otp-prompts · 6 years
Can you do anything angsty it gives me life (if you’d like more specifics I’d be fine but w/e)
Sure of course I’ll be able to squeeze in some angst Thursday! So yeah!
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otp-prompts · 6 years
And new request welcome to!
I live I stock up on prompts and trying to make a schedule for posting!
I’m sorry I been dead for so long but I hope to try and liven this up again I was thinking of posting prompts
Every Saturday ,Sunday , Monday (Maybe occasionally Thursday) I’ll be taking the request given in past and doing those, theme ones to , etc
I miss ya all and can’t wait to get up and making prompts again
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otp-prompts · 6 years
I live I stock up on prompts and trying to make a schedule for posting!
I’m sorry I been dead for so long but I hope to try and liven this up again I was thinking of posting prompts Every Saturday ,Sunday , Monday (Maybe occasionally Thursday) I’ll be taking the request given in past and doing those, theme ones to , etc I miss ya all and can’t wait to get up and making prompts again
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otp-prompts · 6 years
gentle reminder
you don’t have to be productive all the time; you’re not a machine, you’re a person with aspirations, feelings, and you deserve to be fulfilled and happy - take a break whenever you need to, and please take care
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otp-prompts · 6 years
(Anon who asked for the sibling angst thing) yes that’s perfect thank you
No problem! I wanted it to be angsty and i put it fluid so you can put it as either older or younger sibling and love the open ended i did so people can choose what to do with the end
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otp-prompts · 6 years
(platonic prompt) Person A: Shh hey..*cough* hey don’t cry -
Person B: YOU’RE BARELY ALIVE IN A HOSPITAL AND YOU’RE TELLING ME NOT TO CRY YOU’RE MY SIBLING, AND I DID THIS TO YOU BECAUSE WE...We...we....were fighting and i pushed you onto the road and you...you *tears whelming up even more in their eyes*
Person A:*Slowly reaches up and about to put their hand on B’s Shoulder until the heart monitor falls flat with their arm falling to the bed* Person B: A! A! DOCTOR, NURSE SOMEONE PLEASE!?
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otp-prompts · 6 years
Return somewhat
I need a new laptop so post are going be spaced out and i live , i just had a really bad block of prompts even though i had all lovely suggestions but i think im fresh and ready with my time back for prompts miss ya all glad to be back-Mod Rose
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otp-prompts · 6 years
Spookay Prompt Something
Person B: But-
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otp-prompts · 6 years
In that case, whenever it’s most convenient for you, can you make an angst prompt of two older and younger siblings, in which the younger has been fatally injured? (This is so specific o heck)
yes of course angst i love angst
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otp-prompts · 6 years
Do you take requests of non-otp things? I don’t know anyone else who does what you do and yeah
and yeah i do it’s been busy alot i can defiantly do non-otp like platonic best friends ,etc
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otp-prompts · 7 years
Tumblr media
I told this Joke to my extremely religious father and his first reply was “funny but don’t tell it to your mother”
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otp-prompts · 7 years
I'm sorry life been busy and all I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and such forgive me and happy Easter!
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otp-prompts · 7 years
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otp-prompts · 7 years
If you have someone in your life who is going through a hard time, please be patient with them. Please be there for them. Don’t give up on them. They aren’t trying to bring you down, and they certainly would be happy if they could. Storms can be weathered better together.
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otp-prompts · 7 years
I just realized you added a homestuck term to this
Could you do a prompt or two for a platonic otp? Like, for moirails cause I'm in need of platonic fluff or sad prompts, for for really close friends.
Okay I’ll be doing that soon ! Sorry for the late response
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otp-prompts · 7 years
Valentine Dialogue prompts(very late)
Person A:Hey B do you have any plans today?
Person B:Why yes I do
Person A:Oh...ok-
Person B:with you c'mon.
Person B and A were snuggling on the couch enjoying eachother' company.
Person B: hey A
Person A:Yeah B
Person B: olive you ~!
Person A:Fuck you dork.
Person A:Hey sorry I'm late B! I'm ready for our date
Person B: to bad you didn't come sooner I had chocolate for us to share but I ate them all
Person A:Why I'm I not surprised
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otp-prompts · 7 years
Ohhhh this is really well done so far! And it's ok
((Think about name later)): Prologue
         Up the bridge, down the fence, across the stream. That was the quickest way to reach their playground, right in the forest. She had met a girl there once, and they had been friends since then. They called it the queendoom, a place where adults weren’t allowed and they ruled as princesses. Her friend had been there every single day, adding more and more stuff to their castle or making the village bigger and greater. She was never mad at her when she couldn’t go, no she wasn’t like the other kids, demanding and arrogant.
         Down the fence, across the stream. She put special effort in keeping her dress and shoes spotlessly clean. They got angry at her if she didn’t get home exactly as she left. Her long, black braids were starting to get messy, but she could fix that later. It wouldn’t be the first time.
Across the stream. Be careful with the stones, don’t fall to the water, don’t wet the shoes. She had arrived home soaking once, and, man, were they mad. Just a bit more, and she could meet her friend.
         Her golden eyes got bigger trying to see in the forest darkness. She was really close, so close she could hear her humming. She smiled when she finally saw the brown, curly mess on her head and the stained hoodie. For being a princess, she was quite rudimentary. And she liked her all the same.
– …Hi –
– Oh, ey! Princess Lisette! You here! You maked it! – her friend greeted, wide smile and shiny, chestnut eyes. Even with her bad English, they could perfectly understand each other. Games don’t need proper language.
– Teehee~ It wasn’t easy, but I really wanted to play with you… –
– Heh, thanks! Come, I finded somethin’ nice for da queendom! – she called, pulling her hand and going right to the opposite side of the huge rock that played as the queendom walls. There, over a sunny field, laid a lot of tiny buildings made of sticks, leaves, flowers and anything they would found, and in the middle of all that, a huge, broken playhouse: the castle.
– Oh, the graveyard got bigger since the last time I’ve been here… –
– Yeah, I finded some… um… nut’s animals…? –
– Do you mean squirrels? –
– Yeah! Squirrels. I taked them here. Now they can sleep, no? –
– Yeah… What did you want to show me anyways? –
– Ah, yeah! – her eyes shone again as she made her way to the castle and let a flower’s curtain fall over the door frame – Ta-tan! See! We have door now! –
– Woah, fantastic! Shaiel, this looks amazing! – she gasped, hugging her and making her chuckle.
– You sayed you want a door, and da princess wishs are orders, no? I make windows tomorrow! But come! I seeed some rocks today! You like it! – she said, making so many mistakes her friend laughed.
– Shy, you don’t say “seeed”, it’s saw! Or seen! Seeds are for plants, not for watching! –
– Ah. Well, I seen some nice rocks, and I want you see they! –
– Pfft- Ok, ok, let’s see them! – she agreed, realizing teaching her would take more than just correcting her every now and then. Her friend grabbed her hand again and she lead the way to a small waterfall, all the stream covered with rocks and little, shiny stones.
– See! Nice rocks! – she smiled, getting to the water without even taking off her trainers.
– Wait! Won’t your parents ground you when they see your clothes? – she stopped her, worried. Her friend looked at her stained hoodie and wet trainers. One of the sleeves was ripped, and the shoelaces were covered with mud.
– No? Why? – she asked, confused, staring at her and realizing her clothes were too perfect for that dirty forest – Ah. Well, if I use that clothes I get ground! I use my bad clothes! You can’t use that clothes here, Lise, it’s forest! –
– Well… Yeah… I know, but… –
– Princess use shorts, Lise. See me! I’m princess, no? I use shorts! – she chuckled, trying to convince her.
– Fine… I’ll bring shorts tomorrow… –
– You here tomorrow? Yeah! –
– I’ll try to! But it’s getting dark, I have to go, Shy –
– Oh, ok… See you tomorrow, Princess Lisette –
– See you tomorrow, Princess Shaiel! –
         Across the stream, down the fence, up the bridge.
         Up the bridge, down the fence, across the stream. Her friend was right, shorts and trainers were way better; now she could run and jump without fearing wounds.
         Down the fence, across the stream. Actually, no, screw that, climb the fence! And swim in the stream! No more worrying about that; if she got stained, she could wash herself in the water, and if she got wet, she would get dry with the field’s sun.
         Swim through the stream. She could get some stones, even, to surprise her. Her friend would be so glad to see her working on the queendom too, they would work together from now on!
         She run all the way from the waterfall to the sunny field, her arms full of shiny stones.
– Princess Shaiel, I’m here! – she called, trying to settle her breathing. Weird. She didn’t answer – Princess Shaiel? Shy? Are you here? – she called out to the nothing, dropping the rocks without noticing. Clearly there was nobody there. But she wouldn’t get mad at her, no, she had never gotten angry at her when she couldn’t go, she wouldn’t do that to her only friend – Well, maybe she got sick from the wet trainers… – she tried to convince herself. Yes, that should be it. But then again, there was no point in staying there if her friend wasn’t with her.
         Across the stream, down the fence, up the bridge. She would come back the next day to play.
         And yet, she couldn’t get rid of the sensation she wouldn’t see her again.
Many years later…
  And there it was, the last time they would hear the ring bell that week. Now they were free to do whatever they wanted until the next Monday. Well, respecting the school rules, that is.
– May I retain your attention for a few more minutes? – asked the teacher, and everyone froze in their seats. Would she give them more homework? They already had a bunch of her Math’s book pages to solve, she wouldn’t give them more as the tutor, would she? Those were even worse.
– Listen. On this weekend, a new student will arrive. She’s really delicate and she will be in this class specifically because of your kindness. There’s one warning: whatever you do, do not touch her. She’s haphephobic, she really can’t stand it. I don’t want you guys to get in trouble for a stupid mistake, so you can’t say I didn’t warn you. Please be nice to her. And don’t forget to do your homework. You are free to leave now – she said, and immediately everybody started talking as they made their way out of the classroom. A haphephobic who needed an extra amount of kindness? That could get interesting.
         You can bet everyone forgot about the Math’s homework right away.
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