ourcharmingscience · 3 months
i love characters that are just a cunt. no redeeming characteristics. just there to stir shit up and scheme. cause a ruckus. get on everyone's nerves.
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ourcharmingscience · 8 months
Writing Prompt: Dialogue
“You are suspect number one, mate.”
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ourcharmingscience · 8 months
Status: Open to all, made with beta.
Plot: Once again, I am winging it, but here's an angsty starter.
"Don't-" Morgyn started yet he found himself speechless. "Just fucking don't." He liked to think he was a patient man, but everyone has that point. Even as he reached the end of his tolerance Morgyn tried to keep some semblance of civility.
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ourcharmingscience · 11 months
While his apartment was crowded, Morgyn was still in regulations with the rules of the building. The music wasn't too loud, his guests were behaving (as far as he knew). Behaving wasn't in his wheelhouse either. He had a cup of what could be described as jungle juice in hand as he mingled among classmates he knew and others he didn't know. "Hey," He greeted, "you're in my one writing class right?" He asked.
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There was a college party going on at Morgyn's apartment. Lexi was hesitant to go because of how many people could be there. She was an introvert who would rather be at home reading or binge watching, but Morgyn was a college student she actually enjoyed talking to, so she decided to go just to see Morgyn, and maybe they could get alone and talk at some point in the evening.
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ourcharmingscience · 11 months
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ourcharmingscience · 11 months
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                                                         ( PHOENIX AESTHETIC )
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ourcharmingscience · 11 months
"Understood." He decided to switch gears from finishing unfinished business to comforting a friend. "Don't be ridiculous, break-ups are never 'whatever' not when you care that deeply for each other." Even with rocky relationships, Morgyn had been in his own head about a few of them. "Stuck in your head is a bad place to be at a time like this." Not everyone could afford to just cut people off like Morgyn often did. "Can I help?"
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Honest Call [Hayes/Morgyn]
Morgyn laughed hearing Breanne’s words repeated back to him. It was stranger hearing it from someone else. “No it’s not-” Morgyn stuttered. He took a moment to compose himself. “She’s surprisingly cool about a lot of things.” He could see how retelling this conversation would go with her. He’d tell her anyways. There was no secrets between them. Something here was unfinished. He could feel it in his bones. He left the sentences he so desperately needed to say, unsaid. “You did! Shit, I’m so sorry.” He apologized. “I didn’t mean to bring that up so soon.”
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“Morgyn,” Hayes sighed, “I–I wasn’t tryin’a…” he trailed off unsure what he was about to try and say anyway. “It’s chill dude, don’t fuck up a good thing. I’m okay, I was just thinking about things in the passed. I miss Kelsey– I fucking thought she was it man. I think that’s really why I called, I’m just in my head.” Hayes bit his lip. He had called sort of hoping Morgyn was still single and they might be able to fuck around. “It all just happened this week, it’s whatever…” It wasn’t.
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
New School Year ||Open||
Status: Made with Beta. Open to everyone. @indiestarter
Plot: The school year is starting soon and Morgyn's already exhausted. Could be talking to a fellow teacher, a student's parent could overhear his comment, etc.
Morgyn looked at September's calendar on his phone. All his school events were finally scheduled in, and he dreaded it. Back to school night, parent teacher conferences. And the conferences for teachers that were sprinkled throughout the calendar. Some assemblies were listed too. He'd get a nice nap in during those.
"I have a headache thinking about dealing with children's parents and we've got a month left until school starts."
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
lonely? develop a god complex.
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
i don't know how to show my emotions.
"If I've learned anything, trusting your emotions is the best way to express them. Your brain and body will tell you how to show them."
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
"I DON'T KNOW..." PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
i don't know how you expect me to trust you after this.
i don't know if i can keep going.
i don't know how long this will last.
i don't know if i'm right about this.
i don't know anything about that.
i don't know how you found me.
i don't know right from wrong.
i don't know your real name.
i don't know where you came from.
i don't know if we can get out of here alive.
i don't know if i can keep seeing you.
i don't know who you are.
i don't know what you want from me.
i don't know where to go from here.
i don't know that song.
i don't know where else to go.
i don't know the answer to that.
i don't know who the hell you are or what you're doing here.
i don't know if you're even worth my time.
i don't know how i got into this mess.
i don't know how to be anything more than this.
i don't know what you asking me.
i don't know how you made it this far without me.
i don't know how anyone could actually love me.
i don't know how this works.
i don't know the real answer; i'm making things up as i go along.
i don't know how you lasted this long.
i don't know what you want me to do.
i don't know how to show my emotions.
i don't know what's out there, but i'd like to find out.
i don't know what street it's on.
i don't know how to solve this.
i don't know a single thing about you.
i don't know how you just expect me to walk away.
i don't know who did this, but i'm going to find out.
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
One thing you should know about me:                                                             I am very good                                                          at making very bad                                                                  decisions
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
send 🌙 to go skinny dipping with my muse send 🍩 to go inner-tubing with my muse send 🏊 to go swimming in the creek with my muse send 🎣 to go fishing with my muse send 🛥️ to go on a boat ride with my muse send 🍦 to get ice cream with my muse send 🍧 to get shaved ice/a snow cone with my muse send 💦 to push my muse in the pool send ⛺ to camp out under the stars with my muse send 🚶 to go for an evening stroll with my muse send 🚘 to go for a midnight joyride with my muse send 🔫 to spray my muse with the hose/water gun send 🎈 to have a water balloon fight with my muse send 🍫 to make s’mores with my muse send 🍖 to barbecue with my muse
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
Making flirty jokes knowing you both mean them>>>
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
Honest Call [Hayes/Morgyn]
Hayes laughed a little, “Your hoe phase?” he smirked to himself. “Good… I don’t regret it either.” It was the first time he’d verbally admitted it. Fuck. This was stupid. “You–you do?” Hayes swallowed hard. “Dude I didn’t mean to,” he forced a laugh and back peddled like he always did. “That’s awesome man, I wasn’t trynna,” he shook his head and swallowed hard as he felt his throat tightening. Why the fuck did he do this? “Kelsey and I kinda, broke up…” Hayes forced the words out. 
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Morgyn laughed hearing Breanne's words repeated back to him. It was stranger hearing it from someone else. "No it's not-" Morgyn stuttered. He took a moment to compose himself. "She's surprisingly cool about a lot of things." He could see how retelling this conversation would go with her. He'd tell her anyways. There was no secrets between them. Something here was unfinished. He could feel it in his bones. He left the sentences he so desperately needed to say, unsaid. "You did! Shit, I'm so sorry." He apologized. "I didn't mean to bring that up so soon."
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
in this pack you’ll find exactly  #486  gifs  of  CODY FERN  in  american crime story.  he  is  white,  and  about  28  years  old  in  these  gifs.  all  of  these  gifs,  including  the  psd,  were  made  from  scratch  by  me.if  you’d  like  to  use  these  gifs,  you  can  go to payhip in the source! if  you  plan  on  using  them  or  found  them  useful,  please  give  this  a  𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠  !!
DO NOT edit ( resize, re-color, crop, etc. )
DO NOT use to rp anything gross, taboo, actual people / celebs, or minors
DO NOT claim as your own or redistribute them
trigger warnings: listed in the pack, but lots of blood and gore at the beginning of the pack
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ourcharmingscience · 1 year
Playing With Fire ||Open||
Plot: Morgyn got hooked on those videos where they light a bunch of matches on fire. He has permission to do this, and he needs ideas.
Morgyn had made a lot of connections, spending time around scientists and scholars for most of his adult years. He envied those who had their own little ‘playgrounds,’ to experiment and do the things he dreamed of. He wasn’t exactly certified at their levels. He had been lost in the videos of elaborate match stick art that was set ablaze to create something else. He longed to make his own.
"If you were going to make art for someone out of matchsticks, how would you arrange them?" Morgyn asked.
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