osiar-blog · 11 years
we're just posting to let you guys know that our first round of reserves will end tomorrow at midnight cst!
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osiar-blog · 11 years
come on over and join the fun <3
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osiar-blog · 11 years
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our sun is always rising is officially open!
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osiar-blog · 11 years
are you guys still opening up today?
yess, we are! look at the announcement just posted!
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osiar-blog · 11 years
hello everybody! it's opening day, and we would like to announce that we will be opening in ONE HOUR! that's 6 pm pacific, 8 pm central and 9 pm eastern!
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osiar-blog · 11 years
HI PRECIOUS PRINCESSES! will the gifs for the mini profile resize themselves?
nick and i aren't totally sure since katie is the one who set up the mini profile and she's not online right now, but we're pretty sure that they do! i've used random tumblr gifs in my profile and they're fitting just fine :)
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osiar-blog · 11 years
another app question for you guys! you've almost got the whole thing at this point!
it sounds like you really know who you are. so, how do you feel about the football culture around here? is this reality show a good idea, or is it just feeding the mania?
this response might be really long or just a couple sentences depending on your character.
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osiar-blog · 11 years
two more app questions for you!
i can see why you'd worry about those things, but let's get your mind off of them for now! can you tell me some of your likes and dislikes?
ten of each, please! you don't have to expand on all of these, but some detail about some of them would be awesome.
well, you definitely have a strong personality. how would you describe your personality?
like the history, this should be a very in-depth response to the question. if your character wouldn't be honest about their own personality, give a third-person response in italics. really go into detail here and make sure to include a mix of positive and negative traits.
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osiar-blog · 11 years
next three app questions!
i definitely feel the same way sometimes. can you tell me more about your life? i'd love to hear the whole story.
your character's history here. this should be one of the most in-depth sections of your app. really dig into the things that have made them the person they are today. the more detailed the better! include family info!
that's quite a story you have there. has that impacted your hopes and dreams at all?
goals here. mention at least three, and explain a little about why your character has chosen those goals and what it would mean to accomplish them.
well, i definitely hope you'll accomplish those! with dreams that big, you must have a few fears, too. mind telling me about those?
at least three fears. like with the goals, give us some detail. bonus points if it connects back to their history.
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osiar-blog · 11 years
so here are the first two app questions! keep in mind that this is intended to be a very in-depth app that allows you to really dig into your character. the longer the better!
well hello there! how are you today? can you go ahead and tell me your full name and how old you are? what's your birthday?
elaborate a little. it doesn't have to be a novel, but give us something fun, like how they feel about their name, why their parents gave it to them, or their best birthday memory! do they like being this age, or do they wish they were older or younger?
that's fascinating! now, are you originally from here, or did you make your way to this area after starting out somewhere else? what do you think of kensington/schuyler/valencia?
give a brief sketch of where your character is from/how they wound up in the kensington/schuyler/valencia area. include their feelings on their respective town.
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osiar-blog · 11 years
good afternoon, lovelies! so IT'S OPENING DAYYY! who's excited? we know we are, and we're working our little tails off getting everything ready for you. we'll be officially opening our doors in a few hours, but in the meantime, how about a little treat to get you all amped up?
for every like this post gets, we will release one of the app questions for you to work on!
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osiar-blog · 11 years
graphic sizes
here's the graphic sizes just in case you get bored this week and want to be uber prepared for opening on friday ;)
avatars - 225x335
mini profile images - 169x125
application images - 400x200
signatures - no larger than 500px in width (codes included!)
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osiar-blog · 11 years
how many characters can we have?
we don't have a character limit. we trust you guys to be able to tell how many characters you can handle. however, we do have a 1:1 boy:girl ratio that will be strictly enforced.
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osiar-blog · 11 years
the first wave of reserves seems to have died down so we're going to start our neat chat now! we'll begin the fnl viewing a little later c: if you didn't save the link to fnl yesterday, here it is~
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osiar-blog · 11 years
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osiar-blog · 11 years
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the rock has spoken, reserves are open!
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osiar-blog · 11 years
some general fyi about reserves
the staff will make a post with some ridiculous gif announcing that reserves have officially begun.
face claim and canon reserves will open at the same time.
you may reserve two faces today (one boy and one girl or two boys.) if you're reserving a canon factor that into your two faces.
when sending in your reserve please be sure to include your alias and your back up faces (or canons, if you have two that you're interested in) to expedite the process. if you don't include an alias the request will be ignored.
play nice and be patient! we're expecting a lot of reserve requests to come in and we're going to get to them as quickly as we can.
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