othermainblog · 1 year
It is here! Part 2 of ? of Whether I Think Genshin Characters Would/Could Win A Tickle Fight.
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Depends on who he’s up against
Albedo is not as ticklish as certain others who could be named, but he is also fairly small. Certain opponents would not have much trouble pinning him down. If that isn’t a concern, however, he is very observant and not easily embarrassed by teasing, both valuable tools that could give him the advantage. Very good at finding weak points and with a tendency to experiment with different techniques. Says his observations out loud, which is a unique type of teasing that most of his opponents find themselves incredibly weak to.
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Can win if he’s determined enough
Diluc is very ticklish, but he is also very determined. If he has the proper motivation, he can manage to fight through it to return the favor. Of course, if his opponent isn’t very ticklish themselves, it won’t do him much good. Feels too awkward to tease much unless it is with someone he is close to, which is a very short list. On the other hand, very susceptible to teases himself, especially if it takes the form of complimenting his laugh.
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Barbara is very bad at defending herself from tickle attacks, as she usually just curls up and maybe kicks a bit. She would never want to accidentally hurt anyone though, so she purposefully aims her kicks away from the other person. Like her sister, she can feel a little awkward about this type of physical affection, so she is very unlikely to start a tickle fight herself, nor does she really have the skills to finish one.
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There is no contest. While she does have a few spots herself, none of them are bad enough to incapacitate her, and most of them time she can even keep a straight face. She actually tends to hold back on her victims at first, but all bets are off if her opponent gets a hit in. For the unfortunate souls who manage to get her good enough for even the slightest change in facial expression, victory is short lived; Rosaria’s precision with her clawed fingers is unmatched, and she is not above teaching them a lesson about losing battles.
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othermainblog · 3 years
A (Not So) Quiet Morning
A/N: This really is the first fanfic I’ve written in years huh. I was feeling inspired because I desperately want more fluffy content between Kaeya and Crepus so I guess I’m making my own food at this point. Featuring some of my personal headcanons, see the bottom for more if you’re interested. Enjoy!
On a clear and pleasantly cool midmorning, while working on his newest painting in the study, Crepus Ragnvindr finds himself struck by an impulse.
It is a peaceful morning. Diluc has decided to visit Jean across the city, bringing that tortoise of his with him to go and visit hers. The servants have busied themselves elsewhere to give him the quiet atmosphere he desires while painting. And Kaeya, in an unprecedented move, has sought his company over Diluc’s.
Crepus is not ignorant to the importance of this moment. He is hyperaware of Kaeya’s presence in the room with him, where the boy has chosen a couch with a very tempting sunbeam on which to curl up with a book. Admittedly, it is wreaking havoc on his ability to concentrate on the scene he intends to paint, but there is no bitterness to accompany that fact.
Because Kaeya rarely seeks out Crepus’ company on his own, more often tagging along with Diluc when his brother seeks his attention. Crepus has worried that this indicates a lack of trust in him, but he has been unsure on how to address the problem.
Today, that doesn’t seem to be an issue in the least.
Again, as it has done countless times this morning, Crepus finds his eyes sliding over to observe his newest son without his conscious desire. He finds himself wondering what is happening in Kaeya’s book; whatever the narrative turn, it must be one that Kaeya is enjoying, because when Crepus looks his way, he sees a subdued smile on his son’s face.
He can feel his own mouth curling in response — a reaction he is quite familiar with from his years spent raising Diluc. In this moment, despite his many regrets, Crepus Ragnvindr feels like the most fortunate man in Teyvat.
The sudden lack of sound must be more obvious than he realized, though. As Kaeya moves to turn to the next page, he glances up at Crepus. Something about his expression must startle Kaeya, because his eye goes wide, the smile becoming uncertain and small.
That won’t do at all, thinks Crepus.
Giving Kaeya as kind a smile as he can muster, Crepus heaves himself to his feet, taking a moment to wipe his hands on the damp cloth one of the servants has had the foresight to bring to the study before making themself scarce. Then he approaches the couch.
“May I sit with you, Kaeya?”
Kaeya looks a bit bemused at this point, but nods and lowers his book to his lap, marking his place with one thumb.
Crepus lowers himself carefully to sit next to Kaeya, rather on the other end like Kaeya undoubtedly expected him to. He keeps an eye on the other’s reaction — curious but not alarmed. Excellent.
Crepus settles, and then deliberately turns so that Kaeya has his full attention. He smiles. “That looks like a good book.”
Kaeya tilts his head a bit, then flips the book to show Crepus the cover. Clearly he has no concept of where this is going, but he seems willing to play along and find out. Crepus again is humbled by the trust in him that that shows.
“Ah, that is a good one. One of my favorites, when I was about your age. I remember how determined I was to finish it, the first time. More than that, I remember how tired I was the next day, after I stayed awake all night to finish it. I actually fell asleep during lessons! My tutors were not pleased. My hand still aches to this day, they made me write so many lines.” Crepus grins and playfully shakes his hand out for emphasis.
A shy little smile is his reward, hesitantly amused by this anecdote. It is, however, much too quick to fade away again.
It is as he is processing the disappointment of this that the impulse strikes. It is one he is not wholly unfamiliar with, being a father for a good many years now, but one that has until now only reared its mischievous head around Diluc.
Crepus has kept a certain small distance between himself and Kaeya in the time he has spent with him, not through his own desires, but out of fear of frightening the boy. Not to say that he has been able to to completely suppress the desire to tease Kaeya entirely; he considers it his divinely gifted right to do so as a parent. And so far, Kaeya has seemed surprised to be included, but not unhappily so. Crepus does not think it is wishful thinking to say that Kaeya has come to trust Crepus, not with today’s request to spend the morning with him instead of his best friend.
It is this last thought that decides it. Crepus allows that spirit of mischief to posses him fully.
“Come now. That won’t do, Kaeya.” Crepus injects some transparently false gravitas to his voice, to signal the game. He would never want his sons to seriously think he was disappointed in them for even a moment.
The ploy works. Kaeya sits up straighter, open curiosity on his face. He studies Crepus for a moment before coming to a decision and twisting his upper body to place the book on the side table. Then he turns back to look up at Crepus, hands relaxed on the knees of his crossed legs. Open body language, an acceptance of Crepus’ playful invitation.
Crepus feels his falsely somber expression melt at the edges. A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, and he gives up the pretext.
“That wasn’t nearly enough. I think I need to see a bigger smile than that.”
Kaeya blinks as Crepus leans closer, lifting his hands with deliberate slowness, making it clear that he will stop if Kaeya wants him to. Kaeya does not stop him, and Crepus’ grin only widens.
“Fortunately, I have a good idea of what to do to fix this.” And Crepus proves the idea a good one indeed, as his fingers gently press into his son’s sides and wiggle.
The reaction is immediate: a jump, a surprised intake of breath, and two small hands placing themselves on his own. Crepus pauses, seeing if Kaeya will signal for him to stop, and feels warm as the signal doesn’t come. Kaeya’s hands do not push his away, and his nervous look is tinged with a playful excitement — an expression universally familiar to parents, he is sure. Crepus grins and attacks in earnest.
His hands move upwards, digging gently into ribs that are still a bit too prominent for Crepus’ tastes, and is rewarded with an exhale that shudders as it catches on a laugh. Kaeya squirms, curling away, mouth wavering into a smile, still not pushing Crepus’ hands away, and Crepus is so very fond of this boy.
It is the work of seconds to turn that exhale into a proper laugh, and Crepus is delighted to learn that his youngest son is, as it turns out, a giggler.
“Maha-! Ahaha! Master Crehehep-!” Kaeya wriggles into the arm of the couch, curling up and kicking his legs and not managing to get even one finger off of his ribs on his own.
Well, Crepus can certainly help him with that, at least.
Those fingers creep further up, worming their way under his arms to look for more giggles.
Kaeya squeaks, squeezing his arms to his sides as hard as he can and slipping against the arm of the couch until he is nearly on his back, legs coming up to again kick at nothing. It is a perfect opportunity to change targets, and one that Crepus has no problem taking advantage of. While one hand stays put, the other reaches to snag one little knee.
The reaction is a bit startling. Kaeya yelps and then bursts into the kind of laughter that can only be described as hysterical. For the first time, he manages to land a hit with the other foot, though without much force. Crepus pauses, startled, and when he looks at Kaeya he sees his son is just as surprised himself. Kaeya stares at him for a moment, eye wide, before giving a cutely nervous smile and shrinking down further into the couch.
After waiting for a signal that doesn’t come, Crepus smiles at the silent permission and slides his hand down to wrap around his calf. Holding his leg still, he brings the other hand, not back to the kneecap, as Kaeya undoubtedly expected, but behind the knee.
Evidently, this is spot is a winner as well, because Kaeya jerks and wheezes on his laughter, squirming and, after only a moment of this, letting out a snort.
Crepus can’t help but laugh at the way Kaeya freezes and slaps a hand over his mouth to contain any more, before another burst of laughter gets the better of him and he removes it to suck in more air.
Of course, all good things must come to an end, and Crepus would rather it end before it becomes unpleasant in truth. So he stops the gentle flutter under his son’s knee and releases his leg, watching in amusement as he immediately pulls it back to curl up in a little ball as he regains his breath.
Crepus allows him silence as he recovers, and eventually Kaeya gets enough breath back to uncurl and push himself upright again. He eyes his father from this new vantage point before asking.
“What was that for?”
“Ah, I’m afraid I had no other choice,” Crepus tells him solemnly. “It was vitally important that I hear you laugh today, and how else was I to do it? You never laugh at my jokes, after all.”
“Maybe you’re just not good at telling jokes,” Kaeya counters, and then freezes as he realizes his own daring.
Crepus only laughs again, reaching out to stroke displaced strands of blue out of his face. “In that case, it’s a good thing I have you around to practice on. I’ll be sure to improve my material with your valuable feedback.” His heart feels near to bursting at the way Kaeya relaxes and laughs softly again, leaning into the touch.
“I guess so.”
A/N: As with most people, I don’t think Kaeya as an adult and Kaeya as a child were exactly the same. Even putting aside the can of worms that is the whole Khaenri'ahn plant thing, getting adopted by a family in a totally foreign country is a lot for a kid to deal with. I imagine he was a little uncertain about his place at first. Of course, I also headcanon him as a bit of a little shit (but a cute one) so once he felt more settled I’m sure he could get a bit mouthy sometimes too haha.
I also headcanon Kaeya switched off between calling him “Master Crepus” and “Father” but this is set before he tried out “Father” for the first time, he’s working up to it.
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othermainblog · 3 years
Okay, messy rambling headcanons for some of my favorite Genshin characters’ tickle spots, here we go:
My boy. My dude. He is so ticklish. I am all on board with the headcanons I’ve seen about his thighs being super ticklish 12/10, they are so bad. Actually all of his legs are ticklish, knee squeezes have him trying to kick you in the face on instinct. If you manage to pin his legs well enough to tickle his feet he might actually cry from laughter, 100% would offer the soul of his firstborn child to make you stop. He’s pretty ticklish in all of the “usual” spots as well, save him. But his shoulder blades are hella ticklish too, and some sharp nails here are a nightmare, he might collapse to the floor just to get away. He’s ticklish basically everywhere (save him) but his belly is probably the least ticklish. In that its only slightly above average lmao and that all changes the closer you get to either his ribs or his hips. So squirmy but too uncoordinated to actually get away, his brain basically shuts down when he gets tickled.
As far as he knows, his ribs are his most ticklish spot. I say as far as he knows because no one has yet tried his feet, we’ll see. Had never been tickled before coming to Mondstadt, assumed he wasn’t ticklish since he’s not exactly a normal person. He was wrong. In her quest to get Albedo to think of her as a mother, Alice is very physically affectionate with him, and this is how it is discovered that he is indeed ticklish. Doesn’t care to be tickled but doesn’t hate it either as long as it doesn’t go on too long. If Klee tries to tickle him he will stay still for her (but he doesn’t laugh much either, because little kids tend not to be very good at tickling, and he’s not good at faking it lol) Will jump if you poke him in the ribs, but when you try to tease him by asking if he’s ticklish he’ll just straight faced say “Yes. As I was saying...” and just go back to what he was doing lmao he is immune to such teases.
A sweet angel. She is fairly ticklish but she would much prefer any tickling to be done when its just you and her, she has a lot of pressure on her when she is around the public and its hard enough to keep it together when grown people are demanding advice and autographs and such, poor thing. If you are someone she feels she can trust she is willing to let her guard down enough to have fun like that but unfortunately she just doesn’t have many people she trusts like that (except maybe the Traveler, after the hangout event). Very bubbly and cute giggles but also not as dignified as you might expect, she has a tendency to giggle-snort when she’s really laughing hard. Her sides are her worst spots but she has some ticklish knees as well. She kicks lightly but not enough to ever actually hit anyone, and she curls her upper body like a little pillbug, she’s adorable.
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othermainblog · 3 years
I am bored so here is part 1 of ? of Whether I Think Genshin Characters Would/Could Win A Tickle Fight. I’m not sure how many of these I’ll end up doing, but let’s start with my favorites, the Knights (part 1):
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Not because she is particularly ticklish, but because she finds herself unable to really go for it when she tries to tickle other people. Perhaps because of her strict upbringing, she can be a bit awkward when it comes to this type of physical bonding on the rare occasions that it comes up in her life. Thankfully for her, no one who would try can bring themselves to be too mean to her, so she gets off pretty lightly all things considered.
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Not only is she not ticklish enough that she can’t fight through it, she also is a master at distracting her opponent with well-aimed teasing. Not afraid to take off the gloves to get at bad spots with her nails. Technically undefeated, in that any tickle fights she has lost have been because she chose to let the other person win just this once. That doesn’t happen often though, because she really loves watching people lose their composure, particularly when that includes them getting so flustered by her taunts.
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Kind of a toss-up
Like Lisa, he is a master when it comes to teasing people. Unlike Lisa, he is actually rather ticklish himself, so if his opponent is able to find a good spot on him first, there isn’t much he can do about it. Unfortunately for him, he has many good spots to find, and can never seem to think straight when he’s being tickled, so strategies for getting away sort of go out the window. Because of this, he is a skillful and vicious tickler, because if he’s in this to win he has to take them down both thoroughly and quickly. Absolutely won’t stop if he thinks they’ll strike back when he does, so his victories can take a while even when he’s the only one getting hits in. Not that he minds, teasing people is basically his favorite daily activity.
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Also kind of a toss-up
Amber loves to have fun with the people around her, and that means tickle fights are definitely not off the table. While she can be competitive, she doesn’t have the sort of slightly sadistic streak found in people like Lisa and Kaeya, so if her opponent is too ticklish to really fight back she’ll take it easy on them...usually. If its for revenge against someone who didn’t take it easy on her when the positions were reversed, she has no problem reminding them that she can dish out everything she takes as well.
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othermainblog · 3 years
What we once were... | Diluc x Kaeya
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A/N: aaaaaaahhhhhhh i hope you all don't mind but i combined your requests a;skdjf this was so so so wholesome and i heard that diluc was super happy and stuff when he was younger so i thought it would be really fun to explore of little bit of that hehe there did end up being a winner here but we know that they're both incredibly ticklish a;lksdjf i also... didn't mean to but uh it did get a little sad towards the end a;lskdfj also i think this is the fastest fic i ever wrote also this is platonic also i read more about their story after i wrote this so if it doesn’t match up well then oops andnamx
Warnings: idk if this would classify as angst but i did get a lil emo in the end, there's a few swear words
Summary: Kaeya just would not stop getting on Diluc's nerves.
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othermainblog · 3 years
HC Drabble 1 | Kaebedo
A/N: Never tried posting any of my HC’s before, but I chose a few and wrote a little messy thing based on ‘em. Pretty fun, might try again if I can think of anything~
Warning(s): bodily pinning
Kaeya is squirmy, stating things that are obvious.
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othermainblog · 3 years
Immunity 2.0
Kaeya/Albedo ft. Aether 
Submitted by anonymous  - Re: OMGFOAHDOHHFI THIS IS SO GOOD thank you so much for writing this and aaaaa make a blog!! Please?? We need more of these!!!! So well written!!!!*0* I feel honored to have this sequel to my fic. 
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[A/N: Hi Ginny! I don’t actually have a blog (despite me constantly thinking of it) so I thought I’d share this with you here. I’m pretty rusty with fics, but the Kaebedo brainrot is real and I thank you a lot for that~]
It’s time for Immunity potion 2.0, and while Aether is too ticklish to get any revenge by himself, Albedo is all too interested in taking apart a difficult puzzle…
(aka: This experiment has failed twice but at this point it’s probably human error)
It’d be stretching the truth to call Albedo one of the more ‘sociable’ knights. Alchemy, like any other subject, requires significant research and dedication to master. It’s his work, his passion, and more than enough of an excuse for him to stay holed up in his workshop whenever he’s not looking for artistic inspiration.
That being said, ever since he encountered the traveler, he’s been…a little more generous with his free time.
He can’t explain it, at least not in any way that sounds remotely logical. The traveler, Aether, is just a breath of fresh air. Carried along the winds to Mondstat like he was summoned by the Anemo Archon himself. 
And while it’s taken some time, and copious amounts of prodding from Klee, Albedo has found himself spending his off time frequently with the blond outlander. 
Good Hunter is hardly a new establishment to Albedo, even if he doesn’t visit often, but the offer of meal is always a sure fire way of getting some time with the traveler. And with the promise of some Sticky Honey Roast to bring back to his companion, it even gives them the opportunity to spend some time alone—
Albedo clears his throat, shaking his head to jostle the stray hairs that hang over his eyes. Best not let that thought continue, before he’s stuck having to answer for the blush on his cheeks. 
Aether doesn’t seem to notice. Settling back in his chair, a content smile on his face as he wraps his arms over his stomach. 
Albedo sometimes questions where it all goes. He knows from experience that Aether will eat as if he’s been starved during an average meal, and yet he still manages to adventure across Teyvat, slim as a stick beneath his cropped shirt.
“So, you were saying you had a breakthrough?”
Albedo blinks, caught off guard for a moment. Aether looks back, eyes alert and questioning even though he seemed as if he might fall asleep only movements before. Albedo can’t remember what they were talking about.
“Something about the work you did yesterday? You said you’d found a new ingredient or—“
Albedo hums in recollection, a thankful smile shot Aether’s way and met with one that makes his heart race ever so slightly.
“Ah, yes. I’ve recently started substituting ingredients in my work. An attempt to overcome the mental block, really. And because of this, I think I might have made enough progress to initiate the second step of one of my projects.” 
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othermainblog · 3 years
Lisa strikes me as the kind of person that would give quick sneaky tickles to the people she cares about on her way out of the room. Like giving Jean a little side pinch after their afternoon tea. Scribbling her nails across Kaeya’s shoulder blades as she leaves his office after she just made a deal to foist more of her work onto his subordinates. Putting a friendly hand on Amber’s shoulder when they stop to chat in the hallway but just a little too close to her neck. She just seems like the kind of person who would enjoy seeing them jump a bit.
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othermainblog · 3 years
Listen. I understand why I usually see fics and posts about Kaeya tickling Diluc, I see how it fits in with their personalities, but. Consider: Kaeya is actually the more ticklish one and it was consistently the only way Diluc had to get him back for messing with him when they were younger.
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