orksagainstfascism · 4 years
Gonna be honest for a bit here.
This is sad as Hell. This should have been a sweep for Biden. Polls said so. Seems like folks shaded the truth in those polls. That so many people would turn up and exercise their Constitutional right to vote in order to all but guarantee that the rights of others be jeopardized or outright removed from them is disgusting. That those willing to do so would lie in exit polls or in the polls leading up to this shit show is complete cowardice.
If you do not have the spine to look some one in the eye and tell them that you think they should not have the right to marry, vote, live and work in a country that will not murder them, be the gender they are most comfortable with, love who they want and how they want to, make enough money to eat and support themselves and their families, or any of the myriad other issues that were on the line here then quite simply...
Fuck you.
If this offends you, Go. I will not miss you. I do not want the support of any one that supports a racist and fascist regime. Not in my country or any other. Not even a little bit.
Orks Against Fascism is a funny name. Sure. The idea of Left leaning greenskins is cute.
I am VERY against fascists and all of their Right drifting bull shit. Fascism is not cute. Look at its history. These are ideals that do not stop at a court victory or with a legislative windfall. They only end in the annihilation of their opponents. This ends in camps and ovens and blood.
Today was not a good day for smashing fascism and that hurts. I will not stop and this channel will likely get more political as shit gets worse. I ask for your support and your honesty about where you stand in this. I will try to paint tonight, but it is hard to want create anything in a world where my friends and family are not even considered human.
#fucktrump #everyvotecounts #evervotematters #blacklivesmatter #transrightsarehumanrights #prochoice #lgbtqrights #smashthefascists #antifork #Antifa
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orksagainstfascism · 4 years
#600followers ! Zoggin Wow! Thanks you lot! Anyone who wants to keep this going, jit up my #patreon and join the #horde ! Link is in my bio. Luv ya!
#letsget1000followers #roadtopatreon #waaagh #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #orks40k #warhammer40k #killteam
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orksagainstfascism · 4 years
Work space upgraded! #WIP 17 more #boyz will round out the last of the #greatrebasinging ! One lucky lad will get done tomorrow and I will set to the #weirdboy from #AoS ! I have expressed this a few times, but I do NOT like the current #orks40k #weirdboy at all. The sculpt is awkward and janky in a way that puts me off. This lad is the best fig I have seen in the #ork line for a hot minute. #orktober has come to an end, but I think I did #Mork and #Gork proud.
Never fear! There are plenty of more ladz to go and no shortage of fascists to smash!
November will see more orks and I plan to knock out some vehicles as well.
All of this assumes that the country does not devolve into hellish civil war.
#govote #vote
If you have some spare dosh you wanna toss around and you dig what I am up to over here, check out or #patreon ! Any little bit helps. Not just the cash to do more stuff, but the support. Thanks if you read all this.
#orks40k #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #painting #workspace #roadtopatreon #letsget1000followers
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orksagainstfascism · 4 years
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orksagainstfascism · 4 years
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orksagainstfascism · 4 years
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orksagainstfascism · 4 years
Patreon Get!
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