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It’s pride month again!
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OWL Pride Icons!
In honor of pride month: every single OWL team as a solid background pride icon! Keep an eye out, more flags to come. Perfect for if you liked the pride icons I made earlier, but didn’t want it transparent!
excuse the long post guys
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Just in time for pride to end, let me present:
Pride Potions!
These are perfect for phone backgrounds and I’ll be updating my redbubble (link in description on mobile, or on my about page on desktop) with the designs soon! 
I hope to make more with other pride flags in the future!
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It’s June.
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it’s a real shame owl isn’t on LAN right now because i would have paid good fucking money to watch the LA teams throw hands over ashe so hard that tumblr would have had to make a new text post to warn markiplier about LA gangs
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Yesterday I told discord that I hoped Moira was in the next round of bans. The monkey paw curls.
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thinking about weed seagull
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titans practice room, early 2020
pajion: i am not going to hold back in saying that i am very disappointed in all of you. losing to the valiant is absolutely unacceptable and and we are going to work extra hard to make up for it. this block, let’s focus on coordination between our tanks and dps, since that was what caused most of our problems yesterday.
fissure: i’d like to say that that my performance yesterday was not my fault. haksal tilted me by throwing my warmup games that morning
haksal: [not looking up from his phone] playing genji is not throwing
fissure: you only ever picked him on my team
haksal: so?
fissure: you threw yourself off the map 7 times.
haksal: you know, i think it’s funny you would try to attack me like this when you were the one that actually threw the match for us last night
fissure: excuse me?
seominsoo: you did kind of feed, fissure.
jjanu: you kind of did
haksal: bumper wouldn’t have gotten booped off the map twice in one round
stitch: tizi wouldn’t have whiffed that supercharger on hollywood b
twilight: both of them would’ve fortified for that doomfist punch that lost us volskaya
pajion: guys, that’s not fair. bumper would have fed too and you know it
fissure: thank you.
pajion: we all made mistakes yesterday. now can we get back on track please? to start, fissure, for the love of god, please stop trying to clutch and go for solo plays as orisa
fissure: what the hell do you want me to do then, just, trust everyone else to do their part??
pajion: yes???
fissure: i’m sorry. i don’t think i can do this anymore. i can’t work in this kind of environment. i give my everything to carry this team and you can’t make anything out of it and then you tell me i’m the problem.
pajion: fissure w
fissure: no. fuck you. fuck all of you. i’m retiring. [slams the door]
fissure: [returning to grab his tim hortons] your jerseys are ugly anyway [slams the door again]
pajion: okay.
pajion: jehong. could you play ma
ryujehong: absolutely not.
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sbb remains the coolest mf in owl
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Voice Actress of Pharah in Overwatch does the time warp again on my stream!
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It’s one thing to know the Overwatch hero is named after a Blizzard developer who worked on Project Titan. It’s completely another to see this lower-third over the weekend:
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Overwatch 2 is literally the exact same game. I don't mean that in a cheeky way like people used to say about call of duty or mobas, it is literally the same game as Overwatch. Overwatch 2 and Overwatch 1 players get put into the same lobbies, same maps, playing the same characters in the same engine with the same look. All they're adding is a late-2000s style campaign that reuses the PvP maps, except even that's not new because they've already had that in Overwatch for like a week before they took it back out.
And no you cannot say they deserve to get paid for the work they're putting into the new content because they (the shareholders, not the workers) have already been paid a thousand times over by the recurrent user spending in the form of slot machine lootboxes that are so egregiously manipulative and sinister that they're getting banned in several countries.
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offseason’s fucking cancelled heidi isnt going to be with fusion anymore
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Without Meko who’s supposed to be dumb with Jjonak? We just got one resident dumbass???? I don’t WANT THIS
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what is going ON
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Full thread. Huk deletes them cause he’s knows he clowning. Good on Nero for defending himself
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