Ain't worth a damn.
923 posts
Independent multiship/multiverse werewolf OC with roots in Norse mythos. Written by FJ, 10+ years of roleplay experience and 3+ years of endearment. Blog started as an Outerfell Sans, and now Hati has become his own. Please read GDL and BIO for more information.
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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God damn how could a woman be so attractive? Looks were one thing, but the directness, the skill, and the keen sense of self was married into a concept--and person--that he could definitely find himself falling for.
Now if only he could realize this when said woman wasn’t balls deep gagging on his cock.
It was impossible to look away from her. His smirk fell into a different expression altogether--hunger, a tooth clipping on his lower lip as he groaned. And as if she couldn’t be one-upped by herself, she swallowed and he could feel his length twitch in her mouth. He’d been hard before but damn, he was definitely hard as hell now.
“Beggin’ for it all cute ‘n shit, fine. I’ll show you.” A muscled hand lowered to tangle in her hair, just barely applying pressure at first to warn her... and then he used it to pin her head to him, pushing his length in to the base and forcing her to struggle on it for a second before pulling back out so she could catch her breath. And as soon as she did, he pushed forward again, enjoying every way her mouth caressed him. He didn’t rest this time seated inside of her throat--he thrust a few times and downright growled at the feeling. Hadn’t meant to, but he couldn’t give a damn whether he was keeping human pretenses or not right now.
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“You good?” His voice is rough when he pulls back to make sure she has air. His pacing is good and practiced, knowing when she should be getting uncomfortable with it, and making sure not to push as deeply as he did the first thrust.
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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She got him good on that; he’d expected her to come right over, but she played it coy even as her body clearly pulsed for him. It was damned near addicting to see that sort of rebelliousness being played so smoothly, nothing held back but her own whims in favor of testing his will. The decisions were a nice bonus, but he chose what felt obvious. “Already had it all nice ‘n cozy in a bed. Heh, you’re a little slut--you’d probably like it if I roughed ya up like that. Tell ya what--if you come just from choking on my dick, I’ll go down on you too ‘n clean you up myself. But if ya don’t come...” The corner of his lips twitched higher. “You can also stay another night.” It might be a stretch, but she looked like the type to get off just from getting someone else off.
He’d step forward then, knowing full well that most would’ve expected her to come to them at this stage. No, hell no--she was playing coy, and so would he. Her legs could be crossed, but he’d press himself close and his face even closer, mere centimeters from her’s. “S’ tell me, what’re your lips still doing up here?”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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He could smell it thickly, in the waft of air that rolled upward from her movement. She was so easy to read, so eager to please him... Vibrantly vulnerable as she’d been the night before, and perhaps had always been. She clearly didn’t expect him to have noticed without so much as looking--and that fact alone split his smirk wider.
It made him so damn tempted to let his chest rumble.
“Didn’t know ya wanted sausage with your eggs. Pfft--who the fuck’m I kidding? Of course I did.” He’d reach for her lips, heatedly kissing them and parting with a nip to the lower lip. Out of her reach now, he leaned back against the sink and languidly pushed at his abdomen--it did what he intended. The outline of his growing erection was more obvious, as was the fact he wasn’t wearing any sort of boxers--just sweatpants. “You’ll have to come and get it, sweetheart. Gotta warn you though; I’ll fuck your face if that’s what ya offer me. If I’m standing, I’m not going to be easy.”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
“Oh-everything is chemicals when you break it down!” Miu exclaimed through a mouthful of egg, her arm having been waving with excitement as she chewed just enough to get the words out. “Emotions, metals, some guy’s nut in a tissue in a trash can-just ‘cause I don’t fuck with beakers and liquids and shit most times, that doesn’t mean I can’t have a lab if I wanna call it that, right? God, if I called it a garage, you know how many car fuckers would show up to gawk or bother me with questions about shit? It’s already hard enough to be taken seriously as it is when I submit patents. Gotta convince them I’m not some fleshlight on a stick to make some crusty old dude’s work look more interesting, every fucking time.”
A quick flicker of irritation had her clicking her tongue, eyes rolling as she pushed another mouthful of egg in, chewing thoughtfully.
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“O-Oh, but-you don’t have to come if you don’t wanna.” She normally wouldn’t have been so delicate in the composition of her remark, but, for some reason, even though she knew Hati seemed the type to be able to take her foul mouth, she didn’t want to unleash hell on him so early in the morning. Her irritation hadn’t been aimed at him, anyway, and yet-
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“…Heh, at least not that way.”
-couldn’t resist.
True to his immaturity, he laughed at her explanation and leaned back against the counter, far more at ease. He’d wondered if it was something like that, and he wasn’t wrong one bit. People stuck to stereotypes and trends--a woman with more creative juice than half a dozen guys in a garage? Yeah, he could see it. Life loved surprises, and so did he.
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“You’re definitely the type t’ ride dick and come up with new ideas right then and there. I’m callin’ it now, hah. But y’know, I’d like that. Most ‘a my knowledge is in shit like architecture ‘n materials so I might have advice if ya need something that’ll take the abuse and keep goin’.” He’d wink like the cheeky bastard he was.
“Hey, wanna place a bet?” It would seem random, but the hooded gaze he had spoke differently. “If there’s a stain on that seat, I’m fucking you over the counter.”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
Hati drew back, and it felt like the air had been sucked out of her lungs with his retreat.
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“With a big mouth like that, I bet ya can.” He’d be cheeky about it out of mocking her braggadocio, but he couldn’t keep the smirk off his face as he dug into his own plate. It’d be gone in half the time her’s was, even with her eating pretty damn fast too.
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Hati’s smile faltered when she mentioned her ‘lab’. Horrible memories were beckoned by that simple, three-letter noun, and he turned away to toss the dishes in the sink so as to avoid making it that goddamn obvious. “Yeah, sure. I gotta ask though, ain’t it strange to call it a lab? Usually shit like chemicals and whatever is called by that but ya work on machines and shit, right?” Poorly worded, but he did his best to levy his confusion without drawing too much suspicion.
It wasn’t often he stepped around some good flirting for the sake of his fears.
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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“Are you kiddin’ me? I’d be the most boring shit, lemme tell ya. Local rehabilitated drunkard yells at best friend over whether Martha Steward put too much fuckin’ salt in her dish, and the result becomes ‘YOU’RE too salty’.”
tell me about your favourite fic
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“Deattachable but fuctional didlo dick from a Gaster. I need to find the link but it was fucking hilarious! Sexy but amazingly funny! I wish most fics followed that route. It’s not everyday you find a good gem on the web. I’d like to type up a fic one day of @outcrhcll and @yettoberefuted. I mean.. Alphys did it. She made fanfics on real people. I wanna do it too.~” She’s partiality joking, and if she did it. She’d make her brother the topper, sub with most of the power. Bias sister, ya know. 
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
the universe: okay, you’re a human. I gave you free will and a conscious mind, so you’re free to do whatever you want. So what do you wanna do?
human: GO FAST
the universe: well, you’re a perfect pursuit predator but if that’s the way you want to evolve, go ahead.
human, climbing on a horse: GO FAST
the universe: wait what
human, inventing the carriage, the car and the bullet train: GO FASTER
the universe: I IMPLORE YOU TO STOP
human, trying to figure out lightspeed travel: FAS T ER
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
Fleur laughs, raising a hand to wipe away his swelling tears. For all his razor sharp claws and terribly piercing teeth, he's only a boy. Scared, lost, hurting. Most seem to forget that. "it always feels as if i'm never going to be good enough for anybody. and it hurts to know that despite all that i have done, all that i c-can do-" The tears fall now, shoulders shaking. "i s-still can't do an-anything! in my re-reach for redemption, i amount to only a disg-disgrace to my parents' na-names..."
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“Tch… See, that’s somethin’ that definitely ain’t the same as back home for me. Everyone wants everythin’ done for ‘em and if it ain’t exactly what they want, they bitch–I guess the bitchin’ part is the same. But this damned thing of ‘do it all’ is bullshit. We knew nobody was gonna save us or do everything for us. We had to do it ourselves.” His hand rose and ruffled Fleur’s hair. “You do damned good, Fleur. I don’t know why they’re all like starving vultures, wanting more–but I see ya doin’ damned good. ‘cept maybe ya need to stop doin’ what people tell ya to do.”
He’s absolutely making a reference to both who Fleur had been in the past, and who Fleur was now.
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
He laughs quietly. "just thinking. and maybe a bit of remembering, too." A pause, long enough for him to sit up straight and angle his gaze upward. Wondering if a certain god is still viewing his woes as entertainment. The thought is bitter in his head. "i just can't help but think, you know. i can't make my parents proud, i've upset my siblings, i can barely stand on my own most days. it hurts." He looks at his hands, shaking slightly. "believing i'm useless. having proof that i am."
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It’s a hard pill to swallow. Being told you’re going to be something great, but the reality–and how you were always treated regardless–being anything but. It’s raw, and he hardly considered himself a sage on what to do with it all. Fuck, most his own life was a series of mistakes.
“Even if I gave ya advice on that, it ain’t like I’ve got my shit figured out. Argh, fuck it, I’ll give what I can.” Another sigh hefted from him and he slouched forward, elbows resting on his knees as his eyelight fixed on Fleur from a side glance.
“Everyone wants somethin’ from ya, right? Yeah, you’re gonna make mistakes. Look how much shit you do.” He gestured with his hand as though to show something in front of them. “I ain’t seen someone more determined. I really haven’t, Fleur. And you’re determined to make things right, and that might not even be possible. So yeah–screw ups happen, bad days come, but look at the good things you did do. You showed me what bein’ a good brother is about. That’s something, yeah?”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
"hati..?" His voice is quiet from his place curled up next to the male. Resigned, almost afraid. "do you notice whenever i don't text, or come see you? do you have trouble remembering that i'm there?"
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His forehead crinkled, browbones furrowing as he looked down at the smaller male. It didn’t take much to guess as to why he was asking that–the assumption was the vortex of… existence Fleur resided in.
But his soul knew only one answer for this–the only one, as someone unaffected by the corrupted code, could give.
“Yeah, I notice. You ain’t exactly forgettable–not t’ me, anyway.” He’d breathe out, the sound ever so oddly human despite his skeletal structure. “You’re worryin’ about things again, aren’t you? Did someone forget somethin’ or are you just… rememberin’ shit from the past?” It lacks judgment, unlike the use of words. There’s a hint of something grounded in it. They were veterans of hell, after all.
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
Something to note; I’m going to redo Hati’s Undertale verse a little bit, but he’ll still have all of his bonds. Just--on this blog, I’m going to move backward and have it be shipless for a little while for that specific verse. I want to start from a good standpoint and ease back into it; I was greatly unhappy about my decisions in it, and I feel the inspiration to piece something newer and more stable together.
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
Miu seated herself quickly (a little too quickly; her sore thighs keened in protest) and blinked up at him quickly before her mouth twisted into a mirthful trill of laughter at his anecdote.
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He barked out a laugh, unrestrained as she spoke so raunchy--and freely. It really was refreshing to have that around. It may be low hanging fruit as far as humor went, but he enjoyed no-holds-barred type of just saying whatever the fuck was on a person’s mind.
The wolf leaned in close, sharing the same air she exhaled. Her nervousness, her false bravado... He could smell it all, see it all; her cracked core seeped out in ways she definitely seemed to realize. Her vulnerability wasn’t lost on her--he could see that in how her body moved, ever so miniscule, to protect itself.
And he could see how she refused to give to it. Even a rabbit could be fearsome with its own teeth and claws, and she actively fought.
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“Sounds delicious.” His lips turned up at the corner, teeth narrowly skirting between a grin and a baring of fangs. A second passed in the intensity, and then he pulled back to dish the eggs out . A plate was shoved in front of her, filling the void where he’d just been, and a fork was placed unceremoniously on top of an egg. “But first you’re gonna eat.”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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“Ya’d like that wouldn’t ya, ya slut.”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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“And give me the pleasure of that Hot Dog pun? Not likely.”
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“Fuck you.”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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“I wasn’t expecting that blunt of an answer dick munch. But sure lets go with that! Atleast I have a decent diet! Lord knows when you die its probably shooting out hot cheeto farts or something.” 
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“Yeah, well, I guess I’ll do ya a mercy and die in a fire.”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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“The fuck else am I gonna say? Somethin’ witty and game-changing--excuse the fuckin’ pun--or somethin’ pretty fuckin’ literal? I mean, you’re a human. I guess. I don’t know how shit works. But I’m sure you WILL be with a diet like your’s, foodie.”
outcrhcll replied to your post: to be honest he is scared to actually die. Because…
“Ya shit y'self. That’s the answer.”
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outcrhcll · 5 years ago
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“Why th’ fuck is Monday so hard t’ start off?”
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