ourflagmeanssubtext · 1 month
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 4 months
Deep breath.
I am a solidly middle-aged fangirl, and my last real fan community before OFMD was the X-Files. (I feel like I am not the only one here who fits that description).
The news that we aren’t getting a new season of Our Flag Means Death is hitting me harder than I expected.
So I am thinking about Scully.
There’s this X-Files episode called “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose.” The plot is about a guy who can see into the future and tell people how they die.
Scully asks him, "How do I die?"
And Clyde Bruckman replies, simply, "You don't."
I've seen fans speculate that Scully winds up becoming immortal by the end of the series. But, 22 years after the end of the show's original run, that line has taken on a new meaning for me.
Scully doesn't die, she can't die, because I still think about her. Scully is immortal because there are fans still writing her into stories, still making art, still getting inspired by her and pursuing medicine and science.
You cannot truly kill a story. You can cancel a TV show. You can, if you're an asshole, make fun of fan creators and their ideas. If you're really an asshole (and a media conglomerate), you can send them cease and desist letters and tell them to stop making art that breathes new life into that story. But the story will not die.
I draw a lot of hope from the long, long history of fandom. The people who loved stories enough to keep them alive, even when it wasn't clear that there would ever be another "official" work in their lifetimes. The Sherlock Holmes fans. The Star Trek fans.
How does a story die?
It doesn’t.
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 5 months
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Con O'Neill: The way he deals with Lucius is very specific in that he can't give Lucius love and understanding without calling him a twat — because that's who Izzy is, but he does give him love and understanding.
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
I mean personally I kind of assumed there might be some violence in OFMD before I watched due to the whole pirate thing, but maybe that's just me.
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
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Oh so Zaslav is just tossing everything into the dumpster fire formerly known as HBO Max. Can someone please fire him before he completely trashes the brand HBO spent decades building?
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
HBO MAX / casey bloys lies so far:
1. the numbers weren’t there(it was nr.1 on HBOmax for a while)
2. too much violence(when they literally have game of thrones on there, which is much more violent)
let’s see what they come up with next!! what a fun game this is!
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
please read this article
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
There is not NEARLY enough Frenchie thirst on my dash. What the fuck
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
$10k in 45 minutes why are we even bothering trying to renew it we could just fully crowdfund the whole fucking season
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
GOD the only response to the question “ofmd s3, david zaslav?” should have been “omg of course 🫶 how much money do u want babygirl? a squillion?? here is my credit card ✨ buy yourself something nice, princess. twelve episodes? babe i wouldn’t have it any other way 🥰💕you’re perfect ofmd and i love you.” for a question that only had one possible answer this complete ass-wart still somehow managed to pull out a “no. simply die” bitch where is your fucking whimsy?? have you no lust for life? WHERE IS YOUR JOY?????
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
big fan of characters that are as pathetic as they are terrifying
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
I’m so mad I’m shaking. WE WERE SO CLOSE! Our clownery wasn’t unfounded. We really were getting an announcement. And they just let it fucking drop.
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
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Ed and Stede fulfilling their vows ❤️❤️❤️ bonus:
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
our flag means death isn't over! we just have to put on the best damn talent show these penny-pinching streaming services have ever seen,
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ourflagmeanssubtext · 6 months
✨♠️🦄The Unicorn🦄♠️✨
Here is our new unicorn, happily retired and enjoying some peace, quiet and the sea
I imagined this as a sort of tarot card (I'm not going to lie, I love tarot cards and would REALLY like to create an alternative tarot deck with other characters, we'll see ;u;)
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