overafekingknife · 6 years
Hey, E here. Due to personal problems we’ve decided put this temporarily on hiatus for an unknown span of time.
We’re working out what should be done and hopefully the roleplay will be resumed, however I cannot and will not confirm so.
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Hey,  Sorry about the couple of days that were lacking chapters, X and I were very busy and so editing was temporarily put on the back track.
Thanks to X’s speedy editing, we’re now back on time and should be working as normal. If any future issues are forseen I’ll try and make a post.
I mean, I’m not sure if we’re warning anyone, but hey, if anyone out there is reading this, hey and thanks! We hope you enjoy it and sorry about the wait. E.
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Well that escalated quickly. 
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 8
Content warnings: References to past abuse and torture.
Despite the current issues occurring, Stani decided to play ignorant, opening up his agency as per norm. Akihiko stood behind him, talking incessantly about his girlfriend-turned-fiancée, I should probably get them a card, Stanislav to a moment to consider before tuning him out again. He was glad for him, certainly, he vaguely remembered the day that his father had leased the brother and sister from that goods transporter, they'd quickly taken to him, for some strange reason and decided to remain by his side, despite being released. They had joined him in setting up his own business, remaining loyal to the family, when required, but preferring to do the mediocre jobs that did not dirty the hands. Akihiko didn't know when to stop though. He stepped through the door, not waiting for the other man to sit down before heading thorough his own, classic, detective style door, like the ones you see in the pictures. He clicked the door closed behind him, breathing in relief of the silence for a moment before he rushed around the room, checking every corner and crevice for a camera, a wiretap. When he was finally satisfied he reached under the mahogany desk and found the loose screw; pulling it how he carried it over to the cabinet, where he used it to lever open a panel from which he retrieved a key. Taking the key, he peeled up a floorboard, revealing a safe. Inserting the key, he turned it three times forward, one time back before clicking it down, to which it opened with a satisfying chunk. He leaned in and pulled out the files placing the one by one on the desk; building them up into several towers, skyscrapers of information. Theocritus Vichess. Laia Soulalia, Samson Gold, Lonnie Hawke, Rachel Maghenta, Elliot Crimson, Montgomery, Engel Rainsworth, just few of the names prepared. He smiled.
Maison handed a USB stick to Lonnie which contained a copy of his message to the public.
“If anything happens to the original, you have a remote copy,” he assured. 
"And if anything happens to this?" 
"Then I'll air the original at once," Lonnie nodded in agreement. It all seemed foolproof.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Epona stared at the stacks of information that was piled on the youngest Egalto's desk. From behind the pile, should could see wisps of curly blonde hair and Stanislav sat with his fist under his chin. "Quite possibly, yes." From beside her, Yumiko moved forward, grasping at one of her closest friend's arm. "Epona, there's nothing to worry about." "There's everything to worry about, have you spoken to your father of this? You are aware it is my job to report to him, si?" "Except you don’t report to my father, you report to my uncle, and I know for certain that you are willing to neglect your job role, because it's me." The Italian woman sighed, rubbing her forehead. "What can I do for you, young master Stanislav?" Sarcasm dripped through the tones of her voice.
"I need to speed along the court process, don't give them time to act." From behind his desk he pulled out a file, brown, unlike the orange ones that littered his desk. Flicking open the first page, Epona scanned through the writing; Yumiko, reading it over her shoulder. It was several seconds before Epona let out choked back laughter.
"First Elisabeta's weapon allegations, now this?" Epona bared her teeth, whether it was in excitement or a grimace, he didn't know, he really didn't want to. "The poor guy's not going to know what hit him."
During Lonnie's lifetime, many bad things had been said about him. Slurs, insults, criticism, curses; He had heard it all, and pretended not to listen. By now, he expected to receive hate and praise in equal measure. It was a symptom of fame. He had built up an immunity towards petty things, and a viscous aggression towards the caustic. When Alex Keller told him that an anonymous allegation of sexual misconduct against him had been shared publicly, stating that he had done something despicable to another human being, Lonnie felt hatred unlike anything he had known before. This was the poison that puts an end to fame, the Achilles heel of the fashion industry! As well as fearing for his career, he feared for his own reputation. Though he knew he had never done such a thing, who other than himself would be aware of the truth? He had slept with so many people he couldn't even place a name to the claim. In his terror he started to weep, and Alex could only stop and stare.
Alex trusted Lonnie and believed that the news he had just received was in fact a false claim. The two men shared a history that made them both adverse to questionable interaction. Lonnie chose his companions carefully and avoided certain appearances or professions. Alex Keller knew exactly why.
Years ago, both men had been held hostage together in a flat in Central Park. Alex, a policeman at the time, had been caught by the man he had been pursuing and was tortured routinely in a sick act of revenge. Lonnie was there as a witness to these scenes of brutality, for he was trapped in the flat after falling for an offer of sanctuary, made by a charming man with wicked ways. What happened in that flat was a secret they both shared and kept buried. They never spoke of it, but it followed them both around like a cruel shadow. Neither of them would ever wish what happened to them upon another human being. For this reason, Alex stood by Lonnie's side and knew he had done no wrong.
"It's a setup. I know it is!" Lonnie wailed, "I could lose everything to this. You have to help me, Alex!" 
Alex was taken aback and attempted to calm Lonnie down by making shushing noises and patting his back. Seeing the usually headstrong Lonnie Hawke as crumpled wreck deeply disturbed him for reasons he couldn't quite name. Perhaps, he cared for Lonnie in a way that transcended gratitude and loyalty. Or maybe it was just because he never knew monsters could cry.
"I'll begin a private investigation immediately. We'll track down the source and then make contact. I must warn you first, Hawke, this won't be easy," 
"Please, just do it!" Lonnie stammered. "Get rid of it!" 
"Of course," Keller replied, keeping a neutral tone, "I do owe you one, after all..."
"I'm going to get in contact with him." He loved her laugh, but not at times like this. "Eli, please stop mocking me." She wasn't. The idea of him defending Lonnie was incredulous to her, despite it being their thing, the power twins, the twisted forces of the law, willing to do anything to win a case. There was little use going to anyone beyond the other twin for help, after all, the results were fixed. Yakov picked up his phone, bringing up Lonnie's website he dialled in the number. "Hello?"
"Hello, this is Mia Lang of Soma Studios. How can I help you?"
"Ah, this is Yakov Egalto, I am interested in speaking to your boss, Lonnie."
"Oh..." She replied, dripping with sourness. She had heard about him. "Please hold..."
Yakov grinned
After a few seconds of tinny classical music, the phoneline crackled and Lonnie's voice came racing through the speakers. "HELLO? Yakov?"
"Greetings, friend, I've heard of your troubles, didn't I tell you I was a lawyer?"
"I'm sure you have," he spat, "I have your bloody sister to thank for those. I'm not in the fucking mood to be taunted, so be quick and to the point!"
"I'm making you a proposal, I'll be your lawyer and I'll ensure you'll be handed a not guilty verdict." Despite knowing Lonnie couldn't hear it, he smiled, teeth bared, like a lion smiling after it's lunch has crept into its paws. "I'm sure you've heard of the damage she can do, if I'm not there to restrain her."
Lonnie scoffed, ignoring everything Yakov just said, "So are you mad at me for not sleeping with you or are we fighting over a knife?"
Yakov's smile disappeared. "I don't control my twin, she did this over her violation." Elisabeta scoffed from where she clung to his arm. "Look, I want to help you, all can be solved and smoothed over, no problems."
"Well, put her on a leash before you both end up in a very unfortunate situation," he hissed, "I was planning to work with your father on a simple deal and that was all. I wanted to sleep with a stranger" Lonnie paused while he chuckled, "You Egaltos think you are the only ones with power. You may have the law on your side, but I control the underworld. I will bury you for what you've done to my reputation!" he sighed, "It is indeed a shame. You were so beautiful,"
"Oh, I've done that before, as I'm sure have you." His voice should have been silky, but the tips were spiked with a slight venom. "You should have thought about courtesy, before allowing you men to give me concussion, да?" He smiled again, not out of delight, but out of the simple feeling of wrath, Elisabeta covered her mouth with her hand to try and stifle her laughter, Yakov's hand tightened around her waist as he felt her form shaking. 
"You control the underworld? Are you child? The underworld cannot be controlled, you can hold the key, but there's more than one lock." His voice thinned to whisper. "What's your challenge, Lonnie?"
"You still don't truly understand what I do, do you?"
The line died. Silence.
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 7
Content warning: Incest
Calling: A. Gentry [Ring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,]
A: Egalto, it's 5am in the morning, you know I can't stand talking to any of you until, well, at least after in the afternoon.
E: Oh, shut up, Alan. I've got you a scoop.
A: Oh?
E: You know that fashion designer, pretty big, goes by Lonnie?
A: I'm interested.
She could practically hear his grin.
Rising Fashion Designer 'Lonnie’ has been described importing various illegal weapons, namely guns. The man has been found to have ordered and received a several, large quantity, order of lethal weapons into the United States of America.
It hit the news like a storm, first published by a large news company that focused on East Coast, before spreading like wildfire. Almost every newspaper, channel and blog were writing on it. A scandal like never before. The article claimed illegal weapons brought, mafia links and other points with damning evidence; all was from an anonymous source. No one bothered to check the authenticity of the evidence, to find out how much was a lie, because a story had broken, and they had a new victim to dig into the ground.
“Maison! Maison! Open up!” Alex Keller banged a fist once more against the iron door. The rain was overflowing from the gutters and the man was soaking through to the skin. “It's me, Keller! Alex Keller!”
A voice emerged over intercom, at last, it was nasally and dismissive, a flimsy attempt at hospitality: “It's open,”
Keller practically threw himself indoors and tore off his sopping wet coat. Upstairs, in the gloom, was a private recording studio and a room with enough equipment to produce and modify every kind of transmission imaginable. Maison, a radio mogul, was a distant friend of Lonnie's.
Alex waited patiently in the hall, dripping onto the tasteless mauve carpet Maison had covered every inch of floor with. The air reeked of mildew and old takeaway dinners. Maison was not fond of company.
Finally, a smartly dressed petite man hurried down the old stairs. He slammed a beer can into one of Alex's hands and shook the other with a vehemence that was evidently getting sourer by the second.
“Keller, it's good to see you,” Maison said, adjusting his glasses upon his snub nose so that he could see the tall German properly. "What brings you here, eh?"
Keller sighed. He nervously moved the beer from hand to hand, unsure what to do with it. His mouth was painfully dry, but he had pledged sobriety months ago.
“It concerns Mister Hawke. I assume you've read the article…”
“Fascinating, isn't it?”
“Not for him it isn't. He's completely lost it, and we've been driven to the end of our wits looking for you. He has a plan, but... but I don't like it…”
A smile crept onto Maison's face, “Go on…” he said.
“We need to get Hawke into a studio and quickly: He wants to make a broadcast of his own,”
“What the fuck have you done, Elisabeta?" He snapped at her in Russian, not understanding why she would do that without consulting him, they always discussed a target before they made a move. She had broken that rule; she knew it, even if it were an unspoken one.
"I defended you." Her voice was curt, matter of fact.
"And you don't regret it?" Both of them knew it wasn't a question, they knew her too well; her twin knew each of every side of her and Elisabeta Haiie Egalto does not regret. Must be a family thing, he had considered, Alexei berating him for his failure flashing through his mind. "I did it for you though." She whined, it reminded him of a dog in heat, crying for attention; he listened, because he always did, and she knew it. "All for you, because you are my brother," as soon as her hands connected with his hips, he knew what she was up to, but he couldn't quite pull away. "And, I love you." She pronounced each word pointedly, stating a fact as she wound her arms around his abdomen, much like a constrictor. What a snake she was. Pulling him closer till their noses touched.
"And because, you're mine."
"You put us into this mess and then you have the gall to do this, daughter?" Elisabeta sniffed and rolled her eyes and shuffling back a little; unwinding her arms; only to wrap them around Yakov's arm instead.
"Under most circumstances, I wouldn't care, but we were advancing to make a deal, a diplomatic standpoint, Elisabeta and worst of all, you knew that." Ivan then fixed his eyes on Yakov, he hated them eyes.
"What did you do to warrant being thrown out like that?"
"I wanted to get back a possession he took."
"Really?" "It wasn't my fault the mission failed," Yakov's voice level jumped.
"He just said I hadn't asked enough questions, he got bored."
"So why didn't you ask more? Why didn't you entertain him?" Yakov shivered, his father's voice remained the exact same, the coldness that he'd heard his whole life. He wanted his Ivan to scream at him, shout and show some emotion for damn once.
"I don't know..." His father simply scoffed and turned away, walking back into the halls of the manor house he had helped to raise. Yakov turned and buried his face into Elisabeta's shoulder, only seeing out of the corners of his eyes, only hearing through covered ears as Stanislav walked into the doorway and cussed at Elisabeta, who responded in turn. He pushed his head down deeper, a viper striking from the grasses. Maybe he was the only one who could feel regret here.
Lonnie pressed a cigarette to his lips as he waited for Maison by the door of the recording studio. To his side stood Panzer dressed in black and armed to the teeth. Desmond watched the street corners for them, disguised as a homeless man in need. He had one of the company dogs with him, bone white and spread out to his right with its head in its paws. If needed, even the dog could become a weapon.
Maison was glad to see Lonnie. Perhaps it was schadenfreude.
Lonnie gave Maison strict instructions regarding his forthcoming broadcast:
"Do not air this until I give you the direct order to do so. I want to give the Egalto clan a chance, even though they declared war on me first. When push comes to shove, I'll be the one who comes with knives so to speak. It would be so sad to lose out on a business opportunity, so I'll give them this as a warning before we take matters any further,"
"Alright then," Maison affirmed, "I'll keep this one strictly under wraps until you say. Nobody will know that you even came here, unless you put on another goddamn show,"
Maison prepared the studio for work while Lonnie prepared his speech. His ethical viewpoint was truly selfish as long as he didn't get wiped out, he didn't give a single fuck about what the general public did to each other. Murder, rape, abduction... it's just another form of showbusiness. Everybody wants to make a point and tell their story, be it good or evil. However, for the sake of his company, Lonnie spoke "for the people". Anything to make more money and attract more desperate admirers.
"Alright, we're ready to go when you are," Maison shouted.
Lonnie turned to Panzer and nodded. He closed the door.
This would be fun.
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 6
It was awkward explaining the situation to the nurse, but at least Yakov was now receiving medical attention. It's a shame, I always thought Kov was smarter than Eli. His phone had suffered the last half hour they had been at the hospital, Elisabeta constantly messaging for an update. He had kept his silence on the truth, using a kinder lie. You better not tell her the truth. He glanced over at Yakov, now sitting up in a recliner; Yumi talking to him quietly as he rubbed his forehead. She'll start a war over you, we both know it.
He was lying, and she knew it. Elisabeta paced, fuming in her (and Yakov's) room, the only light sources being a small flame that flickered in the fireplace and the light coming from the phone which she furiously tapped. Why hadn't he called her? Either way, she knew for a fact that there was a problem, in all the years of living not once had Yakov fallen down the stairs, why would it happen now? Stanislav saying that she was being narrow minded, hardly? No, the assassin had done something, she was sure of that. She clicked on her laptop, it illuminated her in a white light before turning grey. Standing she watched it load and to her right, she reached beside the fireplace to grab some kindle and with ruthless determination. She threw it on the flames, “Now, now, little designer, let's see what we can dig up?”
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overafekingknife · 6 years
When you ask for your knife back at Lonnie’s house
It’s all downwards from here boys.
This blog’s called what it’s called for a reason.
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 5
Chapter Warning: Suggestive themes, light sexual content, violence. 
Lonnie kissed back, passionate, and with a desperate thirst for more. Pulling away briefly, Lonnie shifted so that he lay flat on his back and made a beckoning motion. He turned his head up to Yakov's, inviting another deep kiss.
Yakov held himself above Lonnie, staring down at him as his hair pooled beside him, he joined in as Lonnie kissed him; eyes fluttering closed.
Suddenly, Lonnie chuckled, “Time's up,” He rolled away from under Yakov and sat up, crossing his legs defensively, “You had a chance to ask all your questions,” he explained, “and I'm no longer in the mood to have sex with you. So, it's over. Goodnight. Give Alexei my regards,”
Ignoring Yakov completely, he wandered towards a dresser and pulled out a pink silk robe which he put on at once. Then, he walked out of the bedroom and disappearing into another room that was out of view, leaving Yakov to make his own way out.
Yakov watched in surprise as Lonnie simply left. "Give Alexei my regards." 
Damned Uncle!
“Bloody bastard set me up,” Yakov hissed in anger, though he wasn't entirely sure if it was at his uncle, Lonnie or himself for being fooled so easily. Yet despite part of him feeling anger for his failure, his bones flooded with relief at the thought of leaving. He quickly gathered and donned his clothing, removing a pen and business card from his pocket he quickly scrawled a message on it, with elegant handwriting:
Yakov Egalto: Defence Lawyer
Address Telephone number.
"I don't know if my uncle set you up to this, but if you ever need a lawyer... Proshchay, mudak,"
He dropped the business card onto the dresser, he didn't know whether Lonnie would see it or not, frankly, he didn't care, but it was a habit of his regardless. Calling Stanislav, he headed on his way out, glancing around for any of Lonnie's men he could retrieve Elisabeta's knife from.
[Call Log:] [Ring 1, 2, 3, 4,]
S: Yakov?
Y: I need you to pick me up.
S: What happened? Brother?
Y: Look... I'll explain on the way back, please just pick me up.
S: Eli can, I'll ask her quickly
Y: No!
S: Yakov... My car is broken, remember?
Y: Take my bike or something, or steal her keys, I just don't want her to ask me questions.
S: I could ask unc-
Y: Please, brother?
S: Fine, I'll find a way, look, I'll text you when I'm outside.
Y: Thanks, I'll see you soon
S: Don't do anything stupid.
Y: I won't
[Call ended, Minutes: 3]
[ Message: Дорогая сестра]:
~What's going on?
~Where's Sal???
~I can explain
~Please do.
~The mission failed, Sal's coming to pick me up.
~Why did you ask him? Not me?
~I thought you'd be asleep
~Don't lie.
~Kov... Пожалуйста?
~Look, I'll be home soon, okay?
~You better not have fucked him.
~Eli, I didn't I promise
~That's what uncle wanted you to do though.
~I'm not too sure about that.
~What do you mean?
~I'll explain soon, when I get home.
~Good, I'll wait for you.
~я люблю тебя
~я тоже тебя люблю
Later, Lonnie smoked lazily in bed with a Salvatore lying by his side. Despite his change of heart regarding the Egalto boy, Lonnie was still ravenous. Salvatore was proud to be his boss' favourite
“I'm sorry I didn't keep him here for you to play with,” Lonnie said, "– I know you like to rough them up before I send them on their way, but I couldn't do it. You know my thoughts on Alexei Egalto. It was too risky..."
“You've grown soft,” Sal responded, taking a drag of his cigarette of which's smoke he breathed out with a disdainful sigh, “Say, Lonnie: Is that a light I see in your cold dark heart?” He added, in a humorous tone.
“This is not something to joke about!” Lonnie snapped.
“So, you've fallen for him?”
“Fuck off! I'm considering the dangers of meddling with the Egaltos!” “Interesting…”
“You annoy the hell out of me, Sal,” Lonnie concluded as he kissed Salvatore on the cheek. He smelled of ash and iron. Only the devil knew what they'd both done.
Yakov glanced around for a member of Lonnie's group, his face twisted with slight irritation that he'd need to ask, very likely, a murderer, for a knife. That wasn't to say that he hadn't killed himself, but there was a notion of deadliness to asking, an assassin, of all people, for your knife to be returned. Spotting someone, he stepped towards them, loudly. If there was one thing he did know, dangerous people didn't appreciate being sneaked up on.
“Greetings!” He said, loud enough, but not pretentiously, setting his eyes upon a brunette across from him. “I would like to retrieve my sister's weapon,”
Please don't kill me, he asked mentally.
“I cannot give that to you,” Panzer replied, speaking without the slightest hint of emotion. “By order of Mister Hawke himself!”
Yakov's eyes darkened, “Now why's that?”
A sudden feeling welled up in his chest, it was easily recognisable as dread, a feeling he'd felt many times before. Elisabeta was not going to be happy.
“May I request, once again, the return of the knife?” His voice had taken on a new tone, a hardness he used to order around his own group.
But they're not my group, he realised.
“You are not meant to be here, and in the interest of safety all weapons must be confiscated,”
“I am not meant to be here?” Yakov's voice was filled with sarcastic surprise, he raised an eyebrow. “I'm fairly that your boss, invited me,”
“And he told you to leave,” Panzer asserted. He balled his fists and scowled at the younger man. Most of Lonnie's guests were a lot more compliant. “You'll get the knife back when he permits it,”
Suddenly, Panzer drew a baton from his side. If Yakov didn't leave now, he'd have to call in support, and that meant getting Leslie involved.
His eyes flickered to the baton, he was stuck, outnumbered, weapon less; in a place full of assassins. He had no idea when Stanislav would arrive and had no other way out. He looked at Panzer assessing him for a moment, then emphasising each syllable, he said, one last time. “I want my sister's knife back,” Panzer ran towards Yakov, brandishing his baton and intending to strike. The clatter alerted some of Lonnie's men and they raised a shout. Within seconds, Caleb was ready to provide backup. He was armed with a semiautomatic pistol.
“Vacate the building immediately!” Caleb yelled, pointing the pistol at Yakov and motioning it towards the door. When he didn’t move, Panzer's baton hit the back of Yakov's knees and immediately the two other men, flanked by Panzer, arrived at either side of Yakov and grabbed him by the arms. They managed to drag him all the way to the stairwell and threw him down onto the floor before slamming and locking the door.
It took him an unknown amount of time to catch his breath. He rolled around for a second, dazed, not entirely aware of his surrounding, everything was blurred. His head ached, and he squinted in pain as lights drew up to him and shone down on him like some heavenly host. He was fairly sure he heard a voice before two pairs of arms lifted him up and dragged him above the ground. He felt himself being pushed onto something plush, the rumble of an engine and a hand squeezing him tight telling him to "stay awake..."
What he hadn't expected to see when he pulled up, Yumiko in the seat next to him, was Yakov lying, seemingly limp on the floor.
“Fuck!” He cursed, throwing open the door of the still moving car, jumping out the second it pulled to a stop. He ran over to him, “Yakov?” he called, asking for a response, “Brother?!”
It may not have been verbal, but the pained look on his brother's face was enough to tell him that he was still conscious.
Yumiko ran up beside him, “We must get him to emergency room,”
Stanislav nodded. “Help me, please,” He asked of her, knowing already that she would oblige. They worked together, lifting him up, trying to keep him from dragging along the ground. Yumiko pulled open back door of the car, getting in first, she gestured for Stanislav to help move him in. He did so, helping her secure him, before moving to the front seat, whilst Yumiko remained in the back, watching Yakov's condition carefully. He pulled out and sped off, concentrating so hard, he almost missed Yumiko in the back, her soft voice telling him to "Stay awake..."
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 4
Chapter Warning: Sexual content, references to incest, suggestive themes. 
“I believe you were about to seduce me,” “Da?” Yakov, stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Lonnie, “Now this, it is all a bit strange for me. Usually, I only fuck people from court,” He ran his hands around Lonnie's body, emphasising his accent, more so than usual. “You see, I've fucked my clients, I've fucked some of the jury, fucked some of the witnesses, even a few judges and especially the prosecutor; oh, do I love fucking the prosecutor, she's my favourite; my girlfriend, my sister,” With every word he lay his accent on thicker, moved his mouth closer to Lonnie's ear. “That makes you special,” He kissed along his face, before looking him in the eyes, “pozdravleniya” “You fuck your sister? That's.... something new…” Lonnie was reasonably unbothered by that statement, considering he wasn't sure if it was just dirty talk or not. Yakov smiled, dangerous lust on his face, “I'll let you know, as I said, you're special, but as you said earlier, us Egaltos, we play for ourselves. Say one word and there will have to be consequences, da?” He thumbed along Lonnie's neckline, along the arteries buried beneath. Lonnie let out a strangled whine of agreement. At this point his legs were already weakening, and trembling. He hadn’t slept with a stranger for a while, especially not one as pretty as Yakov. “Yes... Yes!” He stuttered in agreement, “I understand that,” The pressure on his neck made his head spin. He had known such a grip before, long ago, in a much darker time. Of course, he absolutely loved it. He grabbed at Yakov's hips so that they could be closer together, bodies almost touching, heat slowly rising. “I have a confession of my own: I wasn’t born with this body, so I may not be all you are expecting... or I could be so much more,” Yakov laughed slightly, “You almost remind me of her, she likes the thrill too, of danger. Though, it would not be good hospitality for you to pass out on me now, nyet?” He then raised an eyebrow. “Well, it is fair to say that I have surprised you; now it is your turn to surprise me,” “Why don't you undress me first?” Lonnie purred. “Well, you must be a fine present then,” He tugged the top of Lonnie's shirt, and pulled him close against him. His kissed him while slowly undoing Lonnie's shirt. “Ya s neterpeniyem zhdu etogo” “I have no idea what that means,” Lonnie confessed, “but I am really into it,” “It means that I'm ready to go,” He tugged off Lonnie’s upper clothing as he kissed him again, rougher. As Yakov kissed him, Lonnie started to undo the zipper on his trousers. Something scarlet and lacy stood out above the belt. “I picked out something special earlier, just in case I happened to meet somebody,” He traced down Lonnie’s chest, moving onto the muscles that lined Lonnie's body, hands ghosted just over where the crotch was, slowly peeling down the trousers. At once he reached for Yakov's wrists, urging him to undress him faster. When he was sure Yakov understood his intentions, he buried his head in the crook of Yakov’s neck and peppered it with kisses. All the while, his body gently moved back and forth to press against the hands that roamed all over him. Lonnie refrained for indulging himself too soon. Sex is always so much sweeter when he is begging and desperate. “Khorosho, khorosho” Yakov got the hint, he undressed Lonnie fully, leaving him in only the red lingerie. “Luchshe?” He dragged his fingers and hands and knuckles around Lonnie's body. “Moy khod, my turn,” Lonnie denied him this and placed a hand on Yakov's chest, kissed him gently on the lips, and then pushed him down towards the bed. His knee managed to find itself between Yakov's legs and Lonnie pressed lightly against the other man's groin with a cruel smirk. “Chert…” Yakov whispered, “You really enjoy taking control don't you,”   He sucked in breath as Lonnie pressured him. “If I am not in control, how can I be certain that nothing bad is going to happen to me?” He pushed harder with his knee and pressed his chest with his hands, trying to force Yakov down flat on his back against the sheets. He shifted up so that Yakov’s crotch aligned between his legs. “How would I be able to tell where the faults in the system lie if I didn't already know it like the back of my hand? This is my empire, I am the emperor,” Lonnie ran his hands along Yakov's neck, trailing them down at a languid pace. Teasing; tricky. Yakov's skin tickled where ever Lonnie touched, he trembled slightly in an attempt to move, not to show any sign of lust. He didn't intend to lose.
“I don't trust you,” Lonnie whispered. He rose up, and with his right hand he grabbed Yakov in a very sensitive area with enough force to cause a jolt of pain. “And why should I?” Yakov gasped in pain, biting his lip to stop himself from doing anything rash, anything that could get him killed. “Why would you trust anybody?” He choked out, “Don't trust those you love and don't love those you trust,” “You are doing yourself a disservice, Egalto. I thought you would try and convince me to adore you,” “I don't enjoy telling lies, but I can assure you, I won't hurt you, not tonight or in the morning,” “And why should I believe you?” “Because, unlike you, I'm no assassin,” He raised his hand to stroke along Lonnie's cheek, “I may be the heir and I may know how to kill, but I readily disarmed myself at the door; it would be an idiotic decision regardless, I don't know how many men you have here, and you may be smaller than me, but I am in no position to underestimate your strength,” He grinned, “And, I want to get back to my sister of course,” “Again, with the sister... If you don’t mean harm, then just hurry up and fuck me!” Yakov’s eyes flashed, “I'm obsessed,” He reached up and grasped as Lonnie's head, pulling him down roughly, he kissed him.
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 3
X here! Please enjoy the latest chapter of Violent Serendipity. 
This time, things are beginning to heat up at Soma Studios... 
Chapter Warning: Suggestive themes. 
Yakov didn't quite understand, something was happening. He tried to keep his confident posture but couldn't quite stop himself from narrowing his eyes. Why was this party ending so early? After parties usually proceed far past the little time this had taken. He felt a chill run down his spine as everyone turned to leave, felt the host's eyes on him and a desperation to leave. I have to go. But before he took a step there was pressure on his shoulder and the voice he didn't want to hear. "Let's talk." Yakov turned to face Lonnie, a false greeting on his face.
“Hmm? What may I do for you?”
“Yakov, I want to offer you something, and I believe that it is something to discuss privately,”
Yakov raised his eyebrow. “Of course,”
“Take a seat, please,” he gestured towards the white couch.
Yakov gently sat, delicately and wearily. “What of your men?”
"Take no notice. They are not interested in my affairs, unless I am in danger. I’m here to talk business: would you accept a placement as a model in my industry? You will be paid handsomely, of course,”
Yakov took a sip of his drink, a Cheshire cat grin, growing on his face. “Are you being sincere with me?" “Of course, I am. Why would I want to see a body like yours go to waste?” He paused briefly to sit down next to Yakov, “However, before I can consider this any further I must confess that I am aware of the fact that you and a young woman snuck in here for a taste of the highlife, or a break from the dull monotony of your present occupations. If I wasn’t so kind, I would have called my guards on you. But I really can't say I blame you for coming here to escape from it all... I was the same way once,”
Yakov sat back, breathing out calmly, lowering his hand just to where Elisabeta’s knife dug into his flesh. He smiled again, wider, showing his teeth. “Mr Assassin don't you think you should find out exactly whose team I play for before offering me a job?”
Lonnie scoffed, raised a hand to his mouth to shield his laugh, and then drew back slightly. “Oh, so you know about my other profession? This is dangerous information, Mister Lawyer. It might just cost you, should you play your cards incorrectly: So, do tell me, are you with me or against me?”
His eyes narrowed, sly. “Come now, what made you think Otlage is a last name? I would have thought you would have done the math,” He placed down the drink and leaned forward grasping his chin, kissed each cheek and whispered into his ear. “I'm an Egalto,”
A smile grew upon Lonnie's lips. He gave a grim laugh. "An Egalto? That makes sense. Your kind take no sides, for you serve yourselves above all others. You are true businessmen, and I –"
“If there were to be a cold war, once again, between Russia and American; we would simply pack our bags and move to England,” His eyes flashed, “That woman you mentioned earlier is my sister. I'm surprised your men missed my father, uncle and brother,” He looked through his eye lashes. “We work for ourselves, but I believe my father is interested in striking a deal,”
“A deal? So, it shall be! Alexei can come to me in person to discuss this. I won’t waste my time hunting for him in the gutter," Lonnie responded, “I’ll speak with him, but right now, however, I think that you and I have something else to consider,”
“Oh really?”
He nodded slowly, suggestively.
Yakov suddenly lurched forward, staring into Lonnie's eyes. the sides of their noses touching, “Whatever you have in mind, as long as it makes up for the fact that I couldn't fuck my girlfriend tonight, I'll do it,” A new fire alit in his eyes, “I'll pay hell in the morning, but I'm up for some fun,”
Lonnie placed a hand on the flat of Yakov’s back, ensnaring him in this embrace. “Then allow me to show you the bedroom,”
He opened a white door which led to a pristine bed suite. Then he made a beckoning motion with his right hand while the left fastened on the top button of his coat.
Yakov allowed himself to be led, swept around and pulled into a glamorous room. “I should check beforehand but are you okay with sleeping with the enemy?”
“There are no enemies in my world: only victims and those who are spared,”
“Well then, I would rather be spared. Please, where should I put my sister's knife?”
“Just drop it outside the door. Panzer will keep it safe for you,”
He did just that, removing it from his pants, he threw it, watching it slide across the floor. Turning back to Lonnie, he swallowed any fear that he held, any desire not to do this. Letting go of his senses and grasping instead to duty, he innocently asked “Now, where were we?”
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 2
Greetings Friends,  Today we bring you the next chapter, we hope you enjoy! X & E Chapter Warnings: Implied Incest.
"We are not going anywhere." That was it, the argument was settled, Ivan had spoken. "Now stop playing your games, Alexei; Yakov, if it gets dangerous, tell him who you are, he'll leave us alone then." Nephew and uncle glared at each other, but let the argument fall apart. "Now Elisabeta, stop complaining, you'll have your brother in your bed soon enough and you know it; finally, Stanislav, lighten up." A new look of determination crossed the boss’s face. "We're here to make friends."
The party progressed in a blur of idle chatter and firm handshakes. By the end of it, Lonnie’s head was buzzing with excitement and, without a doubt, from the rum he had been chasing all night. The staff moved onto their next stage of operation: a small catwalk was erected, a few models strutted back and forth, posed seductively for the sake of the applause, and then vanished in a shimmer of sequin and thousand-dollar silk behind a door to the left. Lonnie said some words, shook some more hands, and signed contracts with companies he had already forgotten the names of. More drinks were served, the conversations went on and on. Lonnie was growing bored and restless. He craved the beat of a stereo, or the feeling of fingers running through his hair. Being good is oh-so boring.
Alexei glanced either side of him, more interested in the exploits of his family then the show going on. The twins were sitting so close together that Elisabeta was practically sitting in her brother's gap, he almost gagged in disgust, he hated when they did this, but Ivan had some stupid rule about 'as long as they do their job right, turn the other way', and as much as he despised the rule, it was pointless to argue. Stanislav seemed to be the only one paying close attention, yet Alexei wasn't entirely sure it was to the outfits, but rather to the people wearing them and the tightness in particular places. Damned children.
Lonnie eventually mustered the courage to call the show to an end, announcing that the party would continue on Floor 20, should anyone still have the energy to join him. Courteously, he thanked everyone for their business and for the vast amounts of cash that had been signed to him, and then as quickly as he arrived he disappeared again. Swathes of guests broke away from the masses, heading towards the elevator in a balmy, drunken haze. The hall slowly cleared, and the men watching from the corners seemed to stand a little taller.
"So, what am I to do." "Well, I don't know, as you clearly told me earlier, I'm not in charge." Alexei tapped his cane impatiently. "Let's just wait for your father to return, it'll take a while for everyone to leave anyway." He paused. "Wait, no, Elisabeta and Stanislav, head outside and get into the car, I don't want to have Elisabeta trying to slit anyone's throat the minute that they approach Yakov." The female Egalto snarled. "Fine." Turning quickly to Yakov, she kissed him, making an inappropriate hand gesture to Alexei at the same time. Separating she gave Alexei one last hateful glare before departing in a "hmph!" Her scrawny brother following uncaringly behind her.
Panzer ran after Lonnie, confused by his employer's erraticism. He didn't bother to ask what the problem was, his mouth was shut in self-preservation. He'd let his hands do the talking, if necessary. Lonnie made it all the way to his suite before he spoke to Panzer again. “Vodka?” He offered. Panzer shook his head. Finally, he confessed to what was on his mind: "Is something troubling you, sir?" Lonnie laughed to himself as he poured vodka into a shot glass, “I have a party to prepare for,” “What about the –” “The strangers? Do not worry about them yet. The lawyer in particular seems harmless - as stray as a snowdrift. I'd have assumed he was an escort, had he not told me his profession. He could easily have been with Sal,” Panzer nodded, not entirely satisfied by Lonnie's words. “Come on now! Fix yourself a drink. It may help you do your job. And be prepared for anything: our guests will be arriving soon!”
Elisabeta's voice was too low to hear among the crowds that still remained and slowly sickled out. Stanislav could ask her to speak up, or he could have a minute break before she started complaining again. Why had he been forced to go to this? As far as he was concerned, it was just an exclusive fashion event, but the instance of his 'role models' told him otherwise. He frowned deeper as he stepped into the elevator. He'd been so busy interviewing people here, he never got to discover their true connection.
"You're staying." "Then at least tell me why we're here?" "No." Yakov was fuming, if he was being made to seduce the so called 'fashion designer' and get information out of him, shouldn't he have the right to know what information actually needed, or, you know, why he spent hours here, when he could have had a much more enjoyable time under the sheets at home.  "Stop complaining, Yakov, one night, that's all I'm asking from you."  "Why didn't you ask one of your other employees?"  "Because it's a sensitive matter."  "Father! Ju-" Alexei's cane commanded him to stop, if he didn't know better he would say that the man had imprinted on him and his siblings just that, it wouldn't surprise him.  "Listen to your father and go," He turned to Ivan,  "I will see that your other two are behaving." He waved a hand and he left, "Proshchay."  "You will be rewarded for your efforts, Yakov, I promise."
Lonnie waited by the door with interest, possessing a sneaky suspicion that his special guest would arrive at any moment. Panzer was bothered by this. He knew of Lonnie's habits and frowned upon them.
Yakov stared up the stairwell, a darkness falling into his chest as butterflies began to flutter in his stomach, they could have at least let Elisabeta join me... He took a deep breath and strode up the stairs into the unknown.
"Hello again, mister Lawyer. I was beginning to think that the nightlife was proving too much for a man of your... profession..." Once again, he looked Yakov up and down from head to toe. But this time he did so with a suspicious crease to his brow. He offered a hand to shake. "Would you care for some Russian Vodka? Or would you rather have a coke?"
"Privetstvuyu! I was so charmed by you earlier, I thought I'd stop by now, da?" He took Lonnie's hand and politely shook it. "Unfortunately, vodka is not quite to my tastes, although a coke is sound." He turned serious for a moment, despite the grin still plastered on his face. "I think we both know, I'm more than just a lawyer."
"I guessed as much," Lonnie commented. "It is not my place to meddle, unless, of course, it puts me or my men at risk. But you wouldn't do that, would you?" His tone was low and dangerous, but his expression remained passive. With one motion he called an associate over and requested Yakov's coke. Surprising the other man, Lonnie laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. “Stick around and enjoy yourself, Yakov!” He concluded. Before Yakov could start another conversation with him, Lonnie turned around and struck up a conversation with a group of ladies that had previously complimented his outfit and asked where he gets his nails done. Wherever he went, his eyes were still magnetised towards Yakov, even when the group took to one of Lonnie's white leather couches to continue the conversation in comfort.
“Of course not,” He nodded in thanks at 'Lonnie's' hospitality (if that name was real in the first place, he had a lot of questions for his father and uncle.) Muttering to himself under his breath “We'll see if I can.” As the host departed. He himself took up conversation with a young gentleman who was smiling far too much for his liking. He took another sip of his, now painfully, non-alcoholic drink. Wishing that is was, there was very little that would prevent him from bolting out of here and returning home.
Lonnie was growing slightly frustrated with his present conversation and took it as a personal offence that Yakov wasn't hounding him. In a bid to reclaim the lawyer's attention, he excused himself from the conversation he was having with the ladies and gracefully made a beeline towards Salvatore, who he batted his eyelashes at like a bashful schoolgirl. Salvatore put down the beverage he had been drinking and placed a hand on Lonnie’s waist. Lonnie hoped this hadn't gone unnoticed. He wanted to draw as much attention to himself as possible, so he put a hand on Sal's backside, glancing back to the place where Yakov once stood.
Yakov stood a little more than two meters away from Lonnie. An oblivious woman gushed to him about the parade earlier in the day; saying he was listening was an overstatement. His eyes flickered over to where Lonnie who was sidling up to, what could be assumed to be, one of his men. He saw Lonnie look towards him, he quickly looked away in retaliation. Damn, this person could talk forever.
“This isn't working,” Lonnie hissed to himself. Out of frustration he huffed and pulled away from Salvatore before he swiped up a glass from a gleaming marble countertop. He made his way into the middle of the room and tapped the rim of the glass. “I would like to make a toast,” he began, lifting his glass high “To new friends,” “To new friends!” The crowd echoed.   The sentiment could've made him sick, but he did it for the attention. While the partygoers gave a scattered applause, he managed to hone in his senses on Yakov who was now trapped in the crowd. "I hope you have all enjoyed yourselves," the crowds froze over, and Lonnie cleared his throat, "The party is over," Salvatore widened his eyes in astonishment. He opened his mouth in shock, but Lonnie signalled to him for silence. "I have an urgent business matter to attend to," Before Yakov could go, Lonnie managed to place a hand on his shoulder. "Let's talk,"
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overafekingknife · 6 years
Violent Serendipity - Chapter 1
This a novelisation of a Mafia RP featuring a cast of entirely original characters. We will release each chapter daily, which one chapter daily, leading to a months worth of bloody fun. It should be noted that this roleplay does contain scenes of a graphic nature, although warnings will be provided preceeding the chapter. We sincerely hope you enjoy reading what has been so enjoyable for us to write. X & E Chapter Warnings: None.
There was an undeniable chill to the autumn night, yet the only occupant of the balcony did not seem to feel it. He leaned his back against the barriers, a tilted, half empty, flute rest in his hand. The room through the door was vibrant, an obvious success among the party goers, men and woman of high, and questionable, wealth, mingled, danced and exchanged false pleasantries. He glanced down as the glass, running the champagne around the rims, before lifting it to take a sip; it wasn't his usual drink, but to keep up expectations, he had gotten another glass. He wasn't entirely sure what he was doing out here, he should be in there making 'friends', while his sister clung to his arm as though they were married. That was probably why, "Yakov," his father had told him, "your sister can handle herself, she has no need for you to protect her." Elisabeta had attempted to protest but had been quickly silenced. He turned his back to the celebration, or whatever it was, and rest his arms on the balcony. "How wonderful," he muttered.
While the laughter echoed off the high gilded ceilings and slid out of the doors into the cold night beyond the glass doors, there were few who did not share in the merriment. Keeping a cold and distant stare locked onto the masses, four men in uniforms stood before a grand door with their hands crossed behind their back. One tapped his foot impatiently. Another painfully cleared his throat every few minutes, which made the third man grate his teeth. The Soma Studios corporate parties drew in guests from around the globe, promising them a night of culture and never before seen designs that would woo even the pickiest of critiques, granted they had the wealth to get in. Caleb a dangerous and tight-lipped official signalled to Desmond, who stood to his left. He pointed towards a woman who seemed to glow with an air of confidence. “Do you know her?” Desmond enquired. “Not at all. I was hoping that you did. She's certainly not a regular here; I wonder if the boss knows her,” came the reply.   Desmond laughed. “She’s not his type,” "I think she's beautiful…” Desmond scoffed, “I won't bother to remind you that we're not here to talk about women,” “Fucking right, we’re not!” Caleb snapped. “besides she's just a girl. I thought you might've known her, 's'all... from the streets,” “Would you two be quiet!” Snapped Leslie, the one with the annoying cough, “We have actual threats to keep an eye on,”
Elisabeta looked longingly across the room, she hated feeling like this, being stuck in a dress made her feel like a helpless child. She stalked across to where Stanislav was engaged in some conversation with a well-dressed gentleman. She snarled upon reaching them, knowing her younger brother already knew what she wanted. "I apologise, though I look forward to seeing you later" Stani spoke to the man almost seductively, Elisabeta felt her anger boil as her brother turned to meet her. They began to walk together, Stanislav's hand pressed firmly into her back. "I already know exactly what you are going to say and no," he snatched at her wrist, hissing into her ear "you will listen to father and you will leave Yakov alone." He let go and made off towards the beverages table, only for her to stop him instead. "You will not be escorting that man later, I thought that you weren’t going to have any more flings now that you’re engaged.." She growled, lips thin, he just stared her in the eye with the unreadable expression she hated so much. "I wasn't intending to, he has a connection with a client of mine, I was looking to weasel something out of him." It took all her strength not to snap at him. "Here," She spat into his ear, "you are not Samson, you stop playing your games; stop playing with our lives. Here we are not law-abiding citizens, here, we are criminals. You make a wrong move, my dearest brother, all of us will pay." "I do love you, really, sister." He smiled, it did not reach his eyes; she turned around, with the intent to find her uncle. "But remember, Elisabeta, I hate hypocrites."
“It's time,” Mia whispered into Leslie's ear. She was Lonnie's personal secretary and trusted advisor. “He's finally ready,” “A wardrobe malfunction, I presume?” Leslie sneered at the world of fashion. He hated it. “As always,” she replied, shaking her head in disdain.    The hurried clatter of polished boots resounded from the marble stairwell and the doors were thrown open at once. The noise caused heads to turn and voices to fall silent. Standing before the guests, flanked by two pristine associates and dressed from head to toe in black, stood Alonso “Lonnie” Hawke himself. The crowd broke into applause as the he bowed to them, standing tall just in time for a glass of champagne to be placed into his open hand. He wore his smile as proudly as he would a crown, and because of this the crowd only cheered harder.
Yakov noted the applause with interest, the host must have arrived, he turned on his foot and made his way into the hall where the crowd had begun to gather. Elisabeta stood at the foot at the stairwell, watching the extravagant man stroll down the stair well. Noting movement to her right, she inclined her head in greeting. "Uncle Alexei." She greeted him in a polite whisper, trying hard to not grit her teeth. "Enjoying yourself, niece?" Even through his lowest voice, his thick accent came through, thicker than any of the siblings. "Of course not, did you hear what father instructed of me?" "But of course, I was the one who advised it." The irritance slipped through. “Bastard.” She muttered as he chuckled at her side. She looked over to her youngest brother, Stanislav, who stood by the beverages, watching from a distance. He, also, had no patience for events such as this. She watched as he raised his drink to his lips and sipped.
Lonnie didn't need so much as to raise his hand to summon silence into the room, for his manner alone conveyed that he was going to make a speech. “Ladies and gentlemen,” He began, “Soma Studios welcomes you to its second biannual fashion event,” there was a scattered applause which made him raise his glass to his lips. He took a great gulp of champagne and then attempted to continue without seeming too wounded. “I know that times have been tough in this city of ours, and fashion may seem meaningless amidst the dangers outside our door: Murders, abductions, theft, trafficking... and other crimes far too horrible to name. I have no place in the world of politics but I say: this is the darkness that comes before the dawn. We should be determined to shine and celebrate our individual triumphs. So tonight, I encourage you to drink and be merry! Forget, for a moment, the world outside, and step into a new one! My new line Metanoia is finally complete and ready for viewing, and I am sure it will simply dazzle you,” He paused for effect, "I’d also like to invite you to our afterparty! It begins at midnight on floor twenty. We will be serving food, and more. Thank you,” There was an applause, loud enough this time to satisfy his ego. Lonnie swallowed the rest of the champagne before taking off into the crowds, relishing the flashes of the press cameras and all the frantic questions being hurled his way.
From beside her, Alexei smirked, he leaned over to her and whispered delicately into her ear. "Lies, all of it, really. though your father and I have never bothered with fronts, he's really gone out, more so then our little Stanislav." He took a sip of his, almost empty, red wine. As soon as the speech ended he turned his head, "In reality, this Lonnie the playboy is not really a fashion designer, though I'm assuming you've guessed that. Lonnie here, is an assassin, he plays a large part in a group near us and has had some dealings with us previously, only minor, but continued patronage would certainly be ideal." He must have felt her going to leave, because like all Egalto men seem to do, he grasped at her wrist, still lighter than her brothers would have done. "Oh, and Elisabeta, you're not on information gathering duty this time, there's no point sending a woman out in the field when he doesn't plan on entering that pitch anyway." He let go and suddenly beamed at her. "Enjoy yourself!" Even as she left, the malice in his eyes rattled inside her head. She may get annoyed at her brothers, but there was no one in her family she hated more than her uncle.
“I wish I could smoke in here... I made up the rules myself and I forgot to permit myself this simple pleasure,” Lonnie muttered to Sal. Sal, who was tall and blonde, laughed with him about the matter: “You only do that when you're anxious,” “Or distracted,” Lonnie confessed. Moments ago he had spotted a pretty thing standing in the crowd and already his thoughts had got the better of him. Panzer's strong hand seized his shoulder before he could bolt like a hound after his unsuspecting prey. “Forgive me if I am wrong, sir,” he started, “But I have just been informed by Caleb that there may be some uninvited guests in our midst," Lonnie tsk'ed and rolled his shoulders. “Tonight, Panzer, I do not care. Nobody would dare challenge me in my own kingdom. Now go and fetch me something alcoholic! There's a good boy,” Panzer obliged without a word. Lonnie could be so obnoxious sometimes, and behaved even worse if he was disobeyed.
Yakov spied Elisabeta across the crowd, he glanced around, a smile growing as realising that his father was elsewhere. Was a moment's peace with his twin too much to ask? He had taken, but a single step in her direction, for their uncle to train on him like a sighthound detecting movement in a thicket. He growled in annoyance, of course Alexei set up this little arrangement, Ivan never cared about image like this. He watched in solemn irritation as his uncle, presumably, threatened his sister, before sending her off. Locking eyes again, Alexi tilted his head, but not in confusion, the bastard was never confused, but in purpose. Of course, when he followed the direction of aforementioned nod, it led to the host, he looked back at his uncle, raising an eyebrow, but the man just sent him a sarcastic good luck! smile, before lumbering off on that cane of his. Someday he's gonna kick that cane from beneath the damned idiot's grasp, he swore it.
Before Yakov could meet with his dear twin, his path was blocked by the infamous host himself. “I haven't seen you around before,” Lonnie purred. “You must be a model, with a body like that,” Yakov smirked, maybe he'd overestimated the amount of work he had to do, but either way, he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass. “Keep it up and you might make me blush.” He smirked into his hand before returning to a 'proper demeanour' as his uncle would call it. “forgive me, you took me by surprise,” He stuck out his left hand, “My name is Yakov, Yakov Otlage, I'm no model, quite simply, a defence attorney,” He winked, letting a bit of the controlled Russian accent seep through in his speech. “I see,” Lonnie muttered, resting his fingers against his lips in thought, “and you're Russian too? You should meet my bodyguard,” he joked, before he wagged a finger at the other man. “Now what, may I ask, is a defence attorney doing at the corporate party of an elite fashion guru?” From out of the corner of his eye, Soma noticed Sal standing vigilant a few strides away. Just in case. “You didn't come here just to see me? Did you, Yakov?”   “Second generation, unfortunately, but I spent a while there and people seem to appreciate the accent.” His smirk fell slightly, spreading his arms slightly, glass in hand, he asked. "Now what's wrong? Can't a lawyer enjoy fashion either?" The avoidance of the last question left a bitter taste on his tongue, but he'd rather not upset his uncle. He smiled again, this time, less genuine. Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. “Well, for one I don't remember inviting any lawyers, but if they look anything as nice as you do then maybe I should consider opening up to them,” “It's a new development,” He tapped his nose. Where the hell was Elisabeta? Even Stanislav? Damn it! “Right…” With a nod of his head he summoned Sal to his side. The other man's hand turned slightly towards the side of his waist, exactly where one would find a holster, but Lonnie instantly dispelled the threat with a twitch of his hand. Sal relaxed slightly, but his glare didn’t soften as easily. “I formally invite you to my afterparty, Mister Lawyer. I'd love to become acquainted with your ways,” Lonnie looked Yakov up and down one last time before he strode off into the crowd. His associate trailed behind him like a shadow. “I would be honoured,” Yakov bowed, eyeing Lonnie as he left. “Fuck!” He hissed to himself as he rose, spinning on his heel as he flew off to find his sister, coattails sailing behind him.
“At least it's not me this time,” Elisabeta perched on a stately chair, talking to an, only half listening, Stanislav. He rolled his eyes only to perk up as a particularly irritated Alexei stormed up to them. In a quick an almost unnoticeable motion, he punched her knees down from their crossed position, making her hiss in pain. "Next time you defy me, Elisabeta, and bring a knife with you, at least make an effort to keep it concealed." He pulled down the length of her dress, so it fell back down her knees again, moving away as quickly as he came. "See th-" "What is it, Yakov?" Stanislav's voice cut through hers, Elisabeta and Alexei, looked up to the worried looking Yakov. "That was too easy, way too easy, something's wrong." "Are you suggesting we leave?" "Yes." "That boy… He has captured my interest in more ways than one," Lonnie muttered to Sal. “How so?” The guard responded. “It seems odd to me, that a lawyer and an unfamiliar woman would turn up here on the same night, make no attempts to cause a fuss, and then vanish into the darkness as though they never existed,” “Do you think they are spies?” Sal hoped they were. He'd love to stick a dagger into that stupidly pretty face. “No,” Lonnie stated, “I do not know what they are. But I hope to find out soon,”
Chapter 2: Released Tomorrow
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overafekingknife · 6 years
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Violent Serendipity: Character Post 1: The three Egalto Siblings - RPed by Torrent  Yakov Egalto: Heir to the syndicate and corrupt lawyer, he is seemingly indispensable, the best possible solution for any famous figure to ensure that they do not become infamous. He's often known to mock those he defends, after all, it was him that spread most of those lies in the first place, well him and his twin sister. He doesn't have so much of an interest in the family business, taking much more pleasure in the benefits that accompany it, money, power, though strangely a lack of lovers. His crude, mocking and irate sense of humour can easily lead way to fury and blood.
Elisabeta Egalto:  They say "keep your friends close and your enemies closer", Elisabeta takes this literally. Only ever playing the direct opposition to her twin brother, Yakov, she prosecutes cases and accusations that seemingly appear out of thin air, lets not get started on the forged evidence. She's the opposite of her brother, calm, collected and seemingly emotionless; she's not afraid to use violence to get what she wants, or keep, in regards to her brothers. Elisabeta takes a high interest in the business, watching from her throne, but you have to wonder, is that curiosity in her eyes at spectating, or eagerness to play the game herself. 
Stanislav Egalto/P.I. Samson:  Unlike his family, he doesn't want to be apart of the syndicate. Focusing on perusing his own career as an amateur detective, he sorts through cases quickly, using his links through the underworld to bring his clients satisfaction, building up courage for a big reveal of his own. His father and uncle are happy to let him play his reindeer games, convinced he will return; his siblings try to draw him into their lies, the games of their own, always disappointed to find he doesn't enjoy the lies they tell. Stanislav is often described as being delicate and emotional, a sentimental man, but they don't realise he can lie with the best of them and he is ready to tear the syndicate to the ground. 
Welcome to the Violence
Chapter one: Uploaded Tomorrow
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