ottocorner · 15 days
Meaning of Colors in Anciet Egyptian Art:
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ottocorner · 15 days
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thoth knows the answer (digital, 2024)
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ottocorner · 2 years
I'd like to uplift those of the polytheists on here who are dealing with Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Nerve Disorders, or other physical conditions that affect our ability to function at what's considered normal pace. These conditions can be very debilitating to a lot of us as they directly interfere with our physical ability to worship and otherwise devote on a daily basis. Disorders such as OCD, Psychosis, Depression, and other mental conditions affecting our ability to interact with the reality are also something that can cause debilitating inability to stick with a schedule for those of us dealing with these problems.
Some of us are affected by these issues, and more, to an extent where we lose any ability to consistently pray, offer, and otherwise devout. Some only do so on a weekly or monthly basis whereas some can only offer occasional, irregular worship. A lot of us can't do something that many other polytheists consider a basic task/requirement, such as building altars, pray, do rituals, even celebrate holidays. For some of us these are tasks too hard to accomplish as we have no energy to, because we can't think rationally, or because of any other mental issue that clashes with our ability to practice. I want you to know it's okay.
As someone who does have a problem dealing with a worshipping schedule and all the other actions I've mentioned, I want everyone who is dealing with mental or physical issues that affect your pace of devotion to know that there's no pressure in faith, and there should never be any. Worship and devotion are about your own comfort, going at your own pace, and not giving more than your body and mind are capable of giving. Devotion is not supposed to be harmful or draining.
We are not anyhow below other worshippers just because we praise the Gods when we can physically do it, which might not be often - it might even be very rare. It doesn't demean the weight of our faith or the love those we are close to have for us. We are as worthy of Their love as any other worshipper is, and it doesn't matter how often we do rituals or practice prayers.
Others might be dealing with their devotion at their pace, and it's not healthy to compare ourselves to them. Instead, try your best to focus on your own path and the work you are doing. There's no competition in faith.
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ottocorner · 2 years
Yes! I avoided my call to worship for so long, and feared it, because witches told me I had to “master the basics” first or my “work” would be dangerous.
Do We "Work With" the Gods?
Lately I've been seeing #witchblr posts in my feed more often. Honestly, it’s incredibly exhausting to see witchcraft treated as synonymous with pagan/polytheist/non-Christian practices when it isn’t. Worship is not witchcraft and witchcraft is not worship. Wicca is it’s own belief system, and it deserves to be respected as such.
Worship of the Theoi isn’t witchcraft—it’s prayer, devotion, faith. Sure, a spell can be an act of prayer and worship, but that doesn’t mean prayer and worship of the gods is witchcraft too.
It’s just frustrating to see how prevalent neopagan/Wiccan concepts and ideas are in the pagan/polytheist community. It breaks my heart to see young polytheists afraid to pray or give offerings because they’ve been convinced that “deity work” or “working with” a god is dangerous, difficult, or required to even approach the gods.
The Theoi are present and real. We can and should ask them for help, and build kharis with them. Building a devotional relationship with the gods does require work, but that doesn't mean we are "working with" the gods in the same manner as witchcraft practitioners, nor do we have to.
Religion is not a dirty word. Faith and prayer are not exclusive to Christianity or Abrahamic faiths. We do not have to practice witchcraft to be valid pagans or approach the gods. Worship of the gods is open to all. The Theoi are with us; pray, and have faith they will listen.
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ottocorner · 2 years
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whatever was left, that was ours for a while.
sunrise - louise glück
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ottocorner · 2 years
I think people demonize anger a lot within the pagan and polytheist communities. I've noticed so many people be terrified that they've angered or upset their gods, and while there is obviously an underlying reason for that fear (usually trauma or anxiety), it definitely isn't a necessary fear to have.
Gods get angry. They can feel rage that burns so hot it scorches the lands below them. They don't approve of everything we do because, you know what, sometimes our actions, as humans, are just unacceptable. Sometimes we fuck up and have to be reminded the our actions impact other people's emotional states, and that includes the gods.
But just because gods get angry, upset, or disappointed with us doesn't mean they're going to leave us or they'll hate us or this or that. It doesn't mean they don't recognize that we are flawed and make mistakes. It doesn't mean they won't forgive us of our actions.
Of course, I believe that gods are capable of hating people. I believe there are some humans that are so despicable, so vile, that the gods themselves shun and scorn their very existence, but I'd like to think (and this is just my opinion) that isn't very common and that the gods are more forgiving and understanding than people give them credit for. I think there is a lot of fear-mongering that the gods will punish or hurt us because we've made a mistake or something along those lines, but in reality, they are much more lenient and forgiving, although they'll still get angry, upset, or disappointed.
It's ok for a god to be upset with you. They're not going to boil your toes or turn your fingers into snakes or something. Like, it's ok to be a flawed human; that's what human existence is. The gods know that, but we can still piss them off sometimes. We can still disappoint or upset them. And it's ok for us to still be loved by them afterwards. Both truths can exist at once; they can be angry as all hell at you and still love you. They can be disappointed in something you've done and still want the best for you. They can be upset at your actions and still care deeply for you.
It's up to you how you react to their anger, their upset, and their disappointment. Either way, you'll come out of the situation ok. Conflicts are normal in every relationship, including deity relationships.
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ottocorner · 2 years
Fun and easy habits to develop as a pagan!
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Or, a few ideas of routine pagan stuff I personally engage in, or wish to start engaging in.
Opening the curtains and taking a quick moment to appreciate the daylight (or the darkness) of the outside. Draw from it the energy you will need for the day!
After waking up, saying a short prayer to a deity of your choice (you could very well change it up based on your intent, or always pray to the same if you are devoted to one in particular). A simple “Good morning. I will try to honor you today” shows that you’re thinking of them!
Taking a little time every once in a while to learn about local plants, trees or fauna! Little by little, you’ll learn to recognize them when out in nature. Nothing more rewarding!
Playing a song, or simply instrumental music that reminds you of your spirituality when doing chores, preparing for the day or the night, etc.  Useful if the day-to-day makes you feel disconnected from your spirituality! 
Every once in a while, cleansing a spiritual space by simply cleaning it out before lighting a fragant candle or incense. Always makes me feel refreshed!
Focusing on a picture of a deity/deities (or spirit/spirits, or ancestor/ancestors) of your choice in adoration. What can they teach you today? How can you honor them? If a new and inspiring idea comes to your mind, why not note it down!
Diffuse a smell (either by candle, incense, essential oil diffuser or else) while getting prepared for the day! If such a topic interests you, you could learn about how different smells affect us, and how you can use that in this specific ritual. With what intent do you wish to start your day?
If you have a book/books on mythology that pertains to your deity/deities or their related culture, why not read a few pages every once in a while, just for fun! Like the song/music I mentioned before, this an easy way to start your day thinking of your spirituality.
Looking up art: depictions of deities, or if you worship nature spirits, pictures of the animal or plant the form of which it takes.
Adopting a deity’s symbol for the day! You can do that by wearing a piece of devotional jewelry, or even drawing a rune/sigil/symbol on your skin so as to keep the deity in mind.
If you’re reading this, it means you use tumblr! Why not use such social networks to talk to other pagans who share your practices? There’s lots to learn from each other! Plus, you may make good friends this way. 
Look outside, observe the weather. What color’s the sky? How strong is the wind blowing? In what direction are the clouds being blown? Stay in tune with nature! You may even become able to tell which signs foretell which weather events! 
Make stuff you find in nature into amulets. For example, if a leaf, rock, acorn, fallen branch or else catches your attention, why not bring it home as a lucky charm? If you possess such a skill, you could even make it into jewelry!
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ottocorner · 2 years
Hey witches, are crystals a fucking scam?
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ottocorner · 2 years
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year of the rabbit 🐇💫
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ottocorner · 2 years
2023 New Years Tarot Spread
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For this New Year spread, I used The Wild Unknown Archetype Deck and followed a spread created by babywitchofthesouth. This is only applicable to my own life, it is not intended to apply to your life, however my interpretations may ring true for you.
2023 Theme: THE SHAMAN
I continue my dedication to study both in my spirituality and college as well as help others along their paths in these domains. I also focus on healing myself and my world while also grounding and raising my energy through meditation, ritual, and mindfulness.
2023 Challenges: THE FATHER
I am challenged with my tendency to be absent in certain areas of my life and far too involved with others; I have a hard time with ignoring my limitations. Literally speaking, I am challenged with my relationship with my father.
How to Overcome: THE STARBORN
I focus on my sense of destiny and purpose; I am mindful of its everpresence. I notice how magical this life is; I am trusting in my journey and its importance. My dreams can hold the key.
2023 Goal: THE MOTHER
Great love and creativity are what I shall draw myself toward. I create and I love what I do. I also birth and care for new ideas and drives within myself. My overarching goal is to create a book.
How to Achieve: THE PILGRIM
I must seek out my goals and take on the journey. I focus on my inner journey which is synonymous with my external world. I must be constantly in motion, or only settling to gather the energy to continue on.
I become radiant and fearless, a joyful person who ignores the confines of what others say is not possible. I truly connect to Awen, divine inspiration and creativity.
What I will Lose: THE ORPHAN
I am no longer isolated, starving, wounded, and scared. I find community and connection as I return to the world from the wounds that were inflicted during the Covid-19 distancing which has been severely prolonged in my at-risk family. I am not alone.
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ottocorner · 2 years
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ottocorner · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: Mythology
Brigid (meaning ‘The Exalted One’) was the flamed haired goddess of spring, fertility and life in Celtic mythology. Beloved by poets, she was also the master of both healing and smithing. Brigid was born with the sunrise and elevated into the sky with rays of light radiating from her head. She was nourished as a baby on the milk of a sacred cow and it was said that wherever she walked, flowers and shamrocks would spring up in her footsteps. Her holiday, Imbolc (Saint Brigid’s Day), was held on February 1st which marks the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Like The Morrígan, some believed Brigid was once a triple deity.
artwork by Terraincantata
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ottocorner · 2 years
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The 12 full moons of 2022 by loonarpix
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ottocorner · 2 years
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ottocorner · 2 years
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Did you hear the news? by Pablo Hurtado de Mendoza
This artist on Instagram
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ottocorner · 2 years
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The Dippers, Big and Little. Basic studies in science. Book 1. 1937.
Internet Archive
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ottocorner · 2 years
Artaois the Celtic Bear God, Who is He?
Artaois nurtures and protects his tribe. But, he is less warm and involved than a mother, guiding us to learn from experience and individuate into strong people who succeed in society. He also protects social norms of chivalry.
Artaois is the spirit of the sword; He calls on us to be decisive and shape our own destiny with responsibility. He is wise, knowing when to fight and withdraw; but he is also strong, sacrificing himself for the welfare of his people. He embodies the Hero’s Journey.
Represented in the constellation of Ursa Minor, he is associated with the magic of the stars. He uses his magic in both shamanic and mischievous ways to protect. He can guide us in exploring the subconscious mind in our dreams to help us reach our goals. Hibernation is a magical process he embodies, seemingly dying and rising from the dead.
Solar God
Soon after his death, Artaois is reborn on the Winter Solstice as a cub representing the spark of light emerging out of the darkness that fell over the Earth in his decline. In this way, Artaois embodies hope and renewal. He drives the cycles of this world, of birth and death, day and night, summer and winter.
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