outspoken-mindly · 2 years
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
“She didn’t need to be saved. She needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was.”
— j. iron word
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
“I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation for the little things, my vivid inner life, my deep awareness of others’ pain, and my passion for it all.”
— Unknown
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
Love Is Patience And Commitment Is Hard .... Who Said That ? Shouldn't Things More Complex ? Although I Wouldn't Disagree, It Still Seems Soooo TRADITIONAL
Bring Some New Love In Here Pleasee 🥰🤪💋
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
AMEN To That
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
Greatness Is WITHIN 🥰😇😎
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
They've Told Me To Apply The Opportunities Given To Me, But What If They're UNWANTED. One Small Choice Determines Most Possibilities.... Or Do They?
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
Time After Time.. Day After Day.. Everything Seems Lifeless And Unreal. What Are We Hiding? And Why? Maybe, It's Just a Thoughtful Thing
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
Ever Think of Life Without Patience? I Don't Think I Could've Made it This Far
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outspoken-mindly · 2 years
Revisit the past (ONLY) to avoid mistakes and misery in the future
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