Wanted Character Connection
Kermit "Kyle" Tully
Oscar Tully is looking for his brother Kermit Tully for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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The eldest child of Lord Elmo and Lady Jenny Tully, Kermit is 22, and the new heir to Riverrun. Raised in the shadow of his grandfather, Lord Grover, who ruled House Tully for over fifty years before his death eight moons ago, he believes that as a Great House, his family has grown complacent and unambitious as the Lords Paramount of the Riverlands. Since he came of age six years ago, and was knighted not long after in an impressive tourney victory against Jason Lannister during celebrations at Storm's End for Lord Borros Baratheon's 40th name day, Kyle has been setting down plans to catapult House Tully into a new golden age. These plans were noted to have drastically risen in prominence since the death of old Lord Grover, and even more so now Ser Kermit has been sent to Kingslanding to serve as his father's envoy to The Crown. Alongside being a skilled swordsman and horseman, Kermit is known to also have a great proficiency in mathematics and deep interest in his family's financial ventures. In his down time he is known to spend a bit too much time in taverns, highly sociable and a notable flirt, Kermit greatly enjoys playing his lute in the equal pursuits of charming ladies and annoying his companions.
(Suggested Faceclaim is Max Parker in Blood, Sex, and Royalty)
Kermit is also wanted by @black-queen-rising, @goldaegontargaryen, and @calla-celtigar
To learn more about the Tullys, click here!
We are a No-Dance!AU and politics, family, and court-drama focused RP. To join, check out our main site, DM us with any questions, then send us a raven app, and join our Discord!
Feel free to DM this blog if you have any additional questions or my main blog @goldaegontargaryen if you want to talk about the RP!
Note: Character traits and faceclaim are suggestions and can be reworked to a certain extent if discussed with the current members of the RP! Because of the satirical nature of Kermit's name, admin has decided it would be acceptable to call to him "Kyle" instead for his writer's ease.
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The Stars We Share: Monologue Challenge for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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“I’ve spent so many nights wondering if I regret what happened between us.  I know I should.  That’s what is expected of me.  My father won’t speak to me about our relationship, in fact, he truly won’t speak to me at all.  He wants me to get married as soon as possible to prevent any further scandal.  That alone should make me regret our relationship since my own father can’t even look me in the eyes.  
But I don’t regret any of it.  How could I?  I’ve spent so many sleepless nights staring out the window up at the stars, being reminded of that night we sat together by the river and watched the fireflies as if they were constellations brought to earth specifically for us alone.  The Seven created us to love, so how could I help but fall for the only person who I felt could truly see me?  You knew me without even trying and I would like to think I knew you too.  
So yes, my father can’t look me in the eyes but that means nothing.  He always looked past me before and things are no different now.  I don’t regret loving you and I never will.  I wish things had resolved differently and I wish the world was kinder.  I think I’ll always love a part of you for showing me how love is supposed to feel and for reminding me I’m not alone.  When you look at the stars, I hope you think of the fireflies too.”
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“I don’t blame you,” Oscar admitted.  “My father is desperate for me to marry soon, but I haven’t found anyone I’m ready to be with for life.”  Deep down, Oscar had a sneaking suspicion he never would find a lady who he would want to marry for love.  “We’re both young yet.  What is a few more years of freedom?”  It was an argument he’d made to his father shortly before leaving for King’s Landing, but his father had hardly acknowledged the fact Oscar had been speaking, much less the argument itself.  He figured it was only a matter of time before his father picked someone and did his best to force the issue.  But that was a situation he wasn’t going to bring up to the prince who he had only just met.  “But if you know any lady who is particularly kind who wouldn’t mind marrying a second son, maybe send her my way.”  He didn’t want to marry any woman, but if he did have to marry someone, he would prefer they were kind.  
Oscar was easily able to lose himself to the rhythm of swordplay.  The movements came automatically and it did wonders for erasing all other thoughts from his mind.  In this moment, he wasn’t thinking about his father, his future, or even the status of his sparring partner.  All that existed for him were the movements of his sword and the blur of his opponent’s sword moving through the air.  Oscar felt himself break out into a grin, just barely managing to dodge the swing of the prince’s blade.  “Sparring with you is a challenge.  It’s been a while since I’ve met someone who keeps me on my toes this much.  Did you learn to fight from the Kingsguard?  It’s always been a dream of mine to train with one of them.”  The Kingsguard was made up of some of the best warriors in Westeros and for a short time, Oscar had even considered joining them if he had the opportunity.  But he cared too much for his family and the Riverlands to give up his loyalty to them to instead transfer it to the royal family.  
After an embarrassingly short time of sparring, Oscar was already out of breath.  Part of the issue was that he’d been out here since the early morning hours to try and distract himself, but Daeron was also an effective fighter which meant Oscar had to constantly be on the move to avoid his sword.  “Truce?” he questioned, though he kept a sharp eye on Daeron’s sword in case he rebuffed Oscar’s suggestion and decided to go through with another attack instead.
A Friendly Duel: with @thedaringprince
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Oscar had quickly found his favorite place to be was in the training yard of the Red Keep.  The armory was stocked with a variety of weapons that were open for all the nobility to use and due to the amount of people currently staying in the Keep, there was always someone around for Oscar to spar with.  At least, that was usually the case.  Today, the weather was misty and the air held a hint of a chill unusual for summer.  Very few people had braved the nasty weather to train, though Oscar had managed to spend much of the morning helping a young squire from house Grafton learn various disarming techniques until he’d been called away to attend to his lord.  Now, Oscar was alone running himself through drills, determined to keep moving and ahead of his thoughts.  He needed to go inside and write a letter back to his mother about the problem of a small group of bandits that had been robbing the villages of the Riverlands, but every time he sat down to write it he couldn’t focus.  The only thing that kept his mind slightly ahead of his anxieties about his father was making himself so exhausted that he fell into bed unable to do anything but sleep.  
Oscar paused for a moment, reaching up to brush his hair back from his forehead.  As he did, he caught sight of a figure across the training yard and he couldn’t stop himself from staring as a jolt of recognition went through him.  He’d seen Daeron Targaryen in the training yard before, but they’d never spoken to each other.  Usually the prince would train with his friends, but today there was no one in sight but Oscar.  He felt nervous to approach him.  Many of the ladies of the court were consistently whispering about how attractive Daeron was and Oscar could secretly admit to himself that they were right.  Beyond his typically stunning Valyrian features, the prince also had a kind smile and warm eyes.  Oscar was fairly certain he might make a fool of himself if he attempted to speak to him.  More pressingly, he wasn’t quite sure how to train with a prince.  Would Oscar get in trouble if he accidentally hurt him?  
But there was no one else around.  Training was often more effective when one had a partner to spar against and Oscar didn’t want the prince to think Oscar was ignoring him.  So, he sheathed his sword and strode over to where Daeron was standing.  “Hello, my prince.  I’m Oscar Tully, the second son of Lord Elmo Tully.  I was just practicing some drills, but I would like to spar against you if you’re open to it.  I’ve heard you’re quite a formidable opponent.”  Oscar smiled a bit nervously, but he reminded himself that despite all the trappings that surrounded the royal family, they were all people just like him.  Oscar himself hated it when his bannerman became awkward or nervous around him because of his position and he hated the idea of doing the same thing to the prince.
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Wanted Character Connection
Benjicot Blackwood
Oscar Tully is looking for his close friend Ben Blackwood for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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Ben is 16, but despite his youth, Ben exhibits a wisdom and resolve beyond his years. Raised on tales of honor, bravery, and the rich history of the Blackwoods, he is fiercely dedicated to upholding his family's legacy. His time is split between mastering the arts of combat, leadership, and seeking to protect his people in order to secure their future amidst the constant threats of the Riverlands.
(Suggested faceclaim is Skandar Keynes from Narnia)
Ben is also wanted by @alyofraventree
To learn more about the Blackwoods, click here!
We are a No-Dance!AU and politics, family, and court-drama focused RP. To join, check out our main site, DM us with any questions, then send us a raven app, and join our Discord!
Feel free to DM this blog if you have any additional questions or my main blog @goldaegontargaryen if you want to talk about the RP!
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Oscar blinked, glancing over Daeron’s shoulder to the audience of ladies who had lined up alongside the edge of the training yard.  It wasn’t a rare sight to have young ladies come down to watch some of the men train, but he’d yet to see such a large group on such a dismal day for only one man.  Oscar knew none of them were there to ogle at him, at least he hoped they weren’t anyway.  “You’re welcome.  I imagine it can get tiring.  Whenever a lady tries to offer me her favor, I find myself wanting to run away. I can’t imagine receiving the affections of scores of them.”  Oscar knew some men enjoyed the attention, but he couldn’t imagine it.  “They must really like you if they’re willing to stand out in this weather.  You’re the first person I’ve seen come into the training yard in the last thirty minutes.”  
The prince’s relaxing smile had Oscar smiling back, glad to see that Daeron’s cheerful and kind nature wasn’t a rumor.  The prince’s smirk and his issued challenge made Oscar blush, though he hoped it could be blamed on his exertion from training and the slightly chilled air.  Oscar wanted to roll his eyes at himself.  He was no better than the giggling ladies on the edge of the training yard.  He subtly shook his head to clear his mind, reminding himself that he needed to focus.  It would be embarrassing to get knocked down or disarmed within the first couple seconds of the duel.  “I’m always up for a challenge against a skilled opponent.  It’s the best way to learn.”
For a brief moment, Oscar contemplated asking his question about if he would get in trouble for accidentally hitting a prince too hard, but he decided not to ask it.  It seemed to him that Daeron was tired of being treated like he was extraordinary and simply wanted to focus on having a simple duel.  The title of being a lord’s second son sometimes weighed heavily on Oscar’s shoulders; he couldn’t imagine being a prince even if he was the last born son.  He watched as Daeron lifted his sword to signal the beginning of the match, readjusting his grip on his own before striking forward quickly.  In a sword fight, Oscar often relied on his speed and agility to win him a victory rather than raw power.  His most consistent dueling partner at Riverrun had been his older brother who, due to his age, had always been stronger than Oscar.  He’d been forced to learn another way to fight if he wanted to win consistently against a stronger opponent. 
A Friendly Duel: with @thedaringprince
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Oscar had quickly found his favorite place to be was in the training yard of the Red Keep.  The armory was stocked with a variety of weapons that were open for all the nobility to use and due to the amount of people currently staying in the Keep, there was always someone around for Oscar to spar with.  At least, that was usually the case.  Today, the weather was misty and the air held a hint of a chill unusual for summer.  Very few people had braved the nasty weather to train, though Oscar had managed to spend much of the morning helping a young squire from house Grafton learn various disarming techniques until he’d been called away to attend to his lord.  Now, Oscar was alone running himself through drills, determined to keep moving and ahead of his thoughts.  He needed to go inside and write a letter back to his mother about the problem of a small group of bandits that had been robbing the villages of the Riverlands, but every time he sat down to write it he couldn’t focus.  The only thing that kept his mind slightly ahead of his anxieties about his father was making himself so exhausted that he fell into bed unable to do anything but sleep.  
Oscar paused for a moment, reaching up to brush his hair back from his forehead.  As he did, he caught sight of a figure across the training yard and he couldn’t stop himself from staring as a jolt of recognition went through him.  He’d seen Daeron Targaryen in the training yard before, but they’d never spoken to each other.  Usually the prince would train with his friends, but today there was no one in sight but Oscar.  He felt nervous to approach him.  Many of the ladies of the court were consistently whispering about how attractive Daeron was and Oscar could secretly admit to himself that they were right.  Beyond his typically stunning Valyrian features, the prince also had a kind smile and warm eyes.  Oscar was fairly certain he might make a fool of himself if he attempted to speak to him.  More pressingly, he wasn’t quite sure how to train with a prince.  Would Oscar get in trouble if he accidentally hurt him?  
But there was no one else around.  Training was often more effective when one had a partner to spar against and Oscar didn’t want the prince to think Oscar was ignoring him.  So, he sheathed his sword and strode over to where Daeron was standing.  “Hello, my prince.  I’m Oscar Tully, the second son of Lord Elmo Tully.  I was just practicing some drills, but I would like to spar against you if you’re open to it.  I’ve heard you’re quite a formidable opponent.”  Oscar smiled a bit nervously, but he reminded himself that despite all the trappings that surrounded the royal family, they were all people just like him.  Oscar himself hated it when his bannerman became awkward or nervous around him because of his position and he hated the idea of doing the same thing to the prince.
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Wanted Character Connection
Abigail Tully
Oscar Tully is searching for his sister Abigail Tully for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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The youngest child and only daughter of Lord Elmo and Lady Jenny Tully, Abigail is 16. She is known to be a talented poet and singer, charming, adept in her courtesies, and very fond of dogs, of which she has four; two mid-sized hounds named Monty and Jaunty, a pug, Thistle, and a long-bodied, rat-catcher dog called Bread. As she has recently come of age, she has been sent to accompany Ser Kyle to the capital and the upcoming coronation of the new Queen in hopes she may find a similarly high-stationed marriage match. Though sociable and good-natured, Abigail is known to have an overtly nervous nature, and prefers the company of her dogs and her mother to any peers her own age.
(Suggested faceclaim is Maria Merryweather in The Secret of Moon Acre)
Abigail is also wanted by @callmekyledamnit
To learn more about House Tully, click here!
We are a No-Dance!AU and politics, family, and court-drama focused RP. To join, check out our main site, DM us with any questions, then send us a raven app, and join our Discord!
Feel free to DM this blog or my main blog @goldaegontargaryen if you have any additional questions or if you want to talk about the RP!
Note: Character name, traits, and faceclaim are suggestions and can be reworked to a certain extent if discussed with the current members of the RP!
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oscartullyofriverrun · 2 months
A Friendly Duel: with @thedaringprince
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Oscar had quickly found his favorite place to be was in the training yard of the Red Keep.  The armory was stocked with a variety of weapons that were open for all the nobility to use and due to the amount of people currently staying in the Keep, there was always someone around for Oscar to spar with.  At least, that was usually the case.  Today, the weather was misty and the air held a hint of a chill unusual for summer.  Very few people had braved the nasty weather to train, though Oscar had managed to spend much of the morning helping a young squire from house Grafton learn various disarming techniques until he’d been called away to attend to his lord.  Now, Oscar was alone running himself through drills, determined to keep moving and ahead of his thoughts.  He needed to go inside and write a letter back to his mother about the problem of a small group of bandits that had been robbing the villages of the Riverlands, but every time he sat down to write it he couldn’t focus.  The only thing that kept his mind slightly ahead of his anxieties about his father was making himself so exhausted that he fell into bed unable to do anything but sleep.  
Oscar paused for a moment, reaching up to brush his hair back from his forehead.  As he did, he caught sight of a figure across the training yard and he couldn’t stop himself from staring as a jolt of recognition went through him.  He’d seen Daeron Targaryen in the training yard before, but they’d never spoken to each other.  Usually the prince would train with his friends, but today there was no one in sight but Oscar.  He felt nervous to approach him.  Many of the ladies of the court were consistently whispering about how attractive Daeron was and Oscar could secretly admit to himself that they were right.  Beyond his typically stunning Valyrian features, the prince also had a kind smile and warm eyes.  Oscar was fairly certain he might make a fool of himself if he attempted to speak to him.  More pressingly, he wasn’t quite sure how to train with a prince.  Would Oscar get in trouble if he accidentally hurt him?  
But there was no one else around.  Training was often more effective when one had a partner to spar against and Oscar didn’t want the prince to think Oscar was ignoring him.  So, he sheathed his sword and strode over to where Daeron was standing.  “Hello, my prince.  I’m Oscar Tully, the second son of Lord Elmo Tully.  I was just practicing some drills, but I would like to spar against you if you’re open to it.  I’ve heard you’re quite a formidable opponent.”  Oscar smiled a bit nervously, but he reminded himself that despite all the trappings that surrounded the royal family, they were all people just like him.  Oscar himself hated it when his bannerman became awkward or nervous around him because of his position and he hated the idea of doing the same thing to the prince.
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oscartullyofriverrun · 2 months
Coronation Challenge for A Song of Golden Fire and Black Blood
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Make a moodboard outfit/overall style for the Coronation Ball, then write a breakdown of it's elements!
Oscar has always been a slightly ostentatious dresser and it’s a description he accepts with pride.  He had restrained himself to a more subtle ensemble at the coronation, but for the coronation ball he decided to wear a highly ornamental black outfit highlighted with Tully red to represent his pride in his house.  He paired the outfit with a pair of knee high boots decorated with silver pieces to match the ones on his sleeves.  Oscar had always enjoyed jewelry so he adorned his favorite bracelets and rings, along with a chain that ran across the back of his hand.  It was often said the Tullys were poorer than many of their vassals, but Oscar was determined the people around him would think the opposite when gazing upon his outfit tonight.
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oscartullyofriverrun · 2 months
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(Oscar Tully, Ruairi O'Connor, He/him, @oscartullyofriverrun)
Welcome, Oscar Tully! We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court, the nineteen year old has been praised as optimistic, loyal, and intelligent, but some have whispered he’s also clingy, volatile, and evasive.
Upon his arrival it is clear that he is excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros’ first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, his true allegiance will always be to House Tully.
(Jay, He/Him, 22, CST, No Triggers)
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