ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Tool Maintenance
I have seen quite a lot of promotion of this or that tool to use in one’s craft or place on one’s altar over the years, but I haven’t seen as much discussion on how to properly care for or use those tools. Taking proper care not only increases your connection to the tool - making its use more potent - but extends its longevity. I thought I might start with two near universal work horses: the cauldron and mortar & pestle.
Cast Iron
The majority of cauldrons I’ve seen commercially available are made of cast iron. Cast iron cannot be cleaned like a conventional pot or ceramic dish. Dish soap and steel wool should never touch your cast iron tools. 
To clean:
A clean, stiff bristled brush and hot water should function for common cleaning needs. Do not soak in water, this will cause rust.
For hard, stuck-on bits make a paste of kosher salt and hot water and use that to scrub with a rag or paper towels. You may also boil water in the cauldron if the situation is dire.
Thoroughly dry the cauldron with a paper towel or lint-free cloth. Air drying is often insufficient and can cause rust to set in.
Using a cloth or paper towel, swab the entire cauldron, inside and out, with oil. I use linseed or flaxseed but olive oil is also very common. This is referred to as seasoning.
If rust does set in do not fret; it’s often fixable by rubbing the area with a raw potato.
Brass & Copper
Brass and copper develop patina/tarnish over time, especially when handled often. There are a few non-irritating methods of removing tarnish that can often be found in your pantry:
Ketchup - apply a layer on your cauldron and let sit 10 minutes. Rinse off with water and buff dry.
Lemon and salt - a 2:1 ratio of fresh lemon juice and salt. Gently buff with a clean cloth, rinse, and buff dry.
Baking soda and white vinegar - Mix just enough vinegar into baking soda to create a thick paste. Layer onto your cauldron, let sit half an hour, then rinse and buff dry.
Mortar & Pestles
Marble & Granite
This is by far the most common mortar and pestle type I have come across. I have one made of marble and use it several times a week. You must season a mortar and pestle when you first get it.
Grind uncooked rice. This is the initial coarse grind that should loosen up any debris or particles in the mortar. Discard once ground to a fine powder.
Grind garlic. This binds up any dust and debris loosened from the coarse grind, making it easier to remove. Discard once thoroughly pulverized.
Grind pepper then salt (and cumin if you have it). This provides a fine abrasion, smooths the walls of the mortar, and removes any lingering odor from the garlic. If you have cumin seeds grind those to a powder first, then pepper, then salt.
Rinse immediately after use to prevent staining, especially if grinding oily or acidic materials.
Dab highly pigmented/oily sections with lemon juice or white vinegar but don’t allow it to sit.
Mild dish soap on a cloth or sponge can be used, but I tend to avoid it as it can sometimes leave a taste behind. Rinse with warm water.
Soaking your stone mortar and pestle will stain or damage it. For stubborn stuck-on bits grind white rice, then salt to remove. This is excellent at removing strong odors as well.
Volcanic Rock (Molcajete)
The molcajete is a traditional Mexican mortar and pestle made of basalt. This has been used by Mesoamerican cultures like the Aztec and Maya for thousands of years. Because of the highly porous nature of basalt, the molcajete will develop a deep season over time, and should never, ever, ever be cleaned with soap.
Seasoning the molcajete is an involved process. If you need to, take breaks between each phase but do not cut corners - it’s worth the time and energy to do it right.
Soak for about two hours in clean water. Allow it to dry thoroughly - because basalt is very porous any lingering water could attract mold.
Before you begin to grind place a very slightly damp kitchen towel or sillpat beneath it to keep it from moving and to protect your counters.
Grind white rice to a fine powder to loosen sediment. The powder should turn grey from basalt being ground away. Do this until the powder stays white.
Grind rice and roughly a tablespoon of water into a paste. It’ll likely look grey and unappetizing; repeat until the paste stays white.
Grind garlic, cumin, salt, and a hot pepper into a paste. Let this sit overnight to absorb flavors, then rinse with warm water. Thoroughly dry your molcajete.
After the seasoning trial, cleaning is relatively easy.
Rinse with warm water after each use.
Scrub, if needed, with a firm bristled kitchen brush - one that has never met soap. It’s best if you can have one set aside just for cleaning the molcajete.
Thoroughly dry - towel it dry, then flip it upside down, then right side up, repeating while it air dries.
My first mortar and pestle was a wooden one gifted to me by a well meaning Baba. Not understanding that it had a specific function I promptly ruined it and eventually replaced it with a marble one. Generally speaking you want the material of the mortar and pestle to be harder than the material you intend to grind. A wooden mortar and pestle is best used for softer items - dried or fresh herbs, yams, garlic, and the like - and ideally it should be set aside for a specific ingredient.
For dry ingredients simply wiping out the mortar with a cloth is sufficient.
Otherwise, rinse with warm water.
A soft sponge with a tiny amount of unscented dish soap can be used. Allow to air dry.
For pungent ingredients, grind uncooked rice into a fine powder.
If your mortar and pestle begins to look dry or ashy, wipe it down with mineral oil.
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Heyy, it's probably worth noting that I'm more active on my other witchblr, @the-modern-magus these days! I'm not straight up abandoning this one or anything, but yeah. Maybe gimme a follow there! :p
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Obscure Hermes Epithets
or at least, obscure in the fact that they either don’t show up on Theoi.com or on general lists of Hermes’ Epithets and Titles I see floating around
Araios (Areias)
This is found on a Mycenaean tablet (PY Tn 316). As far as I know, this is the only instance of this epithet appearing. It has been suggested to mean a variety of things from an association with Ares / War, suggesting a warlike Hermes, or that it otherwise relates to the Ram, or has the context of being ‘Defender / Protector’.
Whisperer - relating to a method of divination involving Hermes, in which one is meant to whisper in the ear of the god’s statue, and then listen to conversations in the marketplace to find an answer. I remember reading that this epithet has other contexts possibly, but I can’t figure out where I had read that unfortunately. Additional insight would be helpful!
Of the trees - found as an epithet of Hermes in the Kato Symi sanctuary of Hermes and Aphrodite in Crete. We know this Hermes was given offerings specific to his role as involved in rites of passage regarding coming of age - rites that were also involved with hunting. I have not seen much discussion on the topic however. I know trees usually symbolize a sense of everlasting life or renewal and can also be linked to fertility. This epithet is also shared by Dionysos.
Of the Cedars - similar to Dendrites, also an epithet found at Kato Symi. Offerings to the god were hung on cedar trees. An interesting thing to note here is that an image of Hermes on mount Kyllene was said to be made out of Juniper, according to Pausanias (which is often commonly considered to be a cedar) and if I recall correctly the greek Kedros can be used to refer to Juniper as well.
Please share if you know of more! And also, feel free to correct me if you think I’ve gotten any of the info incorrect as I do not have my sources listed for these, just notes I’ve taken down over time.
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Just got soo many jars and bottles super cheap! :D
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There was a yard sale super near us, and I found all these! It was only ÂŁ1.50 for all of them, and I'm gonna make good use of em
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
PSA: Don’t put fucking bergamot on your skin or in your soap.
I’ve been seeing a lot of this shit lately.
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Apparently bergamot is getting popular. I figure now’s a good time to address the issue.
Bergamot is a citrus fruit that smells amazing, so a lot of people like to make essential oils out of it and put it in candles and stuff.
However, this should NEVER go on your skin. It has the same effects as Giant Hogweed (& some other wild carrots like Queen Anne’s Lace) and will give you nasty rashes and chemically hyper-boosted sunburns by making skin highly reactive to sunlight.
Remember this?
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I personally have had friends who were seriously hurt by putting bergamot essential oils on their skin. It sucks.
In case you don’t want to look it up yourself:
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Don’t use or make bergamot soap. Don’t use or make bergamot lotion. Don’t use or make bergamot anything that goes on your skin.
Just don’t put bergamot on your skin.
Stay safe beautiful! <3 And please signal boost this!
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Reason #5372283 that I love worshipping the theoi: playing pool is a completely valid offering to Hermes
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Lavender and what to do with it!
So I have an awful lot of lavender to harvest and part way through I realised I’m not too sure what to do with it all. So I took to some researching online and have a few ideas;
Lavender wreaths for above beds (originally was going to be just a dried bunch but these are gorgeous) one for home, uni and other family members who want them (maybe two for uni...)
Lavender crown. Just because.
Lavender wands one for actual magic and others for keeping clothes/shoes smelling good.
Bed spell sachets (for family and a few friends. (I need to work out a good spell))
Any extra will either be stored as bunches and/or several airtight jars of the flower heads!
These will then slowly get used up in bath spells/other spell works as a focus or an ingredient
Anyone got any other ideas??
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
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Some lovely labradorite! These will be available in my tumblr sale tomorrow 💜💙💜
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
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All of my beautiful labradorite together 💙 tumblr | Instagram | Etsy Shop
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
(frantically pointing at the moon, grabbing everyone in arm’s reach and shaking them before returning to point to the moon in exasperated adoration)
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Reblog if your blog is a safe space for
- witches of color - male witches - lgbtqpiad+ witches - non religious witches - young witches - beginner witches - plus size witches - disabled witches - witches suffering mental illness
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
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Hermes Mood Board
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
This is your obligatory Hermes love post
Reblog if you really love Hermes, like if you really love Hermes.
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
Localizing Your Practice
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So much witchcraft emphasizes how important it is to honor and work with the Earth, but then teaches us spells with ingredients we basically have to import using locations we don’t have access to. It’s rare to find an existing grimoire or guide book that actually works with where we live. We can still use them, but it doesn’t enhance our connection to our local land, which to many can feel important. Here are some tips for localizing your practice and working with the land you actually live on.
See what nature exists around you. Explore your own backyard with a critical eye. What plants can you actually go and pick yourself? What are those plants associated with? Do you have access to a creek or river? What does your local land actually have on it? If magic correspondences for your local plants haven’t been written about, you may have to do your own research.
Example: I grow several plants on my back porch which I can potentially use for magic.There are magnolia trees and rhodedendrons on the grounds of my apartment complex. My parent’s neighbors have chickens in the backyard, so I have access to some feathers when they shed. 
Check out local folklore, legends, etc. This is one of my favorite parts, but can also be the hardest. What are the stories of your area, both on a local and cultural scale. 
Example: A West Virginian may incorporate legends of the Mothman. Everyone says that one building on my old college campus is haunted (and they’re right.) People talk about that liminal-space feeling when you drive down that one road at night.
Find the magic spots. Sometimes the urban legends will tip you off to these (usually in a bad way) but other times you can find them on your own. A place where the energy is just right for some reason. A place you can go to be closer to nature, or a place you could host a ritual if needed. Sometimes it’s just a place where you can feel your mind open a little bit.
Example: The shady corner of a public park. The tunnel downtown. That weirdly-perfect circle of trees in the woods behind Wal-Mart.
Meet your land wights. Spirits of the local land. This could be the fair folk, but also house spirits, the spirits of the trees near you, the nature spirits of wherever you are. They’re there. Be good to them and they’ll be good to you! 
Note: Some spirits and wights will not be interested in working with you, and that’s okay. I generally think it’s good to at least leave a polite offering to just be on general decent terms even if you never work with them more directly beyond that. 
Check in with your Seasons. Harvest holidays generally don’t have actual lifestyle importance to most people reading this. The seasonal shifts other people write about may be from a very different climate than yours! Figure out a calendar that works for you. It doesn’t have to be detailed, but something that ties you to the seasons as you actually experience them. I also love working in any fun annual festivals nearby, if any.
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.
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ossa-otiosi ¡ 4 years
This is by no means completed, up-to-date, or the only way you can view or perceive witchcraft. These are just some posts, found on my blog, put together in a list for easier access.
This is also being updated as I go through my archives, and whats on the list as of [Sept 22nd, 2018] is from start - August 2018. This list will be updated as often and as quick as I can possibly manage.
This isn’t really as organized as I would like it, but I broke it down into categories and alphabetical order such as:
Moon Shit:
2017 Lunar Calendar 
August 2018 Lunar Schedule
Full Moons Of The Year
Lunar Eclipse Dates
Lunar Phases
Magick Of The Moon Phases
Moon Magic 
Moon Magic Grimoire 
Moon Phase Runes
Top Stargazing Events of 2018
Herb Shit:
5 Herbs Every Witch Should Have In Their Garden
Anti-Anxiety Herbs
Big Witchy Guide On Herbs And Flowers
Dangerous Herbs
Gardens  Of The Witches
Herb Masterpost
Herbs For Hexing
Herbs For Protection
Indoor Plants For The Space Conscious Witch
Poisonous Herbs
Reasons Herbs May Not Work
Sacred Herbs Of The Gods 
Top 10 Magical Herbs
Crystal Shit:
Crystals Every Witch Should Have
Gems For Depression
Taking Care Of Your Crystals
Emoji Spells Shit:
Easy Sleep
Spells Shit:
4 Free Spells
A Method To Cleanse And Ward After Unsavory People Leave
Anti-Anxiety Charm
Anti-Anxiety Jar
Bad Habits Tarot Spread
Bad Luck
Bandage Sigils
Banishing Nightmares
Bath For Sunburns
Belladonna’s Spell Page
Celestial Nail Polish Magic
Change Your Luck
Crow Bone Hex
Curse A Bitch
Dreams and Nightmare Protection
Easy Cleansing Ritual
Elemental Ideas
Forest With Me
From My Grimoire
Glamour Enchanted Jewelry
Hail The Glow Cloud
Hex For 2017
Icelandic Staves
Increasing Emotional Tolerance
Lavender Self Love Jar
Love Enhancer
Love / Protection 
Memory Aid
Mermaid’s Breath
New Year Purification Bath
Peppermint Spell
Return To Sender
Ritual For Positive Thoughts 
Ritual Of Gratitude
Self Love And Healing Jar
Seven Useful Powder Spells For Every Occasion
Sew Closed Your Heart
Simple Protection 
Sleep Spells And Sigils
Steps To Strengthen A Romantic Relationship
Stop Nightmares
Using Glitter In Spells
Ward Types and Components
Warmth In Winter
Advice Shit:
10 Common Misconceptions of Baby Witches
10 Daily Witch Things
10 Plants To Survive A Zero Sunlight Bedroom
10 Terms Every New Witch Should Know
26 Activities To Help Your Mind, Body, And Soul
A Collection Of Witch Tips
A Long List Of Ways To Spiritually Protect Yourself
Astral Temple Meditation
Aura / Energy Colors & Meanings
A Secret Witches Guide To Concealing Your Craft
Back To School Magic
Basics Of Kitchen And Cottage Witchcraft
Beginner Masterlist
Beginner Witchcraft 
Being A Witch
Blood Magic
Breaking Astrology Down
Candle Uses & Meanings
Charging/Activating Sigils
Cosmic Witch Masterpost
Daily Witchcraft
Discreet Little Witchy Things
Discreet Witchcraft
Earth Element Correspondents 
Enchanting Items
Everyday Magic Is Easy
Faerie List
Fire Safety
Hearthandhold Reading List 
How I Draw My Sigils
How Runes Work
How To Learn Witchcraft
How To Make Your Own Sigil
How To Use A Sigil Wheel
Incense Uses
Inexpensive/Free Witchcraft
Jarring Tips
Keeping Yourself Protected
Knot, Thread, and Cord Magic
Little Tips For The College Witch
Low Energy Tips
Magic For School/Education
Magical Herb
Modern Polytheism
Modern Witches
Modern Witches
My Advice For Baby Witches 
New Witch Budget Tips
Nik’s Tips For Discreet Witchcraft
Reading Tea Leaves
Rose Water Is My Religion
Salt & Witchcraft
School / Work Grounding
Some Things To Track
So You Want To Talk To Spirits?
Spell Books
Stoner Witch Tips
Tarot Cheat Sheet
Tech Witches
The Wiccan’s Glossery
There Comes A Time When You Need To Stop Researching And Just Practice 
Tips For Discreet College Witches
Tips For Writing Incantations 
Types Of Witches
Types Of Witches And Witchcraft
Understanding Concepts In Witchcraft
Urban Witch 101: House and Home
Violets Witchcraft Masterpost
Ways To Start Feeling Again
Water Magic
Witchcraft In The Shadows
Witchcraft PSA
Witch Resources
Witch Tips For City Witches
Witches With Depression
Witchling Endeavors
Witchy Grimiore Ideas
Witchy Podcasts
Witchy Tips
Recipe Shit:
Anti-Nightmare Pouch
Apple Cider Love Bringing
Black Salt
Budget Witch DIY
Calming Sugar Scrub
Charming Lip Balm
Cleansing And Calming Salt
DIY Gemstone Necklace
Drawing Out A Latent Talent Pouch
Drying Out Roses
Infused Water Magic
Milkshake Magic
Moon Spell Cakes
Moon Water
Peaceful Sleep Sachet
Potion For Sleep
Rose Water
Smoothie Potions 
Soothing Dreams Sachet
Communication Shit:
Crystal Hand Of Prosperity
Dead Dash
Earth Witches Reblog…
Hey There
Like/Reblog if you…
Looking To Follow
Money Bear
Money Pentacle
Witchcraft Asks
Witches reblog if…
Witches Reblog If…
Witchy Asks
Wonderful Weekend
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