originalff-blog1 · 7 years
Hiram Lodge x Reader
Summary: Veronica throws an 18th birthday at the Pembroke and (y/n) manages to catch the eye of a certain mobster.
Notes: FLUFF (for now lmao), I’m probably gonna write multiple parts cause ya know that’s easier for me, possible wrong spellings and wrong use of ‘their’, ‘there’ and ‘they’re’.
Warnings: smoking, drinking, mild language?, AGE GAP, mention of drug use?
(Y/n) swayed from side to side, letting the music take over her thoughts as cocktails and shots fuelled her confidence to dance gently to the tones, notes and stings. She was more than just eye catching, she won over the attention of everyone in the room. The girl was as magnetic and electric as a person could be, she turned every mans head when she walked into a room; usually causing a hoard of people to stand up and talk to her. She stuck out like a diamond in the rough of dirt, slime and soil.
“Hey, (y/n) do you wanna maybe stop drinking? Your acting like an ass.” The words sounded blurred and murmured to her unsturdy mind, clutching her drink with a harsher grip when she made sense of what the blonde said. Of course it was Betty telling her this. They had never got along since she had caught the awareness of jughead more than a couple of times. Causing the prim and proper girl to stir a seemingly unexplainable hatred towards the captivating girl.
“Do you wanna shove your fingers up your ass? See if you can get it any looser?” The (y/h/c) replied, slurring slightly and ending her insult by downing her drink and passing the empty glass to the wanna-be journalist and walking off, not caring to give a second glance to the girl she knew was glaring at her. However at the same time taking in the way her hips swayed and her hair bounced as she walked away. Envious of the looks the men have her, even her own ‘man’ turning to gaze at her, her very presence intoxicating the entire room. Sending out butterflies to everyone who couldn’t rip there eyes away from her magnificent self.
She was unaware of the looks she got, but it had been this way for the vivacious girl. Ever since she was born, even we mother knew she was something special. She could never quite contain the atmosphere she caused, the way she became heroin to people. She was addicting without trying to be. A complete dream in the reality of the small and tragic town riverdale.
(Y/n) had made their way to the balcony, sat at a table on a cold metal chair. Intertwining her fingers with the swirls, twists and decoration on the chair while the other held her cigarette. She looked up and tried to count the stars through hooded lids. She was dazed and bored. No one ever quite able to satisfy the (y/e/c) eyed dreamer. Her vision was hazy so her counting of the stars, wasn’t going so well. Getting more and more frustrated every time she had to re-start and start counting again. Audiobly groaning as she messaged up her last attempt and flicked her cigarette away, standing up to watch it fall to the ground. Leaning over the balcony and letting her legs dangle, probably flashing a lucky guy if he was any where close to the window. She smiled as it hit the floor and returned to her feet, turning around and meeting the eyes of the one and only jughead jones. Running a hand up her thigh and winking at him, smirking at the effect she had; him turning and pouting to himself, blush creeping on to his face. She walked towards him, moving the sliding glass door to the side and reaching her destination of dangerously close to him.
“W-What are you doing (y/n-?” Jughead stuttered as she got down onto her knees and licked her lips, gazing straight back at him, pausing to look down and bite her lip, running a hand along his leg, his hand reaching to cover his mouth. The grunge loving boy blushing harder and trying to think of anything that wasn’t sex related or sexual. He looked around, noticing they were the only ones in the room, running a hand though his hair and trying to reassure himself that no one would walk in.
“All done!” The female smiled, standing up and grinning, “Your shoe laces were undone juggy and you were just stood there, completely unaware you could’ve tripped!” Laughing through parts of her ‘bimbo’ faked voice.
“Your such a fucking tease.” Jughead growled at her, rolling his eyes and trying to convince himself to walk away from her. Completely dependant on her aura to get his high, groaning at how much he thought he needed her.
“Maybe you should clear your mind, must be pretty dirty to think I’d whore myself out to you.” She chuckled and walked to Veronica’s vanity, sitting and ruffling her own hair, using her best friends make up to touch up her own. “I’m a lot of bad things but I’d never touch you while you were Betty’s, that would just be a dick move, even if she does hate me.”
Jughead clenched his teeth and convinced himself to storm off, slamming the door and finding a quick blow job, which would be Betty’s job and she would be so glad of the attention that she’d drop to her knees in seconds. Betty was never like that but as soon as (y/n) arrived she became like that. She changed people. She changed riverdale as a whole in the short 2 years she had lived there. She broke and made friendships, caused people to love and hate her and there was never a gray area with her. But how could she notice? She never wanted people to change, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted them to change in the first place. In fact, she was oblivious to it. Due mainly to the fact people changed around her without her having to make them, sometimes she never spoke to them and people would differ themselves to hope they’d get noticed by her. She never did notice anyone though. People were just people to her, she didn’t care.
She heard the door open again, rolling her eyes, choosing to ignore the stranger as she got up to walk away. But she stopped dead in her tracks, like a deer in the head lights she stared, wide-eyed at the man before her. She had become her own audience as she stared at the male infront of her. His cold dark eyes not budging or changing as he noticed her, like most people’s would. He was obviously older and she had no idea why he was here but sh was astonished, taking in every detail from the black suit, shining shoes, tan skin, dark features and every line in his face. He crossed his arms and his demanding ambience grabbed her attention, his frown telling her she was in deep shit.
“What are you doing in my daughter’s room, did she not say guests weren’t permitted to this area.” His voice was smooth and deep and she had already fell in love with it, barely listening to a word he said as the tone had made her head spin and knees get weak, “Sorry sir, what did you say?”
The what was confident girl from 5 minutes ago had shrunk and become shy and scared, something she’d never experienced while not on drugs.
“Why are you in my daughters room dear?” His voice was harsher and louder, more aggressive and too her dizzy head, became more clear.
“Oh, I was just touching up my make up, me and Beronica are close so I’m sure she wouldn’t mind sir.” Fucking shit. This was Veronica’s Dad and from what she was feeling, she had obviously taken a liking to the ruthless businessman.
“However, cariña, you beg not to question if I’m fine with it.” He stepped towards her, (y/n) being backed up to sit on the vanity she was sat at minutes ago. His arms trapping her either side, “Would you like to know if I’m fine with it?”
The short/tall girl gulped and tried to divert her gawking self to any other point of the room, “If that makes you feel any better sir.” She looked at a corner on the room and watched how a cob web moved due to the breeze from the open door which lead to the balcony that she so badly wanted to jump off at this moment in time due to her rosy face and more than embarrassed way she was feeling. But she decided that to fake confidence as well as she could would be the best option for now.
“Well, I am fine with it.” The mobster suddenly reassured, flashing his pearly whites at the shaken girl, rubbing her upper arm as a way to further show he wasn’t angry. “However dear..” the man leaned in further, his lips brushing her cheek and causing her breath to hitch, feeling as if his cologne clogged her every sense, including how to act like a human being. “I believe your not taking me seriously, and that could get you in some trouble.” His voice was a mere whisper but it still ran shivers down her spine and numbed her knees.
“No, I believe your serious sir.” The waver in her voice forced her faked confidence to now be a shitty acting performance. Hiram smiling at this and drawing away, making sure his cheek brushed hers as he drew away, careful to remain close enough to intimidate her but somewhere where he could see the nerves in her expression, he caressed her cheek and (y/n) flinched away, only for his other hand to push her head into his gentle touch , “If only you weren’t my daughters best friend my dear.” He grinned and for the first time she smiled, but tried to hide it by biting her lip, unknowingly driving the professional criminal crazy by doing it.
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.. right?”
But never the less ifany of you did find this enjoyable I’d be up for doing a second part if anyone wants that and any sort of constructive criticism would be very helpful xxx
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originalff-blog1 · 7 years
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(GIF IS NOT MINE) So I started something to see if I could actually write something moderately ok and I’m gonna finish it in like 30 minutes or something and it would be really cool if you would let me know what I could improve and stuff xxxx
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originalff-blog1 · 7 years
I'd pay for some sugar daddy Hiram lodge
I would give one of my toes genuinely
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originalff-blog1 · 7 years
I have a thing for Hiram lodge cause he’s just abit great in my eyes but I knowwwe a lot of people hate him but also wanna write a one shot with Hiram lodge x sugar baby!Reader and it can be smutty or fluffy or whATEVER.
Pls let me know if this is wanted because I want it and I’m willing to make my dreams real if they are supported xxxxxxxxxxxx
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