An Endless Odyssey
23 posts
[Isola Affiliated rp blog for Space Pirate Captain Harlock]
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
The best way to keep himself steady without the constant noise of life in space is to focus on some other kind of noise. Not the close, packedness of restaurants, but the outdoor spaces full of engines, or the constant thrum of the ocean itself. He’d allowed himself to wander away from Fibonacci for once, to find himself at the docks instead of among the skyscrapers. He still walks with heavy, heavy steps, with Tori flying overhead and casting an occasional shadow over him.
The creature squaws something ugly through its muzzle that makes Harlock straighten up and keep watch... Though he has a sneaking suspicion that sound is more like the noise it makes when its hungry...
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
Magic. That threw him off a bit and war, especially on a cosmic scale, was a bit easier to understand and compartmentalize. He had been entirely willing to blame the Mechanized Empire for whatever had happened on this planet, or even the aftermath of the Noo, given the endless hole and the many, many transported peoples. But magic?
“We’ll see. I’m sure whatever it is will unravel. Like a bug out of a cocoon.” Like a star out of a nebula.
“I’ve heard a few say the place was a mess. Do you mind filling me in? I’m not going to be off guard if it returns to it’s former state.”
“Ah…well, unfortunately I wasn’t here when it was a mess for too long. I’d say two days at most. Looked like a war ravaged the place beforehand, to tell you the truth.”
Schmendrick shook his head, folding his arms. “I’m still trying to figure out what kind of magic was used here. Even Master Nico would be confused, I bet.”
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
Looking to finally get some more threads going with big ol spacedad, so, like this for a starter! gonna cap at 3
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
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Mount Aureole - Lux Notcis by Reuben Wu [800x600] ԅԅ More Pictures of Galaxies and Nebulae
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
“I’ve decided I like you. But save that zeal for when the people need you.” He smiles, though there’s a strange edge of intensity in his gaze. Like he’s testing something.
“Pick your battles a bit more wisely. This could… hnhn.” His grim countenance cracks and he ends up chuckling and walking away before he can really finish his sentence.
“What was that?” He followed after the suspicious figure, a scowl on his face. Just who did this guy think he was trying to teach? Zenigata isn’t going to let him off so easily.
“My job is to ensure the safety of everyone and everything on this island! This is an act of public indecency and we can’t have people running around naked on the streets. Crimes like these will escalate into worse situations!”
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
“Pick your battles a bit more wisely. This could... hnhn.” His grim countenance cracks and he ends up chuckling and walking away before he can really finish his sentence.
This is NOT the thing he wanted to be active on the job for first. The mass indecency of stripping down to their underwear in public of all things, what has gotten into these people?!
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“Please, those of you stripping down or even thinking about stripping down, cease and desist immediately!!”
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
“It’s good to see people doing whatever they want. This happened on the Arcadia all the time. Pretty harmless all things considered, would the police rather they be rioting?”
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
Nonverbal RP Starters
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
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“Ultra-hot Jupiters” are exoplanets, gas giants that orbit very close to their star.
They have two distinct sides: one “day” side that always faces the star where the temperature is 3,000°C, and one “night” side that is too dark to be observed with current instruments, with a temperature of 1,000°C. Until now scientists did not understand why water vapor could only be detected where these sides meet.
An international team [1] led by a researcher from the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (CNRS/CNES/Aix-Marseille Université) has now proposed that on the day side of these exoplanets the temperatures are so extreme that they can break water molecules into their atomic components and therefore make them undetectable.
Molecules can then reform on the night side and therefore become visible again at the limit between the two sides of a planet.
This leads researchers to conclude that the atmosphere on the day side of ultra-hot Jupiters resembles a stellar one more than a planetary one.
This study will be released in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
At one point they had, but he knew what most of his drive was. His voice darkens. "I protected Earth from itself. When the people of it refused to believe they needed to. They wouldn't band together. So my crew did."
Future. Past. He's been through stranger things, so he elects to accept it for now.
This time his laugh is startlingly loud and genuine. Tori leaves again to waddle on the ground for breadcrumbs or something, tired of being disturbed.
He didn’t get his question answered but it was good, heartening to see someone so excited about what would come next for Earth. “Nasa is ancient, but they laid the groundwork for us. I went to space to defend Earth, and then as a Sailor when others wouldn’t push the envelope anymore.”
“Are you serious? That means… oh my gosh! You are from the future?! That… certainly explains things! Wow…”
She beamed up at him with wide eyes and a pure smile, stunned by the man’s words. So many incredible, fantastical things were common here, and it never ceased to amaze.
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“Tell me, tell me! Did Earth ever manage world peace? Who were you defending Earth from…? Did you all band together against aliens?”
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
This time his laugh is startlingly loud and genuine. Tori leaves again to waddle on the ground for breadcrumbs or something, tired of being disturbed.
He didn't get his question answered but it was good, heartening to see someone so excited about what would come next for Earth. "Nasa is ancient, but they laid the groundwork for us. I went to space to defend Earth, and then as a Sailor when others wouldn't push the envelope anymore."
An interesting way to say that people “made things”. He marks it to remember for later.
“The boots were for keeping us upright in lower gravity. If you worked with the power source you could launch or reduce friction.” He also marks that she’s from Earth and he smiles again, like some shadow has left him. Tori makes several soft beeps as well. “Are we on Earth now?”
“In lower gr…?”
He couldn’t mean… could he…?
“A– are you saying you are from space?! Yes– at least, I think this is Earth…! But, wow! A real life space man!”
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“Have you been to the moon? Further? What is space like? Are you with NASA?! Please, tell me!”
How exciting!
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
International Cat day. A good day to celebrate Mii. Dr. Zero had better be taking care of that troublemaker.
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
An interesting way to say that people "made things". He marks it to remember for later.
"The boots were for keeping us upright in lower gravity. If you worked with the power source you could launch or reduce friction." He also marks that she's from Earth and he smiles again, like some shadow has left him. Tori makes several soft beeps as well. "Are we on Earth now?"
He laughs. “No, but I make toys, sometimes. Gravity and magnet boots are similar.” He leaves out that most of his knowledge about balance comes from combat experience. He nudges Tori back onto his arm and the cross thing shambles back to his epaulets and pretends to preen.
“Were you taken from your home as well?” His voice is now monotonous, not cold but definitely a little flatter. To those who knew him it was a tone that meant he was on the edge of a decision, weighing options.
“Oh… yes, I was. I used to live in the Caribbean… we had people who made things too, but they were not toys, unfortunately.”
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“Although, those sound like a lot of fun! What are they like? Do you zoom around like you are floating, or something? Or, do they make you jump like you are on the moon? So many questions!”
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
"I've heard a few say the place was a mess. Do you mind filling me in? I'm not going to be off guard if it returns to it's former state."
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“I don’t know who did it, but this place looks wonders better now than when I first ended up here.”
Less monsters to flee from, too. At least for now.
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
He laughs. "No, but I make toys, sometimes. Gravity and magnet boots are similar." He leaves out that most of his knowledge about balance comes from combat experience. He nudges Tori back onto his arm and the cross thing shambles back to his epaulets and pretends to preen.
"Were you taken from your home as well?" His voice is now monotonous, not cold but definitely a little flatter. To those who knew him it was a tone that meant he was on the edge of a decision, weighing options.
He spares a glance to the bird. “Oh. He’s just whiny.” A terrible scraw that sounds like a trumpet choking on a sock is the reply they get, and then, a muffled “ffffugk yuuu”.
“… I am sorry. Hold on a moment.” He walks over to the trash can it was sitting on and tightened its muzzle just a little before patting its beak affectionately. “I know you’re stressed but could you be a little more polite?”
He gives a glance back to Paz. “Focus your center of gravity in your hips instead of your shoulders. That should help.”
Did the bird… try to say something? She couldn’t quite make it out. Maybe that was for the best, considering how the man scolded it.
“Right… ah…”
She attempted to shift herself as he suggested. It still wasn’t perfect, and she felt a little off, but it certainly was better than before. How lucky for her, though, that this man knew how to help her!
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“Are you some sort of roller skate master? You really know your stuff!”
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
He spares a glance to the bird. “Oh. He’s just whiny.” A terrible scraw that sounds like a trumpet choking on a sock is the reply they get, and then, a muffled “ffffugk yuuu”.
“... I am sorry. Hold on a moment.” He walks over to the trash can it was sitting on and tightened its muzzle just a little before patting its beak affectionately. “I know you’re stressed but could you be a little more polite?”
He gives a glance back to Paz. “Focus your center of gravity in your hips instead of your shoulders. That should help.”
It takes him a second to notice her, looking up from the ground. He steadies his stance and holds one gloved hand out to catch her by the shoulder. Despite his stance, he’s lighter than he seems and stumbles back a couple of heavy steps to slow her momentum and Tori squawks unceremoniously through its muzzle and scrambles into the air on its ugly wings to alight somewhere more stable. 
Harlock takes a second to steady her, and with a small smile taps her skate lightly with his boot.
“This rubber peg on the back. Use it to make friction, then you’ll stop.” They’re simpler, old devices compared to the ones he had made with Tochiro for Mayu and Rebi in the past. No magnets, no power. He’s used to the frontiers where rural ways and technology sit side by side, so this hardly helps him figure out exactly where he is.
“Tilt your skate back to keep in one place and I’ll let go when you won’t roll off.”
His voice carries, and it’s easy to hear but he seems to be speaking awfully quiet for someone who looks as intense as him.
She panted, slowly catching her breath and reeling from the unwanted thrill of the experience. Once she realized she was safe, Paz nodded slowly and tilted her foot as instructed. It certainly felt more stable this way… but just to be sure, she angled her feet perpendicular to the slope of the street. Now the only issue would be keeping her balance with that stance.
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“Th… thank you. I am so sorry for the bother… are you okay? I think your, um, bird… got scared…”
His outfit was certainly interesting, but despite the scar and the eyepatch, she knew better than to judge based on looks. After all, one of her favorite people had an eyepatch just like that.
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outsidelegend-blog · 7 years ago
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You see, the joke is, Paz is from the 70′s, and is the most anime of any metal gear,
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