Expecting every trans woman to become a full fledged voice actor to have their gender respected is bad actually
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Here's a 'fun' (read: not fun at all) fact: It took me seven YEARS, and multiple legal battles, to be awarded officially recognized disability from the federal government.
It was a brutal, horrible, ass-busting experience, but it was an option I had to take. I feel this post so damn hard.
There's a difference between "disabled" and "legally recognized as disabled," and I just want to give a shout-out to all the other disabled people who don't have formal diagnoses, who don't have access to benefits of any kind, who don't have the ability to use even the shittiest and least-helpful resources, because the process of getting legal recognition for disability sucks ass.
And another shout-out to all the disabled people who purposely avoid getting diagnosed, because official diagnoses can be used against you, and you're unable or unwilling to risk it.
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now more than ever we need stories like this one to be heard, seen, read.
I used to be a powerlifter
(please reblog this version, as it is finished!)
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can't believe marley was dead to begin with. experience ruined
I was minding my own business browsing the tags for fanart, when I found out spoilers about one of my favorite characters against my will. Completely untagged, might I add! Not only does he die, but he's actually been dead the whole time he's been talking to the protagonist (and being a great help to them!) I'm devastated.
Were you minding your own business, or were you browsing tags for something you haven't consumed all of yet?
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I love this so much

#they keep doing such sweet good things and their boss doesn't have the heart to stop them#his reputation is spiraling (or maybe going through the roof)
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And the guy COULD have just plopped the plate down in front of cat like a boor, but no, no! Instead he engages kitty in play, says "here, o mighty hunter! you have waited, now pounce!" and the cat is like "YESSSSSS!". God, so smile-inducing
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So I finally have resolved my feelings re: the United CEO shooting
Listen, I thought about it. I don't LIKE endorsing violence. I'm a victim of violence. But I'm also someone who has lived without health insurance, pre-obamacare. I am someone who has lived the reality of "You can only corner people so far before they either break down or have nothing to lose."
More and more, we're seeing young people galvanized to the latter, and while I could act like I'm shocked... I'm really not? Like, we've clearly entered the "And Find Out" portion of the programme.
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Why, you stupid bastards?
"Oh wow! Herge's tintin has a digital tintin section! I wonder what ebooks are available--" *sees they are shilling TINTIN NFTs, immediately loses some 30 days off of life, has to physically force their soul back into their chest* You bastards. Already there's the whole history of racial insensitivity and ignorance and now this. You stupid bastards. No, I take it back; I have known noble bastards; wedlock is no guarantee of moral righteousness. You are insufferable. You deserve to be put UNDER the jail. First Betty boop and now fuckin' this.
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not even a trans woman but i'd consider it for a delicious Cuban sandwich
Reblog to give a trans woman a delicious Cuban sandwich

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A Holiday Recommendation!
So a few weeks ago, as part of an online animation club I'm part of (we watch films every Saturday), we started to break into the Holiday Films. And let me tell you, boys, girls, and other genders, when I say the head of the club exposed me to a JAW DROPPING musical, I mean that this streamer, who has thirty plus years of vocal and music training, acknowledged the skill and effort of the actors involved.
I nearly cried. Lemme tell you, I don't generally emotionally cry--social conditioning and certain hardships mean I only cry as a result of absolutely savage depression that I've since overcome, or as a result of physical pain--but this one damn put me to tears.
So, if you have Netflix, and you like musicals, or POC casts, or Christmas style movies, and you're sick of A Christmas Carol's 200+ hecking interpretations? Please, *please* check out Jingle Jangle. It's a steampunk holiday story about love and loss and creativity and it has singers that have more pipes than your local hardware store. It got no advertisement--because of course a drop-dead gorgeous POC casted musical with killer choreography got no advertisement--but it's SO GOOD, people. So, SO good. And it's only like three-ish years old. Please check out Jingle Jangle. Please. Please please.
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a reminder that there are PEOPLE behind nsfw blogs and what they share online is a very small part of their lives. you do not know these people and they do not owe you sex, photos, messages, or a relationship. even if they have interacted with you in the past, they still don't owe you anything. posting nsfw content ≠ consent.
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so this is a dumb and probably entitled question but what are some good entry level artists for someone who wants to expand their musical understanding to include rap
Can I say it's truly bonkers how people will be like scared of rap. Cause it's racism obviously but the level of exaggeration yknow like the extent of it all is Crazy. People will talk about it like This is some heavy stuff... & dude has like an obviously-for-show supervillain shtick. He's like sampling space ghost. What are you talking about
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Seriously do this. I have done this sort of thing in the past it is STRONK.

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living right now is extremely painful.
i'll try to do it anyway.
but it hurts.
few things that are worth doing are easy, and living on is one of them.
i'm scared for so many of my friends, my family members, people I know online, small businesses, and others.
i'm going to try to keep living, though it hurts.
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The idea that only women can give birth is a misconception. Men can give birth too and that's a mrconception
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it’s monday i’m in the labyrinth
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