This was just me venting through hanzo okay? Also this account going to be inactive so mosy on along now y’hear
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Should I write other overwatch characters too? Or should I just stick to writing angsty Hanzo’s
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Young Hanzo
Every day Hanzo’s day is the same. He wakes up, eat, train, study, and repeat. A boring mundane schedule that has Hanzo trapped. Hanzo sometimes even dreams of the next day. The same thing; over and over and over again.
The only thing interesting enough to keep Hanzo going is the stories his brother tells him.
In the safety of his room Genji would barge in with some imaginary problem from his life that Genji confines in Hanzo. Hanzo would listen, laugh, or sympathize with whatever his brother talks about. But if there was nothing wrong, Genji would just come to talk. Genji would tell Hanzo about funny stories that happen with his friends. After Genji gets Hanzo to laugh he’d bid Hanzo good night, then Hanzo would go back to his studies.
Sometime after their talk, Hanzo would just stare into space, and wonder.
What if he just up and left? Start his own life. Just disappeared. Then Hanzo would just shake his head then go back to studying.
Would he ever have friends that would be fun, loyal, or wholesome as Genji’s friends are?
What if there’s more to this life than just this? Hanzo’s pencil breaks in his hand
Genji’s stories fill Hanzo with some much hope,, and he hates it because he know he won’t ever get the same thing
Hanzo just wants more than this life. He want to just live. Like Genji,,,
#genji#genji shimada#hanzo#hanzo shimada#overwatch#young genji#young hanzo#just plain ol’ fucking venting
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Slightly Okay?
Just a lil ol’ Hanzo imagine
Hanzo wonders if he’ll ever truly be okay.
He has meditated extensively on this one question.
Will he ever be okay?
Genji and everyone else says that he seems like he’s been getting better, and yet, it doesn’t feel like he’s changed at all. There is that occasional moment where he... content, but something else lingers within.
Hanzo couldn’t really say what this lingering is, but it.... it hurts?
If he focuses on the lingering feeling for too long, it consumes him. That light, feathery feeling slowly creeps up, pushing everything away and lures Hanzo into an abyss. Not a dark, suffocating abyss of misery, but a calm, addictive abyss where it almost feels meditative. Everything he has every thought of himself and his actions coils around his entire body. Breath heavy as every feeling and memory replays over and over in his head.
Then Hanzo flinches, the lingering feeling retreats with a hiss, and he’s back.
“Anija? Are you alright?” A metallic hand cools Hanzo’s burning shoulder. When did it get so warm? Hanzo looks at Genji and to the rest of his company: Ana, Rein, Lena, Cowman, Hana, Zenyatta, Lucio, Dr. Ziegler, and Pharah. All of them chattering amongst themselves. The noise in the room is almost too much, the lingering feeling is almost an embrace. Genji gently squeezes Hanzo’s shoulder, grounding him.
“I’m fine, Genji.” Hanzo looks at Genji’s uncovered face. The scars seem less visible with Genji’s pearly-grin and patchy facial hair. The feelings embrace now only lingers, waiting.
After retiring to his own quarters; Hanzo sits awake, watching the lingering feeling with dull interest and he wonders,
Will he ever be okay?
#genji#genji shimada#hanzo#hanzo shimada#overwatch#overwatch imagine#overwatch drabble#i don’t know?#i am confusion?#writing#vent?
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Hanzo being depressed
Genji’s old smile and laugh haunt Hanzo every time he hears the synthetic chime of Genji’s new laughter. Sometime Hanzo can even catch glimpses of him in this Genji.
“Anija?” Genji’s green hair and stupid orange scarf
Hanzo wakes in a cold sweat. Distant happiness reminds him of what happened and what is. Hanzo silently weeps.
“I don’t deserve this,” is the thought that keeps coming to mind. No matter how much he laughs and smiles with this strange group of vigilantes, the thought persists. Sometimes it goes away, and he thinks he can be selfish in this one moment as hears Hana and Lucio laugh along with Genji.
Sometimes he just needs to take a step back and retreat somewhere and recharge. It’s a guilty pleasure that he struggles to remember that is okay.
On worst days, he wonder how can anyone stand his presence, even he can’t stand himself. These days Hanzo barely steps foot outside of his room.
Hanzo knows he has depression, but sometimes he doubts he has it. Most of the time he questions the definition of depressed, and whether his counts or if he’s being to selfish.
Maybe one day Hanzo will be okay but for now he just wants to remain ignorant for now. Which is probably the second worst decision he’s made right after murdering his own kin
#genji#genji shimada#hanzo#hanzo shimada#overwatch#young genji#angst#depression#vent?#overwatch drabble#hanzo drabble#hanzo headcanon
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Hanzo being an asshole
Hanzo didn’t want to remember what he said, but every time his head quiets his words comes back. He closes his eyes and sees only Genji’s hurt expression. Genji’s frown wasn’t normal his pouty face when he wanted something, his expression was genuine hurt.
Hanzo grasps his chest, his heart ached.
‘I’m a terrible person.’
Hanzo breathes rapidly and he gets up. He unknowingly goes to the archery range. He needs something to distract his mind. Hanzo picks up a bow and quiver. He stills his breath and draws back the string.
“Anija!” Hanzo turns around to see Genji grinning ear-to-ear with neon green hair.
“What is that?” Hanzo snarls, his nose crinkled.
“I dyed my hair! It looks pretty cool, right?!” Genji grin, a hand in his green locks.
“What it looks ridiculous, disgraceful.” Hanzo glares. Genji’s smile fell and his brows cresses. Hanzo realizes the impact of his words on Genji.
Hanzo’s heart seizes, he wants to get away from himself and his words. Hanzo quickly turns tail and runs as fast as he could.
Genji’s hurt face just keeps coming back, over and over again, tormenting Hanzo.
Hanzo doesn’t even realize how far back he has pulled back until the string snaps. Hanzo trips over his feet onto his back, he can feel his cheek bleeding. He couldn’t care less that he was bleeding. He just lays there on the ground.
“Hanzo?” Shit.
Hanzo is up on his feet in seconds, dusting himself off, facing away from his brother.
“Hanzo you’re bleeding!” Genji is right in front of his face. Reaching up, Hanzo pushes Genji’s hand away.
“It was my own fault for being careless.” Hanzo glares down to the ground, not wanting to meet his brother in the eyes. He knows he’s making a guilty expression, but he is already mentally denying it.
“Hanzo,” Genji voice unusually soft, probably sensing Hanzo’s inner turmoil. Hanzo hates how easy Genji can see through him.
“What-“ Hanzo growls as Genji’s arms are around him before he could react
“I forgive you,” Genji sounds as if he is grinning. Hanzo stays silent for a good minute.
“I’m terrible,” Hanzo keeps his arms to sides, fingernails digging into his palm.
“No, you’re not,” Genji assures him. More silence, but Hanzo hesitantly returns the embrace. Some part of him is glad Genji forgives him, but he can’t help but feel... wrong.
“If I am ever rude to you again, you must tell me. I do not want to hurt you again.” Hanzo tightens his embrace.
“I doubt that will happen again,” Genji laughs easily
“Promise me.” Hanzo embrace is nearly suffocating
“Fine. I promise.” Genji pats Hanzo’s arm.
“Thank you.” Hanzo relaxes, but now that Hanzo thinks about it...
“You’re hair actually really suits you,” Hanzo smiles when he hears Genji laugh
“I knew you were just jealous,” Genji jokes
More silence.
“Wait really?!” Genji grabs both Hanzo’s arm, staring him in the eye. Hanzo looks away and nods.
“We have to get your hair dyed!” Genji already has stars in his eyes.
“We both know I can’t,” Hanzo says deadpan.
“What color would you like?!”
“How about just the ends?”
“What no-”
“Blue? Purple?? Blonde? Wait, wait, Silver!” Genji pulls Hanzo’s sleeve as Hanzo just shakes his head.
“So is your beard naturally white or-“
“Genji, please.” Hanzo is already tired and annoyed from Genji’s constant questions.
“Hey, we should dye it!” Hanzo’s shoulders stiffen
“Hanzo, come on!” Genji is already thinking of colors
“Yosh!” Genji is already pulling Hanzo out the door
“Anija, not the same black beard!!!” Genji whined while holding several different colored hair dyes.
“People were looking at my bead weirdly enough! I do not want to add to it!”
#hanzo#young hanzo#hanzo shimada#genji#young genji#genji shimada#overwatch#overwatch headcanon#overwatch headcanons#venting?
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Young Hanzo and expectations
Italics are Japanese
It doesn’t matter the if it’s training or education Hanzo is expected to be number one in all of them, in the name of the clan.
“RAAAAGH!” Hanzo knocks out his poor instructor.
“RAAGH!” Hanzo knocks the wooden sword out of his opponent’s hands at the cost of injuring his own wrist. Sojiro looks around the room and sees that Genji isn’t there. Hanzo’s ragged breath is the only sound in the room until,
“Sojiro-sama I think he’s done enough.” One of the teacher quietly says
“You think he’s done?” His father asks.
Hanzo‘s stance remained unwavering but his grip on the shinai tightens. Hanzo’s eyes trail to the mat. An uncertain nod from a foolish teacher. Sojiro’s eyes scrutinizing.
“A weak strike like that is nothing worth mine nor clan’s time.” With that Sojiro leaves.
Hanzo hand is throbbing as he numbly walks to the nearest washroom. He rips the bōgu off; slides his back down the wall, face red with embarrassment, and he puts his head between his knees.
Hanzo hates it.
He hated being the person where everyone was expecting him to something amazing for the clan. He’s tired of the lessons, the teachers, his father, his brother...
Don’t get him wrong, he loves his little brother dearly, but... it’s not fair
Why does Genji get to ditch his lessons to have fun? Hanzo is forced to sit through it everyday, why can’t Genji? But every time Genji skips their lessons all his father does is give him a slap on the wrist.
What about Hanzo? What about him? If Hanzo ditched, would he get the same reaction? No. Hanzo would get disappointment and scrutiny.
Why was Genji the favorite?
Why does father give him a nickname and not Hanzo?
Why does Genji get to have a childhood and not Hanzo?
Why is everything served to Genji on a silver platter?!
What makes Genji so special?
What makes him so special that he doesn’t have the same weight of expectations; Genji is a Shimada is he not?
Why can’t Genji suffer the same as Hanzo? The same suffering that comes with silence!
Hanzo doesn’t even realize he’s crying. Why would he wish this same pain upon; probably, the only person who loves him?
Hanzo breathes deeply, drying his face; he puts his bōgu back on, and continues with his lesson.
Was this really about expectations?
#hanzo#genji#genji shimada#hanzo shimada#young hanzo#young genji#sojiro shimada#angst#overwatch#overwatch drabble#bad writing#i think the fuck yes
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Headcanon young Hanzo and Genji
-Whenever Hanzo had to go out and grab Genji from wherever the hell he is (mainly the arcade)
-Genji wanted to stay out a bit longer so he challenges Hanzo to whatever games that caught his eye
-The DDR machine
-Course Hanzo takes up his brother’s challenge
-loses at least four to five times
-because what the fuck Genji
-stop pick the fastest song that even you yourself can’t keep up with
-Genji barely manages to win all the games
-cocky about it too
-as time goes on Hanzo has become the Overlord of the DDR machine
-mainly played with Genji for fun
-till their father found out his heir to the Shimada clan was gallivanting around in an arcade
-Hanzo was never allowed back in the arcade
-Genji stopped going as well in favor for parties (felt really guilt for Hanzo not being able to go, it’s not really fun playing without him)
-Hanzo is still healing, Genji really wants him to be happy
-So he brings him to the arcade
-holy shit nope bad idea
-nope nope nope
-Hanzo nearly cries
-“shit, anija?”
-Genji tells him it wasn’t really as fun here without him when they were kids really wants to say that’s the reason why he partied
-“I sound old for even say that out loud”
-Hanzo is glad? Relived? Happy? from Genji’s words
-“Wanna play?”
-what the hell
-Hanzo’s scores are still there
-They laugh for a good while
-pick the hardest song there
-they break the game
-not only in scores...
-their feet
-aggressively dancing
-they’re ninjas but did they really forget
-hightailed out of there
-who has that kind of money
-it’s was fun for Hanzo and Genji to relive one of their most memorable childhood memories
#Hanzo#genji#Shimada#hanzo shimada#genji shimada#but wth#overwatch#headcanon#overwatch headcanon#DDR#Young Hanzo#Young genji#you have no idea how long this was in my head#gamer hanzo
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