ostenderemus-blog · 13 years
Different people: Irish Travellers
 Different people: Irish Travellers TravelersThe Irish are an ethnic group or social number about 50,000 worldwide, about 7,000 of them live in the United States. They were brought to the United States in the 1840s after the famine of the potato while most Irish people emigrated here. We have a group of them in my own town here in Texas and they live in a trailer park right down the street from me. However, if I ever encounter one of them, I certainly could not comment because they seem to be like everyone else. Irish Traveller heritage home is involved, but in Ireland, they are regarded as nomads or gypsies, and were mentioned in the Gaelic as "The people that walked." Some say they were persecuted by Oliver Cromwell during the Protestants of Northern Ireland has resumed. Supposedly, they were removed them because they were Catholics who forced them to become a pariah and this began their wandering ways homeless, but this was never confirmed.The travelers have their own language called "Shelter" which is derived from Gaelic Ireland. Their particular language, however, are divided into two distinct groups "Gammon" and "Cannot 'which dates back to before 1700. This is not the norm in Gaelic if, as is sometimes said back, confused or mixed with those who understand true Gaelic.They also have their own music and customs, rather than adopting those of the zone in which they live. Travellers living on their own set of rule, they do not recognize most of the governments and for this reason they are considered sort of "outlaw" with a bad reputation. They have been accused of many things defraud others, extortion, and even theft. Some of them were indeed criminals, but most of them are hard workers and take care of their families, but prefer to handle their affairs. Many of them are handy with tools and able to make their own at times. Unfortunately, children rarely have the time to receive a formal education, except in the ways of their clan as they move around a lot. The Irish Travellers are generally Roman Catholic and as such are concerned with the well-being of their children as a whole. Although there was a case recently in the news that a woman accused of beating her child in a car park in Ohio. The case was however dismissed later.
Valle Nevado
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ostenderemus-blog · 14 years
Top 5 destinations in Chile
winning Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral - the first Latin American Nobel Prize for literature in 1945 - was once moved to the writing of their country wondrous and varied landscape: "trample not the earth, not crush the fragrant fruit. For the love, stoop, smell and give it its mouth. "These sentiments are echoed today in Chile in travelers from around the world. They come through the salt flats and desert terrain, hiking active volcanoes of the Andes trekking, drink the fresh water of melting glaciers, and matured the taste of wine dripping from an oak barrel. Chile is a long, narrow piece of land on the western edge of South America. It is surrounded by the imposing Andes on its eastern border, the stark arid Atacama Desert in the north, Cape Horn and a range of islands in the south and 4000 km from the Pacific to increase its west.Just recent Condé Nast Traveller Chile in the fifth Place in the top 20 destinations worldwide for the year 2009. Lonely Planet was known on the southern island of Chiloe, as the third most important destination in the world in 2009. The Puyuhuapi Lodge and Spa, along with Chile's Puyehue Hot Springs, were among the top 50 "wellness" destinations highlighted by the world-renowned National Geographic Traveler in 2009. In addition, designated Frommer's travel guide of Chile's cities Puttre, Pucón, Frutillar, Puerto Varas, and Tortel, as some of the most beautiful cities in the whole world know. In addition to the above praise is also Chile without one of the safest and most peaceful countries in South America doubts in. It is well developed and its buses are comfortable and run on a journey through time. And, as Condé Nast polite inhabitants of the land mentioned, "Chileans combine Nordic calm and measured with Latin American warmth and courtesy." With such a variety of natural landscapes to reach remote towns and activities, it is impossible to see everything, Chile has to offer in one trip. But after careful consideration I selected the top five places you must see when visiting this South American joy. These five hot spots are: 1) Santiago, 2) Torres del Paine National Park, 3), Valparaiso, 4) San Pedro de Atacama, and 5) the Colchagua Wine Route. 1st Santiago de Chile - We start with the capital, the first place you come when you fly in from abroad. This very modern South American city, in the heart of the Central Valley in Chile, contains many secret treasures, international travelers often pass, as they escape to natural wonders in the south and north, quickly. The best way to get a bird's-eye view of this distribution, urban metropolis between the Andes and other mountains nested, is of waking up to the summit of Cerro San Cristobal. At the bottom of the 860-meter Cerro or hills, you'll see hopping in the platform of the funicular railway takes you to the top along the hill. Midway to the summit, the funicular stops at a small zoo for those who check out quickly some monkeys and zebras want. Then after you get off the cable car at the "Terraza Bella Vista, near the summit of Cerro San Cristobal, you will quickly remind you why more and funicular railways are fun. There, on the Terraza, you can buy Chilean snacks and coffee and extent of the view. But for the best panoramic views of the city, climb the steep walk towards the 22-meter high statue of the Virgin Mary. Although they offer their powerful blessing as a spiritual guardian of Santiago, it may not always clear how the impressive smog you try to see the beautiful surrounding snow-capped mountains. The Cerro Teleférico also a cable car or that circulating a ski lift-style shock you around the hill.When return to the land offers, you are right here in another charming must-see "of Santiago, placed the neighborhood of Barrio Bella Vista . This has long been a Bohemian, artsy neighborhood, which include several theaters, wonderful restaurants and chic funkily painted houses. Visit one of the former houses of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, La Chascona while in Bella Vista and you can take a real entertaining tour in English or Spanish.For lunch, you should head over to the lively central market place, aptly named Mercado Central. Here, hold providers and supporters alike contains nothing back in Hawking for the whole fresh fish and seafood, the bright conger eels, salt-crusted oysters, mussels, Reineta, tentacled octopus and Chilean staple food, salmon. Even when you're afraid of the lines of hooked-up to see gray and pink fish are hanging around, you still have your teeth in a sink fillet on one of the many restaurants in the area. Then, after lunch, have a gander at the nearby La Feria Vega, a vibrant market full of bizarre vegetables, colors and fruits directly on the river edge.If you have another day in the city, or a little more time today, you also have to examine, from the central Plaza de Armas, Santiago, the name given historically to the commercial and municipal center of any Spanish colonial city. Here you can see some of the first buildings ever built in Chile, dated from around the 18th and early 19 Century. Of course, after this you will agree, "they do not build them like before." The complicated colonial architecture of the Catedral de Santiago, Chile's main post office (Correo Central) and the National Historical Museum now opposed to the emerging ultra-modern 50 to 75-storey building housing the city of Santiago, right in the background. While you're here, you'll plant your back and rest on one of the beautiful Plaza benches, especially older people play chess, and marvel at the beautiful pictures from the road artists.With a few days' stay in Santiago, and a healthy budget, which can afford a car, you would do yourself a favor by excursioning flows to the tranquil and beautiful Cajón del Maipo, a ravine along the Main Santiago (Mapocho) from the Andes. There, you can get some fantastic trekking, horse riding and rafting. Or you can travel to Portillo for some top-quality skiing or Pomaire to pick out some of Chile's trade and see how they are made. 2nd Torres del Paine - After experiencing the exciting introduction into the country by staying in the city of Santiago, many travelers, especially in the summer, start in earnest nature adventure travel in the south of Chile. The Parque Nacional Torres del Paine in Patagonia, for example, is a beautiful, full of 180,000 hectares of national parks spectacularly beautiful landscapes at the deepest, most southern edges of the continent. In fact, some international travelers coming to Chile only on the glacier, ice fields of experience, Dodge fjords, huge masses of rock, Magellan and dramatic forests of this region alone. You can walk along any number of trails wander through Lenga forests and Patagonian tundra, walking next to pumas, guanacos (llama southern Chile), woodpeckers and ñandúes (S. American ostrich) with Condor flying overhead. Besides hiking and mountain climbing, various tourist companies in Torres del Paine Located offer horseback riding, kayaking, and relaxing ferry, where you can sit back and try to take all the breathtaking landscapes are beautiful campsites in.th course. But even if you are not roughing it in, there are many upscale lodges and resorts for luxury apt. Remember, you must not only keep you warm with these devices, such as leggings, fleece jackets, socks must Polar Tech and a water-repellent coat, you remain financially very warm with a padded, stuffed wallet. In addition to visiting this UNESCO biosphere reserve called Torres del Paine, it is strongly recommended that the journey of the enchanting cities nearby Puerto Natales and Puerto Williams. It is also well worth a visit the attractive, European-like Punta Arenas, the small city of 120,000 inhabitants, where you get to the area from Santiago by plane. Punta Arenas is the southernmost city on the planet (apart from the science devoted to articles in Antarctica) and its attractions include a quirky cemetery, a historic naval museum and daily tours for penguin watching.3. Valparaiso - Back to the central region, which we, as we have the third most populated urban area to visit in the country go, is Valparaiso-Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, a major port city 120 km west of Santiago, the unique treasure here that is really different than any other city in our North American continent. Funky, old houses, cottages, villas and in all colors, shapes and quality over the 45 folds of steep hills stared at the Pacific Ocean, seemingly clinging to their structural dear life. Yes, Chile gets a lot of earthquakes and, no, these houses are not easy. I think this is where we call the "magic" of Valpo (as the locals called's) begins to say. A Spanish captain named Juan de Saavedra was first settled in this bay in 1536. confirmed In 1544, Pedro de Valdivia, the name of the city of Valparaiso and defines it as the natural, the most important port of Santiago. The town grew very slowly for a few centuries during the colonial period. But in the 19 Century began Valparaiso to a South American center of the vibrant economy. In fact, the city grew into the most important port in Latin America has become - an obligatory stop for ships going around Cape Horn and then north. That is, until the Panama canal was completed and opened in 1914. It is said that in 1849, a year after gold was discovered in California, up to 800 vessels at any time could shore.With as Valparaiso international transport and mixing are counted, the indigenous Chileans, along with Spanish and other European immigrants, was the new residents of Valparaiso, create a unique culture, molding memories and the development of a unique space and form that shape the city today. How to describe the guide of the Ruta Valparaiso, "The city has never been officially scheduled ... (But) spontaneusly up by the inhabitants of the mountain ... Slopes different architectural styles exist, of course without prejudice. "Towards Valpo developed its identity and soul as an inspiring, romantic city. A nurturing home for poets and paintors, pirates and fishermen, sailors and bohemians. Charles Darwin visited Valparaiso after crossing Cape Horn; Nicaraguan writer Ruben Diario worked as a secretary at Valparaiso Customs, Sir Francis Drake made landfall here, as well as Spanish Civil War refugees in 1939, and Nobel laureate poet Pablo Neruda lived in one of his houses here, "La Sebastiana "(now a museum) overlooking the bay.Among the must-do's" here in Valpo is under one of the 15 elevators in the open, or ASCENSORES that you take to the top of the hill or 15 cerros, for amazing and wonderful views. The elevators will creak and crank, as it directly from the Robinson Crusoe island were included in the Disneyland ride, but yes, they are still functional and safe and effectively perform daily, efficient public transport for local residents. They would do themselves a favor by exploring the museums and hilly walks of Cerro Concepción, along with a spectacular view of the port of Cerro Playa Ancha. I think my current favorite Cerro Cerro Alegre is intertwined with its various funded exhibitions, bars and general curiosities with newly renovated and beautifully painted houses by the good people of Valparaiso Foundation, El Sendero Bicentenial, and the Chilean government. Be sure the red and purple hues of a sunset here, any number of the city expansive aspects (or viewpoints) to catch up on the hill. Then, lights for the night, the harbor. Valparaiso is known for its exciting night life and culture in pubs, restaurants, cafes poetry published and nightclubs. There is no shortage of places to drink and got away (metaphorically or literally) to get in the middle of the night. It can make a sailor's Ball, but also try to make an effort to be sure. And if you happen by Valparaiso for the New Year's, you'll be disappointed not happen with the music, dance, fireworks and festivities. Just be sure to eat lentils at midnight right to a year in value to secure from economic prosperity! 4th San Pedro de Atacama - The fourth must-see destination in Chile is located in the far north, in the mesmerizing, vast, dusty landscape of the Atacama Desert. The Atacama, a 1,000-kilometer route for much of northern Chile and parts of Bolivia, Argentina, amount to record as the driest desert in the world in terms of the least rainfall per year. Within this desert rising sand dunes, salt lakes Stark white, called belching geysers, flamingos (it's true!) And pre-Columbian archeological artifacts, there is a small and surreal village - an international, cosmopolitan oasis of San Pedro. Located 1575 km north of Santiago, San Pedro is a picturesque village with a center of tourism infrastructure and services for the growing number of international visitors embarking on several tours in breathtaking surroundings. The city has a population of only 2,500 officers Chilean locals, mostly direct descendants Atamaceño natives. However, it is hard to tell who is working is, who remain and who is just passing through. Probably you will hear that more German than Spanish spoken in a few days, and the English you hear in the bars and streets are usually the British varieties. And finally, because this city is like a starting point for tourist activities in the vicinity there are a variety of hostels, luxury hotels, travel agencies and many internet cafes (although I really do not understand how getting things connected way out here). There are also trendy bars and hip - even organic - Restaurants. While in town, it's nice to be equally fair to some fellow travelers and villagers, as well as check out the old, from Adobe Spanish colonial church of San Pedro, back to 1774, and Gustavo LePaige Museum of Archaeology. But the real mesmerizing natural wonders are outside the city, either with a local tourist outift that small groups of people in minivans, or as a lone explorer takes seen ... granted, you will need an off-road vehicle for most of these places get. The main highlights of the surrounding Altiplano: Valle de la Luna are (Valley of the Moon); El Tatio geysers and the trip to the Salar de Atacama and Toconao. First, you should scope out a trip to Valle de la Luna, possibly with either cunza Ecoturismo Caracoles, Cactus Domingo Atienza or other reputable travel agents. (You do not want to make the same mistake my wife and I by the visit of the altitude El Tatio geysers on your first day in town before your body while a one-or two-day adaptation to the local level.) Valley extraordinarily similar the lunar landscape - after those who have traversed the moon, I suppose - with wind-beaten hill enclose a stratified valley floor. There is also a huge dune sweeping across the valley, from which one is a huge appreciation for everything it has, especially after the rise with your fellow travelers in the meeting room at the top. The sunset is then not of this world, or perhaps a shadow of the essence of what this world really is, if we take the right time, space, and space for reflection. Cyclists can rent a bike for a serious trek all the way to the valley 14 km from the center of San Pedro and before sunset. On your second or third day in the city, you can Tatio El geysers, and this is some experience you will never forget! Usually you pay around U.S. $ 20 per person with none of the local tours for a full day excursion to the Tatio geyser. El Tatio geyser is a highly active geothermal field is located high in the Andes, which shows at sunrise, impressive steam bursts, or "fumaroles", blasting out of the ground because of the high temperatures of underground water crater. First, a minivan takes you from your hotel (or hostel) at 4 clock in the morning. It can be quite cold at this time in the High Desert, so be sure to dress warm. Also, for reasons explained later, bring a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, water bottles and lemons.After pick you and a few others, then the three-hour minivan ride begins climbing 4,200 meters above sea level. Remember the lemons that you have either brought chew, or suggested, as they no altitude sickness (or "la Puna mitigate the work" may suffer) below. Nor can servant in the van Mate tea, which also works to offer. This takes you to the summit of this place, the highest geothermal field in the world, just as the sun itself collects. Here you can find out the wonderful cavities of boiling water and spraying her to be surprised. But beware, the crust of the earth is very thin in some parts, and people have fallen. Finally, take a bath in natural hot springs, swimming pool nearby. This is refreshing, therapeutic, and from this hour, it will be a beautiful, warm treatment in the bright sun. The third essential travel to do while in San Pedro de Atacama is the journey south to 38 km and the inspiring Toconao Salar de Atacama. Thick layers of bright white sea salt to cover much of the old soil as you stand in the presence of geological history. Go ahead, break off a piece and take lick. It tastes just like the salt of the sea, which is currently hundreds of miles away. Along the way, you have wonderful sights of the two majestic volcanoes, Lascar Licancabur and, together with sweet and upclose encounters with llamas and alpacas. You can get out of the car and try to stroke, if they do not run away scared the first time. (So here you can a little bit, because for centuries to be, increases the local Atacameños llamas and alpacas, making good use of their meat and wool.) Enjoy your time in San Pedro and surrounding environment. Just be your faithful printing on various nature reserves and stunning landscapes, as have had with increasing international travel, some of the locals to make additional efforts to clean up and the like. 5th Ruta del Vino Colchagua have-Santa Cruz Unless you lived under a stone in the last 5-7 years, you learned that some of the best wines in Chile produces about. Therefore, what better absorb to the native fruits Chile then visiting the local vineyards? (Also, is a perfect conversation starter - on another of your trips in the heart of the wine city of Chile told the next time someone a bottle of Santa Rita and Concha y Toro your girlfriend Dinner Party opens.) So, to let's return to the central region of Chile, reconnecting Santiago, where you fly most likely dating to return home.Although Chile international prominence as a wine-producing nation is only recently, wine grown here actually created since the 1540s. It was then that the first Catholic missionaries planted vines so that they could participate in the drink during the show, the Spanish colonists still small production of wine until 1851, when the first real winery was founded. The first vineyard was developed by Silvestre Ochagavía, but soon after, ladies and aristocratic Spanish-Chilean families were in his footsteps, erecting beautiful villas and parks next to their vines. there are now more than 250 vineyards in Chile, the production of different wines for domestic consumption and exports. The main grapes in the fertile Central Valley are grown Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Carmenère. Many of the established wineries in the lush vineyards around Santiago offer tours and tastings. In total there are 11 known Rutas de vino or wine routes in the country. Here we focus on the most beautiful journeys through the world of wine with the Colchagua Wine Route through the city of Santa Cruz, about 2 hours south of Santiago is located. As Pablo Neruda once wrote: "Wine opens doors with astonishment, and in the refuge of months, it runs through your body soaked in Red Wings." The doors of the Colchagua Valley to be reached and opened by either a car, a van tour, or ride for a pastoral, by an early 20th Century locomotive. The train picks you up in Santiago, served homemade cheese and nuts, and includes Chilean folk singers on board, how to stop and taste of different wineries.Once you to the lush valley of Colchagua, you have achieved, what to name a few, Chile's wine paradise. There are a total of 18 vineyards in the valley, the attractions, the constant views of coastal mountains, a horse-drawn carriage ride through the vineyards at Viña Viu Manent, and the chance to harvest and create their own wines are praised Vin, a MontGras. Cabernet, Carmenère and Syrah are varieties that thrive here because their attraction to the local hot summers. Therefore, you should this type of wines at Viña Montes, a pioneer in Chilean wine expo ring 15 years ago, and to try the award-winning, leading the Casa Lapostolle winemaker and his opulent Clos Apalta winery.There are several places for a night in the charming, rural town of Santa Cruz rest when you drank too much wine have to think even the return to Santiago on the same day. If you do return to the capital, you will understand why everyone while increasing their wine glasses in joy, shouting, "de Copas al sur del mundo" or "Cheers, from our jars in the south of the world. "So, there you have the top five destinations for the increasingly popular South American Getaway from Chile. Even if a "North" Americans would consider Chile a smaller, perhaps a medium-sized country, there really so much to see that they are not carried out in one trip. With only a few urban centers and an immensely varied, ranging from open geography rolling waves of the Pacific to imposing craggy mountains, plenty of fertile farmland and rugged glaciers, salt lakes and hot springs, lakes and Araucaria forests emerald, there are so many natural population of exploring and sophisticated tourism infrastructure to accommodate. In our review of the top five essentials of this long, narrow strips of land called Chile, we have not even on the growing fly fishing and Antarctica-visit activities of the extreme south are recorded, nor the small Miami-like "Garden" beach town of Viña del Mar, or a ride on the central coast Reñaca, Zapallar all the way to La Serena. We did not visit the mystical, if not beautiful island of Chiloé and its numerous wooden churches rising hit on every small village. Plus, it's an experience to see the area around Temuco and learn from the indigenous Mapuche people. Or AHS bee strongly recommended to explore the charming town of Puerto Varas and German dominated the fishing center of Puerto Montt. If you can catch in one of the top five places in Chile, described here, or done in one of the other cities and areas mentioned above, the chances are to see you and to do something highly unusual, and among them an incredible time. Mentoned References: 1 Poet seer, "Gabriela Mistral Biography." Http://www.poetseers.org/nobel_prize_for_literature/gab/2. Condé Nast Traveller, "20 top trips for 2009." Http://www.cntraveller.com/Special_Features/Top_20_Destinations_For_2009/Chile/3. Lonely Planet Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2009. "Http://www.lonelyplanet.com/press-centre/press-release.cfm?press_release_id=3884. Husna Haq, "50 Top Wellness Destinations: South & Central America." National Geographic Traveler. http://traveler.nationalgeographic.com/wellness-directory/south-and-central-america-text5. Frommer's, "The most beautiful small towns." Http://travel.nytimes.com/frommers/travel/guides/central-and-south-america/chile/frm_chile_2319026232.html6. Ruta Valparaiso, Valparaiso. "Http://www.rutavalparaiso.cl/web/win2_en.htm7. Pablo Neruda, "Estatuto del vino". http://www.neruda.uchile.cl/obra/obraresidencia2g.html
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ostenderemus-blog · 14 years
A Friendship Bracelet is as good as gold
Are you sorry that a friendship ended in bitter? Women have unique friendships. When we are young, we make fast friends. discover in a short period of time, we someone with similar likes and dislikes, and we are happy about these new findings. Some friendships last a long time, while other friendships short and fast. I have a friend that I first heard back in kindergarten. We went all the way from diapers, in degrees, to divorces together. So we know each other only too well. All my friends have cemented a special place in my heart. As a young girl to start friendships quickly and these are the first ones we remember. As we get older, we even begin to appreciate the friendships that ended bitterly. Do you have friends that ended bitterly? If you have a little regret regarding your actions in the demise of a good friendship? Well, if you ... You are not alone. Here are some helpful tips to restore a friendship. Verbalize your feelingsOne of the biggest mistakes in a friendship is made, everything locked into line. One of my closest friends had a bad habit, ever expected me to pick up check when we left. I often would bite my lip and pull my credit card. Often I would like to complain about our other friends about this habit. This of course means that I talk about my friend behind her back! It's like Girl Friend Rule # 1 - never about your friend behind her back, she will find out, to talk about it. The explosive point came when we were all celebrating of my birthday. We were present at a local restaurant on my supposed great day and my horror when my friend, the box went my way. I sent the check right back in disbelief to her and let her know that the birthday child does not have to pick you up the tab. I also let her know how cheap I thought she was paying for always expecting me. Now, the verbal attacks were flying across the table. The dinners were inaugurated in the restaurant reveals some of our most intimate secrets on how fast we insulted each other furiously. In no time our friendship treaty was invalid because I had waited until the wrong time to know my friend, how I feel about their actions. Weeks after the incident, I missed my friend company. In an attempt to restore our friendship, I picked up the phone and called her. I could easily have left, sent a voice mail or an SMS, but sometimes less technology and more sympathetic interaction is best. She reluctantly answered the phone and we started talking about what happened. She admitted that, since I have more money I do not mind, pick up the tab just made. I confessed that I like, I was only in her company because I could become addicted to was to pay her way. We ended up talking for hours to catch up activity from the previous weeks missed and vowed to refuse to let anything come between us again. If you have a friend who often disrespects you have a friend whose potty mouth makes you feel uncomfortable, or a friend, who always expected that the bill-say something! Do not distribute time if you have something to say. Keep your emotions in thought will lead to bitterness. At best it is a problem if it happens address. I made the mistake, something that can be drawn, as if I had said something when I first noticed the problem. In this case, I have learned a valuable lesson. Two people can see the same situation quite differently. If you express your questions and concerns, offer you the opportunity to get your friend to view the situation. Assumptions create a concrete barrier in your friendship My kindergarten friend and I are so busy with our adult life we do not talk to each other as much as we used to when we were younger. In fact, at one point we let five years pass without a single word. That was stupid, because I would see them at certain events or I would notice that she was on-line, but none of us would talk. like in my head, I felt that if she wanted to talk with me they knew where to find me. The time gap also led me to think that she thought she was too good to make more with me. I knew that was in school, she had a prestigious sorority, she went now want foreign car, got married to a lawyer, and she lived in a big house in an elite field. While on the other hand, I'm working my way through school, was now a single mother with two children, drove a mini-van, and rented rather than owned by my place. I had thought of this great lifestyle and they literally thought I was now fit in with their daily activities. Now imagine my surprise when I on-line one night and an instant message from my old friend appeared on the screen was. I frowned a little, because I immediately thought something negative was the reason for this unexpected news. Now they wanted, as I did, and wanted to ask her to know if I knew of a good divorce lawyer. I was shocked. Knowing my friend as well as I knew that if she was talking divorce lawyer must be devastated. I knew we had many a late night talk marriages and husbands spent. After we met up for lunch, they went on to tell me how their marriage because they had no children receive and how they envied me for solved with two daughters. I immediately felt so foolish. I had let years pass without speaking to my friend because I was envious of their lifestyle, when in fact, they jealous of my mother. I have learned a valuable lesson. Commodities, social networks, and valuables not determine your happiness. It is wrong to judge a friend by measuring these things. While my friend was rich assets, in the happiness she was destitute. Secretly longed to have children do not, could, and was frustrated with the fact that I have kids. Well, now we are closer and are working to restore our friendship. I let them know that motherhood is a great thing, but there are great things about being single as good. We find a common value in our different lifestyles and not let the foolishness of the assumptions a concrete barrier to create in our friendship. Initiate the restoration of your friendshipIf you and a friend are in danger of losing years worth of good friendship, you might want to initiate recovery of your friendship. Good friends are so rare. If you take care of someone we verbalize your feelings openly so small things do not build into huge things. Also, if you can expect over the years have had a friend that they change. However, not evil or envy those changes. Recognize the differences and allow them to grow and encourage them through the hard times in life. Friends we meet as children grow up to some people, we share some of the most exciting, ambitious and unforgettable time with in our lives. It is also important to recognize and admit their own actions in the demise of a good friendship. You will be proud of yourself when you become the bigger person in a friendship. Decide to leave that to restore the friendship, rather than pride overrule lack of communication, jealousy, hurt feelings and assumptions.
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ostenderemus-blog · 14 years
Definitely, I Have now this web-site
I have never had a blog site. So my first post on this site is to thank you for being here. My friends call me Catman. My first plans about blogging and writing came while i was visiting my relatives in Canada.I write simply because it connects me with the rest So that is the reason why i chose to do this. I have a lot of subjects i want to talk about and share with others. I failed as a professional writer but i will put all my efforts to write about my favorite things to do as best as i can, i will talk about myself later Do you feel there are things that are banned and need to be taken care of, i would love to hear from you and your suggestions. I really thank you for reading my first post, i hope you come back.
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