ournewearthworld · 3 years
Ramadan Festival : A way to boost your immune system
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 Modern exercise training and proper nutrition are the most important factors to support immune function & Ramadan festival is one of the way of doing it.
Boosting Immunity during Ramadan
There have been many studies that healthy food during Ramadan fasting can boost the immune system.
Fasting for at least 3 days allows the body to start producing new white blood cells, which rejuvenates the immune system to fight infections.
Now i’m gonna share some tips to follow during ramadan
Fasting tips to keep in mind during the month of Ramadan:
Sufficient intake of carbohydrates, protein substrates, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins may produce better outcomes in terms of exercise recovery
A well-balanced diet containing drinking water, carbohydrate-rich foods, grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables is necessary to maintain viral protection and reduce exercise-induced inflammation. 
One must exercise at least 1 hour after the Iftar meal
A light meal containing at least 1gm of carbohydrate per kilogram of body mass is suitable for the iftar meal to increase net carbohydrate
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ournewearthworld · 3 years
Why Smoking in Public Places Is a Bad Idea During Covid-19 ?
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Current evidence suggests that the severity of COVID-19 infection is higher among smokers. Smoking reduces lung function, making it more difficult for the body to fight off respiratory diseases caused due to the virus.
Cigarettes: Following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, tobacco users (cigarettes, waterpipes, bidis, cigars, heated tobacco products) may be more vulnerable to contracting COVID-19, as the act of smoking involves contact of fingers which increases the possibility of transmission of viruses
Shisha/Hookah: Smoking water pipes, also known as shisha/ hookah, often involves the sharing of mouth pieces and hoses, which could facilitate the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in communal and social gatherings.
Smoking in public places such as in restaurants, open markets as well as in cars and other vehicles, carry the risk of adults and especially children being exposed to passive smoking, causing them to develop more frequent and severe asthma attacks.
Effects of Smoking during COVID - 19
WHO recommends quitting tobacco usage. Within 20 minutes of quitting, elevated heart rate and blood pressure drop and after 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in the bloodstream drops to normal. Within 2-12 weeks, circulation improves and lung function increases. After 1-9 months, coughing and shortness of breathe decreases.
Smokers can incur a 2 to 4-fold increased risk of pneumococcal lung disease, a disease associated with high mortality.
Smoking any kind of tobacco reduces lung function and increases the risk of many respiratory infections and can increase the severity of respiratory diseases.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease that primarily attacks the lungs. Smoking impairs lung function making it harder for the body to fight off COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases as the lung function is already compromised.
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ournewearthworld · 3 years
Covid 19 guidelines for schools Safety
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As per the CDC and WHO's recent update, the below are certain guidelines to be kept in mind by school authorities once schools re-open after the lockdown has been lifted.
Covid 19 guidelines for schools Safety
Have small class sizes which allow students to remain 6 feet apart and ensure they do not mix with one another in closed groups. For example, 50% capacity of class can function on alternate days to achieve this.
Children who are unwell must be advised to remain at home and continue online learning. There should be provision to simultaneously continue online and in person classes. They can return to school only if they are symptom-free for at least 3 days after illness.
Temperature to be monitored on entry at school and buses and isolation rooms to be made available to care for children, if found sick
Children must wear masks and avoid sharing food and belongings
Teachers, staff and students must be educated about safety protocols and post awareness signs on visible locations about topics like social distancing and hand washing to stop the spread of germs
Cleaning and disinfection of school premises and transport vehicles must be done daily after school hours
Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible
In school buses, seat one child per row and skip rows
Physical guides should be put in place like tapes on floors to ensure social distancing and creating one-way route in hallways
Close communal use of shared spaces which are closed, such as dining halls and playgrounds with shared playground equipment, if possible, else reduce use and clean and disinfect between uses
Add physical barriers, like plastic flexible screens, between bathrooms sinks, reception desks and any other place where physical social distancing may not be possible
Pursue virtual activities in lieu of field trips, student assemblies and consider sporting activities in ways that minimize risk of transmission to players
Space out arrival and drop off timings or locations to limit contact between groups
Allocate designated staff to be responsible as a point of contact for COVID concerns, involving in notification to parents, local health officials and tracing contacts at school
Follow ournewearth for more health related tips & insights
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ournewearthworld · 4 years
Covid-19 and Diabetes: Expert tips and diet plan
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Staying Healthy in Covid & Diabetes
Balanced and healthy nutrition is an important component of diabetes management in COVID-19. It is therefore important for people with diabetes to eat a varied and balanced diet to keep their blood glucose levels stable and enhance their immune system. Here are some 
Tips & Diet Plan for Diabetes in Covid 19
Give priority to foods with a low glycemic index (e.g. vegetables, whole wheat pasta/noodles)
Avoid excessive consumption of fried foods
Limit consumption of foods high in sugar, carbohydrates and fat
Choose lean proteins (eg. fish, meat, eggs, milk, beans after fully cooked).
Eat green, leafy vegetables
Eat fruits in two or three servings
All cereals like rice, wheat, ragi, oats, jowar, maize, etc., may be eaten in moderate amounts and preferably in the coarse form, rather than refined / polished form.
All pulses can be eaten and sprouts are the best to use.
All vegetables  can be included in the diet except underground vegetables. Underground vegetables like Carrot, Beetroot and Radish can be eaten as salads, and 50gms can be eaten once in a week after cooking.
All fruits can be savored on daily basis with a 100-150gm portion in a day, provided you have a stable blood sugar control. Please note that fruits are to be eaten as whole fruits along with edible skin and not taken as fruit juices or milk shakes etc.
Use skimmed milk (boil milk, cool it, remove cream; repeat this process two times) in limited amounts or as curd. Buttermilk can be consumed.
Non-Vegetarian foods are best when lean portions are eaten; for instance, skinned out chicken, small fish, egg whites. Red meat should be used sparingly.
Moderate amounts of salt may be used in cooking but adding extra salt or using pickles / sauces / ketchups etc. is best avoided.
Oil for cooking is important for health and should be used in proper amounts.  Sunflower oil, Olive oil, Rice bran oil, Sesame seed oil, Ground nut oil are some healthy choices.
There are some food items which may be consumed freely in – between meals as they are very low in calories but they can reduce the feeling of hunger and give a certain feeling of satiety. Eg. Clear soups, sprouts, salads, thinned buttermilk.
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