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Randomised writing when I can be bothered.
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ospkiiwritings · 7 months ago
Ospkii II
“With Humanity and Ospkii arm in wing they journeyed out into the stardust seas. The Ospkii taught Humanity to work together and Humanity taught Ospkii how to war.” A phone is lifted off a console, a menagerie of blinking lights, levers and screens littering the interface in a methodical yet chaotic pattern. The phone is pointed forward to a planet of almost teal seas and white lands of snow and mountains, mostly cloud free for the minute. “Meet the second species in space the two met, Wupine. A canid species akin to wolves, bipedal in all their furry glory.” There’s a small snort to the right. “A war lasting an entire month over a trivial spice planet.”
One of the screens light up, displaying a silvery wolf man, a Wupine in jumpsuit and the most bored expression a wolf could muster. “Planet Terra here, permission to scan?” He idly looked up at the presumed camera, eyes flicking from Harris to Sueary.
“This is the H.T.V Meteo,” Sueary quickly replies, her beak entering the frame, “permission granted, no additional cargo aside from detailed.” The Wupine idly taps a button, then notices the phone in hand, he straightens up and blinks away sleep, shifting to a professional demeanour, much to the two’s amusement.
“Everything is in order, Meteo. Autopilot being set to hanger 4.9. Enjoy your stay.” With that the screen goes blank, Harris panning to Sueary.
“With the three as trading partners, a simple question was asked, Sueary?” She rolls her eyes at the camera, her best attempt at a smirk on her beak.
“Put away the phone, Harris. It’s been five human months and six ospkii months, I have to know if Wupine among the Stars has received a season four!”
Harris chuckles, pulling the phone away from her talons. “The question being, ‘is Wupine fiction better than our own? Answer, absolutely not. Wupine among the Stars is trashy paranormal bromance.”
“You take that back!” With her hopping out of the seat at him, the video ended with Harris screaming in pretend fear.
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ospkiiwritings · 2 years ago
Meet the ospkii
"Just one hundred years ago Humanity reached the stars, unsure what to expect. Enemies, friends, nothing? Yet we did not expect to meet our soulmates." A hand is taken off the lens of a camera, light temporarily blinding before it comes into focus. The hallway of a spaceship comes into view. Carpeted floors and artwork on the silver walls. “Here she comes, the humble Ospkii.” One of the doors opens, sliding up. Birdlike feet clicked on the metallic door frame before softly resting on the carpet. “Colours range all across the rainbow, except green.” The Ospkii swivels her head around, spotting the human down the hallway lying prone with his phone focused on her. His body was twisted around the corner.
“This beautiful specimen is a dazzling lavender.” She unconsciously raises to full height, longer feathers on the top of her head raising as she puffs out her chest. “With extreme resemblance to the secretary bird from earth, just with a straighter beak and no markings on their face, humanity found a friend. It seems we have been noticed.” she turned to face the human, feathery eyebrows raised. “In this modern era they have taken to wearing jumpsuits of varying colours, although in more formal events they may wear skirts, or shorts with a Ospkii style blouse.” She takes a step towards him, and his eyes widen “It seems we are being approached. It is time to vanish.” Before she could speak a word he twisted around the corner.
“Harris!” She jogged down the hallway, wings slightly outstretched. When she turned the corner there was no human in sight. She checked each door as she walked down the hallway. At the last door she prepared for a startle and opened it.
“With our cover blown, please tell my family my last thoughts were of them.” He ends the recording and gives her his best poker face. “Hello Sueary. Wonderful weather we’re having.” After a moment his poker face broke and the two began to laugh. “It’s boring just doing stock checks. The Wupine suck to trade with.”
“I agree, but this is vital.” Sueary huffed. “But at least we won’t be threatened together.”
Harris nods. “Let's make some money.”
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