overdorks-blog · 5 years
Talon Shenanigans 1
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I didn’t stutter, Sombra.”
The hacker looks over at the hooded man, her feet extended and in his lap, crossed neatly at the ankle. “Well, this was my couch and you sat down. Not my fault you were in the way when I needed to stretch.”
“Incorrigible.” She shrugs at his insult, settling back into the pillow that she had been relaxing against. There’s a moment of pause, and reaper moves his head just a little, to look at her through the corner of his eye. She smiles at him, unaware of his plan.
The man dissolves into mist and her feet fall back onto the couch, and he reforms on top of her feet and legs, making her scream in a cross of pain and surprise. “Ay! Ay! Ow! Fucking-! Gordo! Get the hell off!” She wriggles one foot free, kicking at his side, his arm, anything she can reach with it until she can wiggle her other one free
“I’m not your footrest.”
Sombra huffs, tucking her feet close to herself as she continues her work. She pauses to wiggle them, checking that nothing is hurt or broken after being sat on by 500 pounds of nanites and armor. Jackass.
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overdorks-blog · 5 years
I’m dying inside and need to write. Someone drop a ship and or prompt in the comments or in my askbox!
All rarepairs accepted
no nsfw please
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overdorks-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
I love it
“We are here for how long?” Hanzo demands, incredulous. 
Jesse sighs, rubbing his face and resting his forehead on the wheel of the truck. “Winston didn’t stutter, Han.” He laments, resting his chin on the wheel and looking out the window, looking around. “Looks like we’re stuck here in Tuba City for a while.” 
The cowboy blinks, looking over at Hanzo. “What?”
“I said no. I refuse to stay in this place.” Hanzo repeats, crossing his arms and sitting back in his seat,  and, honestly, Jesse is reminded of a petulant child.
 "Well, it don't look like we got much of a choice, Archer.  We're out of gas and Winston can't get here for two days, at the earliest, which might mean three or four." Jesse sits up, looking at the other man. Hanzo just seems to grow more agitated at Jesse's words. 
 "McCree, I am covered in dust, my face is sunburned,  and if you say one more thing about snakes or scorpions in my shoes I will find one and put it in yours!" Hanzo snaps, looking over at Jesse with unbridled rage. "Now, we are not going to stay here, I do not care if we have to walk to the next town!" 
 Jesse blinks at his outburst, his chuckle turning into a full-out laughter, hitting his palm on the wheel as he gasps for air.  "Aw,  doll. That's just rich, ain't it? Gosh. Fuckin- that's great. C'mon. I'm sure there's a Motel around here somewhere." 
He pulls the keys from the ignition, sliding out the door and his boots crunch in the gravel. Oh, how Hanzo hates that sound. 
"I- what? You cannot be serious." The door shuts, and Jesse starts walking. 
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
A few things. I wont be leaving Tumblr because the content ban won't effect my work, but I probably will make a pillowfort sometime after the new year, because lots of the artists that I love are moving there.
I'm taking a few weeks break from writing, because I got my hand bit by a dog and it's really hard to type a significant amount right now.
Thank you all so much for your love and support.
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
"He's your brother. Youre family."
"He's an idiot, and don't compare me to him. Just were related doesnt make him family."
“He is your brother. You are family.”
“He is an idiot! And do not compare me to him. Just because we are related does not mean we are family!”
Zenyatta shouldn’t be surprised by his student’s outburst, but the omnic can’t help but
give a deep, robotic imitation of a sigh. “Genji…”
“No. You have said quite enough. I believe we are done for today, Master Zenyatta.” The cyborg gets to his feet, leaving his master sitting on the stones in silence.
‘How dare he?’ Genji thinks, scaling the wall of the monastery, perching on the roof where he often finds himself if he wants to be alone. ‘He knows nothing of what happened. How dare he presume that my thoughts and actions would make me anything like- like him? He should not claim revenge would set me on the same path that it put my brother on when he- when he took everything from me!’
“What have you lost?” Comes the sound, rousing Genji from his thoughts. The cyborg frowns at the statement, not looking at his master.
“He took everything.” Genji snaps, turning his head slightly. His master is ever undeterred, the same look of serene patience on his face that Genji had come to be able to
understand more than simply looking at an Omnic’s faceplate. “My humanity. Two legs, an arm-”
“-and a handful vital internal organs. Your esophagus. I know, Genji. But what have you
lost? You say you have come to be at peace with your new form, and yet you still cling to the thing that inspired your metamorphosis.”
“I do not understand.” Genji turns, facing Zenyatta where he hovers, ever patient for his student.
“Your brother has done this to you, and you hold anger and blame in your heart.” The omnic explains easily, as if this hadn’t been obvious. “In truth, I believe you still are not comfortable with yourself. Your anger, your blame...It is misguided, Genji. Accept who you have become. A butterfly is not ridiculed for changing from a caterpillar- nor do they dwell on what it might have been to stay one. It will adapt, and trust that it is how things are meant to be.”
The cyborg is silent, and his master tilts his head in what Genji has come to understand is a smile. “Reflect on this, and we will speak again.”
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
can i pls get some mcdva.... shippy ..... maybe just domestic stuff like hana sick and jesse taking care of her id give u my life
Jesus! Finally, here it is! I’m so, so sorry I’ve been like, dead. but I did the thing and I actually really love it??
“Eugh.” Hana sways a little, gripping the counter as a wave of nausea passes over her. It’s late, and the pilot had been up talking to her agent in Korea, who, despite repeatedly having it explained to her, didn’t seem to understand the time difference between Korea and Gibraltar. That, or she didn’t care. Hana wouldn’t put either option past her. “I haven’t felt this bad since I did that promo for that dietary drink.” The girl laments aloud to the empty kitchen, in the hopes that it might make her feel better. It doesn’t. 
She sighs and slumps over, setting her cheek on the counter and attempting to will the kettle into whistling by staring at it. That doesn’t work, either.
“D’ya mean that moneygrab laxative shake?” A rumbling drawl behind her has Hana straightening up. Jess, in the doorway, looks tired. His eyes are squinted against the light and his beard is flat on one side where he’d slept on it. 
She feels guilty, now. He probably tried to stay up and wait on her. “oh, Jesse, you didn’t have to- ugh…” She leans against the counter and scowls, irritated by her body’s betrayals. His warm chuckle almost makes the sickness worth it, though. Almost. 
“Alright, rabbit, slow down, there.” He hums, moving past her with a sleepy smile. He sets his hand on her head as he passes, and reaches up to pull a mug and wooden box out of the cabinet. 
In all honesty, she hadn’t even thought about trying tea to settle her stomach, but she can’t help but stare, a little dumbfounded as Jesse pulls the kettle off of the stove just before it starts to whistle and picks a teabag out of the box. “How did you-”
He flashes her a smile. “Ana taught me more than just how ta shoot, rabbit. Mint tea, it’s good for an upset stomach.” Jesse puts the box away, tucking the mug into her hands. She looks down at it, and back to the cowboy. 
“I-..Uh. Thanks.” The pilot says intelligently. 
“Anytime, rabbit.” He chuckles, kissing her forehead, and leaving her with the mingling scent of mint tea and warm tobacco
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
Leon The Professional but Hanzo The Assassin? Mchanzo with scion Hanzo & deadlock (of legal age) McCree. Maybe McCree managed to get away from blackwatch and met Hanzo somehow - asked him for help. Romance ensures. Nobody dies. uh McCree bottoms? Maybe your favorite scene from the movie/movies trailer. Thank you :)
Sorry it took so long to answer! I have actually no idea what that is, I’m so sorry QAQ
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
Wow. I love this.
Jesse McCree is sixteen years old when he meets the devil at a crossroads.
His eyes burn like fire and his grin has a few too many teeth and the scent of sulfur lingers on him. Jesse knows who he is without asking, knows it’s foolish to accept the man’s challenge. He thinks he’s about to lose his soul, remembers his granddad’s warning about pride, but his hand doesn’t shake where he grips his gun.
That night, without a star in the sky and the wind howling with the voices of the damned, Jesse McCree outshoots the devil himself.
“I’ll admit, kid,” the devil says, a grin on his face. He doesn’t seem put out by losing, but Jesse doesn’t trust his jovial attitude. “I’m impressed. What’s your price?”
“I’ll take your right eye,” Jesse blurts before he can think better of it, and the devils grin grows wider.
“You asked for it,” he says, and he’s plucking out his eye that burns with hellfire, bright as the sun in the desert night. Jesse screams when he shoves the fire in his skull, falls to his knees. When he catches his breath, the devil is gone, and when he looks around, the night seems brighter somehow.
They call him Dead Eye in Deadlock but only a handful of people know why. Gabe picks him up in the raid, because he sees Jesse drop ten men with a six shooter, sees the skull burn in his eye.
Every once in a while, he sees a man with an eye patch across the way. He’ll give Jesse a nod, and when he blinks, the man is gone.
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
I’m taking commissions!
Heyo! I’m going to start also taking commissions for my writing because that’s honestly really something I need to be doing right now, considering my financial situation
All commissions will be taken through ko-fi, where I have the pricing set as follows: 
<500 = 1 coffee <1,000 = 2 coffees <2,000 = 3 coffees <2,750 = talk with me, we can work something out!
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
First time prompts
Imagine the first time the otp+
1. Cuddles
2. Sees the others’ living space
3. Takes a photo together
4. Addresses a serious issue in their relationship
5. Sees each other cry
6. Goes on a really fancy date
7. Does an important job/task together
8. Shares a bed
9. Argues and/or apologizes about something
10. Celebrates together.
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
McHanzo drabble
I did a drabble in class, so i decided to post if for the sake of content. I still have a request to get to, I know, and I promise that I will. I just have a LOT of classwork to do.
Tw: death, canon-typical violence, blood/gore
Jesse's revolver is heavy in his handd, heavier than he can ever remember it being. Brown eyes dilate in horror.
There, laid out in front him, slumped on the floor near his desk, is Sojiro Shimada. Dead, in a puddle of his own blood. The Shimada patriarch is staring blankly, pale faced and blue-lipped, red blooming from his chest and onto the floor below him.
The cowboy's tounge is dry and uncomfortable in his mouth, looking around the otherwise pristine office. Not a decanter, nor pen was out of place from where it had been hours before.
What had happened here?
The door clicks, and Jesse's heart jumps. How is he supposed to explain this? His boss is dead at hos feet, someone's coming into the room, and he's got his gun drawn like a guilty man.
Fumbling his Colt .40 back into it's holster, he turns to the door as it's opened. Jesse's brown eyes meet Hazel ones, and it's all over.
Hanzo looks to his father on the ground, and Jesse has to jerk forward, catching the prince before he can fall to his knees.
The wailing is the only thing that fills his ears. The sound makes his throat tighten and his chest ache. Fists, strengthened from years of Kyudo and and swordsmanship, now beat at his chest pathetically. "How could you!?" He demands.
"I trusted you!" Hanzo manages to shove Jesse away, tears streaming down his reddened face. In removing himself from the cowboy's grip, he falls onto his backside rather ungracefully, wiping the wetness from his face with his sleeces furiously.
He scrambles over to his father, gripping the man's blazer. "He trusted you...oh, Oto-san..." The prince's voice drops to a whisper, bending to rest his forehead on his father's chest.
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
This is precious. I love it.
Aayyy buddy, can we get McGenji 25?
FINALLY did it! ^^ Sorry for the long wait!
25: “It’s been a long time since I saw your smile.”
Keep reading
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
(Blind date anon!) i was thinking probably more focused on Genji and dva!
Oh! I got it now. Thanks! 
Request: Mchanzo blind date where Genji set things up on mccree’s side and dva set up on hanzo’s (but of course they stalk the date and sit in disguise a few tables away to make sure it goes well)?
this was so great to write, except the dialouge. It’s so irritating because the shimadas dont,,, use,,, contractions when they speak. I also edited it a little because I thought it would be more fun this way :3
-1:23 A.M, Watchpoint: Gibraltar-
ginseng: you up?diva: duhdiva: what would make you think I wasn’t? ginseng: your stream activity indicator was offlinediva: so?diva: you and i both know that means literally nothingginseng: yeah i guess thats trueginseng: anywayginseng: i was talking to mr. grumpy hakmadiva: oh boydiva: …diva: waitdiva: you did NOT tell him about my collenction of unflattering candids of himdiva: did you?ginseng: what? ginseng: no shut updiva: …ginseng: thanksginseng: as i was sayingginseng: apparently Hanzo hasn’t been on a date since his last omaiai diva: youre serious?ginseng: dead.diva: wowdiva: no wonder he’s wound so tightginseng: I knowginseng: it’s ridiculousginseng: we need to do something about itdiva: uh, Yeah!ginseng: I think i have an idea. diva: ?ginseng: shooting range tomorrow, ten sharpginseng: and get some sleepginseng: we cant do this if youre tireddiva: ewdiva: okay diva: goodnightginseng: goodnight hana
-10:09 AM, Watchpoint: Gibraltar (Training grounds)-
“Are you kidding me? This is your big plan?” Hana demands, crossing her arms. A stray bot whirrs by, and a shiruken buries itself into the back of it’s head. She scowls at it, turning slightly from the bot to look at Genji. 
“Why not?” He shrugs, twirling one of the sharp blades between his fingers with a practiced ease, looking over the balcony of the training area to the man in front of the practice targets. The cowboy hat made his silhouette unmistakable. “Why not!?” Hana seems incredulous.  “Okay, there are plenty of reasons why not. We can start with the fat that this is Jesse. He knows better than anyone else what you went through! He was the closest thing you had to a best friend at the hardest point in your life that was caused by your brother! If you really think Jesse hasn’t taken that into consideration when Hanzo came here, then…well. I don’t know. But I know how much Jesse cares, and I don’t think-”
Genji raises a hand, and Hana falls quiet. “I have made my peace with my past, and McCree knows this well. The anger he may have felt in his heart for my brother spawned from my own. As mine has passed, so has his. Jesse is much more of a forgiving person than you mat realize.” Genji smiles behind his visor, standing straight from where he had been leaning against the railing. “I know my best friend, and my brother. I believe that this will work.” 
 The pilot doesn’t seem convinced, but she nods anyway, rolling up the sleeves of her jacket and retrieving her blaster from the pocket of her hoodie. “If you say so,” shaking her head, she pills her blaster out of her pocket and points at him in a playful accusation. “I’m trusting you.” 
Before she can blink, she’s lifted off the ground by strong arms, and she squirms, laughing and pushing at him. “I have had your back more than you realize, Hana!” Genji teases, and she really can’t do anything but giggle as he swings her in a circle, setting her down gently after. She grins, arms tightly around his shoulders. “-And I’ll have it here too. This will work, I promise.” 
She can only hope he’s right. Infighing, in a place like the newly reformed and still unstable Overwatch…could be disastrous. “Okay. I trust you.” She nods, pulling out of the hug. she gives him a little wave as she heads for the stairs and down into the range. After all, where better to talk to Jesse than over some target practice?
This was such a bad idea. Why did Hana even agree to this? In fact, the idea is so bad, that Hana briefly wonders if there might be a consequence for misuse of comms devices. 
Since Genji isn’t exactly covert, or easy to disguise, it’s left to Hana to secretly chaperone the date. “This is absolutely and entirely rediculous.” sne mutters into her cup, the mic in the charm of her bracelet catching her quiet words. She has headphones in, plugged into a laptop that’s open to some random fashion blog. 
‘But it’s working.’ comes her answer, into her headphones, and she rolls her eyes. ‘If nobody has recognized you as D.Va in two hours, then there is no way they will notice you, either.’
She sighs in defeat. What he says is true enough. She looks nothing like her usual self, even in her time off. Her hair is tucked up into a mildly toned beanie, and she’s wearing plastic glasses and a flannel that’s just a bit too big for her. she looks like an entirely different person.
 ‘Here they come. You are doing great, Hana.’
Damn right she is. It took her talking to McCree for multiple hours on multiple days to coordinate this. Not that she dislikes the cowboy, but there’s only so much Clint Eastwood quotes she can take in such an expanse of time. Sighing, she sits back and sips from her drink again, cradling the warm cup in her hands like she’s cold. “Party in sight.” she murmurs softly.
‘…You know you do not have to use foraml code, right? it is not like this is an actual mission.’
“Well, next time you can be the sit-in, then.” She hisses, and sets her cup down, hunching over her laptop a little bit to play her part. She messes around, typing some nonsense into a text box, and clicking into Yuna’s stream to drop a good-natured challenge and watch her chat go wild. She smiles a little, but her amusement is short lived. 
‘Hana!’ She blinks, instinctively looking up. ‘pay attention!’ Genji chides, and she make a face, clicking open their private chat and tapping out a message.
diva: i cant like, stare at them!diva: theyll know! 
There’s a groan through the earpiece, and she looks over to where Jesse and Hanzo are sitting. Jesse says something, and Hanzo’s eyes go wide, and then narrow, and he looks away, face dusted pink. she snorts and shakes her head a little. 
diva: i think we have this in the bagginseng: are you sure?diva: if them flirting like schoolkids is ant indicationdiva: yesginseng: finally!
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
Prompt List
I compiled some prompt lists I found to form a list of 76 kiss prompts. Send in a number and a character and one of us shall write a one shot based on it. 
“Good morning” kiss
Kiss on the forehead 
Drunk/sloppy kiss
Awkward kiss 
Angry kiss 
“I’m sorry” kiss 
“I’ve missed you” kiss 
Seductive kiss
“War’s End” kiss 
“Goodbye” kiss
“I almost lost you” kiss
Kiss on the nose 
Kiss on the ear
Kiss on the neck
Kiss on the back 
New Year’s kiss
Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys
“I do” kiss 
Shy kiss 
Surprised kiss 
Kiss on a dare 
Sad kiss 
Exhausted parents kiss 
Kiss of life 
Kiss inspired by a song
Jealous kiss
Giggly kiss
First kiss 
Last kiss 
Kiss under a full moon
Kiss at dusk 
Kiss at dawn
Kiss in a dream 
Returned from the dead kiss 
Themed kisses
“We can never be together” kiss 
It’s-the-end-of-the-world kiss
Awkward teenage crush kiss
Spin the bottle kiss
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss
Forbidden kiss
Sated kiss
Soft kiss
Tender kiss
Passionate kiss
Long kiss
Quick kiss
Morning kiss
Before Bed kiss
In Secret kiss
Public kiss
Accidentally Witnessed kiss
Against a wall kiss
Against a Locker kiss
True Love kiss
Caught off-guard kiss
Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths
Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed
Kissing So Desperately That Their Whole Body Curves Into The Other Person’s 
Throwing Their Arms Around The Other Person, Holding Them Close While They Kiss
Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp
Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up
Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing
Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward 
One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other 
Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In
When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More
A Hoarse Whisper “Kiss Me”
Following The Kiss With A Series Of Kisses Down The Neck
Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion
A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss
When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their Lips/Nose/Forehead 
Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Do Wn And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes 
Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap 
Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing 
Top Of Head Kisses
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
Mchanzo blind date where Genji set things up on mccree’s side and dva set up on hanzo’s (but of course they stalk the date and sit in disguise a few tables away to make sure it goes well)?
So I've been mulling over this for a bit, and the request is really kind of ambiguous.I'm not sure if youre wanting me to focus on the mchanzo or genji and D.va?Could you give me a little more detail?
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
Send “♫” and I'll put my playlist on shuffle and make a starter based off of the song that plays.
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
Headcanon A:  realistic
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Created from the post seen here
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