orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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Gear up, ladies and gents, we’re going to Broadway!
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
Percy Hammond died. Um.
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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So one of our drummers (was it you, Jay?) gave me this. It’s supposed to be Hammond. We stuck pins in it for laughs.
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
An exhibition of de-luxe boondoggling.
Percy Hammond, Herald Tribune
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
Well, everyone except Percy Hammond. He just criticized our entire cast and complained about how much money we’re wasting.
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
We’re sold out for the next three weeks, ladies and gentlemen! They’re calling us a box office hit!
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
Filled with energy and excitement!
New York Daily News
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
Excitment...fairly rocked the Lafayette Theatre
New York Times
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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Production photographs! I know it’s not quite the same in black and white, but look at those costumes! Look at that set! Look at you all following your stage directions!
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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Everyone who is anyone is here tonight.
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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Holy bard. We’ve blocked off traffic for ten blocks in either direction. 
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
Much love from the director
Opening night is almost here. All the anger has been replaced, for no reason at all, by widespread excitement. I’m getting a lot of community pride vibes here in Harlem. Expectations seem to be pretty high.
I just wanted to take this moment to assure all the cast and crew that even if tomorrow is a spectacular flop (which it won’t be), working with all of you has been a joy and a privilege. Seriously, you guys are amazing. Break a leg, we’re going to bring the house down.
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
Picket No More
As you may have noticed, the Harlem Communists have stopped picketing and stirring up the community against us. Now they’re promoting our play.
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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Here’s another one!
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, opening night approaches! Here’s one of our promotional posters
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
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Set is just about done! Some gnarly imagery here, should really add to the atmosphere of general spookiness.
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orsonwellesrocks · 9 years
The Communists Protest Too Much, Methinks
In case anyone did not get the memo, this is not a burlesque performance. Only serious Shakespeare here. Seriously, stop protesting.
On another note, much thanks for Canada Lee for stopping that razor to my face. Again. Remember Stevedore? We really should stop meeting like this. :)
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