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Wow your shipping requests are always so amazing! Mind if i ask for one? I’m a 21 year old straight girl. I’m super into history and politics. I’m a little on the bigger side so i can be self conscious about myself sometimes. Also, I’m a symmetra main! Thank you in advance!!
I ship you with….Soldier 76! If you’re looking for someone to be just as excited for history and politics as you, look no further! Because of his time as Overwatch’s leader and a soldier on the front lines during the Omnic Crisis, he has some awe inspiring stories to tell...stories that you would hear near a fireplace wrapped up in blankets and drinking warm drinks perhaps? He has no problem discussing his political views with you, he vents and gripes about the latest events occurring around the world and since you both do it quite frequently, you both have no problem either calming each other down from the stress or cheering the other on to kick some ass! Dates include mostly traveling and sightseeing, it’s quite expensive but you both quickly forget about the cost as you peruse the tourist attractions and visit the libraries to learn about the nation's culture and history. He also loves to tell you about his adventures in certain countries and of course you ask him to include every detail. And while he does have some slight reservation to some of the darker details, he is pretty open about what he’s done in the past leading Overwatch. You also take plenty of photos while you're there and since he isn’t a fan of photography you have to sneak them when his back is turned, it got you some pretty priceless freeze frames! While he isn’t good at being the shoulder to cry on, Soldier 76 is good at reading the room and noticing the slight signs you give off when you are ever feeling insecure about yourself. When he realizes this, he will walk over next you and grasp your hand in his and have his grip firm . He stares into your eyes and gently grazes your cheek, slowing pulling you in for a hug, resting his head atop yours. It’s the little things that he does that count, he’s not a public displayer of affection but he is more than willing to be whatever you need to feel loved when the doors are closed.
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Junkrat with a twin sister who is in love with Roadhog.
This one was really funny to write!
* no. Nope. Nuh uh. not happening. Nnnnnnope* He goes through all the stages of DABDA in a matter of minutes (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance)
* He at first laughs at the confession when you tell him since he thinks it’s a joke! Like you couldn’t reeeeaaaly be in love with him, this is all in good fun….right….?…..Right….?
* “hahahahahaha! Good one! Like you would ever actually love Roadie like that! HahaHahahaaaaa….why aren’t your laughing?”
* When you insist you actually do care about him, he immediately turn from his aloof nature and starts to get aggravated with you, sternly telling you to stop being a child and get realistic.
* “Look at him sis, he has no interest in you what so ever, he loves nothin but money and crime and shit. You honestly think he’s gonna throw all that away just for you?”
* You don’t budge and after a few shot moment he starts to get desperate. He begins to beg in his knees that you don’t try and get with him. He tells you that he’ll give you anything you want if you just backed off: money, riches, jewelry, gold, diamonds, it doesn’t matter he will get it for you if you just…never interacted with him again
*“He’s all I have left sis, don’t you get that?! Don’t take em from me I’m begging ya!” He wailed
* It was a long argument and you weren’t going to lie you were starting to get annoyed
* After a bit more of his childish behaviour you finally had it.
* “Jamison Fawkes!” And he immediately went silent. well, that shut him up pretty quickly
* It took a bit but after a long scolding from you about how you were going to choose who you like and not him he just sinks to the ground and starts wallowing in despair. He begins to suck his thumb like a baby, which you make a note of since you will totally mock him for it later.
* You just stared at him while his tantrum began to subdue, his body slowly rising from the ground like a zombie, his gaze averting yours. He claims that his stomach felt sick and that he needs to go and lay down for a bit.
* With that, he began to hobble off, his arm clutching his gut
* You begin to wonder if you pushed him too far but it wasn’t like you were asking for his blessing or anything, you were just letting him know you were pursuing him and there was nothing he could also about it.
* The next day he knocks on your door and just stands there for a moment. You open it up slightly to see his body hunched over, more than usual, and his head down in a sad puppy position
* “It’s fine…I guess…” he mutters, then quickly looks up “but I’m his boss ya got it? Whatever I say goes, none of the ‘I’m the one in control now’ shit, k?”
* You nod, simple enough. It wasn’t like you were going to be able to hire him anyway, too expensive for your wallet
* After that it was pretty much smooth sailing. You were able to admire him from afar (just how you liked it) with no interferences from your brother
* Minus all the suggestive jokes of course, those got on your nerves pretty quickly but hey, nothing you weren’t expecting anyway
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Ship pls? I'm a straight ESTP girl who's ambitious and a joker. Im short and hate being called smol. I'm promiscuous and I'm not shy about showing skin. I like to play video games, hang out with animals, and sing to musicals even though I suck. Im hard to embarrass or get flustered. Cynical about love. I'm interested in psychology. Sometimes, I get in a mood were I'm really cold and crabby so I need someone to be quiet and support me. I love going to festivals and arcades. Love your work btw! ;)
Ahhhh! Thank you so much!!! You’re so nice!!! ^_^
I ship you with…Genji! (Human Genji specifically) Let’s start with pranks. You two are the ultimate pranksters, no one is spared from your partnership of chaos. There is nothing you guys won’t do, water buckets or drawing with permanent marker on someone’s face while they sleep, you two do it all! Another of your favourite down time activities is play video games, many witnesses know that when you two play, there is no easy mode in your rounds, you two flat out try to destroy the other. You also place some…interesting bets while you two duke it out (cough strip gaming cough) which leads to a lot of making out afterwards and some other things ;). Whenever you guys are outside, you two are constantly trying to embarrass one another since both of you literally have no shame. You lift up each others shirts showing ridiculous amounts of skin to strangers, forcibly make out with one another in public, and you both aren’t even ashamed to just proclaim your love for one another out loud to the world. The challenge is simple: whoever gets red to the face first, loses. He always to have the advantage in these games. calling you smol and precious while pinching your cheeks and patting your head, though you’ve won your fair share as well.
The arcade is always your first destination whenever you are out on a date. You both once again trying to compete with one another the moment you step through those sliding doors. There is a challenge in everything you do, from whoever can get a plush from the claw machine to who can get the highest dance score on DDR, loser always buys dinner and the winner gets to choose the place they go to eat (and might I add, he cheats all the time since he challenges you to Sing offs). Festivals are the big nights for the both of you since they only happen so often. You both adore the the bright lights and uplifting atmosphere, feeding off the enthusiasm of the masses of people. Your favourite activities include going on the Ferris wheel, playing games to win prizes for one another and sharing bags of cotton candy with one another. The memories you make on those nights are unforgettable, in fact, your first festival with him was also the night where you had your first kiss.
Whenever you feel cold or crabby on your off days, he knows that it isn’t the time to be childish, that you need him with you. He transforms from the cocky and mischievous flirt to someone more quiet and supporting, helping you in anyway that he can. He tries everything he knows to help you, may it be going out to the market to buy you your favourite flowers, or making you some tea or hot chocolate and wrapping you tightly in one of his soft blankets. But your favourite way for him to console you is just having him hold you for a little while, whispering reassuring and uplifting words into your ear. To you, there is nothing better then being in his strong arms, relishing in the quiet, and you leaning into his side so that you tuck into the crook of his neck. While it’s not the usual date you normally have, it is some of the most emotional and genuine times you have with one another. It so gives you that gentle reminder: he always has your back and you in turn, will always have his, you will always be the perfect tag-team of misfits.
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HHHHHHHH can we see the scarred s/o with prosthetics who doesnt feel worthy with zen or rein?
Why don’t we have both??
Zen* prosthetics or not, to him you are an amazing individual inside and out
* it didn’t matter to him that you had mechanical arms and legs, it was your personality and heart that he saw in you not your appearance
* he actually loves holding your hands as well as holding your stomach, it shows that both mechanical and organic can truly live in wonderful balance
* However he began to notice that you were feeling down on yourself due to your expressions and body language (he is very perceptive)
* From past experience, he knows that having the prosthetics can be hard on a human, especially since flesh can be taken away so quickly and replacing them with metal can be a tough adjustment process
* these feelings you have about your new self are not unfamiliar to him, after all he’s the one that mentored Genji
* He always tries his hardest to help you through this harsh period of your life, constantly talking about how wonderful you look, giving you tons of cuddles, assuring you that you are beautiful the way you are, and always talking about how you will come out of this stronger in spite of what happened to you
* Never runs out of compliments for you, they are so genuine you swear that if he had a heart it would be as big as the freaking sun
* He meditates with you, hoping it’ll help you find some calm in your storm, deep breathing exercises and yoga really do help clear the mind
* whenever you need to vent or you’re just stressed out with yourself, he listens to your insecurities, giving you as much advice as he can to try and help you find some peace with who you are
* It doesn’t matter how long it takes, he will always be with you through all the hardship
* Reindhart isn’t the most observant man when it comes to insecurities or reading people
* I’m pretty sure he’s challenged you to an arm wrestling challenge despite your refusal to do so
* But let’s be honest here, he is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet in your life and his priorities are to the people he cares about (which is almost everyone)
* if you ever mention it to him or if he ever even caught the slightest wind you were feeling insecure about yourself, you would be drowning in kindness and encouragement the next day
* When you wake up in the morning, BAM! Breakfast in bed with all of your favourite breakfast foods along with his traditional ‘pick you up and spin you around’ hugs and a little pep talk as well
*“AH HAA! YOU WILL DO GREAT TODAY! I KNOW YOU WILL!” He shouts while nearly crushing your ribs
* When you’re about to leave for work or school KABOOM! He’s already made your lunch and added about 10 sticky notes with the sweetest compliments you’ve ever read telling you about how wonderful you are
* And when you come home! BOOM! He already has supper made (I imagine him wearing a cute little apron that’s too small for him but it’s the only apron that was there) and a giant pillow fort prepared, covered in blankets and ready for peaceful snuggling
* He holds your hands and nuzzles into your neck, always mentioning that you are just so brave and wonderful, and that if you ever need reassurance he’s there always to tell you what he thinks is is so amazing about you
* he’ll do this until you get the message that he adores every fibre of your being, both prosthetic and organic
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Hey, may I ask for a ship? I'm 5'1 ace/het female. I enjoy playing video games, reading but also learning new languages. I try to be open minded. I have hard time expresing my feelings, so I'm quite reserved, but when I'm close with someone I tend to make a lot of jokes and teasing but in a friendly way. I care for people important to me. Thanks!
Is this me? Because you and I are pretty similar to one another!
I ship you with… Zenyatta! One of your favourite activities to do is learn about the world together. You travel to many places, learning about different cultures and you make note to learn each the language from each country you visit. Because of his extensive knowledge, he is more than happy to help you whenever you’re having trouble with conjugating or writing sentences (you know all that fun stuff).
While you would think Zenyatta is a more of a wise mentor, he actually has a playful side, pulling harmless pranks like drawing moustaches on your face while you sleep and gently teases you like you do to your friends from past awkward moments that you can both laugh about today (sarcastic and witty comments all around).
I see you two playing a lot of Zelda together, you in his lap and him holding your torso, with him asking a lot of questions about the games lore and characters. He also constantly makes the most adorable remarks about the game.
“Be careful not to fall, falling would not be good for you or for Zelda.”
“Zelda has a lovely hat, we should try to make one for each of us.”
“Oh, he turned around. Should I say hello to him? You have a lovely hat.”
“His name isn’t Zelda? Then why is the game called The Legend of Zelda?”
Suffice to say, you two have a wonderful time full of laughs, hugs and omnic cuddles. He’s too sweet sometimes it’s hard to handle.
He knows you have a lot of trouble expressing your emotions outright, he’s there for you through the pain, trying to become someone you can trust with your emotions even though it may take some time. He’s there with free hugs or advice whenever you need (since he’s an omnic) and knows if you ever need alone time, though he assures you he’s there whenever you need him. You two are just adorable!
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ok but. lucio with a s/o who is just So Done with Everything, widow: a single death can change everything s/o: wow, do you have any other slogans from like, hot topic? or someone: hey you cant drink whiskey here! s/o, visibly drinking from a whiskey flask: this isnt whiskey, its vinegar. cause im Laughing at the possible differences
This one made me laugh a lot, hope you enjoy it!!
* dude, every time you open your mouth he’s laughing his head off
* He loves your remarks and attitude, he finds himself waiting for you to immediately shut some jerk face down when they need to be knocked down a few pegs
* However it’s been more then one occasion that he’s become concerned for your safety due to your loose tongue
* When Widowmaker said her little motto and you responded with ‘wow, do you have any other slogans from hot topic?’ he just stares at you jaw open, eyes wide and in a state of complete shock.
* He feels mixed about your comment. On one hand, he’s proud of you for for your bravery, your brilliant shut down and everything else but on the other he was absolutely terrified that she was going to snap your neck then and there
* Suffice to say, you two left her sights quite quickly, thanks to Lucio’s persuasive shoving
* There was also the time you told someone that your Whisky was vinegar, like anyone would believe that right? Well that’s what he was thinking…at first
* When you said it out loud he began to chuckle and just thought, 'haha, funny joke’ but when you didn’t laugh and just looked at him with this dead serious stare, he immediately went quiet* He started thinking about it. Were you a person who does that? His train of thought went from 'no that’s just a joke’ to 'is it a joke?’ to 'it’s got to be!’ And back to 'but what if it isn’t?’
* He had to confirm it with you jut to make sure…After you guys left of course as he didn’t want to ruin the entire thing
*besides, you wouldn’t have told him the truth while you guys where still there and just kept the joke running* In the end, your sarcasm is the one of the reasons he adores you but it always makes him worry about what you might be getting yourself into
* He just keeps an extra eye on you, just in case
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Hi. You deleted my requested of Mccree. It's fine. Things like this can happend. I also was the one who send the Winston peanut butter thing. I loved it by the way. Mccree with an s/o who always steals his hat and peacekeeper. Like they had a night togheter and the next morning she is gone with the hat and the gun and he can't find her for the rest of the day. Just that you know that I love your blog and will request more and that it's me, hehe, I decided to don't be anonym anymore. ❤
Hello again! I took this imagine a bit more of a humorous way but I hope you like it nonetheless!
* the moment he wakes up and turns to find his hat nowhere to be seen, he turned back to ask you if you knew where it was but you weren’t there either.
* His only thought was ‘that sneaky little devil.’ A small but not serious scowl forms on his face
* He should’ve expected it by now, you have been constantly request to wear it, so he shouldn’t be all that surprised that you did, he’s just a bit disappointed that you took it while he was sleeping. After all a wrestling match with you would’ve been fun (or enticing)
* Its only when he realizes that his peacekeeper is gone that he starts to freak out, its very similar to the 'I can’t find my phone’ panic mode
* His mind immediately starts racing. What are you doing with it, were you going to throw it out? Worse, were you going to use it on somebody? Wait, do you even know how to use a gun?!
* Through out the entire day, he’s just pacing around the house, calling you, texting you, trying to figure out what’s going on
* his mind starts going all over the place and he just hopes that you’re alright and that is stuff is safe
*When he sees you walk through the door, you barely get a step in before he’s snatching the hat off your head and starts to tightly hug it before putting it on his head.
* You swear you saw him tear up a little bit
* “I promise I will never let you out of my sight again!”
* Then he looks back at you and just holds out his hand, gesturing for his peacemaker with the a childish 'gimme’ stance with a pouty face and grabby hands
* You reluctantly hand it over and he straps it onto his belt, relieved knowing that he’s got his trusty gun and hat back where they belong
* You softly smile and sit there, allowing the moment happen. His face was covered in childish glee and you weren’t going to lie, it was pretty adorable that this was how he acted when it came to his usual style of dress. Has it always been this way?
*After a few more seconds of watching him dance for joy, you come to a conclusion. 'Yeah, I’ll just…tell him about everything that happened tomorrow’
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Hey, can i get some comfort headcanons? Like Mccree or hanzo with an s/o who is capable of putting on a perfectly normal act like 99% of the time, but is actually like dieing on the inside due to the fact that they have ptsd from abusive parents? Like, normally they are able to fake being fine but every now and then something sets them off? (i dropped a plate at work today and broke down sobbing cuz when i was younger that would get me beat) if this is too much then just general comforthc pls+ty
I’m so sorry that happened to you, and I hope that you’re in a much better place. I used the plate example for this ask so I hope that’s alright!
McCree: When he sees you in the state that your in, his first instinct is to run over and give you a hug but he knows that making quick or sudden movements might make you even more startled. Instead, he takes a quiet breath and walks over to you slowly, keeping his expression calm and open, a small smile on his face. He makes sure to be in front of you when walking as well, slowly stepping towards you, carefully stepping over the glass and holding his arms out wide for a hugging motion, waiting for you to make the first move and hug him to assure him that you were ok with it. You looked up at him slightly and he responded with a big, goofy grin on face.
“it’s ok darlin’, I got ya, nothin’s gonna hurt ya.’
You walk towards him and wrap your arms around him slowly, quietly sobbing into his chest. He just holds you in his arms, rubbing your back and whispering into your hair. He slowly pulls you away from the mess, making sure your don’t get hurt and sits you down on the couch, not letting go of you for even a second. You two just sit there in complete comfort, no need to talk just beautiful silence curled up against each other. He’s got you, you’re ok and he won’t let anything happen to you.
Hanzo: His expression doesn’t change when you drop and break the plate. As you begin to panic and tear begin to stream down your cheeks, he quietly steps in front of you and offers his hand out to you. You take it slowly, him delicately picking your hand up like it was glass and with that, kissed each of your knuckles. Slowly, he turns your hand up to mirror his own and slowly curls his fingers down, gently intertwining his hand in yours. He slowly pulls you along and walks you both to a closet to find a broom and dust pan. he let’s go of your hand for a moment, getting on his knees and began cleaning the mess up himself. Once he throws it all the broken shards away and assures that there isn’t any left over pieces left behind of, he gently grazes his hand on your cheek and looks you in the eye.
"There is nothing to be worried about my love.” He murmured “"Accidents happen and it’s been taken care of. It is now a thing of the past.”
He takes you out of the kitchen, realizing that you’ve been through a lot of stress and carries you up to your room in a bridal style fashion. He gently lays you down on your cool sheets then following suit, wrapping his arms around your torso and propping his head on your shoulder gently. Sleep was hard that night, but with Hanzo next to you sleeping soundly, it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.
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May I have a shipping? I am a 5'1 female who is pan doesn't really care which side. I am very kind but also can turn dangerous when angry and mindfulness actually helps me. I short tempered and have a love for cheese. I am a writing who loves to listen to music and just sing along. A good book always lightens my day. I have short brown hair and black eyes plus being a little chubby
I ship you with…Mei! You two love reading together, always in some way cuddling as you enjoy time together. While you two read I silence, one of your favourite things to do is point out either really cool or really stupid points from whatever you both are reading and either be really interested or get a good google out of it. If you ever need something edited, she’s your girl to go to, always double and triple checking your grammar and giving you a few pointers here and there when needed. You two also do a weekly Karaoke night at your place, singing to all your favourite songs and dancing with one another to the beat. It didn’t matter that you looked dorky or not, being together was all that mattered.
Did I also mention that you adopted Snowball as your pet? Cause you did and it is the most adorable thing in the world!
I would say a good place for you both to go on your dates would be at a lovely fondue restaurant because 1. Fondue is amazing and 2. Cheese fondue is the best thing in the world (next to Chocolate fondue). I see you two having a lovely time there, eating nachos dipped in freshly melted cheeses for entrees and after that, marshmallows dipped in melted milk chocolate for dessert. You would finish the date off with a lovely midnight stroll in the park, talking and laughing about whatever topics come to mind as you enjoy each others company underneath the shining stars.
Mei is a smart cookie, and being her girlfriend means that she knows you inside and out. When you become extremely frustrated or angry, she’s there with a gentle hand on your shoulder and a calm look in her eye, gently telling you that to take a deep breath and talk out your frustrations with her. She never leaves your side when you’re angry, always trying to relax you while you’re talking with a massage, hugs or even making you your favourite foods. She loves you unconditionally wether you’re happy or angry and while you may seem like total contrasts, in your relationship, opposites do attract.
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Nyello, matchup please? 5'1 smol bi female (with a preference for men). Alternative in appearance and music taste. I have a love for creepy stuff (especially horror stories) and i love anything sci-fi and fantasy. I sing and play piano. I like to read, write, make stuff, and play video games. I'm wayy too sarcastic with a somewhat dark sense of humor. I have a lot of body image issues and struggle with depression. I love hugs and cuddles! And am a total ambivert. Thank you!
I ship you with Junkrat! First of all, horror stories by the campfire, you both cuddled up together in a blanket and eating smores, perfect date. He adores all the stories you tell, giving you as much attention as he can whenever you tell them. While he enjoys them all, his favourites are the scary ones as he always gets an excuse to cuddle up with you afterwards claiming that he’s scared but he’s smirking all the while saying it, it’s rather adorable. You constantly have video game competitions with stupid dares and rewards at the end (like giving the other a kiss, or strip gaming) especially in games like Mario Cart and Super Smash bros (Nintendo, the most family friendly company creating the the ultimate relationship destroying games)
He adores your body and when around you usually clings to you like a koala just to be close. Loves to give you hugs too! His favourite way to hug you is side hugs, jumping out to surprise you and holding you so tight you might stop breathing for a moment. Did I mention he loves to spin you around? Because he absolutely does. One of his favourite downtime activities with you is cuddling with you for hours on end, snuggling up to your stomach and napping (he murmurs and nuzzles in his sleep, he’s like a kitten).
His humour and yours tend to line up, especially with the ‘I want the whole world to end.’ Bit. However majority of the time he will take these jokes too literal. There was one time where you mentioned offhand that 'I would totally steal it if i could’ when you saw something you wanted but couldn’t afford, aaand in response he took out one of his concussion mines and said 'let’s do it shall we?’ With an evil smirk plastered on his face.
Weather you actually did it or not, is up to your imagination but suffice to say, there isn’t much he wouldn’t do for you.
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Your newest post just vanished... Now I'm sad...
No it's ok!! Everything is ok! Don't be sad!! I accidentally answered the wrong ask so I had to delete it, the one it was supposed to be for will be out shortly!
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Ah! I messed up
I accidentally posted the wrong answer with the wrong post oh my gosh I am so sorry!!! To the person who sent me the McCree imagine, please send it to me again, I am so sorry!!
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can u maybe do hcs for lucio with a s/o who has a lot of scars and like, All of their limbs are prosthetics (theyre advanced like mccrees) and they feel like lucio deserves better? its fine if this isnt something ur comfy with!! have a good one!!
Oh my, I had so many ideas for this one :)
* Lucio thinks you are super cool, like a freaking super hero.
* No matter how you got your prosthetics, he finds you so amazing for going through not only losing your limbs but all the treatments that came afterwards determined to get back to how you used to be
* His face lights up when he sees you use your prosthetics in action, his jaw drops and some have even claimed they’ve seen stars in his eyes when he watches.
* Every time you try to cover your arms with gloves and a jacket or long pants and boots when you two go out, he is ultimately confused at first but pays it no mind since, hey, you might think people will be intimidated by them and that’s a rational fear to have.
* However he got more confused when you started to wear the jacket, gloves and pants around him
* He thought your prosthetics were so…incredible how could he not think they were cool. Did he give off some vibe that he thought they weren’t cool? He hoped not! The last thing he wanted was to make you feel insecure!
* He’s not one to beat around the bush, so when you two were in his house, he just came out and asked you why
* When you explain that you don’t feel like you’re worthy of him because of your scars and marks, at first he doesn’t really get it since, y'no, you are a badass cyborg warrior, what’s not to love? But by the end, he understands where you’re coming from after you explain it further* He gives you a hug of reassurance and says that you can talk to him whenever you need to get a pick me up since he has many wonderful things to say about you.
* He then asks if it’s ok to meet him the next day, which you agree to. The request makes you slightly confused since he won’t tell you why but you’re more then happy to spend more time with him
* When you arrive at his door, you’re greeted with his smiling face. You notice that he has bags under his eyes and a pair of wireless headphones in his hands, * he asks you to put on and you oblige, to which he excitedly runs back to his sound equipment and gets everything set up
* Within a few seconds you realize you were listening to one of his songs, one of his new ones you were guessing. A fast paced and peppy jam with a mix of hardcore drums to make it more intense and powerful, it was magnificent, then again, it was only natural that it was
* As you’re tapping your foot to the beat of the music, he gives you a proud yet shy smile and rubbed the back of his head
* “I hope you like it since y'no I made it for ya.”
* You look back up, wondering if you had heard him right. Before you could even ask he was right in front of you, his smile shining like the sun
* He caresses your cheek with one of his hands and intertwines his fingers in your own with the other
* “I made it for you as a reminder, that…y'no I’ve got your back yeah? To me, you’re wonderful inside and out! So whenever you feel down, put this song on and let my thoughts help bring you up when ever you’re down!”
*And after a quick kiss on the lips…he fell asleep right in your arms and you just realized he spent the whole night making the song for you. With a soft smile you close the door behind you and sit on his couch, his head on your lap.
*for the rest of the day you sat there, running your fingers through his hair, feeling so happy to have someone as kind and positive as him
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I hope this is not too emotional for you but can I have a McCree x Fem!reader where she is continuously quiet and when he discovers why, it's when he finds out that she is constantly fighting anxiety/depression due to being yelled at by her parents when her parents are fighting with each other and then her siblings are treating her like she doesn't matter (ex. Talking about her, judging her, making fun of her, etc.)...I need some fluff right now as my depression is getting worse.
I hope this makes you feel better, you are loved and never alone
* It never really bothered him how quiet you were, he knew a lot of people are shy or quiet and need some time to break out of their shell. You were an amazing person regardless and he loves you all the same,
* It was when you got…more quiet that he started to get concerned.
* He couldn’t put his finger on it but he knew that something was off, he knew how you usually were and while there wasn’t much of a change from your normal behaviour, he got the vibe that you were…off.
* You weren’t laughing at his normal jokes, you didn’t seem genuinely happy either, the smile always felt forced and your gaze was always aimed towards the floor, your focus somewhere else in your mind
* So he sits you down with your hands in his and kisses you on the forehead. He looks you in the eyes with a worried gaze, takes a deep breath and just…comes out and asks you, no beating around the bush
* “I know that you’re usually a shy one darlin’ but…tonight…I dunno somthin’s wrong and it could just be me but…I just want you to know that you can talk to me about anythin’ I won’t leave ya and I certainly won’t brush it off. If it’s botherin’ ya I want to help.”
* After a long silence, and a day of trying to fight back the tears, you just broke down sobbing. McCree hugged you tightly in his arms, rubbing your back and whispering into your ear: ‘shhh… it’s ok….it’s ok I got ya.’
* It took a little while but your sobs began to die down, becoming soft whimpers as he nuzzled your neck and kissed your cheeks. You didn’t notice how tightly you were grabbing onto him until you let go
* You told him everything that has been going on in your life, your parents, siblings and what you’re dealing with, he just listens, never taking his eyes off you for a second
* Once you finished, he holds you gently by the arms telling you that’s he’s here for you, him just being there for you was enough
* He puts his hat on top of your head, wraps his serape around you and gives you a big smile. Putting his arms around you, he kisses your cheek and you both enjoy each others company
* “Y'no, you will always have a safe spot with me, I don’t care whatever it take, I will do whatever it takes to make ya smile again.”
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Imagine Winston has an s/o who loves peanut butter just like him. Pleeeeeaaaaaaaase!
* Oh man this soooo does not help him get over his addiction, in fact I’m pretty sure you made it about 10x worse :P
* Like oh my gosh, he’s getting double his regular amount now to satisfy the both of you since both of you eating what he normally gets is eaten in about 2-3 day maximum (but it’s usually cleaned out in less time then that)
* While you split the treat equally between each other, if one finishes before the other 100% they are sneaking into the other ones stash just to satisfy their cravings
* If they get caught, ohhh there’s gonna be a a war
* And by war I mean tickle war (not a fight, it’s to intense to be just a fight) they will tickle the other relentlessly until either they give in and hand the jar back or they surrender and let them have it
* This leads you both to falling over laughing at one another for how ridiculous you both were acting
* Afterwards you both get comfortable on the floor since you are both exhausted (and there is no way you’re getting back up after that) and proceed to gently cuddle one another.
* If that wasn’t all, you two usually end up sharing the delicious confection mixing it with all kinds of fruit (mostly bananas though)
Geez I used to be completely obese asked with Nutella. I mean, I could finish a jar in about 2 day or a week depending on the size so I can relate XD
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