y/N's door. "Come in." They said.
•She walked in to see Moria patching them up. Angela bit her lip, she didn't like Moria, and she was touching Angela's favorite person.
• "Thank you..." Y/N said. "Call me if you feel any worse." Moria smiled getting up and going on her way, leaving Angela with a bad taste in her mouth.
• "Let's hear it." Y/N said not looking at her.
•"You had her check you?" Angela couldn't hide the jealousy in his voice.
•"Yes, you were busy checking on my supposed victim..." Y/N said still not looking at her.
• "I shouldn't have said I didnt care. I am sorry." Angela said going over and sitting next to them.
• "I was just in shock and disbelief you were capable of something like that." She said leaning her head on their shoulder.
• "They wouldnt have let me join Overwatch if I couldnt do some damage..." they said.
• "That is true, Jack showed me the surveillance video, you were right...it was self defense." Angela said.
• "There was no need to prove I was right..."
• "You are right...again, I should have taken your word...can you forgive me?" She asked.
•They smirked and said "I dont know, Moria did treat me very well." Knowing it was going to get Angela mad.
•"Excuse me!?" She lightly slapped their arm making them laugh.
•" I'm just kidding love, oh dont be like that, I'm injured!" They were rejected for a kiss as Angela huffed and turned away.
• "Fine I'll asked Moria to kiss me better." They said getting up, Angela grabbed the back of their shirt and brought them back to sitting down, "I think not!" She said before kissing their lips. They chuckled as they kissed back.
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
Being a brat (with Reaper)
~☆So this is sub reader and daddy reaper, I'm not really into the daddy kink, but I could be one hell of a brat, so yeah again if this is not exactly how a lil/daddy relationship goes, I'm sorry for my ignorance but I thought this would be a fun idea.☆~
Warnings: BDSM, dom/sub relationships female pronouns, cursing, mentions of sexual activity. If I forgot any I'm sorry! 😭 Oh this is Reaper so after the fall of overwatch, will do a Commander Reyes one soon.
"Get up" his voice ordered, no he will not be asking, you two are already late. "No." You say simply, hugging your pillow. "I'm warning you (pet name of your chosing), Daddy is not in the mood today." "Dont care..." you said eyes closing once more. "You are going to respect daddy and get up from that bed or so help me.." you cut him off "Or what?" You felt daring today, but from your play session last night you wore exhausted, you deserved to sleep in.
He growled "if you dont get up and I pull those covers, you will regret it, punishments hurt more early mornings I promise you." You had to hold back a giggle, you debated whether or not to stick your butt up to dare him to do it. You were still sleepy but functioning, you could get up but you just wanted to make him mad.
He sighed, and poked you hard where the back of your thigh would be, there were a lot of comforters covering you, they were special to you and he knew you needed them after a session. "If I get up, will you kiss me?" You asked sweetly. "I only kiss good girls who listen to their daddy." He said. "You suck." You said.
A hard slam of his heavy hand landed on your butt for that. You held back a whimper, you didn't realize how sore your backside was. "Get up, or else I bring my belt to the shower." He was done with the brattiness already. He was going to have to make an Excuse for the lateness already. "Daddy was even nice enough to put the shower on for you. Now get up." That was the last time he was going to say it. "Yes Daddy." You pouted, pushing the covers up and off your body, when your feet landed on the floor he added "You have to make the bed (pet name of your choice) " "Why? You slept in it too!" You whine getting up and slightly stomping your foot. He had his mask already on, but from his body language of crossing his arms and slightly tilting his head, "Sorry Daddy, I'll make the bed." You pout and turn around to fix the bed. His hand ran up your back in a sort of affectionate way. "Good (petname of your choice) Your clothes are already in the bathroom shower, get dressed, and if you're done in 20 minutes, daddy might give you a kiss." You nodded, fixing the pillows now. "Daddy needs verbal responses..." "Sorry Daddy." You say, now finished with the bed.
You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, showered, got dressed and put very little makeup on, it took more like 30 minutes so you weren't expecting a morning kiss. When you got out the bathroom he was sitting on a near by chair, he got up and walked over to you, you pouting because you took longer. "Because you make sure you look so nice for daddy, I'm willing to give you a kiss still. " he chuckled at the way your eyes seemed to have lit up. He moved his masked and leaned down to capture your lips, it was a short but delightful kiss that always leaves you wanting more, but he put his mask back and said "If you act up again today, that's the only kiss you're getting, understood?" He was feeling merciful today. Usually if she acted like a brat, she would be treated like one, no kisses, just a good spanking later and she wouldnt be able to get off. "Yes daddy." You smiled.
"Alright we're already late, let's head out." He said. "Wait, daddy..." you say "What is it (pet name of your choice)?" "Can we hold hands?" She asked, he usually said no because he had a rep to protect but because she asked so nicely. "Yes." He said she smiled big as she took his hand. He was such a pushover for that smile.
Sorry it was so short, again I'm still very ignorant to daddy/lil relationships because I dont person do them so. I will do more research and hopefully add more stories like this in the future. As always hope you enjoyed and gif doesnt belong to me.
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
Mccree x F!reader 1
~☆my first sorta song fic but not really, So reader is known as "Song bird" in the deadlock gang and Jesse's lover, takes place when he is recruited into Blackwatch☆~
Song is Desire by the assassins.
Mccree found himself in his usual spot in the deadlock bar on route 66. He had a long day, lady boss Ashe was having her usual fits about a job gone wrong and how this was a close call, whatever, he stopped listening after a while. He needed a breather, space, a moment to put himself back together. A few drinks always helped. He sat in a corner table, with acouple of open bottles, he was planning on drinking them all and after going back to his little apartment for a good snooze.
But he had to hear Her sing first. Yes in the deadlock crew there was one person he could listen to for hours. She went by the name Song Bird, known for her free spirit and lovely song voice, he never understood why she wasn't famous, away from this hell hole they called home. He could see her making a real name for herself, but she just smile and say she didnt want to sing for no body else but her family, which was the deadlock gang.
"Hey Song Bird, sing for us!" A random member said from the bar as she came down the stairs. "Hold on to your horses Johnny" she chuckled as her eyes caught Jesse's looking at her. She gave a wink in his direction as she made her way to the little stage they made for her. Song bird waited for her band to get ready, taking a deep breath as the band started to play.
"Anything you want, whatever's on your mind
I will seek out any treasure to satisfy your pleasure, baby
But don't ask for any guarantees
Standing on the edge, is what attracted me
The damage that we do, belongs to me and you, baby"
Jesse was immediately drawn into her voice, like he always was. It was no secret he had a thing for the girl. Who wouldn't? She was beautiful and had hips that could sway any mans wallet out their pockets.
"So don't love me, and don't lie
Don't let me see that look in your eyes
You promised from the start
We'd both keep love apart from desire"
In this life, you couldnt afford love, no happy endings, outside of the deadlock gang you were nothing, Ashe made sure of that when she recruited anyone into her screwed up family. Song bird knew this, so did Jesse, which was why their feelings for eachother were so hidden. It was playful smiles and winks but underneath was two people who wanted more, they wanted the world to know they were more than Ashe's puppets.
"I don't wanna talk about tomorrow
What we have today is all I'm ready for
It's a complicated game
But it's the reason that we came together
Cause if I took the stars out of the sky
A galaxy to give you to somehow testify
Would change us, rearrange us forever?"
Her eyes were on him, He was willing to throw all his cards in for a chance to become more than a secret but she was scared. She wasnt hesitant to get on Ashe's bad side, especially since Song bird knew about Jesse's "talks" with a certain Commander. He wanted to take her away from all of this, they could start a new life away from the deadlocks, away from Ashe. Jesse had promised, swore to her that this Reyes guy could protect them both.
"So don't love me, and don't lie
Don't let me see that look in your eyes
I promised from the start
I'd keep my love apart from desire"
Jesse watched as his lady love sing with all her passion, this song was everything opposite of how they felt for eachother, they tried that, and it failed. He was so tired of sneaking around. Reyes told him to have an answer by tomorrow night, if Jesse couldnt convince her to come with him, she would be going down with the rest of the gang and the only song she'll sing would be the jail house blues. He didnt want that for her, he didnt want his song bird to be trapped in a cage for the rest of her life.
"This is not about love, this is not about love
This is all about, all about my desire!"
Song bird closed her eyes as she sang the last part, a decision in her mind already.
"This is not about love, this is not about love
This is all about, all about my desire
My desire
Oh yeah my desire
Oh my desire!"
The song ended as she did a silly curtsey as the rest of the bar shouted and cheered for her. "Thank yall so much, I'll be back in a few minutes, need some water." She said as she hopped down from the stage and walked over to Jesse's table, someone putting the jukebox on while she was away.
"May I sit with you?" She asked him. A smirk was on his face as he dipped his hat a little "I would never say no to you." His charming voice always had her heart skipping beats. She took a seat next to him. "So I thought about what you said." She said low enough for him to hear. "And? What will it be?" He asked, his hand sneaking under the table and holding hers.
"If this Commander guy really means what he says, then I'll go with you. I'm just...really scared Jesse..." she was honest. "Dont be, I'm with you Y/N" he used her real name, she smiled as her eyes watered a little bit, no one calls her by her real name anymore and hearing it from him just brought so many emotions. "So when do we go?" She asked.
"I'm supposed to meet our friend tomorrow night, come with me, travel light he said." Jesse said looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to them, he lifted her hand and kissed it quickly. "I'll see you then." He said getting up and heading out, leaving her to watch him go. She sighed "A new life..." it didnt sound real to her.
Jesse waited for her at the back of the gas station. She was a little late, which worried him. Commander Reyes was to be there any moment, and if she wasn't there by the time he was, Jesse would be forced to leave her behind. He didnt want that at all. "Psst Jesse..." someone called to him, he turned around to see Song bird behind the trash bin. He chuckled "What are you doing?" "Making sure I wasn't followed..." she pouted not liking to be laughed at. She looked so cute looking around griping onto her back pack as she stepped out of her hiding spot.
"Come here darlin..." he said, she walked to him and he cupped her face. "Reyes should be here so-" Jesse was cut off by a car honk. The two looked and saw an overwatch vehicle, Song bird was immediately nervous and his behind Jesse. "Come on you two we have to get moving before the squad moves in." A man Song bird assumed was the commander said. "The squad moves in?" She asked herself. It did bother her that Jesse sold the deadlock gang out for their freedom, they would be branded as rats for the rest of their lives but Jesse didn't care, as long as she was safe, call him mickey mouse for all he cares.
They got into the car, in the back seat, she held Jesse's hand tightly as Reyes pulled away from the gas station and the opposite direction of the deadlock hideout, Song bird looked back and saw the very silent drop ships flying toward what she used to call home.
"So your name is Y/N correct?" Reyes asked from the front seat. She looked at him. "Yes sir." "Call me Gabriel, I'm Jesse's new boss, you did a good thing, dont let anyone tell you different." He said probably reading her mind. "We are starting a new life." Jesse said, kissing her cheek. Y/N nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder. "So what am I going to do?" She asked. "Strike Commander Morrison will be taking you under his wing." Reyes said. "I wont be with Jesse?" She asked. "Work wise no, but I set you two up in the same living space so you'll be with your cowboy." Gabe looked in the rearview mirror at her, she looked so relieved. He chuckled.
Y/N looked at Jesse and pressed a kiss to his lips, Jesse leaned in for more, and soon they were kissing in the back seat making Gabe clear his throat "Please no baby making in the company car...or infront of me most importantly..." Y/N blushed and chuckled while Jesse rolled his eyes pressing one more kiss to her lips. "I hope our living quarters can handle us." Jesse said making the Commander shake his head and Y/N more red. Jesse was going to take advantage of this new freedom to make his song bird sing in a whole new way.
Yeah sorry if this is bleh, I'm not as confident in my writing as I used to be. But hope you enjoyed. As always the gif doesnt belong to me.
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
Random Reyes x f!reader
The Commander was driving the car back to headquarters, Mccree laying out in the back while Y/N sat shot gun. "Yo Boss, am I the only one hungry?" Jesse said opening the window slightly open so the smell of his cigar wouldnt bother his female team mate. "Yeah. I could go for some food right about now." Gabe said. They just went to a long briefing on their new findings on Maximillian. Too long in Jesse's and Y/N's opinion, while Gabe was use to the lengthy briefings. "Y/N , you want something? My treat." The commander said. "Uh sure. Whatever you get I'll have the same." She blushed.
"Hey now, how come you never treat me commander?" Jesse asked offended. "Unlike you, she actually listens Jesse." Gabe rolled his eyes as he pulled into a fast food drive thru. "More like you actually want a bite out of her..Ow!" Jesse hissed when Gabe's hand went back and hit him. Y/N awkwardly stared out her window. Her heart skipping a beat, it was no secret that she and the Commander made eyes at eachother sometimes but neither would actually go beyond that. She was his subordinate after all.
When it was their turn to go to the speaker to order, the voice that greeted them was very distorted. Y/N looked at her Commander and he looked at her, "How the hell have they been taking orders?" He asked. She sighed, and unbuckled her seat belt, she crawled to Gabe's side she was kneeling on his lap, but half her upper body was out the window. Gabe had a very good view of her rear end and had to resist the urge to run his hand on it.
She opened the speaker box and looked at their wiring it was old and fried. "Knife please." She said. Jesse passed his from his window "Here ya go darlin." He said. "Thank you kindly" she said. She cut two different wires and used the gum in her mouth to connect the different wires together again and then shut the box. Putting herself back in the car and back in her seat passing the knife to Jesse.
"Hello, can I take your order?" The speaker sounded clear. Gabe looked at Y/N impressed. She blushed, covering her face with her hands to hide it. He smirked and turned to make the order "Yeah, can I get 2 number 8s and a..." Jesse said "Number 5 and with a large chocolate shake." Gabe nodded "A number 5 with 2 large chocolate shakes, Y/N what shake you want?" "(Your favorite flavor) please" she said. Gabe finished the order. "Okay your order comes out to $34.68 drive up to the next window thank you so much." The worker said sweetly.
"I still wonder how they took orders this whole time." Gabe said as he drove to the next window taking out his wallet. "Could be it was one sided. Like they could hear us but we couldnt understand them" Y/N said. "Could be, but we should get this food free since you fixed their box." Jesse said sitting up now.
As the employee opened their window, giving the fakest smile ever, the 3 in the car couldn't blame employee, dealing with people all day and some hangry people was tough, Gabe gave a kind smile as he handed his debit card over. When the employee gave the card back they said "Thank you so much just drive up to the next window." "Thanks" he said going ahead now.
"So what are we going to do when we get back boss?" Jesse asked looking at his phone. "You two are free for the rest of the day while I have to make some calls, lucky you..." Gabe sighed. "I can do the calls for you, I have the notes and everything to give the updates to the Strike Commander." Y/N said. Gabe's hand went to her thigh "Thanks but I got it" he gave a slight pat before returning his hand to the wheel. She wanted his hand back on her lap. But with Jesse there she had to behave.
"Should I leave you two alone?" Jesse teased. "When I was about to tell you, you didn't have to pay me back for the food...you had to go and mess that up." Gabe said. Jesse laughed, Y/N had that awkward feeling again as now she couldnt look at the Commander anymore, she looked anywhere but him. Gabe wanted to punch Jesse, he sometimes played around too much. He opened his window as he saw their food coming. "Here you go, enjoy!" The other employee said with smile. Handing their drinks and food over. "Thank you." Gabe said taking the order, Y/N helping hold the tray of shakes, handing Jesse one, Gabe with one hand drove to a parking spot to dig in the bag to give Jesse his food.
"I'll eat back at base." Y/N said not wanting to eat infront of her crush. "You sure?" Gabe asked. "Aw come on now sweet pea, ain't nothing to be shy about." Jesse said. "Its not that, I just get a little car sick so I dont want to reenact the exorcist." Y/N chuckled.
Back at headquarters, Jesse went on his way to go into a food coma. Y/N stood beside the Commander as they waved their farewell to the cowboy. "Commander Reyes I really wish you'd let me make those calls for you. You haven't slept in 72 hours...." Y/N said looking at him. "I'm fine." He said. "You aren't, I noticed it in your driving. Your eyes were taking very long blinks." She said. He smirked, "I dont want to hear Jack's mouth if I let you make the call for me." "I'll handle Morrison." She said, he chuckled "You'll handle Jack? I'll pay to see that." "I think you treating me to food is good enough payment. I'm making the calls, you go get some sleep." She smiled.
"Is that an Order?" He asked. And for one moment, she didnt care for if she could get in serious trouble for this, but with a firm grip of his vest she pulled him to lean close to her, surprisingly he wasn't resisting, could be the fact he was exhausted, she pressed her lips to his in a sweet kiss before letting him go taking her shake he was holding for her "Yes, sweet dreams Commander Reyes." She said walking away.
He had a smile on his face as he pressed his finger tips to his lips now going to the direction of his living quarters. He couldnt go to sleep now, he wanted to kiss her more. Perhaps tomorrow he would call her to his office for a check in about the calls she made for him and reward her for her hard work. He chuckled as he got to his quarters, perhaps he should treat her to food more often.
Hope you enjoyed, sorry it was short. More to come soon, and Gif does not belong to me.
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overwatchshotz · 5 years ago
I choked on my drink but yes, I'm always ready 😝❤
I’m ready for some Reaper
P u m p k i n S p i c e d D i c k
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