overneathunbeloved · 4 years
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
*sprinkling my traits throughout my ocs* this one is the kid in me and all my wonder. this one is my self-worth issues and anger. this one is my absolute desire to be over six feet tall
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
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Everybody knows me now
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
“i lick? :3″
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
Showing up to family gatherings or obligatory family summons like
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
When I hear someone mentioning Ghost:
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
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265 notes · View notes
overneathunbeloved · 4 years
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
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Made by me!!
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
So… this is happening
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And the best thing is that the writings at the bottom of the backdrop literally say “super asshole first emeritus”, “asshole second emeritus” and “little asshole third emeritus”.
I am mesmerized.
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overneathunbeloved · 4 years
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overneathunbeloved · 6 years
Sae, to Ren: Do you always run headlong into certain death?
Makoto: Sometimes he walks. Occasionally shuffles. Once I’m pretty sure I saw him amble into certain death.
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overneathunbeloved · 6 years
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overneathunbeloved · 6 years
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blue shiny pokemon ★☆
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overneathunbeloved · 6 years
All pink Floyd album art
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You little shit…
if you can identify all the pictures on the side there i love you 
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overneathunbeloved · 6 years
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Been thinking about Skull Kid and Majora’s Mask. The more I think about it, the more I realize what a wonderful game it really is in context of the series. It’s a game about alienation, loneliness and the importance of friendship, and in its own strange way it just may be the saddest and most personal Zelda game.
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